曲者の 翔猿の相撲 目を見張る 最後の最後の どんでん返し 100
The sumo of the tricky Tobizaru is spectacular. The twist at the very end is brilliant. 2025.01.16
今場所は 相撲の質が とてもいい 豊昇龍と 王鵬がいい 099
The quality of the sumo in this tournament is very good. Tosyoryu and Oho are particularly good. 2025.01.16
英国が AI大国を 志す 首相発言 気持ちが分かる 098
Recently, the Prime Minister stated that the UK aspires to become a leading AI power. I can understand his feelings very well. 2025.01.16
アメリカの エンタテイメントで 名を挙げる 真田広之 志の人 097
Making a name for himself in the American entertainment world, Hiroyuki Sanada is a man of high aspirations. 2025.01.16
平和裏に 選挙によって 政権が 変わる韓国 志那よりも善い 096
South Korea, where the government changes peacefully through elections, is better than China...? 2025.01.15
韓国の 大統領が 捕まった 異常が止まない 奇妙な国 095
The president of South Korea has just been arrested. It's a strange country where abnormal events never stop. 2025.01.15
宮崎の 南部平野が 震度4 今夜はこれで 鎮まりください 094
The earthquake that just occurred recorded a seismic intensity of 4 in the southern plains of Miyazaki. Earthquake gods, please calm down for tonight. 2025.01.15
慄いた 地震の後の 宿直(とのい)勤 今夜の無事を 神頼みする 093
You're on night duty after the frightening earthquake last night. I'm praying to God that I'll be safe tonight. 2025.01.15
日英も 経済の事は 中国を 無視できなくて 大臣を送る 092
Japan and the UK could not ignore China when it came to economic matters and so sent ministers to China. 2025.01.14
風速は 23メートル 台風の 範疇の風 今日も北から 091
Today the wind speed is 23 meters per hour, typhoon-force winds blowing from the north. 2025.01.14
ゴミ棄てに 外に出るにも 財布持って そのまま避難も あることもある 090
Even when I go out to throw out the trash, I take my wallet with me, in case an earthquake occurs and I have to take shelter there. 2025.01.14
ギシギシと 家が呻いて 身を揺する 南海トラフの 大きなナマズ 089
The house creaks and groans, shaking my body violently, caused by a large catfish that lives at the bottom of the Nankai Trough. 2025.01.14
ハチ公が 外国人に 大人気 写真を撮る 人が行列 088
Hachiko is very popular with foreigners. People line up to take photos of Hachiko. 2025.01.13
水戸黄門 今日は延岡 故郷の 岡富村の 一揆の話し 087
Today's story of Mito Komon takes place in Nobeoka. It is about an uprising in my hometown, Okatomi village. 2025.01.12
今誰が 推しの人かと 問われれば 女性であれば 槍投げの人 086
If I were asked who my favorite person is right now, if it's a woman, I would say the javelin thrower. 2025.01.12
旅客機が ロシアの誤射で 墜落する 罪を重ねて 地獄に墜ちる 085
A passenger plane crashes due to a mistaken shot by the Russian military's air defense system. Russia piles up sins and goes to hell. 2025.01.11
人間が より人間で あることが 求められる 21世紀 084
The 21st century demands that humans be more human. 2025.01.10
後戻り 出来ない世界に 踏み込んだ 人類の未来 さらに霧中に 083
Humanity has entered a world from which there is no turning back.
The future of humanity is even more uncertain. 2025.01.09
アメリカの 事で飯食う 人々の アメリカ識らず なんでトランプ 082
People who make a living from talking about America have no idea about America.
They failed to understand the reason for Trump's reelection. 2025.01.08
一匹の 大間の鮪が 二億円 神の御心に 適わぬ所業 081
One Oma tuna was sold for 200 million yen. This is an act against God's will. 2025.01.07
大統領 また失権する 民主主義 時空異なる 別なる世界 080
There is a democratic country where the president frequently loses power.
