東京卍リベンジャーズって?What is Tokyo Revengers?
『東京卍リベンジャーズ』は、タイムリープの能力を持った主人公が、かつての恋人を救うために立ち上がる物語です。この作品は、和久井健さんによって描かれ、2017年から2022年まで『週刊少年マガジン』で連載されました。そして、第44回講談社漫画賞少年部門を受賞し、累計発行部数は7000万部を突破しました。 物語の主人公は花垣武道というフリーターで、彼はある日タイムリープの力を目覚めさせます。彼は中学時代の恋人である橘日向が「東京卍會」という不良グループの抗争に巻き込まれて命を落とすニュースを知ります。その翌日、電車のホームで何者かに突き落とされそうになった時、彼は12年前の中学時代にタイムリープします。そこで彼は日向の弟である直人と出会い、彼らが殺される未来を伝えます。その後、武道は現代に戻り、直人に助けられていることに気づきます。 直人からタイムリープの方法を教えられた武道は、握手することで12年前の同じ日付に戻ることができます。彼は日向を救うために何度もタイムリープを繰り返し、「東京卍會」で力をつけようとします。しかし、このグループは危険な組織であり、様々な不良グループとの抗争や内部の分裂も起こります。武道はマイキーやドラケンといった「東京卍會」のトップと仲良くなりますが、彼らもまた運命に苦しめられます。
物語はタイムリープの影響で過去や現代が変化していきます。時には武道や仲間たちの命が危険にさらされたり、敵と和解したりすることもあります。彼は日向だけでなく、「東京卍會」の仲間や他の不良グループのメンバーも救おうと奮闘します。しかし、その裏では「東京卍會」を潰そうとする謎の敵が暗躍し、武道たちは困難な戦いを強いられます。 この作品は、魅力的な要素がたくさん詰まっています。まず、タイムリープというSF要素が登場し、読者は過去と現代を行き来しながら物語を楽しむことができます。また、不良グループ同士の抗争や友情、信頼関係の描写も魅力的です。主人公の武道は最初は弱気で自信がない存在でしたが、タイムリープを通じて成長していきます。彼の勇気や友情、努知は私たちの心を打ち、自分自身の成長にも繋がるかもしれません。 さらに、この作品は人間関係や運命といったテーマを探求しています。武道はタイムリープの力を使いながら、自分の過去や未来を変えようと奮闘します。彼が遭遇するさまざまな困難や試練を通じて、読者は勇気や希望、友情の尊さを感じることができるでしょう。
"Tokyo Revengers" is a story about a protagonist with the ability to time leap, who rises up to save his former girlfriend. This work was created by Ken Wakui and was serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine from 2017 to 2022. It won the 44th Kodansha Manga Award in the Shonen category and has surpassed a cumulative circulation of 70 million copies.
The story revolves around the protagonist, Takemichi Hanagaki, who is a freeter. One day, he awakens the power of time leap. He learns the news that his middle school girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, was killed in a conflict involving the delinquent group called "Tokyo Manji Gang." The next day, as he is about to be pushed off a train platform by someone, he time leaps 12 years back to his middle school days. There, he meets Naoto Tachibana, Hinata's younger brother, and informs them of the future where they are killed. After returning to the present, Takemichi realizes that he was saved by Naoto.
Taught by Naoto, Takemichi learns how to time leap by shaking hands and return to the same date 12 years ago. He repeats the time leap multiple times to strengthen himself in order to save Hinata. However, the "Tokyo Manji Gang" is a dangerous organization, and various conflicts and internal divisions occur within the group. Takemichi befriends the leaders of the gang, Mikey and Draken, but they too suffer from their own fates.
The story undergoes changes in the past and present due to the influence of time leaps. At times, Takemichi and his friends' lives are endangered, and there are moments of reconciliation with enemies as well. He strives not only to save Hinata but also to rescue the members of the "Tokyo Manji Gang" and other delinquent groups. However, behind the scenes, a mysterious enemy is plotting to destroy the "Tokyo Manji Gang," and Takemichi and his friends are faced with challenging battles.
