


2 人間の精神活動


区分 役割
区分 前頭葉・前頭連合野
役割 思考、意志、計画、意欲、感情、判断、自己抑制
区分 前頭葉・運動連合野
役割 運動の開始や手順を計画
区分 前頭葉・運動野
役割 運動連合野の指示に基づき、運動の指令を発信
区分 頭頂・体性感覚野
役割 触覚、痛覚、深部感覚などの受け取り
区分 頭頂連合野
役割 判断、理解、感覚情報の統合 
区分 側頭葉・聴覚野 聴覚情報の受け取り
役割 側頭連合野 知識、記憶、言語の理解
区分 視覚連合野 視覚情報の判断、認識
役割 視覚野 視覚情報の受け取り
区分 ブローカー野
役割 言語の表出:書く、話す
区分 ウェルニケ野
役割 言語の理解:読む、聴く




1 ゴーディマの意欲




 前頭葉は、頭頂葉や側頭葉といった他の連合野と相互関係にあり、また、本能を司る視床下部とか情動や動機づけの反応に対して判断を下す扁桃体と結びつきが強い。(Goldberg 2007)
 アフリカ民族会議やそこから分裂した過激派のパンアフリカ会議と並ぶ白人による反アパルトヘイト運動、アフリカ抵抗運動も、当時、盛んにサボタージュを繰り返した。1964年7月の全国一斉捜査で活動家が逮捕され、所持していた文書や供述からアフリカ抵抗運動の活動が明るみになった。(福島 1994)転職を繰り返すマックスは、こうした白人のサボタージュ運動に属していて、運動初期の段階で逮捕され裁判にかけられた。
 重大な生活上の変化やストレスに満ちた生活が原因となる適応障害は、個人にとって重大な出来事(就学、就職、転居、結婚、離婚、失業、重病など)が症状に先んじて原因となる。(日本成人病予防協会 2014−3)マックスの場合、結婚離婚、就学就職、いずれもうまくいかない。地下組織の人たちと付き合いがあったからである。結局、死を選ぶため、社会に適応する能力がなかったことになる。
 適応型の意思決定では、状況依存型と状況独立型のバランスが良ければいいが、一概にそうはいかない。集団で見た場合、女性は状況独立型を、男性は状況依存形を好む。また、比較的変化が少なければ、独立型の方が懸命であろうし、不安定な状況では依存型の方が好ましい。さらに、無限の状態は変化に乏しいため、独立型が良いであろう。しかし、前頭葉の機能には、そもそも性差がある。(Goldberg 2007)  

1 比較項目 適応型の意思決定 男性 状況依存型を好む。女性 状況独立型を好む。
2 比較項目 状況依存型の意思決定 男性 左前頭前野皮質が活動する。女性 左右両側の後部皮質(頭頂葉)が活動する。
3 比較項目 独立型の意思決定 男性 右前頭前野皮質が活動する。女性 左右両側の前頭前野皮質が活動する。
4 比較項目 大脳皮質の機能 男性 左右の脳の違いが著しい。 女性 前部と後部の脳の違いが顕著。
5 比較項目 情報の処理 男性 左半球の前部と後部がともに活動する。女性 左右の大脳半球の前頭葉がともに活動する。
6 比較項目 脳内の結合部 男性 片側の大脳半球の前後を繋ぐ白質繊維束が大きく、片側の大脳半球の機能的統合が顕著である。女性 左右の大脳を繋ぐ脳梁の部分が太くて、大脳半球間の機能的統合が顕著である。


花村嘉英(2018) 「シナジーのメタファーの作り方について」より

How to make a synergic metaphor 10

6 Summary

  In future studies, I will raise the number of authors I examine. I will form an impression of north, south, east, and west or Olympic in consideration of the balance of global scale. If I could link not only different romans of an author but also different authors by compiling databases, the synergic metaphor could improve my analytical ability, because through it, I could see the unexpected thing. When I study literature at the macro level, the global scale and the shift of format become necessary and sufficient conditions.


