近くのヨーグルトショップの件です。^−In English^-
While walking toward to GangNam station the other day,
I found some cute and fancyyogurt shop.
My friend living in California has a big interest on this industry
and I kept paying a big attention.
2015.9.18 is the big day for KIWI YO.
There was a small opening ceremony in front of KIWI YO.
I was going to get some comment from those people,
However, some lady told me the ceremony is only for
investors and KIWI YO people.
I was little bit disappointed but I keep trying to
watch how this shop is going to survive tough Korean market.
I have been living in South Korea for over 10 years and Korean consumers love
new brand and move the market very quick which means hard to survive
on this market.
Most important thing is of-course the quality of human/products,
location, and who to coorporate with local partner.
James Hippo
from Seoul.
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