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やる気スイッチをオンに! 脳を活性化する簡単な瞑想ステップ   Turn on the motivation switch! Simple meditation steps to boost your brain




- 結珈銃座(または半面践座)
- 長出大息呼吸法(約三分〜五分)
- 長出息呼吸法(約三分〜五分)
- 観想
- 舌先で魔法のクンダリニー・パールを取り出し、舌の下に置く
- 反式呼吸法とともに、パールをチャクラープラーナールートに入れる
- 反式呼吸法に乗せて、パールを下方へ移動させる(約五回くらいの呼吸でマニプーラーチャクラに到達)
- 関元で、パールは二倍くらいの大きさに膨脹し、光を放ち、輝きはじめる
- パールは原状にもどり、プラーナールートを上昇する
- パールは賑交に到達し、上昇をつづけ、「兌端」「水溝」「素膠」などを上昇する
- 「神心」からパールは脳の中心に進入し、大脳辺緑系の「大脳基底核」に到達し、「側座核」に止まる
- パールは一・五倍の大きさに膨脹し、光を放ち、輝きはじめる
- パールは輝きをおさめ、大きさも原状に戻る
- 呼吸法に乗って、パールは上昇し、プラーナールートに入って下降し、元の賑交にもどる
- 長出入息呼吸法







- Keijuza (or Hanmenjuza)
- Long breath breathing method (about 3 to 5 minutes)
- Long breath breathing method (about 3 to 5 minutes)
- Contemplation
- Take out the magical kundalini pearl with the tip of your tongue and place it under your tongue
- Incorporate pearls into the chakra prana route along with anti-breathing techniques
- Move the pearl downward using anti-breathing method (reach Manipura Chakra in about 5 breaths)
- At Sekimoto, the pearl expands to about twice its size, emits light, and begins to shine.
- The pearl returns to its original state and ascends the planar route.
- The pearl reaches the bustle and continues to rise, rising through the ``top end'', ``water groove'', ``sujio'', etc.
- Pearl enters the center of the brain from the "divine mind", reaches the "basal ganglia" in the limbic system, and stops at the "nucleus accumbens"
- The pearl expands to 1.5 times its size, emits light, and begins to shine.
- The pearl loses its shine and returns to its original size.
- Using breathing techniques, the pearl rises, enters the pranic route, descends, and returns to its original hustle and bustle.
- Long inhale and exhale breathing method

``You can lead a horse to the water's edge, but you can't force it to drink.''

do not have"










次 長出大息呼吸法(約三分〜五分)

次 長出息呼吸法(約三分〜五分)

次 観想



次 反式呼吸法


次 反式呼吸法に乗せて、パールを、次第に下方へ移動させなさい。約五回くらいの呼吸で、関元のマニプーラーチャクラに到達させなさい。


次 パールは元の形状にもどる。(反式呼吸法つづく)


次 パールは原状にもどり、プラーナールートを上昇する。(呼吸法つづく)


次 パールは賑交に到達するが、依然、上昇をつづける。



次 「神心」のところから、パールは、脳の中心に向かって進入してゆく。


次 パールは大脳辺緑系の「大脳基底核」に到達し、さらにその部分の「側座核」に止まる。(カラーロ絵参照)


次 この時、パールは、約一・五倍の大きさに膨脹し、しだいに光を放ち、輝きはじめる。(反式呼吸法の数は任意)


次 パールはしだいに輝きをおさめ、大きさも原状に復する。


次 呼吸法に乗って、パールはしだいに上昇し、プラーナールートに入って下降し、もとの敵交にもどる。


次 長出入息呼吸法


It is a meditation method that motivates immortality.





"You can take a horse to the water, but you can't swallow it.



Unless the horse was motivated to swallow water, no matter what, it wouldn't swallow water.

Then, is there any way?

There is a part called "nucleus accumbens" in the limbic system of the brain. When stimulated here, human beings are motivated.

However, the problem is not just to get motivated.

It would be difficult to get motivated to do things that should not be done and run away from Shanimuni.