This country probably exists in a different world, in a different space-time. 2025.01.06
新しい 時代が来たと AIの 創る画像で はっきりと知る 079
By looking at the images created by AI, it is clear that a new era has arrived. 2025.01.06
飼育員 白熊ピースの 回顧録 二十五年して また泪する 078
I watched a memoir on TV about the zookeeper and the polar bear, Peace.
I was moved to tears again for the first time in 25 years. 2025.01.05
バイデンが 禁止命令 安保懸念 USスチール 買収頓挫 077
Biden has issued a ban on Nippon Steel Corporation's acquisition of U.S. Steel.
Biden says even companies from allied countries have security concerns. 2025.01.05
北風に 抗いながら 散歩する これも即ち 健康のため 076
I take a walk against the north wind.
This is also for my health. 2025.01.04
ブラウザの 英文を睨み 叩き込む 考える内は 未熟な証拠 075
I stare at the English text on the browser and hammer it into my brain.
The fact that I'm thinking about it is proof that my English is still immature. 2025.01.03
その手腕 認めざるを 得ないのだが 好きになれない そのキャラクター 074
I have to acknowledge the skill of the Aoyama Gakuin University director, but I just don't like his character. 2025.01.02
面白い 今年の箱根 駅伝は ランナー達の 功名が道 073
This year's Hakone Ekiden is interesting.
The path to fame for the runners. 2025.01.02
中央大 吉居駿恭(しゅんすけ) 突っ走る 君のような 若者が頼み 072
Chuo University's Shunsuke Yoshii is sprinting through the first section of the Hakone Ekiden.
We rely on young man like you. 2025.01.02
七代の 祟り鎮めて 八代目 命の果てを 背伸びして見る 071
Having calmed the curse that had continued for seven generations, I, the eighth generation, am stretching my neck out to find out where my own life will end. 2025.01.02
神仏に 燈明上げて ご挨拶 ここから始まる 令和七年 070
I light lamps and pray to the gods and Buddhas.
Reiwa 7 will also begin with this small ritual. 2025.01.01
ジャニタレが 出ない紅白 歌合戦 禁をほどいて 観ることにする 069
The Red and White Song Battle will not feature any talents from Johnny's Entertainment.
So, even though I haven't watched it until now, I've decided to watch it. 2024.12.31
鵯の 声軽やかな 冬の午後 陽に誘われて 暫く歩く 068
On a winter afternoon, the song of a nightingale echoes cheerfully through the sky.
Drawn by the sun, I walk outside for a while. 2024.12.31
岩屋さん 先ずは反日 教育を 止めさせること 日中関係 067
Mr. Iwaya, first of all you need to put an end to anti-Japanese education.
That is the condition for normalizing Japan-China relations. 2024.12.31
歳末に 寒風に耐え 咲く椿 深紅の色は わたしの胸に 066
The deep crimson color of the camellias that bloom at the end of the year, enduring the cold winds, really touches my heart. 2024.12.30
税収の 範囲で予算 組めば良し 国債などは 無いもと知れ 065
Just create a budget within the limits of tax revenue.
Think of national bonds as if they don't exist. 2024.12.30
晴山さん あなたのファン 爽やかな 性格の人 見目麗しい 064
Haruyama-san, I'm a big fan of yours.
You have a refreshing personality and are a beautiful woman. 2024.12.30
楽天が 情がないのか この人が 我儘なのか 来季を見る 063
Is it because Rakuten is an unkind company, or is this guy just selfish?
