「The Late Bourgeois World」は、夫の自殺を報せる電報が届いた日に生じた語り手私の言動を追憶と共に描いていく。1960年代の南アフリカのアパルトヘイトの一端が見て取れる。ここではこの小論の研究テーマ、性別による不安度の違いについて、作成したデータベースを基に考察していく。
解答 性別による不安度の違い
The anger left me, the, melted. I always like driving by myself, it brings back something of the self-sufficiency of childhood, and in addition I had the curious freedom of a break in routine. Max was dead; I felt nothing directly about the fact except that I believed it. 男不安1 女不安1
Yet it divided the morning before I had read the telegram from the morning after I had done so, and in the severance I was cut loose. Of course I can do what I like on Saturday mornings, but it's been weeks since I've done anything but have Graham in to breakfast, wash my hair, and perhaps go to the suburban shops.
男不安0 女不安1
Even as irregular (in every sense of the word) a thing as this business with Graham and me has taken on a sort of pattern; we go away on holidays together but we don't sleep together often at home - and yet this casualness has become an 'arrangement' in itself, and even my evenings in bars and clubs with people he's never heard of are part of habit. 男不安0 女不安0
It is also rare for me to get a chance to see Bobo on a Saturday; he's allowed out only twice a month, on Sundays, and the school discourages visits from parents in between times. I realized I hadn't got anything for him. Perhaps they'd let me take him out und I could buy him tea and cream scones at the country hotel near the school. 男不安1 女不安2
Anyway, I'm the one for whom it is necessary to have presents for Bobo. I see this in his face when I anxiously lay out my carriers of apples and packets of sweets. I know that it is my way of trying to make up for sending him to that place - the school. And yet I had to do it; I have to cover up my reasons by letting it be taken for granted that I want him out of the way. 男不安2 女不安1
花村嘉英(2019)「心理学統計の検定を用いてナディン・ゴーディマの「The Late Bourgeois World」を考える」より
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