This meditation method corrects that point, and what must be done is a meditation method that motivates the unrelenting "motivation" to go through.





First, the lotus position (or half-sided mount)

Next Nagaide sigh breathing method (about 3 to 5 minutes)

Next long breath breathing method (about 3 to 5 minutes)

Next idea

Take out the magical Kundalini pearl that was stored in Toshifumi with the tip of your tongue and put it under your tongue.

Put it down.

Next anti-breathing method

Along with this breathing method, put the pearl in the Chakra Praner route.

Next, use the anti-breathing method to gradually move the pearl downward. Reach the Sekimoto Manipula chakra with about five breaths.


At Sekimoto, the pearl swells to about twice the size, gradually shines and begins to shine. (Breathing method 5 times)

Next, the pearl returns to its original shape. (Continued anti-breathing method)


Next, Pearl returns to its original state and climbs the Planer route. (Continued breathing method)


Next, Pearl reaches a bustling atmosphere, but it continues to rise.


Next, go up the chakra ≒ fullerer route with "Duan", "Water groove", and "Plastic glue".

Next, from the place of "God Heart", Pearl enters toward the center of the brain.


Next, Pearl reaches the "basal ganglia" of the limbic system, and then stops at the "nucleus accumbens" of that part. (See Cararo picture)


Next, at this time, the pearl expands to about 1.5 times the size, gradually emits light, and begins to shine. (Any number of anti-breathing methods)


Next, the pearl gradually shines and the size is restored to its original state.


Next, following the breathing method, Pearl gradually rises, enters the Planar route, descends, and returns to the original hostility.


Next long breathing breathing method





Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai


posted by gomabon at 09:23| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学

間脳マスタリー:瞑想から始まる霊的な変容  Diencephalon Mastery: Spiritual Transformation Starts with Meditation Diencephalon Mastery: Spiritual Transformation Starts with Meditation



- ジャーナリストのK氏からの質問に対し、霊性の修行において瞑想が重要であることを語った。
- K氏の質問に対し、間脳の開発も瞑想から始まるのかという問いには「いいえ」と答えた。
- 霊性の完成は瞑想だけではなく、カルマからの超越が必要であると説明した。
- カルマは地球引力のようなものであり、人間はカルマと因縁によって繋縛されていると述べた。
- 霊性の到達点は引力からの脱出であり、これを「反重力の修行」と表現した。
- 霊性の成就には間脳の視床下部からの波動変化が重要であり、これにより特殊な霊的存在になると説明した。
- 霊性が成就すると特殊な「霊光」が発生し、その源は間脳であると述べた。
- 瞑想は手段に過ぎず、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳しか動かせないため、間脳を刺激する瞑想が必要であると強調した。
- カルマを越えるためには特殊な練行(tapas)が絶対に必要であると述べた。
















カルマとはなにか? いうならば、地球における引力のようなものである。


























Anti-gravity training

Earlier, journalist K asked me what electronics and spirituality were, and I said that it started with meditation.

After that, after the story went a long way,
"Then, is it meditation to develop the diencephalon?" I,
I covered it with "No".

"Isn't it meditation?"


I also covered this.

Mr. K stared at me with a stern look.

So I answered.

"It starts with meditation."

I see, Mr. K nodded. I explained.

It starts with meditation, but it's not just about meditation.

The perfection of spirituality is impossible with meditation. At the level of mental stability, desire regulation, instinct suppression, etc.

It is a boundary that cannot be reached at last. A change in thoughts and thoughts is not enough.


The goal of spiritual completion is transcendence from karma.

What is karma? It's like an attractive force on the earth.

Everything that exists on Earth is under the control of Earth's gravitational pull. Nothing can escape from attraction.

No, the very existence of the earth is made up of attraction.

The same is true of human karma. All people are subject to absolute regulation of reincarnation karma, from karma,

Various "fate L has arisen and is binding human beings.

No, human beings have been established in connection with karma. When I was completely released from the bond between this karma and the fate,

It is spiritual.

It is an escape from attraction. It is an anti-gravity practice.

It changes the vibration of myself. By that.

