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歴史ミステリー 世界遺産ミステリ1-3 ピラミッドの秘密

歴史ミステリー 世界遺産ミステリ1-3 ピラミッドの秘密


2016/02/05 に公開

歴史ミステリー 世界遺産ミステリ1-2 ピラミッドの秘密


カテゴリ エンターテイメント
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#065 彫金師 小林 浩之 
 明日への扉 by アットホーム

#065 彫金師 小林 浩之 
 明日への扉 by アットホーム


明日への扉 by アットホーム
2017/01/19 に公開



『明日への扉』は、CS「ディスカバリーチャンネル」にて毎週金曜日 22:53〜23:00 放送しています。


制作著作: アットホームホールディングス株式会社
制作協力: 日企

カテゴリ 非営利団体と社会活動
ライセンス 標準の YouTube ライセンス






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#063 伊勢根付職人 梶浦 明日香 
 明日への扉 by アットホーム

#063 伊勢根付職人 梶浦 明日香
 明日への扉 by アットホーム


明日への扉 by アットホーム
2017/02/22 に公開



『明日への扉』は、CS「ディスカバリーチャンネル」にて毎週金曜日 22:53〜23:00 放送しています。


制作著作: アットホームホールディングス株式会社
制作協力: 日企

カテゴリ 非営利団体と社会活動
ライセンス 標準の YouTube ライセンス


☆ Reference Link ☆

根付(ねつけ、ねづけ) :Wikipedia


300px-Netsuke-p1030001 根付 使用例.jpg
根付 使用例



安土桃山時代が終わり、徳川家康の天下が始まるのに合わせて、相当な薬愛用家だった家康は自分のみならず、高級武士や公家等にその大切さを説き、太平の世になっても外出時に、切り傷・腹痛・頭痛薬等常備薬を持ち歩くことを直参旗本や外様大名に奨励した。彼らは常備薬を携帯するに当たって、その入れ物として、印鑑と朱肉を入れた小さな携帯用印籠に目をつけ、これをさらに小型化し、印鑑や朱肉の代わりに薬を入れ、携帯用薬籠とした。 この印籠を武士やその奥方が使用する場合、帯からぶら提げる時に、「留め具」の役目を果たしたのが「根付」である。

印籠の普及期である江戸時代初期には、この根付として、銅製の糸印(いといん)が多く使用されたと言われている。 豊臣秀吉は、糸印の著名蒐集家だった。高級武士もそれに倣い、糸印の蒐集に励んだ。江戸時代には各屋敷には少なからずの糸印が存在し、極自然的に印籠を提げる役割を果たした。しかしこの「糸印」は角張った形をしていたために、帯を傷めてしまう傾向があった。





Netsuke :Wikipedia


Netsuke (根付) [netsɯke] are miniature sculptures that were invented in 17th-century Japan to serve a practical function (the two Japanese characters ne+tsuke mean "root" and "to attach"). In English the word may be italicized or not, with American English tending to favour the former and British English the latter.[1][2]

Traditional Japanese garments−robes called kosode and kimono−had no pockets; however, men who wore them needed a place to store their personal belongings, such as pipes, tobacco, money, seals, or medicines. Their solution was to place such objects in containers (called sagemono) hung by cords from the robes' sashes (obi). The containers may have been pouches or small woven baskets, but the most popular were beautifully crafted boxes (inrō), which were held shut by ojime, which were sliding beads on cords. Whatever the form of the container, the fastener that secured the cord at the top of the sash was a carved, button-like toggle called a netsuke.

Netsuke, like the inrō and ojime, evolved over time from being strictly utilitarian into objects of great artistic merit and an expression of extraordinary craftsmanship. Such objects have a long history reflecting the important aspects of Japanese folklore and life. Netsuke production was most popular during the Edo period in Japan, around 1615–1868. Today, the art lives on, and some modern works can command high prices in the UK, Europe, the USA, Japan and elsewhere. Inexpensive yet faithful reproductions are available in museums and souvenir shops.

Okimono, small and purely decorative sculptures, were often made by the same artists who produced netsuke.


