Luxun’s style of writing is calm and unhurried, and he mostly wrote short stories and essays. In Ah Q, the analysis image is a combination of “memory and ma-ma-hu-hu (human irresponsibility including fraudulent behavior)”. To adjust it to the generative image of “memory and chaos”, I will repeat the analysis and generation of L-model in working units of a scenario. And I can identify an unpredictable behavior (non-linearity) of the cheering crowd and the indeterminism from the approximate input information to two very different outputs between the cart driver and Ah Q (the initial value sensibility).
The hippocampus is a group of neurons that is right behind the brain cortex which covers the temporal lobe and is string shaped like the character “S” and contains many cells. A receptor takes a neurotransmitter from the previous synapse on every part of brain in the neuron system and changes it into an electric signal, and the signal transmits from the tip of the synapse to the next neuron. The temporal cortex also has a function of auditory sensory.
Feelings include the emotions of instinct and a feeling of awe. On the temporal side, the emotion is instantaneous and the awe is continuous. Feelings have multiple faces like delight, anger, sorrow and pleasure. The emotion is attributable to the reaction by the internal factor (emergence) and external factor (inducement). Hanamura (2017) explains that the historical novels of Ogai Mori include thought of internal factor and external factor, and “Sansho the Bailiff” is the inducement. I make a database analyzing synergic metaphors of “Ogai and feelings” to understand the activity of his brain through writing.
花村嘉英(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
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