中二病でも恋がしたい!って?What is LOVE, CHUNIBYO & OTHER DELUSIONS!?
LOVE, CHUNIBYO & OTHER DELUSIONS!(邦題:中二病でも恋がしたい!)は、日本のライトノベル作家である虎虎(とらとら)による小説シリーズで、2011年から2017年まで刊行されました。この小説は、中二病と呼ばれる思春期特有の妄想癖に悩む高校生たちの恋愛と成長を描いたコメディー作品です。アニメ化もされており、第1期は2012年に、第2期は2014年に放送されました。また、劇場版も2本制作されています。
この作品の主人公は、中二病を卒業したばかりの高校1年生の小鳥遊六花(たかなし りっか)です。彼女は、中学時代に「邪王真眼(じゃおうしんがん)」という名前で自分を称し、黒い眼帯をつけて妄想にふけっていました。しかし、高校に入学するときに、自分の過去を捨てて普通の女の子になろうと決心します。しかし、その決意はすぐに崩れてしまいます。なぜなら、彼女が憧れる同級生の勇太(ゆうた)が、実は中二病の重症患者だったからです。勇太は、「暗黒炎龍(ダークフレイムマスター)」と名乗り、自分が超能力者だと信じています。六花は勇太に惹かれていきますが、彼の妄想に巻き込まれることにもなります。
また、この作品はアニメ化された際にも高い評価を受けました。アニメ版では、京都アニメーションという有名な制作会社が手掛けており、その美麗な映像や演出が話題になりました。特に、登場人物たちが妄想するシーンでは、ファンタジー風の世界観やキャラクターが表現されており、視聴者を魅了しました。また、声優陣も豪華で、六花役には内田真礼(うちだ まあや)、勇太役には福山潤(ふくやま じゅん)などが起用されています。アニメ版は、原作のストーリーやキャラクターを忠実に再現しつつ、オリジナルの要素も加えています。アニメファンにとっては、見逃せない作品です。
LOVE, CHUNIBYO & OTHER DELUSIONS! (Japanese title: Chuunibyo Demo Koi Ga Shitai!) is a novel series by Japanese light novel author Toratora, published from 2011 to 2017. This novel is a comedy that depicts the love and growth of high school students who suffer from the paranoia peculiar to adolescence known as chuunibyou. It has also been made into an anime, with the first season aired in 2012 and the second season in 2014. Two theatrical versions have also been produced. The main character of this work is Rika Takanashi, a first-year high school student who has just graduated from middle school. During her junior high school days, she called herself ``Jaou Shingan'', wore a black eyepatch, and indulged in her delusions. But when she enters high school, she decides to leave behind her past and become her normal girl. However, her determination quickly crumbles. This is because her classmate Yuta, whom she admires, is actually a serious patient of middle school disease. Yuta calls himself ``Dark Flame Master'' and believes he is a psychic. Rikka becomes attracted to Yuta, but she also ends up getting caught up in his delusions. The appeal of this work is that it depicts the conflicts and love of adolescence through the theme of chuunibyou. The term chuunibyou was originally a psychiatric term, but in modern times it has become a popular slang among young people. The reasons for developing chuunibyou vary from person to person, but commonly include lack of self-expression, lack of self-esteem, and escapism from reality. This work depicts how the characters, including Rikka and Yuta, deal with their respective chuunibyo. Chuunibyou isn't just funny, it's also sad and tear-jerking at times. This work makes you feel the fun and sadness of chuunibyou. This work also received high praise when it was made into an anime. The animated version was produced by the famous production company Kyoto Animation, and its beautiful visuals and production became a hot topic. In particular, the scenes in which the characters fantasized about the world depicted a fantasy-like worldview and characters, which captivated viewers. The voice actors are also gorgeous, with Maaya Uchida playing the role of Rikka and Jun Fukuyama playing the role of Yuta. The anime version faithfully reproduces the story and characters of the original work, while also adding original elements. For anime fans, this is a work not to be missed.
この作品の主人公は、中二病を卒業したばかりの高校1年生の小鳥遊六花(たかなし りっか)です。彼女は、中学時代に「邪王真眼(じゃおうしんがん)」という名前で自分を称し、黒い眼帯をつけて妄想にふけっていました。しかし、高校に入学するときに、自分の過去を捨てて普通の女の子になろうと決心します。しかし、その決意はすぐに崩れてしまいます。なぜなら、彼女が憧れる同級生の勇太(ゆうた)が、実は中二病の重症患者だったからです。勇太は、「暗黒炎龍(ダークフレイムマスター)」と名乗り、自分が超能力者だと信じています。六花は勇太に惹かれていきますが、彼の妄想に巻き込まれることにもなります。
また、この作品はアニメ化された際にも高い評価を受けました。アニメ版では、京都アニメーションという有名な制作会社が手掛けており、その美麗な映像や演出が話題になりました。特に、登場人物たちが妄想するシーンでは、ファンタジー風の世界観やキャラクターが表現されており、視聴者を魅了しました。また、声優陣も豪華で、六花役には内田真礼(うちだ まあや)、勇太役には福山潤(ふくやま じゅん)などが起用されています。アニメ版は、原作のストーリーやキャラクターを忠実に再現しつつ、オリジナルの要素も加えています。アニメファンにとっては、見逃せない作品です。
LOVE, CHUNIBYO & OTHER DELUSIONS! (Japanese title: Chuunibyo Demo Koi Ga Shitai!) is a novel series by Japanese light novel author Toratora, published from 2011 to 2017. This novel is a comedy that depicts the love and growth of high school students who suffer from the paranoia peculiar to adolescence known as chuunibyou. It has also been made into an anime, with the first season aired in 2012 and the second season in 2014. Two theatrical versions have also been produced. The main character of this work is Rika Takanashi, a first-year high school student who has just graduated from middle school. During her junior high school days, she called herself ``Jaou Shingan'', wore a black eyepatch, and indulged in her delusions. But when she enters high school, she decides to leave behind her past and become her normal girl. However, her determination quickly crumbles. This is because her classmate Yuta, whom she admires, is actually a serious patient of middle school disease. Yuta calls himself ``Dark Flame Master'' and believes he is a psychic. Rikka becomes attracted to Yuta, but she also ends up getting caught up in his delusions. The appeal of this work is that it depicts the conflicts and love of adolescence through the theme of chuunibyou. The term chuunibyou was originally a psychiatric term, but in modern times it has become a popular slang among young people. The reasons for developing chuunibyou vary from person to person, but commonly include lack of self-expression, lack of self-esteem, and escapism from reality. This work depicts how the characters, including Rikka and Yuta, deal with their respective chuunibyo. Chuunibyou isn't just funny, it's also sad and tear-jerking at times. This work makes you feel the fun and sadness of chuunibyou. This work also received high praise when it was made into an anime. The animated version was produced by the famous production company Kyoto Animation, and its beautiful visuals and production became a hot topic. In particular, the scenes in which the characters fantasized about the world depicted a fantasy-like worldview and characters, which captivated viewers. The voice actors are also gorgeous, with Maaya Uchida playing the role of Rikka and Jun Fukuyama playing the role of Yuta. The anime version faithfully reproduces the story and characters of the original work, while also adding original elements. For anime fans, this is a work not to be missed.