Netsuke: From Fashion Fobs to Coveted Collectibles

NOTE : 出典 The source


From the seventeenth through mid-nineteenth centuries, Japanese citizens of all classes wore the 

−a simple T-shaped robe constructed with minimal cutting and tailoring−wrapped around the body and held in place with an obi sash. In order to carry small items such as tobacco, medicine, and seals, ingeniously constructed sagemono (a collective term for “hanging things”) were suspended on cords that hung from the obi sash (). Stacked, nested containers, known as inrô, were specifically designed to hold medicine or seals (
10.211.2081/div>). Netsuke served as anchors or counterweights for inrô and sagemono (). A single cord was threaded through a cord channel on one side of the suspended container, through two holes (himotoshi) in the netsuke, then through the other side of the container, and knotted on the underside of the container (). A decorative bead, or ojime, slid along the cord between the netsuke and sagemono, allowing the user to open and close the container ().

The wearer would slip the netsuke under and dangle it over the obi sash, allowing the sagemono to hang suspended between waist and hip. In order to access the contents of the sagemono, the wearer slipped the netsukebehind the obi sash, liberating the ensemble. By sliding the ojime toward the netsuke, the contents of the container were easily accessible.

Primary sources referencing netsuke are relatively scant. Most of our knowledge about 


 (1615–1868) netsuke carvers derives from Inaba Tsûyrû’s Sôken kishô (Sword Furnishings and Paraphernalia, 1781), a seven-volume publication that focused primarily on

, but also includes a description of fifty-four famous carvers of the period, most from the regions of Kyoto and Osaka.

Originally worn as part of a male kimono ensemble by men of the warrior class, inrô and netsuke developed as a form of conspicuous consumption within a culture that imposed a rigid four-tiered social system with warriors at the top, followed by farmers who tilled the land, artisans who crafted material goods, and merchants at the bottom. The artisans and merchants were collectively referred to as townspeople, or chônin. Given that the merchants were economically better off than many members of the socially superior 

inrô and netsuke allowed merchants to display their wealth without breaking any sumptuary laws that regulated the types of houses they could build or fabrics they could wear. Inrô and netsuke, often made of expensive, rare materials and bearing the signature and seal of the carver, were thus designed not only for their functional ability to carry things, but also as markers of wealth ().

Two of the most commonly used materials for netsuke were ivory and wood, with 

 favored for its fine grain and durability. About 80 percent of surviving antique netsuke were carved in various types of native Japanese wood−cypress, cherry, black persimmon, yew, camphor, zelkova, and camellia. Elephant tusk ivory was one of the most popular materials for netsuke carvers for centuries (). With the enactment of international trade restrictions on elephant ivory in 1989, however, netsukecarvers turned to other sources, including fossilized mammoth and walrus tusks. Extant eighteenth- and nineteenth-century netsuke made of or inlaid with coral, shells, metals, ebony, porcelain (), cloisonné,

, and various nuts attest to the skilled carvers’ ingenuity in conveying the plasticity of these materials, despite their hardness and resistance to wear ().

Traditionally, netsuke carvers worked in specific formats. Three-dimensional figures, or katabori, account for the most numerous type (
). They are carved in the round and often referred to as miniature sculptures, although unlike most sculptures, the underside of the base is also completely carved (). Rounded forms (manju), named after the round sweet bean cakes they resemble, were also quite popular (;). Another conventional netsuke shape is the kagami, or mirror, consisting of a round, bowl-shaped base and a lid fashioned of a flat disk of metal. A variety of metals such as brass, bronze, copper, gold, iron, pewter, and silver were used (). Two alloys, shakudô (copper and gold) and shibuichi (copper and silver), were especially favored for their range of colors and patina.

Carvers drew on varied themes for these accessories−nature, mythical tales, historical figures, masks used in theatrical performances, and gods and demons (). Other subgroups suggest a fascination with erotica, the grotesque, or parodies and satirical depictions of elite culture. Given that netsuke were small and easily concealed, portrayals of ribald themes or satirical iconography could easily be hidden from the Tokugawa military authorities, thereby providing the townspeople with a whimsical and in some cases subversive outlet from officially sanctioned
 prevailing during the Edo period.