We'll see if this pitcher performs well next season. 2024.12.29
ニッポンの 女子高生は カッコ良い 恐らく世界で トップクラス 062
Japanese high school girls are cool. They are probably the cutest in the world. 2024.12.29
ニッポンは 平和な国で 年の瀬に 「サスケ」とか言う ゲームに呆ける 061
Japan is a peaceful country, and at the end of the year I enjoyed watching a sports game called "Sasuke." 2024.12.29
スマートフォン 保存した歌 よく見れば 鬼籍の人の 懐メロばかり 060
When I looked closely at the titles of the songs saved on my smartphone, I realized they were all nostalgic songs by people who had passed away. 2024.12.28
誰も無い 公園のベンチ 腰かけて 身じろぎもせず 風を感じる 059
I sit on a bench in a deserted park, motionless, feeling the breeze. 2024.12.28
刃物持ち 全裸の男 コンビニに どこかおかしい この世の中は 058
A naked man with a knife appears in a convenience store. Something is wrong with this world. 2024.12.08
「リメンバー パールハーバー」 蘇り USスチールで ナショナリズム 057
"Remember Pearl Harbor" comes back to life for Americans.
Nationalism arises over the US Steel takeover issue. 2024.12.27
これからも オールドメディアの 情報を よすがとして 羅針盤として 056
I will continue to rely on old media for information. I will never rely on unreliable information from social media. 2024.12.27
今朝はまた グリーンランドは 米国の 所有とすべし トランプが言う 055
Also this morning, Trump says Greenland should belong to the US. 2024.12.27
年末の テレビに不服の 時期が来た 英語学習 好機到来 054
As the year comes to an end, television activity slows down.
Now's a good time to learn English. 2024.12.26
ベクトルは ただ一方向 捨てること 思い出はみな 心に仕舞う 053
The vector is only one direction.
Throw away.
Store all memories in your heart. 2024.12.26
明日の朝 七時の気温 今年初 マイナス1℃ いよいよ真冬 052
The temperature at 7am tomorrow morning will be minus 1°C for the first time this year. It's finally mid-winter. 2024.12.26
トランプが パナマ運河を 取り戻す それもありかと 妙な納得 051
The next US president, Trump, has spoken about taking back the Panama Canal.
I find it oddly convincing that such an idea is even possible. 2024.12.25
コマーシャルの 大地真央に 拍手する 寿司屋の大将 客に説教 050
Applaud Mao Daichi's performance in a commercial.
She is dressed as a sushi chef and lectures customers for bad manners. 2024.12.25
鰯二尾 百五十円 買って来る 塩焼きにして 美味しくいただく 049
I bought two sardines for 150 yen. I grilled them with salt and enjoyed them. 2024.12.25
はたのもん 楽することを 働くと そう言う事だと 難波のあきんど 048
Work means making the lives of those around you easier.
That's what the Naniwa merchant advised his son. 2024.12.25
珍しい 風速2キロ ほぼ無風 気温は低いが 散歩が出来る 047
It's rare, but there's almost no wind today, with a wind speed of 2km/h.
The temperature is low, but I'm able to go for a walk. 2024.12.24
二千万 選挙の後なら 良かったと 田崎さんそれ 違うでしょう 046
That incident where 20 million yen was paid to an unofficial candidate.
Tazaki says it would have been fine if it had happened after the election.
Tazaki, isn't that wrong? 2024.12.24
日曜日 また闇バイトに 襲われる 早く奴らの 息の根を絶て 045
On Sunday, someone was attacked by illegal part-time workers again.
Put an end to them quickly. 046
幸せの 格差が起こす 憎しみの クリスマステロ 八年振り 044
This was the first Christmas terrorist attack in Germany in eight years, caused by disparities in happiness. 2024.12.24
検察の 患部はみんな 晒しちゃえ 大阪地検は 手心無しに 043
All the problems in the prosecutor's office should be exposed to society.
In particular, the Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office should be exposed without mercy. 2024.12.23
失火して 逃げ遅れて 老人が 何処そこで死ぬ 寒い土曜日 042
It was a cold Saturday when old men and women died somewhere after a fire broke out and they was too late to escape. 2024.12.23
この前は 葉っぱがあった 銀杏の木 今日は寂しく 数えるほどに 041
The ginkgo tree had leaves when I passed by last time, but today it looks lonely and there are only a few left. 2024.12.22
八角さん 悲しい気持ちは よく解る あの親方と 運命の出会い 040
To sumo association head stablemaster Hakkaku, I understand your sadness.