This work is filled with many captivating elements. Firstly, the introduction of the time leap, a science fiction element, allows readers to enjoy the story as they traverse between the past and present. The depiction of conflicts between delinquent groups, friendships, and the development of trust is also appealing. The protagonist, Takemichi, starts off as a timid and self-doubting individual, but through the power of time leap, he undergoes personal growth. His courage, friendships, and efforts resonate with us and may even inspire our own personal development.
Furthermore, this work explores themes of human relationships and destiny. Takemichi strives to change his past and future while utilizing the power of time leap. Through the various challenges and trials he encounters, readers can feel the significance of courage, hope, and friendship.
If you are interested in "Tokyo Revengers," I highly recommend experiencing its charm through the manga or anime adaptation. You can embark on an emotional journey alongside the main character, witnessing their growth and the challenges they face, ultimately discovering courage and hope within yourself.
物語はタイムリープの影響で過去や現代が変化していきます。時には武道や仲間たちの命が危険にさらされたり、敵と和解したりすることもあります。彼は日向だけでなく、「東京卍會」の仲間や他の不良グループのメンバーも救おうと奮闘します。しかし、その裏では「東京卍會」を潰そうとする謎の敵が暗躍し、武道たちは困難な戦いを強いられます。 この作品は、魅力的な要素がたくさん詰まっています。まず、タイムリープというSF要素が登場し、読者は過去と現代を行き来しながら物語を楽しむことができます。また、不良グループ同士の抗争や友情、信頼関係の描写も魅力的です。主人公の武道は最初は弱気で自信がない存在でしたが、タイムリープを通じて成長していきます。彼の勇気や友情、努知は私たちの心を打ち、自分自身の成長にも繋がるかもしれません。 さらに、この作品は人間関係や運命といったテーマを探求しています。武道はタイムリープの力を使いながら、自分の過去や未来を変えようと奮闘します。彼が遭遇するさまざまな困難や試練を通じて、読者は勇気や希望、友情の尊さを感じることができるでしょう。
"Tokyo Revengers" is a story about a protagonist with the ability to time leap, who rises up to save his former girlfriend. This work was created by Ken Wakui and was serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine from 2017 to 2022. It won the 44th Kodansha Manga Award in the Shonen category and has surpassed a cumulative circulation of 70 million copies.
The story revolves around the protagonist, Takemichi Hanagaki, who is a freeter. One day, he awakens the power of time leap. He learns the news that his middle school girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, was killed in a conflict involving the delinquent group called "Tokyo Manji Gang." The next day, as he is about to be pushed off a train platform by someone, he time leaps 12 years back to his middle school days. There, he meets Naoto Tachibana, Hinata's younger brother, and informs them of the future where they are killed. After returning to the present, Takemichi realizes that he was saved by Naoto.
Taught by Naoto, Takemichi learns how to time leap by shaking hands and return to the same date 12 years ago. He repeats the time leap multiple times to strengthen himself in order to save Hinata. However, the "Tokyo Manji Gang" is a dangerous organization, and various conflicts and internal divisions occur within the group. Takemichi befriends the leaders of the gang, Mikey and Draken, but they too suffer from their own fates.
The story undergoes changes in the past and present due to the influence of time leaps. At times, Takemichi and his friends' lives are endangered, and there are moments of reconciliation with enemies as well. He strives not only to save Hinata but also to rescue the members of the "Tokyo Manji Gang" and other delinquent groups. However, behind the scenes, a mysterious enemy is plotting to destroy the "Tokyo Manji Gang," and Takemichi and his friends are faced with challenging battles.
This work is filled with many captivating elements. Firstly, the introduction of the time leap, a science fiction element, allows readers to enjoy the story as they traverse between the past and present. The depiction of conflicts between delinquent groups, friendships, and the development of trust is also appealing. The protagonist, Takemichi, starts off as a timid and self-doubting individual, but through the power of time leap, he undergoes personal growth. His courage, friendships, and efforts resonate with us and may even inspire our own personal development.
Furthermore, this work explores themes of human relationships and destiny. Takemichi strives to change his past and future while utilizing the power of time leap. Through the various challenges and trials he encounters, readers can feel the significance of courage, hope, and friendship.
If you are interested in "Tokyo Revengers," I highly recommend experiencing its charm through the manga or anime adaptation. You can embark on an emotional journey alongside the main character, witnessing their growth and the challenges they face, ultimately discovering courage and hope within yourself.