During the late nineteenth century, netsuke transitioned from functional and fashionable accessories to objets d’art favored by Westerners for their exquisite carving and diminutive size. Upon the opening of Japan’s ports to foreign trade in 1854 and the subsequent introduction of Western-style suits and uniforms, the kimono receded into the confines of the private sphere. Once the carvings ceased to be necessary accoutrements for everyday male dress, demand for netsuke as a fashion accessory declined as well. But with the increasing number of foreigners residing in Japan, the market for netsuke as a collector’s item expanded. Most netsuke can be held in the palm of one’s hand, rendering it a perfect souvenir of sojourns to what was then an “exotic East.” Compact and portable by design, netsukewere exported in large numbers. The Russian jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé (1846–1920), known for his eponymous Fabergé eggs, was entranced by netsuke and became an avid collector. The majority of the netsuke in the Museum’s collection were presented by Mrs. (Margaret) Russell Sage (1828–1918), one of the Museum’s great benefactors, in 1910. Other bequests came from New Yorkers who flourished in the late nineteenth century, including the chief designer for Tiffany and Co. Edward C. Moore (1827–1891), the founder of the B. Altman and Co. store Benjamin Altman (1840–1913), the antiquarian Stephen Whitney Phoenix (1838–1891), and Louisine Havemeyer (1855–1929), wife of the sugar magnate Henry O. Havemeyer (1847–1907).

Bowing to traditions established by Japanese carvers of the Edo period, contemporary carvers infuse netsuke with a vitality and freshness while simultaneously honoring their original, functional attributes. No longer required to employ compact designs with smooth surfaces to prevent damage to silk kimono, nor sturdy materials to avoid the risk of breakage, modern and contemporary designers are free to incorporate new materials and unusual shapes into their work.
Netsuke crafted by contemporary carvers unveil the international appeal of what was once a quintessentially Japanese tradition. Until the 1960s, most professional netsuke carvers were Japanese nationals. Beginning in the late 1960s, non-Japanese began carving netsuke, and the total number of international carvers has grown to over one hundred. Today, netsuke are produced and appreciated by carvers and collectors from around the world. One of the world’s most renowned collections of contemporary netsuke, amassed by the late Imperial Prince Takamado Norihito (1954–2002), attests to the ways in which innovation and expertise can grow from a rich historical tradition, even on an astonishingly small scale.

Terry Satsuki Milhaupt
Independent Scholar

November 2009






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江戸東京博物館 正月 ♪ 【獅子舞 日本の伝統芸能】 Edo-Tokyo

江戸東京博物館 正月 ♪ 【獅子舞 日本の伝統芸能】 Edo-Tokyo


2013/01/04 に公開

獅子舞 日本の伝統 女性 獅子舞  女性の獅子舞 入館無料
2013年 正月 正月イベント イベント盛りだくさん
墨田区 江戸東京博物館の新春企画 「えどはくでお正月!」 獅子舞
江戸東京博物館 イベント
民族歌舞団 荒馬座




Japanese traditional arts
Japanese traditional arts shishimai
Traditional arts of Japan
日本の伝統芸 日本 伝統芸能
正月の縁起物「獅子舞」 正月の縁起物 「獅子舞」
Edo Tokyo Museum
江戸博 正月 イベント 江戸博イベント

カテゴリ 旅行とイベント
ライセンス 標準の YouTube ライセンス

☆ Reference Link ☆

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獅子舞 Utagawa Kunisaki. Edo Period.jpg

獅子舞(ししまい)とは、伝統芸能の一つで、祭囃子にあわせて獅子が舞い踊るものである。 16世紀初頭、伊勢の国(三重県)で飢饉や疫病除けに獅子頭を作り、正月に獅子舞を舞ったのが発祥と言われている。その後、17世紀に伊勢より江戸へ上り、悪魔を払い、世を祝う縁起ものとして江戸に定着し、祝い事や祭り事で獅子舞が行われるようになった。 獅子舞が日本の各地に急速に広まったのは、室町時代から江戸時代の初期に伊勢大神楽の伊勢派(現代の伊勢大神楽講社)・熱田派(現代の江戸大神楽・水戸大神楽)が獅子舞を舞いながら、全国を業脚し悪魔払いをしたのがきっかけであると言われている。


