

About motivation of Nadine Gordimer viewed from “The Late Bourgeois World” 9

4.3 Frontal association area and motivation

 The frontal association area supports learning abilities such as thought and inference, and commands one to behave humanly. It is important for learning ability to keep a motive and an appetite for leaning and to generate enthusiasm. The frontal cortex is involved in the adjustment of enthusiasm.
 Learning ability improves when the neurotransmitter dopamine rises. When mental rewards such as pleasure, accomplishment, praise and love excite the nucleus accumbens of the limbic system, dopamine rises. Dopamine excretes from nerve nuclei such as substantia nigra pars compacta and the ventrotegmental area in the mid-part of the brain stem and reaches the entire brain, including the hypothalamic area and brain cortex. Substantia nigra pars compacta is related to the adjustment of movement. When one gets moderate exercise, one is refreshed and keeps trying because dopamine levels rise from movement.
 Dopamine excretes much more when one lays out a goal and accomplishes the goal. Graham will be the best in “The Late Bourgeois World”, if a lady proposes marriage to a man in South Africa of the day. The storyteller married with Max at 18 years old and had a baby, then divorced him. When Max went to prison, Graham helped her form a petition.
 His wife died from meningitis. Graham makes a defense against politically accusing people and acts unflinchingly, even if they have an impending danger. The storyteller passed on marriage with Graham in the Black Forest of Germany. If she wanted a marriage, it would have happened. Graham doesn’t quit and carried out and keeps his promise. We are attracted to the idea like a magnet.
 Goal setting is generally difficult and if one can achieve it, it’s all well and good. One puts the goal on paper to visualize it, and one can be compensated by dopamine. If they reach their goal and are congratulated by family and friends, it will encourage them to try harder. This is the cycle of development of learning abilities. For example, learning goal setting → dopamine secretion → increased motivation → study → learning goal setting → dopamine secretion → increased motivation for next goal →learning goal setting.
 When I consider the goal setting in “The Late Bourgeois World”, the death of Max becomes an important problem. Max left school to work. But work was unstable and joined the COD (committee of democrat) to be directly involved with the political movement of the African people. After that, he became a leader of the African sociological movement and approached the common people (blacks). The manuscript on the method of the African sociological movement wasn’t confiscated. Max vanished and reappeared after the divorce. The storyteller heard gossip about the relationship with an underworld organization, but Max ended up dying shrewdly.

花村嘉英(2018)「『ブルジョワ世界の終わりに』から見たゴーディマの意欲について」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura







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花村嘉英(はなむら よしひさ) 1961年生まれ、立教大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程(ドイツ語学専攻)在学中に渡独。 1989年からドイツ・チュービンゲン大学に留学し、同大大学院新文献学部博士課程でドイツ語学・言語学(意味論)を専攻。帰国後、技術文(ドイツ語、英語)の機械翻訳に従事する。 2009年より中国の大学で日本語を教える傍ら、比較言語学(ドイツ語、英語、中国語、日本語)、文体論、シナジー論、翻訳学の研究を進める。テーマは、データベースを作成するテキスト共生に基づいたマクロの文学分析である。 著書に「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」(新風舎:出版証明書付)、「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品−魯迅をシナジーで読む」(華東理工大学出版社)、「日本語教育のためのプログラム−中国語話者向けの教授法から森鴎外のデータベースまで(日语教育计划书−面向中国人的日语教学法与森鸥外小说的数据库应用)」南京東南大学出版社、「从认知语言学的角度浅析纳丁・戈迪默-ナディン・ゴーディマと意欲」華東理工大学出版社、「計算文学入門(改訂版)−シナジーのメタファーの原点を探る」(V2ソリューション)、「小説をシナジーで読む 魯迅から莫言へーシナジーのメタファーのために」(V2ソリューション)がある。 論文には「論理文法の基礎−主要部駆動句構造文法のドイツ語への適用」、「人文科学から見た技術文の翻訳技法」、「サピアの『言語』と魯迅の『阿Q正伝』−魯迅とカオス」などがある。 学術関連表彰 栄誉証書 文献学 南京農業大学(2017年)、大連外国語大学(2017年)