Yoshihisa Hanamura How to make a synergic metaphor-Thomas Mann, Luxun, Ogai Mori, Nadine Gordimer and Yasushi Inoue (in Japanese). 2018

(Hanamura(2018)"How to make a synergic metaphor"より)

How to make a synergic metaphor 9

5 Merits of synergic memory

 The research to study the writing brain of an author needs: 1, the L shaped narrative; 2, a database; 3, the evaluation; and 4, data handling. However, it is difficult to cover the analysis of a full roman. The first condition, therefore, is to select three out of the four requirements (1, 2, and 3 or 1, 2, or 4). One can then summarize the research of the brain of an author. I will encapsulate the merit of synergic metaphors as follows:

・ When one analyzes the writing brain of an author, the standard reading becomes very important.
・ One can view the creation of a database as the repeated reading of a roman, therefore a person can acquire the equivalent of a foreign language.
・ One can see the invisible thing through the database, therefore analytical objectivity increases.
・ If during one's investigation, a researcher considers not only the first column but also the second one, the analysis becomes denser.
・ If the database of each author can be linked, the analysis is expected to become more advanced in its quality.
・ One can compute statistics by the data analysis.
・ When one can acquire a quantitative measure, the body of knowledge about the cognitive science of language and literature will increase.

 For example, in adapting a synergic metaphor to the acquisition of a foreign language, one inputs the original into the column A in sequence. When the record is complete, the researcher can paste figures into the columns pertaining to the interpreting mind and the writing brain by reading the original of each line. This can provide a conception of L other than the accepted understanding. A synergic metaphor can thus be seen as an instance of repeated reading.

Hanamura(2018)"How to make a synergic metaphor"より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

How to make a synergic metaphor 8

4  Commentaries of My Mother by Yasushi Inoue (1975)

 Yasushi Inoue's (1907–1991) Commentaries of My Mother describes the illness and subsequent death of the author/narrator's mother. The novel explores the trials and tribulations a family undergoes as it tries to support and care for a patient with dementia. Therefore, the output of reading becomes the combination of “dementia and adaptive ability.” This term then becomes the input signal and proceeds into the writing brain of the author through the information cognition. Yasushi Inoue's narrative describes human relations and events with a lot of sensitivity and each scene can be visualized. The writing brain may be perceived as “memory and balance of association cortex.” Commentaries of My Mother can be divided into three parts depending on the degree of the severity of the author/narrator's mother's dementia.
 The first part introduces the initial symptoms of dementia. The protagonist's mother is 80 years old and very forgetful. She says the same thing repeatedly. When she moves to her youngest daughter's house, the symptoms are very active. She talks over and over again about the clever brothers of her relatives many times in one night. However such light dementia does not pose a great problem for her daily life.
 In the second part, the narrator's mother is 85 years old and lives in her hometown. She repeatedly iterates the same thing as something new and the extraordinariness of her utterances explains the progress of her dementia. At this stage, an example of her dementia is the hallucination of the woman who asked for directions one summer in Karuisawa. There is also the episode where she wanders away on a moonlit night to look for her son. As her dementia advances to a medium degree of severity, communication with her becomes difficult.
The narrator's mother turns the advanced old age of 89 years in the third part. In one incident, she wakes up, turns on a flashlight, and enters the room. She whispers to her granddaughter Yoshiko, that “she can’t go out anymore.” She thinks she is confined to the room. Immediately after she has had her breakfast, she assumes evening has come. The family is also pulled into her increasing wandering episodes. Her dementia becomes very serious and the life of her family is brought to the brink of collapse.
 The neuron nerve fibers in the brains of patients with dementia atrophy and the information cannot be transferred smoothly. In time, the neurons of the receptors will be damaged and information cannot be adequately communicated. The dietary intake of acetylcholine essentially becomes insufficient and communication areas and other symptoms of the disease manifest themselves. The type of dementia suffered by the author/narrator's mother is Alzheimer’s disease. This is the most common form of dementia and the memory defects of not being able to remember experiences is often accompanied by abnormal behavior.
If the output of the reading brain “dementia and adaptive ability” is put together with “memory and balance of association cortex” seen as the writing brain, the resulting synergic metaphor would come into effect. I will consider how to balance the brain as in the section that follows.
 The balance of the brain is portrayed in various colors like the writing style and the idea of life and work also becomes training. The steering of neuron networks to combine the association cortex is dealt with by the frontal cortex. If I could find the general brain activity near the balance of the brain of Yasushi Inoue, I can assume a synergic metaphor such as “Yasushi Inoue and balance of association cortex.”
 As I said in my discussing pertaining to Gordimer's The Late Bourgeois World, the steering of the frontal cortex differs between men and women. Men like the dependent type of adaptive decision-making and they activate the left prefrontal cortex in the process. When they deal with language information, men tend to activate the anterior and posterior of the left hemisphere in the brain. Men’s white matter fiber bundle to combine the anterior and posterior of one cerebral hemisphere is relatively large, and the functional integrity is particularly noteworthy (please see table 3).
 The author lets familiar information integrate with the association areas of the frontal cortex (thoughts, planning, and decision), the temporal cortex (hearing) and the occipital lobe (eyesight) and wrote the novel from the perspective of a member of the geriatric patient's family. Custom and familiar information are activated by the left frontal cortex, while unexperienced problems such as originality are related to the right hemisphere. The right frontal cortex is activated as a result. There is a 2x2 rule to adjust the macro balance. I will resolve the problem by the use of dichotomy because the L format of the synergic metaphor consists of an ensemble.
 The writing brain of Commentaries of My Mother is that of the adaptive decision-making based on the narrator's priority to avoid the risk of the breakup of his family. The male author prefers the dependent type of adaptive decision-making and his left hemisphere is utilized to deal with language information in conjunction with the activity of the left prefrontal area, which is activated off and on. When I consider the type of memory displayed in the novel from the database, while there are many long memories described, the narrator's decision-making is the adaptive type based on his priority. Therefore, the operative recall is related to his working memory.

