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Morioka castle that flourished as the castle of 100,000 stones in the southern part of the Edo period. 名門南部氏の居城で、江戸時代に南部藩10万石の居城として栄えた盛岡城

Nanbu Sannohe, a prestigious figure from the Kamakura period, became a north-eastern male during the Sengoku period.


Nanbu was a family member who had territory in Kai-Kuni during the Kamakura period.



When Yoritomo conquered Oshu, Tomitsu Kagami, the ancestor of Nanbu Sannohe, established a battle with Yasunori Fujiwara in Tohoku.



As a result, Mitsuyuki Nanbu, the third son of Enko, is given Mutsukuni Isobe-gun and others. Mr. Nanbu's power suddenly expanded during the time of Harusei Nanbu, the 24th owner.






三戸城 2018年9月28日 南部晴政の代1539年に元三戸城が家臣の放火により焼失した後に築城されました。九戸政実の乱後に蒲生氏郷により石垣が用いられる近世城郭になりました。連格式山城で本丸までは家臣や一門の屋敷が連なっていました。現在は城山公園として整備されています。 Pic1 三戸城模擬天守、三層三階の模擬天守で現在温故館という博物館になっています。本来本丸に御三階櫓があったのですが温故館は本丸にはありません。 Pic2 綱御門、平成元年に建てられた門です。城の南西に位置し門を通るとすぐに武者溜まりがあります。石垣の積み方は時代と合っていません。 Pic3 武者溜まり、綱御門を通ると道を挟むようにあり門を抜けた敵を挟撃できるようになっています。ここを抜けると家臣の屋敷跡に続きます。 Pic4 家臣屋敷跡、右に上がっていくと温故館方面になります。本丸までずっと雛壇状になっていて各区画に家臣の屋敷がありました。 Pic5 堀跡、三戸城唯一の堀跡で深さは3m、距離は20mほどある薬研堀でした。 Pic6 大御門跡、本丸にあった門跡ですが工事をしているのか土塁が残っているだけでした。 Pic7 鍛冶屋御門跡、城の東側搦め手門跡です。 Pic8 鍛冶屋御門の石垣、石垣のほとんどが崩れてしまっていますが城内では良好に残っているものです。 Pic9 奥瀬与七郎邸跡、城の北東に位置する屋敷跡です。ここから奥へ行くと景色を眺めることができます。 Pic10 奥瀬邸跡から見た風景 #城 #城跡 #城めぐり #城巡り #三戸城 #三戸城跡 #蒲生氏郷 #南部晴政

takumiさん(@kobataku1991)がシェアした投稿 -


Harumasa expanded his power by fighting with Ando and Kudo. The territory expands from the Shimokita Peninsula in the north to the middle Kitakami River in the south and the Tsugaru Plain in the west.



It is said to be “the southern territory until the crescent moon becomes round”, and it has a reputation for having a vast territory that takes days to cross the territory.



Harumasa, who had no children, was a child of Takanobu Ishikawa, adopting Nobunao  as a successor.



Later in the year when Harumasa and Nobunao were in conflict and Nambu was disturbed, Tamenobu Ohura was raised in the Tsugaru Plain. Suppressed the southern territory of Tsugaru and named himself Tsugaru Tamenobu.



Nanbu Nobunao renovated Kozukata Castle, a key transportation hub, and built Morioka Castle


In 1590, Nobunao Nambu decided to subordinate to Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Hideyoshi has relieved the county of 5 counties such as Nukanobu and Iwate.



Masazane Kunohe 九戸政実, a member of the southern family, who did not agree with Hideyoshi's Tohoku rule, Hideyoshi's policy, rebelled in Kunohe Castle. Nobunao represses the rebellion with the support of Hideyoshi.



At this time, Gamou Ujisato and Nagamasa Asano, who were dispatched by Hideyoshi, advised Nobunao that it would be better to create a residence in the south rather than in Sannohe to keep the whole area of ​​Mr. Nanbu.



In response to this, Nobunao moves his headquarters to Kozukata不来方. Kozukata was an important traffic point at the confluence of Kitakami River and Nakatsu River, and was a suitable place for the southern territory.



Nobunaga renovated the original Kozukata Castle. Created a large modern castle. Nobunao renames the Kozukata as Morioka.



This name was filled with a wish to become an “The hill to flourish and prosper”. At the same time as the construction of “Morioka Castle”, the castle town is also being developed, and the foundation of the current Morioka city will be created.



Morioka Castle built by Nobunao was a beautiful castle with a total stone wall that is rare in Tohoku


Nobunao ordered his son,Toshinao, as the total minister of Morioka Castle. Construction will begin in 1598.



“Morioka Castle” was built on a granite hill in the center of Morioka Castle. The structure consists of Honmaru, Ninomaru, and Sannomaru, each of which has a stone wall.



Considering that the earthen castle was mainstream in the north of the Kanto region, “Morioka Castle” was quite different, and the figure using abundant stone walls, which was the most advanced technology at that time, would have boasted a tremendous dignity.



A stone castle tower was built in Honmaru, but Nanbu was withholding from the shogunate and did not make a castle tower. Later, a three-layer fence was built on the castle tower, replacing the castle tower.



After the Meiji Restoration, Morioka Castle was abandoned and the building was demolished and relocated. Currently it is Morioka Castle Ruins Park (Iwate Park).