Shishimai :Wikipedia



Lion dance (Shishimai) is one of the traditional performing arts , a lion dances and dances in accordance with the festival music . Early in the 16th century, it is said that the lion head was created to eliminate famine and plague in the country of Ise (Mie prefecture), and danced the lion dancing in the New Year. After that, in the 17th century I went up to Edo from Ise, settled in Edo as an auspicious celebration to pay the devil, to celebrate the world, celebrations and festivals began lion dance. The lion dance spread rapidly to various parts of Japan is that the Ise faction of Ise University Kagura (modern Ise University Kagura lecturer), Atsuta school (modern Edo great Kagura, Mito great Kagraku) started from the Muromachi Period to the beginning of the Edo period While being dancing in Shishimai, it is said that it was the reason why he worked the whole country and paid demons.

Also in this section, we will discuss Chinese lion dancing ( dance ), so-called lion dance .






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Most fascinating dancer in the world
Kira Lebedeva (aka Habibi Lal)
@ Tribal Light 2017
لال: بوسطن

Most fascinating dancer in the world
Kira Lebedeva (aka Habibi Lal)
@ Tribal Light 2017
حبيبي لال


Kira Lebedeva

2017/05/21 に公開

Music DJ Zebo - Arab Night



insta - kira_habibi_lal


Kira Lebedeva


☆ Reference Link ☆

Most fascinating dancer in the world
Habibi Lal (Kira Lebedeva) @ TRIBAL BEAT FEST 2016
Habibi Lal حبيبي لال


Kira Lebedeva
2016/05/23 に公開


Habibi Lal حبيبي لال : Facebook







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浦安の舞 【公式】猿田彦神社

浦安の舞 【公式】猿田彦神社

NOTE : 出典 The source


2012/09/13 に公開

カテゴリ 非営利団体と社会活動
ライセンス 標準の YouTube ライセンス

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☆ Reference Link ☆


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Japan-Shrines and Temples
miko shrine maiden


A miko (巫女) is a Shinto term of Japan, indicating a shrine (jinja) maiden or a supplementary priestess who was once likely seen as a shaman but in modern Japanese culture is understood to be an institutionalized role in daily shrine life, trained to perform tasks, ranging from sacred cleansing to performing the Kagura, a sacred dance.

The ethnologist Kunio Yanagita (1875–1962), who first studied Japanese female shamans, differentiated them into
jinja miko (神社巫女 or "shrine shamans") who dance with bells and participate in yudate (湯立て or "boiling water") rituals,
kuchiyose miko (口寄せ巫女 or "spirit medium shamans") (itako いたこ) who speak on behalf of the deceased, and
kami uba (神姥 or "god women") who engage in cult worship and invocations (for instance, the Tenrikyo founder Nakayama Miki). . . .
- Miko in popular culture - - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

miko suzuki harunobu 鈴木晴信 (1725 - 1770).jpg
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木晴信 (1725 - 1770)

miko no kami asa de tabanete koromogae

the hair of the Miko
is bound by a hemp string -
changing of the robes

永岡好友 Nagaoka Yoshitomo (1939 - )
. koromogae 更衣 changing of the robes .

miko suzu, mikosuzu 巫女鈴 ritual bells of a Miko

巫女鈴 - 17th century ~ Miwa, Nara Prefecture.
The rare suzu contains twelve barrel-shaped crotal bells. A five-lobed metal hand guard with flower motifs and openwork hearts bears a hidden inscription on its underside. It reveals the history and use of the instrument, stating that this Shinto instrument was used by miko (a supplementary priestess) Kuriyama Kamiko for the worship of the Miwa Miyojin deity at Miwa, a town in Soe County, Nara Prefecture. It also bears a date of 1699.

mikosuzu 巫女鈴 ritual bells of a Miko
miko suzu  miko suzu, mikosuzu  巫女鈴 ritual bells of a Miko.jpg

mikosuzu 巫女鈴 ritual bells of a Miko
miko suzu, mikosuzu  巫女鈴 ritual bells of a Miko aaa.jpg






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    返品も簡単 !!







