What happened? That's what she asked, the old lady, my grandmother. And while I was deriving through the veld to see Bobo (Max heard the ducks quacking a conversation he never understood) a man was walking about in space.
I said, 'Graham, what on earth do you think they'll call it history' and he said, 'I've just read a book that refers to ours as the Late Bourgeois World. How does that appeal to you?'
I laughed. It went over my skin like wind over water; that feeling you get from a certain combination of words, sometimes. 'It's got a nice dying fall. But that's a political definition, they're no good.'
'Yes, but the writer - he's an East German - uses it was a wider one - it covers the arts, religious beliefs, technology, scientific discoveries, love-making, everything -' A2B1C2D1
'But excluding the Communist world, then.' A2B1C2D2
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