833発目 キャリアフリーの新たな無料Wi-Fiサービス(フリーWi-Fiスポット)を探せ その711 今日の新たな無料Wi-FiのSSID:【NTTWEST-FREE】 by 北栄高齢者福祉センターなど 鳥取県の無料Wi-Fiスポット編
by 北栄高齢者福祉センターなど
また使用機種(iPhone or アンドロイド)に関しても不問です。
避難所等 住所 アクセスポイント数
北栄高齢者福祉センター 鳥取県東伯郡北栄町田井46-2 3
大栄中学校武道館 鳥取県東伯郡北栄町由良宿340 2
北条健康福祉センター 鳥取県東伯郡北栄町土下121−1 1
アロハホール 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町はわい長瀬584 2
東湖園 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町旭83 1
活性化センターはまなす 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町園2286-1 1
羽衣会館 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町長和田506 1
舎人会館 鳥取県東伯郡湯梨浜町方地1208 1
三朝文化ホール 鳥取県東伯郡三朝町大瀬999-2 2
倉吉市立上灘小学校 鳥取県倉吉市上灘町136 3
倉吉市立成徳小学校 鳥取県倉吉市仲ノ町733 2
倉吉市立明倫小学校 鳥取県倉吉市余戸谷町3059 2
上灘公民館 鳥取県倉吉市上灘町9-1 1
灘手公民館 鳥取県倉吉市沢谷204 1
北谷公民館 鳥取県倉吉市福本226-1 1
高城公民館 鳥取県倉吉市上福田480 1
倉吉市立上北条小学校 鳥取県倉吉市新田405-1 2
倉吉市立河北小学校 鳥取県倉吉市海田西町1-130 2
西郷公民館 鳥取県倉吉市吉市下余戸118-1 1
倉吉市立河北中学校 鳥取県倉吉市上井503-1 1
倉吉市立社小学校 鳥取県倉吉市国分寺88 1
倉吉市立小鴨小学校 鳥取県倉吉市中河原775-1 2
上小鴨公民館 鳥取県倉吉市上古川261-3 2
NTTBPが提供していますので「Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi」アプリで
Today's new free Wi-Fi SSID: [daiei_free_Wi-Fi]
by Daiei Owada store (Osaka), etc., Japan
How are you doing, everybody ?
I mainly introduce this blog to people of @ ~ G below.
@ If your LTE capacity is almost over your unlimited plan
A iPhone4S and those who use the 3G model that does not support LTE, such as iPhone4
B Wi-Fi is more necessary in a tablet, such as iPad
C if you living abroad temporarily return to Japan with the smartphone and Sim Free mobile use of Sim free
D towards foreign travelers
E If you use a notebook computer
F phones Garake (Future phones) Sumaho the direction of Wi-Fi use
G purely If you like free Wi-Fi (laughs)
Last one, just kidding.
Of course, DoCoMo, au, Softbank and Y! mobile including SIM free…
It is a free Wi-Fi that can be used by anyone regardless of carrier.
This time I will introduce a free Wi-Fi that can be used in Tottori Prefecture (free public wireless LAN).
I am really sorry that a lot of people in Tottori Prefecture have suffered from the earthquake.
Free Wi-Fi service has been installed free public wireless LAN, such as shelter began.
You can use the public wireless LAN without procedure for e-mail address or password.
News Releases ↓
Operational status of free public Wi-Fi (Tottori Prefecture) ↓
Location List
Shelter, etc. address the number of access points
Hokuei elderly welfare center, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun hokuei Tai 46-2 3
Daiei junior high school, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun hokuei Budokan Yurashuku 340 2
Kenko Hojo welfare center Hashita Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun hokuei 121-1 1
Aloha Hall, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Yurihama-cho Hawaii Nagase 584 2
Asahi East Lake Gardens, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Yurihama-cho 83 1
Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Hamanasu activation center Yurihama-cho Gardens 2286-1 1
Hagoromo Hall, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Yurihama-cho Nagota 506 1
Toneri Hall, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun Yurihama-cho how land 1208 1
Misasa Culture Hall, Tottori Prefecture Tohaku-gun, Misasa Ose 999-2 2
Kurayoshi stand Kaminada Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kaminada cho 136 3
Kurayoshi City Shigenori Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Nakano-cho, 733 2
Kurayoshi stand Meirin Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Yogo Tanimachi 3059 2
Kaminada public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kaminada-cho 9-1 1
Nadate public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Sawadani 204 1
Chatan public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Fukumoto 226-1 1
Takagi community center, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kamifukuda 480 1
Kurayoshi City on Hojo Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Nitta 405-1 2
Kurayoshi stand Hebei elementary school, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kaidanishi cho 1-130 2
Saigo public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Shikichi City Shimoyodo 118-1 1
It kurayoshi stand Hebei Junior High School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kamii 503-1 1
Kurayoshi Municipal Corporation Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kokubunji 88 1
Kurayoshi City Xiaoya Elementary School, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Nakagawara 775-1 2
Kamiogamo public hall, Tottori Prefecture Kurayoshi Kamikogawa 261-3 2
Finally, I will tell you the important points to note when using free Wi-Fi.
Do not the following things such as inputting your ID & password as writing down the numbers of your credit card when you are connecting a free Wi-Fi
Because NTTBP provides 【NTTWEST-FREE】,
the "Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi" application can make you connect more easily.
Why don't you use 【NTTWEST-FREE】?