Your meeting with stablemaster Kitanofuji was fateful, wasn't it? 2024.12.22
この党を 支持するものでは ないけれど 国民民主に 耳をそばだてる 039
I don't support this party, but I tend to listen to it when the Democratic Party for the People speaks. 2024.12.22
世の中の 流れは絶えず 変化する 日産ホンダが 経営統合 038
The world is constantly changing.
Nissan and Honda are merging their operations. 2024.12.21
あとちょっと カイロス2号 民間機 打ち上げ失敗 とても残念 037
They were so close to success.
It's such a shame that the launch of Japan's civilian spacecraft Kairos 2 failed. 2024.12.21
ここに来て ハイブリッド車 見直され EV転換 紆余曲折 036
Hybrid cars are now being reconsidered. The shift to EV cars has been a long and winding process. 2024.12.20
弾劾を 支持する人の 優勢が 伝わって来る ソウルの街中 035
The dominance of those in favor of impeachment is apparent in the streets of Seoul. 2024.12.20
泣き叫ぶ 赤子の声に 驚いて 耳を澄ませば ニャンコの喧嘩 034
I was startled by the sound of a crying baby, but when I listened more carefully I realized it was just two kitties fighting. 2024.12.20
今日もまた 知らない顔が 人を刺す 世情の陰で 魔物が動く 033
Today again, an unfamiliar person stabbed someone.
Demons move in the shadows of worldly affairs. 2024.12.19
まだ9℃ 昼少し前 室内は 金を使って ポカポカにする 032
It's just before noon, but the outside temperature is still 9°C.
I'll use money (energy) to warm up the room. 2024.12.19
公園の 木製のベンチ 気を引いて 誰もいないので 暫く座る 031
A wooden bench in the park catches my attention and, since there is no one there, I sit there for a while. 2024.12.19
六十年 前の師走は 賑やかで 街の皆に 活気があった 030
December sixty years ago was a lively time, and everyone in town was full of energy. 2024.12.19
明日は2℃ 今年一番 冷え込みで じっと我慢の 隠居老人 029
The temperature forecast for tomorrow morning is 2°C.
It will be the coldest day of the year so this retired old man will have to bear it. 2024.12.18
キム朝鮮 数百人が 死傷する プーチンの為に 死ぬことは無い 028
Hundreds of Kim Jong Un soldiers were killed or injured.
You, do not die for Putin. 2024.12.18
信じ難い 大統領が 内乱を 企てたと言う 寡聞にして知らず 027
I find it hard to believe, the president plotted a civil war.
I've never heard of anything like that in this world. 2024.12.18
その通り 消化試合の 老後の日 みんな夫々 そんなものだよ 026
That's right, days in old age are like a digestion match, and that's how it is for everyone. 2024.12.18
江戸時代 もしも土曜日 あったなら 少しは楽に 仇を討てたか 025
If there had been a Saturday during the Edo period, would it have been easier for the Ako Roshi to take revenge? 2024.12.18
金閣寺 銀閣寺にも 行ってない 善光寺にも 中尊寺にも 024
I have never been to Kinkakuji Temple or Ginkakuji Temple.
I have never been to Zenkoji Temple or Chusonji Temple either. 2024.12.18
田舎でも 外国人が チラホラと 現実になる 働く人々 023
Recently, it has become a reality for foreigners to work in rural areas as well. 2024.12.18
浸かる間に 湯船のお湯が 冷めていく 居心地悪く 早々に出る 022
The warm water in the bath cools down while I'm soaking. There's no point in staying long, so I leave quickly. 2024.12.17
ストーブに 灯油注ぐとき やらかした 締め切った部屋に 臭いプンプン 021
I made a mistake when pouring kerosene into the stove.