Hanamura(2018)"How to make a synergic metaphor"より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

How to make a synergic metaphor 7

 When Gordimer explains insurmountable mental conditions, she uses medical expressions to resolve the problem. Mental arteriosclerosis or a narrow and rigid mentality pollutes the living quarters of the white people. As a result, all the people of South Africa are subject to the vagaries of such an attitude. The output of the reading brain named “space and time” to express an infinite state bounded by the politics and laws of South Africa of that time interacts with the combination of the writing brain consisting of the motivation for a new regime and the adaptive ability to prevent mental arteriosclerosis.
 Max tried avoiding risk in order to prevent mental arteriosclerosis. When he made the speech at his sister's wedding ceremony, a hedonic neurotransmitter dopamine was secreted into the frontal cortex of his brain and the signal was introduced into the brain stem through the interbrain. In this scene, the working memory to forecast the future is stronger than the long-term memory of his sister, therefore the writing brain of Gordimer uses the frontal cortex.
 The decision-making that can be seen as the function of the frontal cortex divides into the type of determinism for truth and the adaptive kind based on the data. Both Gordimer's and Max's motivation is the latter form (anti-apartheid). If the adaptive decision-making process has a favorable balance of situations of dependent and independent types, there is no problem. But this does not necessarily occur. In terms of groups, women like the independent type and men like the dependent type of woman. If there is not much variation, the independent type is better. If the situation is unstable, the dependent type is better. The endless situation does not have much change, therefore the independent type is better. But there is some distinction between the sexes in the function of frontal cortex.

Table 3
Comparative items Men Women
Adaptive decision-making They like the dependent type. They like the independent type.
Situation-dependent decision-making Left prefrontal cortex activates. Right and left posterior cortex (parietal cortex) activates.
Situation-independent decision-making Right prefrontal cortex activates. Right and left prefrontal cortex activates.
Function of cerebral cortex Right and left brain differs remarkably. Anterior and posterior brain differs remarkably.
Processing of language information Anterior and posterior portions of left hemisphere activate. Right and left frontal cortex of cerebral hemisphere activates.
Connections within the brain White matter fiber bundle to bind the anterior and posterior portions of a hemisphere is large; the functional integrity of a hemisphere is particularly noteworthy. Callosum to bind right and left brain is heavy and the functional integrity of a hemisphere is distinctly noticeable.

