マクロスって?What is The Macross?
The Macross series is a science fiction mecha anime series based on the original television anime "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," which was broadcasted in 1982. In addition to the TV anime, it has been expanded into various media mixes, including OVA, animated films, novels, and games, becoming one of Japan's representative media mix works.
The characteristic of the Macross series is that it combines mecha and music. In "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," the battles against the alien race Zentradi that arrived on Earth are supported by the songs of the songstress Lynn Minmay. In "Macross 7," the crew members of the Macross 7, who fight for the peace of the galaxy, enchant people with their performances of music. In "Macross Frontier," the songstresses Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee sing various songs that resonate in people's hearts.
The Macross series is loved by a wide range of people because it combines mecha and music, and it also has a reputation for its science fiction world view and portrayal of human drama. In "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," it depicts the tragedy of racism and the horrors of war through the battles between Earth and the Zentradi. In "Macross 7," it portrays the growth of the Macross 7 crew members as they fight for peace in the galaxy and their interactions with people. In "Macross Frontier," it portrays the efforts of the songstresses Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee as they overcome various difficulties and pursue their dreams.
The Macross series is a media mix work that is loved by a wide range of people because it combines mecha and music, and portrays a science fiction world view and human drama.
The Macross series is a science fiction mecha anime series based on the original television anime "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," which was broadcasted in 1982. In addition to the TV anime, it has been expanded into various media mixes, including OVA, animated films, novels, and games, becoming one of Japan's representative media mix works.
The characteristic of the Macross series is that it combines mecha and music. In "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," the battles against the alien race Zentradi that arrived on Earth are supported by the songs of the songstress Lynn Minmay. In "Macross 7," the crew members of the Macross 7, who fight for the peace of the galaxy, enchant people with their performances of music. In "Macross Frontier," the songstresses Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee sing various songs that resonate in people's hearts.
The Macross series is loved by a wide range of people because it combines mecha and music, and it also has a reputation for its science fiction world view and portrayal of human drama. In "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," it depicts the tragedy of racism and the horrors of war through the battles between Earth and the Zentradi. In "Macross 7," it portrays the growth of the Macross 7 crew members as they fight for peace in the galaxy and their interactions with people. In "Macross Frontier," it portrays the efforts of the songstresses Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee as they overcome various difficulties and pursue their dreams.
The Macross series is a media mix work that is loved by a wide range of people because it combines mecha and music, and portrays a science fiction world view and human drama.