The smell of kerosene fills the closed room. 2024.12.17
電動の 灯油ポンプ 電池替え ONにしたまま 床に吹き出す 020
I changed the batteries in the electric kerosene pump.
I left the switch on and the kerosene spilled all over the floor. 2024.12.17
ありがとう 一つひとつの 思い出に 別れを告げて 断捨離する 019
I'll continue decluttering for a while, saying thank you to each and every item. 2024.12.17
鏡見て 自分の姿に 吹き出した 他人の前には 出ること適わず 018
I looked in the mirror and burst out laughing at my appearance. I don't feel like I can appear in front of other people. 2024.12.16
室内は やっと23℃に なってきた 風呂に入って 昼飯を食おう 017
The temperature inside the room has finally reached 23 degrees Celsius. Let's take a bath and have lunch. 2024.12.16
若い頃 ただひたむきに 学問を すべきだったと 後の祭り 016
When I was young, I should have just focused on my studies. 2024.12.16
隠居にも 日曜は来る 今日がそれ 妙なものだが 少し特別 015
Even for me, a retired person, Sunday comes. Today is that day. It's strange, but it's a little special. 2024.12.16
国は国 個人は個人 韓国の 若い人々 其処に望み 014
Let's have hope in the young people of Korea who think that the country is the country and the individual is the individual. 2024.12.15
弾劾の 賛成デモの バカ騒ぎ ノンポリシーの 唯の悪乗り 013
The madness of the pro-impeachment demonstrations is just a way to relieve stress and have fun. 2024.12.15
年越しは 高くてもいい 少しばかり 美味いミカンを 食べたいものだ 012
On New Year's Eve, I want to eat a few delicious mandarins, even if they're expensive. 2024.12.15
仏さん 今日も黙って 聞いている わたしの下手な イングリッシュ 011
Buddha (my ancestor) is silently listening to my poor English today too. 2024.12.15
失敗から 今度こそはと 九か月 打ち上げ延期 頑張れ負けるな 010
After nine months of failure, the launch has been postponed, but don't give up! 2024.12.15
この冬は ミカンが高く 手が出ない ミカン農家も 同じ思いか 009
This winter, mandarins are so expensive I can't afford them. Do mandarin farmers feel the same way? 2024.12.15
目標が まだまだ遠い イングリッシュ 何時かそのうち ペラペラ喋る 008
English is still a long way away from my goal.
Someday I'll be able to speak it fluently. 2024.12.15
街の人 今年の漢字を 夫婦とも 「耐」えて迎えた 銀婚式 007
People on the street responded that the kanji of the year for both the husband and wife was "endurance."
They have endured each other and celebrated their silver wedding anniversary this year. 2024.12.14
現在の 気温は6℃ 体感は 4℃と示す スマホを見る 006
I look at my smartphone, which shows that the current temperature is 6°C but the felt temperature is 4°C. 2024.12.14
認知症 行方不明者 二万人 知恵を尽くして 改めるべし 005
Approximately 18,000 people with dementia are missing.
We must use all our wisdom to change this situation. 2024.12.14
どうするの そんなに貯めて マスクさん 60兆円 国でも建てるの 004
What are you going to do with all that money, Mr. Musk?
Are you going to build a country with 60 trillion yen? 2024.12.14
そうですか スイスのパンが 不味いのは その年の麦は 備蓄するから 003
I see, so the reason Swiss bread tastes bad is because the wheat harvested that year is stockpiled for national security reasons. 2024.12.14
元総理 細川護熙 石破さんの 答弁は× 企業献金 002
Former Prime Minister Hosokawa Morihiro said in a television interview that Ishihara's parliamentary responses regarding corporate donations were wrong. 2024.12.14
注目の 紀州のドンファン 殺害事件 無罪判決 検察は茫然 001
The "Kishu Don Juan Murder Case" attracted public attention.
The suspect was found not guilty.
The prosecutors must have been stunned. 2024.12.13
終活の短歌集 第四章 第七章
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