 I presume that the right and left prefrontal cortex activated when Gordimer wrote The Late Bourgeois World because this opinion can solidify the accepted reading of “space and time.”
 The output of the reading brain in terms of “space and time” becomes an adaptive ability through motivation. It leads to the far-sighted risk avoidance by activating an author's comprehensive capacity for actions such as understanding, thought, and judgment. The accepted vertical in the L model of Gordimer's story becomes language and literature → language cognition → space and time. The horizontal symbiosis becomes space and time → information cognition → motivation and adaptive ability. The synergic metaphor “Gordimer and motivation” is obtained from these terms. Considering the sort of memory derived from the created database, Max's reminiscence is seen in each scene, and the novel contains a lot of episodic memories.

Hanamura(2018)"How to make a synergic metaphor"より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

How to make a synergic metaphor 6

3 “The Late Bourgeois World” of Gordimer (1964)

 Nadine Gordimer (1923–2014) asked herself how white people could be engaged in the anti-apartheid movement to set out the dissolution of a white society in South Africa. She felt critical about the current status of her home country and wanted to reverse the social trend. She was motivated to involve in the ongoing revolution in some form. I will focus on “motivation and adaptive ability” and consider this the writing brain of Gordimer because such brain activity of an author may be seen as a far-sighted risk avoidance strategy for South Africa.
 In the early 60s when Gordimer wrote The Late Bourgeois World, South Africa was practicing apartheid. The segregated regime was symbolized by Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd (incumbency 1958–1966). In this rigidly stratified society, people could not exert their adaptive ability under any circumstances. Their mental motivation became stronger by necessity.
 The role of the frontal cortex is worth noticing here as the area of brain activity that involves planning and decision-making. The frontal cortex has a reciprocal relationship with other association areas such as the parietal lobe and the temporal lobe and has strong links with the amygdala to make judgments with regard to the hypothalamic area and emotions.
 The Late Bourgeois World contains the narrative of the day the protagonist and her family come to know about the death of her husband, Max. Characters include the protagonist, her demented grandmother, her son Bobo (an elementary school age child), Max's parents, his sister and her husband, the advocate Graham, and a carrier named Luke. They remember Max in each scene and his behavior is described as the motivation of a white person related to the anti-apartheid revolution in South Africa of that time.
 In the African Resistance Movement, besides the African National Congress and the Bolshevik Pan-African Conference, white people opposed to segregation also committed acts of sabotage. Activists were arrested in simultaneous raids in July of 1964. The activity of the African Resistance Movement came to light from the documents and statements in the possession of those detained. Max, who changed jobs very frequently, belonged to a group of white sympathizers of the movement who took part in the disruption. He was caught and brought to trial.
 An adjustment disorder is caused by an important life change and a stressful existence. Intense personal events such as school attendance, employment, moving, marriage, divorce, unemployment, and severe illness among others, become the antecedents to the ailment. Max's marriage/divorce and employment/unemployment went wrong because he formed links with the underground organization. Max was incapable of adjusting to society and finally, he selected death.

Hanamura(2018)"How to make a synergic metaphor"より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

How to make a synergic metaphor 5

 Moreover, I would have to imagine combinations I would require in order to exhaustively analyze the selected themes. I will devise a way to create categories such as bottom up and top down, theory and practice, general and special, linguistic information and non-verbal information, strong and weak and so on.

Table 2

・Analytic combinations Description
・Bottom up and top down The way to move from specialized information to overall image and vice versa.
・Theory and practice This method of analysis is applied to all research areas. With regard to the linguistic analysis, for instance, the logical grammar of Montague is the theory and the training of translation is the practice.
・General and special I would effect a general understanding and a special interpretation by analyzing a literary work. The former is an acceptance, and the latter is a synergy.
・Linguistic information and non-verbal information The former is the information that is transferred through language; the latter is non-verbal information including feelings, thought, and judgment.
・Strong and weak The level of components does not have to be equal. When one sets both elements to strong, it is difficult to develop the theme because one persists in the same combination.