Where is “Morioka Castle”? Summary of access method and facility information to Negi




" address"

・ 1-1-37-maru, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture





・ It is approximately 10 minutes by bus from JR Morioka Station. Get off at "Morioka Castle Ruins Park" bus stop

・ Approximately 20 minutes on foot from JR Morioka Station





《Opening time》

・ 7: 00 ~ 20: 00 (parking hours)




"closing day"






・Free in the park


・ 公園内は無料


"Parking Lot"

・ There is a pay parking lot




Visit the World Heritage Site "Chonson-ji" and experience the history of the three generations of Oshu Fujiwara 世界遺産「中尊寺」を訪ねて、奥州藤原氏三代の栄華の歴史に触れる

The one and only temple that can only be seen in Oshu Hiraizumi "Chusonji Konjikidou"



Chuson-ji Temple is a temple of Tendai sect that was opened by Monk of the Enryaku-ji Temple of Hieizan Enryakuji Temple. The highlight is by all means the Golden Hall.



Golden Hall refers to the Amidado decorated with gold leaf. Oshishu Fujiwara's first Kihonken, second generation Kihonken, third generation Hidekuni's body, and the top class of the fourth generation Taishoden.



Its golden radiance is dazzling and beautiful, and it combines majesty and attracts what you see.



There are many worshipers, so I can't look closely in the middle, but I would like to spend the time slowly looking at every corner.



A fee of 800 yen is required for the Konjikidou's visit.



Honestly, a little expensive! What should I do・・?  You will get lost for a moment, but you want to see the rarity of its existence and the Konjikidou! Because of the desire, I have visited Chusonji several times so far, I always visit the Konjikidou.



By the way, there is a stone monument engraved with "Konjikidou" at the entrance of the loose stone stairway to the Shin Ooidou where the  Konjikidou is located, making it a standard shooting spot



I want to visit by all means when I go to "Chusonji" Let's also visit "Hondou"



"Chuson-ji Temple" is also the Tohoku Daihonzan of the Tendai sect, not only famous, but also a very famous historical temple.



The quaint appearance without the flashy contrasts with the  Konjikidou further strengthens the worshiper's feeling of wanting to get close to the Buddha.



In addition, there are many towers throughout the entire mountain, and even if there is no Konjikidou , it is a place worth visiting.



Please visit the Nohgaku-den Hall, which is an important cultural asset of the country, and the treasures hall “Sankouzou 讃衡蔵”.


The history of Chusonji and Oshu Fujiwara can not be separated. Let's know before the worship.



I will touch the history of Mr. Oshu Fujiwara here. The Taiga drama "Homuratatsu 炎立つ" became instantly famous.



Succeeding continued until the third generation of Fujiwara, but at the time of the third generation of Hidehira 秀衡 , Minamoto Yoshitsune was confronted with his brother, Yoritomo, and his destiny began to change from falling into Oshu.



In this case,the forth generation of Yasuhira 泰衡 , who is not in a battle with Yoritomo  頼朝  , runs Yoshitsune on the contrary and causes self-harm. Furthermore, the land of Hiraizumi was attacked by the Kamakura army, and Mr. Fujiwara of Oshu was destroyed.



Yasuhira 泰衡 ! Why did not you fight with Yoshitsune 義経! And, the scream of the heart comes out and I feel something squeezed that  even Mr. Oshu Fujiwara who has made a great glory  was completely destroyed not resist the power of time authority and source Yoritomo .



Not only "Chuson-ji"! There are also many other attractions. Hiraizumi's World Heritage Site!


There are many places of interest nearby, such as “Motsuji 毛越寺” and “Muryoukouinato 無量光院跡”, which constitute a World Heritage Site.



In addition, there is "Takadati Gikeidou 高館義経堂 " which is said to be the place of the original Yoshitsune Self-edged, and its wood statue is enshrined in about 5 minutes by car from "Chuson-ji".



The magnificent scenery of the Kitakami River seen from here is very wonderful, and it may not be one of the ways of enjoying the history to think over the life of the wildness of Yoshitsune while looking at this.


When is the time to worship "Chuson-ji"? How is that access?

「中尊寺」の参拝時期は、いつの時期がおススメ? そのアクセスは?





202 Hiraizumi-cho, Hiraizumi-cho, Nishioi-gun, Iwate Prefecture



"Worship time"


March 1-November 3 / 8:30-17:00 November 4-The end of February / 8:30-16:30

3月1日?11月3日/8:30〜17:00 11月4日?2月末日/8:30〜16:30


Admission fee》


Chusonji Konjikidou common ticket 800 yen

Takadati Gikeidou  200 yen

中尊寺金色堂 共通券 800円  高館義経堂 200円




Train: By bus from JR Tohoku Main Line Hiraizumi Station

Car: Tohoku Expressway Hiraizumi Maesawa IC


車:東北自動車道 平泉前沢IC


Hiraizumi is located in the southern part of Iwate Prefecture, near Miyagi Prefecture, and is a very accessible place to stop after the sightseeing in Miyagi Prefecture.


If you find a car with a brightly colored local number in Hiraizumi, you might get rich ...



As time to visit, it is good at the time of "spring Fujiwara Festival of May" and the time of November "Autumn Fujiwara Festival", but I want to see the Konjikidou thoroughly! For those who want to enjoy Hiraizumi, we recommend that you aim at the time when there are few tourists.



If the cold doesn't bother you, you will have a unique taste to visit during the snow season!



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