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広告 寝心地の良い掛布団


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3000 点以上【LOWYA】






Nouvelle révélation cosmique de la Grande Pyramide,
Georges Vermard et Mathieu Laveau / Janvier 2013

Nouvelle révélation cosmique de la Grande Pyramide,
Georges Vermard et Mathieu Laveau / Janvier 2013

NOTE : 出典 The source

2013/10/03 に公開

Conférence 30 Janvier 2013 George Vermard et Mathieu Laveau : La grande pyramide, une révélation cosmique. D'autre révélation se rapprochant de ≪ la révélation des pyramides ≫ de Jacques Grimault et Patrice Pooyard

Pour voir l'intégralité de cette Conférence voici le lien : http://www.observatoire-reel.com/shop...

Lien vers le site de Georges Vermard : http://www.grandepyramide.com/

Lien sur le même sujet interview Radio : http://www.planete-infotv.fr/?cat=28

カテゴリ ニュースと政治
ライセンス 標準の YouTube ライセンス






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広告 寝心地の良い掛布団


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3000 点以上【LOWYA】






Travel Japan: Mount Fuji

Travel Japan: Mount Fuji


Japan Travel
2014/05/25 に公開

Travel Japan: Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji (富士山, Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshiped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people throughout the centuries.

Mount Fuji is an active volcano, which most recently erupted in 1708. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days.

Another easy way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, the best view of the mountain can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40-45 minutes into the journey.

Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better during the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours than during the middle of the day.

If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot spring resort. Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing during July and August via several routes.

Mount Fuji is a symbol of Japan. The mountain contributes to Japan's physical, cultural, and spiritual geography.

Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan, standing at 3,776 meters (12,380 feet). It is an active volcano, sitting on a "triple junction" of tectonic activity: the Amurian plate (associated with the Eurasian tectonic plate), the Okhotsk plate (associated with the North American plate) and the Filipino plate all converge in the region beneath Mount Fuji. It is only 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Tokyo, Japan's capital and largest city. In fact, the last time Mount Fuji erupted, in 1707, volcanic ash fell on Tokyo.

Mount Fuji is the single most popular tourist site in Japan, for both Japanese and foreign tourists. More than 200,000 people climb to the summit every year, mostly during the warmer summer months. "Huts" on the route up the mountain cater to climbers, providing refreshments, basic medical supplies, and room to rest. Many people start climbing Mount Fuji at night, as better to experience sunrise from the summit−Japan, after all, is nicknamed "the Land of the Rising Sun." The sunrise from Mount Fuji has a special name, Goraiko.

Mount Fuji has been a sacred site for practicers of Shinto since at least the 7th century. Shinto is the indigenous faith or spirituality of Japan. many Shinto shrines dot the base and ascent of Mount Fuji. Shinto shrines honor kami, the supernatural deities of the Shinto faith. The kami of Mount Fuji is Princess Konohanasakuya, whose symbol is the cherry blossom. Konohanasakuya has an entire series of shrines, called Segen shrines. The main Segen shrines are at the base and summit of Mount Fuji, but there are more than 1,000 across all of Japan.

c08219f1985840e568be0b525b091833  Mikimoto pearl earrings.jpg






Cleopatra A Timewatch Guide BBC Documentary 2015

Cleopatra A Timewatch Guide
 BBC Documentary 2015

NOTE : 出典 The source

Full Length Documentary
2015/05/09 に公開

Historian Vanessa Collinridge explores how the public’s view of Cleopatra has changed down the years. It’s a tale that encompasses Roman propaganda, Shakespeare and the Hollywood epic where Elizabeth Taylor fell for Richard Burton. The overarching point is that we have a surprisingly hazy picture of the “real” Egyptian leader.

カテゴリ 教育
ライセンス 標準の YouTube ライセンス

c08219f1985840e568be0b525b091833  Mikimoto pearl earrings.jpg



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The Revelation Of The Pyramids

The Revelation Of The Pyramids

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c08219f1985840e568be0b525b091833  Mikimoto pearl earrings.jpg



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