 I accommodated such combinations in my mind and wrote an introduction to calculation literature by analyzing Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, “A Madman’s Diary” and The True Story of Ah Q by Luxun, and Ogai Mori's “Sansho the Bailiff” and “Jingoro Sahahsi.”

Hanamura(2018)"How to make a synergic metaphor"より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura

How to make a synergic metaphor 4

2.3 Synergic training

 I describe the ensemble of combinations as the synergic training for the specialist of arts because the research subject of synergy consists of original combinations. For example, when one opens and closes the palm or straightens and folds the elbow, it is called exercise synergy. I will consider the following three steps as the training of synergy to deal with the combinations as much as possible.
 First I will decide the research direction by selecting any combination of the above synergic combinations in 2.1. Next, I will consider items such as arts and brain science, micro and macro, contrasting and comparative language and literature, East and West, to make the theme that will lead to the model L from the selected combination. “Thomas Mann and fuzzy” would thus become the combination of German language and artificial intelligence and “Lu Xun and chaos” would denote the combination of Chinese language and memory or mental disease. There is also a combination of the study of both Western and Eastern fiction.

Table 1

・Thematic combinations Description
・Arts and science I compare the models of arts and science while reading a roman or a novel.
・Humanities and social sciences I accommodate literature and data handling.
・Language and literature
(contrasting or comparative) I analyze literary works within the framework of contrasting or comparative linguistics.
・The East and the West I think about the different ways of thought that are shown in the East and the West. For example, abduction; Eastern and Western philosophy; the differences in the politics, law, and economy by countries and regions; oriental medicine and western medicine, etc.
・Base and application First, I make the L model (horizontal and vertical) based on a work of an author. Second, I compare it to the L model of another author. 
・Traditional technique and advanced technique Humanities philosophy and symbiotic philosophy (textual symbiosis). Multiple combinations of textual symbiosis are necessary to erase the black box (non-special expertise).
・Micro and macro Micro means the accommodation of major subject and macro means the study of the global scale and the shift of format.

Hanamura(2018)"How to make a synergic metaphor"より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura
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花村嘉英(はなむら よしひさ) 1961年生まれ、立教大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程(ドイツ語学専攻)在学中に渡独。 1989年からドイツ・チュービンゲン大学に留学し、同大大学院新文献学部博士課程でドイツ語学・言語学(意味論)を専攻。帰国後、技術文(ドイツ語、英語)の機械翻訳に従事する。 2009年より中国の大学で日本語を教える傍ら、比較言語学(ドイツ語、英語、中国語、日本語)、文体論、シナジー論、翻訳学の研究を進める。テーマは、データベースを作成するテキスト共生に基づいたマクロの文学分析である。 著書に「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」(新風舎:出版証明書付)、「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品−魯迅をシナジーで読む」(華東理工大学出版社)、「日本語教育のためのプログラム−中国語話者向けの教授法から森鴎外のデータベースまで(日语教育计划书−面向中国人的日语教学法与森鸥外小说的数据库应用)」南京東南大学出版社、「从认知语言学的角度浅析纳丁・戈迪默-ナディン・ゴーディマと意欲」華東理工大学出版社、「計算文学入門(改訂版)−シナジーのメタファーの原点を探る」(V2ソリューション)、「小説をシナジーで読む 魯迅から莫言へーシナジーのメタファーのために」(V2ソリューション)がある。 論文には「論理文法の基礎−主要部駆動句構造文法のドイツ語への適用」、「人文科学から見た技術文の翻訳技法」、「サピアの『言語』と魯迅の『阿Q正伝』−魯迅とカオス」などがある。 学術関連表彰 栄誉証書 文献学 南京農業大学(2017年)、大連外国語大学(2017年)