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価格: 11,408円
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⇒ ニンテンドー売れ筋 最新

Playing Hollow Knight- Pantheon Of Hallownest on Nintendo Switch Live

I have been practicing the Absolute radiance fight several times throughout the week. I MIGHT have enough skill to beat the Pantheon of Hallownest in Hollow Knight.

These attempts are on the Nintendo Switch. The hardest part is that the thumb stick on my Pro Controller has started to drift every now and again. I hope it doesnt mess with me

Wish me luck!

Holiday merch is now over. Thank you to everybody who supported the channel by picking up a sweatshirt or mug!

To Donate!
Youtube takes something like 40% of SuperChats. They are greatly appreciated but if you don't feel like giving a large chunk of your donation to youtube please use Stremlabs:

Become a member to get custom badges and emotes, early access to videos, monthly behind the scenes vlog and private discord access:

If you buy games off the Epic Game Store my creator tag is: Relyea

#HollowKnight #NintendoSwitch
You can also follow me:
Xbox: HelyeaRelyea
Switch Friend Code: 5344-4038-5422
Twitter: @HelyeaRelyea
Instagram: HelyeaRelyea
Discord: https://discord.gg/xqtyv8j・・・続きはこちら⇒Playing Hollow Knight- Pantheon Of Hallownest on Nintendo Switch Live

