2018.7.13 Pandroyty Meetup Infomation(D-Camp)
장소: DCamp(https://dcamp.kr/about)
시간: 19:00-21:00
이번 행사는 일본 가상화폐 Pandroy에 대한 소개로 이루어집니다.
네트워킹도 가능하오니 가상화폐 및 블록체인에 관심이 있는
많은 참여 잘 부탁 드립니다.
참여를 희망하시는 분께서는 밑에 링크로 등록해주시기 바랍니다.
문의사항이 있으실 경우에는
From Japan will come to First time to Seoul on this coming
2018.7.13 at
From 7PM-9PM.
Here we are going to explain WHY/What is Pandroyty to those who do not know us
With friendly smiles.
It’s our first-time meetup in Seoul and we plan to keep having this kind of Meetup Seminar
Every couple of months.
More than just explaining what is Pandroyty, we also want to know many things about Korea
And Please feel free to visit our event.
We strongly recommend RSVP since the seats are limited.
For More information about our events,
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