The origin that changes the vibration of human beings is in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon.

From here, the vibrations of the whole body change, and it becomes an existence with special mental vibrations and physical vibrations.


It's different from a normal human being, unregulated by karma,

It becomes nothing more than a highly spiritual being. When this is achieved,

A special "religious light" will be generated. The occurrence of this special ojofu indicates that the wave motion of the whole body has changed.

The aura will be discussed later, but the source of this aura is the diencephalon.

The above "change of dimension" is impossible only by meditation.

Of course, mental stability, concentration,

Meditation to a completely new higher dimension, etc. is absolutely necessary for this practice.

But that's just one way. Meditation can only move the limbic system and the neocortical brain.

That's why meditation alone is not enough. Unless it is a meditation that works the diencephalon

No aura is generated. Therefore, karma cannot be crossed.

Then what do you need?
It is a special tapas (training).

Scholars translate tapas as penance, but I would like to translate this as penance.

And this practice is absolutely necessary.



Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai



posted by gomabon at 08:10| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学

2024年1月30日  九星  無料 今日の運命

名称未設定のデザイン (19).png




望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。





名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。 文殊菩薩のに対して、 (行)をつかさどります。

















01月30日 (火曜)





Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai




posted by gomabon at 08:03| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学


死者の霊魂と共に学ぶ: 仏陀の教えがもたらす平安と成仏の道    Learning with the spirits of the dead: The path to peace and Buddhahood brought about by the teachings of Buddha


- 仏教の開祖釈迦は「覚(さと)れる者」となり、悟りを得て煩悩を断ち輪廻の苦から解放されることを解脱とし、成仏と呼ばれる。
- 釈迦の弟子は釈迦の指導を受け、教えを学び、戒・定・慧の修行に努め、阿羅漢と呼ばれる境地に到達した。
- シャカの成仏法には「七科三十七道品」があり、ニルヴァーナの智慧を獲得する修行法として知られる。
- 七科三十七道品には四念住法、四正断法、四神足法、五根法、五力法、七覚支法、八正道法が含まれる。
- 仏陀の成仏法により霊体は悪因縁から解放され、涅槃に入り、これを成仏と呼ぶ。
- 成仏法を修行することで生者は清められ、段階的に悪因・悪業から解脱していき、最終的に仏陀に到達する。
- 死者は自ら修行できないため、成仏法を修行した聖者に供養され、霊的テレパシーによって解脱し安らぎの場に向かう。
- 世界の危機は死者の怨念や悪念が人々の深層意識を動かしているためであり、仏陀の成仏法がその苦しみを救済する力を持つとされる。

- Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, became the ``enlightened one,'' and attaining enlightenment, cutting off earthly desires, and being liberated from the suffering of reincarnation is called liberation, which is called Buddhahood.
- Shakyamuni Buddha's disciples received Shakyamuni's guidance, studied his teachings, and practiced the precepts, determination, and wisdom, and reached the state of being called Arhat.
- Shaka's method of attaining Buddhahood includes the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Paths,'' and is known as a training method for acquiring the wisdom of Nirvana.
- The Thirty-Seven Ways and Principles of the Seven Schools include the Four Minds and Living Laws, the Four Right Dharma Laws, the Four Divine Foot Laws, the Five Root Laws, the Five Power Laws, the Seven Awakenings Laws, and the Eightfold Dao Laws.
- Through the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, the spiritual body is freed from evil causes and enters Nirvana, which is called Buddhahood.
- By practicing Buddhahood, living beings are purified, gradually freed from evil causes and evil karma, and ultimately reach Buddhahood.
- Since the dead cannot practice on their own, they are offered offerings to saints who have practiced Buddhahood, and through spiritual telepathy they are liberated and go to a place of peace.
- The world's crisis is said to be due to the grudges and evil thoughts of the dead moving people's deep consciousness, and the Buddha's Buddhahood Dharma has the power to relieve such suffering.







パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。








四神足法は、特殊な tapas( 練行)です。神足とは、神通力(超人的能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然的な神通力を得るための四種の修行法です。


成仏法を成就した聖者( 有余依涅槃(うよえねはん)の聖者)の霊的テレパシー(霊力)によって、聖者の悟りをそのまま受け止めて、迷い執念などを離れて、冥界(死者のほんとうの世界=安らぎの場)へ向かうということです。




Shaka's method for attaining Buddhahood: ``Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Ways''

Training method to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana
``Seven Courses and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or ``Thirty-seven Bodhisattvas''

Seven types of systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom
Among the Agon sutras that the Buddha preached, we can find sutras and Buddhist scriptures that seem to express Nirvana.
In fact, you can even discover the training methods to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana.
This training method is called the ``Seven Sciences, Thirty-Seven Ways,'' or the ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.'' This consists of seven subjects and 37 types of subjects, which Abbot Kiriyama calls ``seven systems and 37 types of curriculum for acquiring divine wisdom.'' People in the world only know about Mahayana Buddhism, so they hardly know that Buddhism has such sutras.
The kinti sutta in the 103rd chapter of the Pali text ``Naka Agon'' states as follows.
Here, O bhikkhus, the Dharma has been understood and preached to you by Me. In other words, the fourfold meditation, the four right decisions, the four divine feet, the five roots, the five powers, the seven enlightenments, and the eightfold path. Therefore, all bhikkhus should learn this in harmony and without conflict.
The training and practice methods for acquiring wisdom as taught by the Buddha are clearly described here.
The method of training in these seven subjects taught in the Agon Sutra was named by Abhidharma theorist the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways'' or the ``Thirty-Seven Bodhisattvas.'' It means 37 training methods that lead to satori.

Four thoughts and thoughts (Shinenjuho)
In the old translation, it is called Shinenjo. It is also called the four thoughts. Four types of introspection and meditation methods for achieving enlightenment. There are four types: shin-nen-ju (self-reflection), sen-en-ju (sensation), mind-remension (shin-nen-ju), and honen-ju (honen-ju).

In the old translation, it is called shijokin. There are four types of training: Dandan, Ritsugidan, Zuigodan, and Shudan.

It is also translated as shiruyi-sho.
The basis for obtaining the four free powers. A training method for four types of ``Yokujinsoku'', ``Gonjinsoku'', ``Shinjinsoku'', and ``Kanjinsoku'' to obtain supernatural power.

There are five roots: Shinkon, Shojinkon, Nenkokon, Jokon, and Ekon. Root refers to the ability to work freely. A Buddhist monk's faith in the Three Treasures, as well as diligence, thought, jhana (meditation), and wisdom, are practices that demonstrate high ability toward Nirvana.

Faith (Shinriki), Devotion (Shojinriki), Psychokinesis (Nenriki), Fixed power (Joriki), Wisdom (Eriki) (or Wisdom). Training to gain advanced power that will lead to Nirvana.

Chakuhokakushi, Shojinkakushi, Kikakushi, Kyoankushi, Shakakushi, Jokakushi ) and the seven Nenkakushi. Seven trainings that lead to Nirvana.

The Eightfold Path (also written as the Eightfold Path)
Eight paths to reach the ideal state: ``Shoken'', ``Shoshiyui'', ``Shogo'', ``Shogo'', ``Shogo'', ``Shomyo'', and ``Shojin''''. )・Shonen・Shojo”

The above is the ``Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways,''.
The four-spirited meditation method and the five-root method are meditation.
The Fourfold Dharma, the Five Powers, the Seven Awakenings, and the Eightfold Dao are practices and meditations.
Shigami Ashiho is a special type of tapas (training). Kamiashi refers to divine power (superhuman ability), and these four Kamiashi methods are four types of training methods to obtain supernatural power.


Through the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, the spiritual body is liberated from bad causes, bad karma, and bad thoughts.
A completely liberated spiritual body enters Nirvana.
This is called attaining Buddhahood.
However, even when it comes to attaining Buddhahood, it differs between the living and the dead.
In the case of a living person, you can practice the Shichika Sanju Shichi Dobon (the Shichika Sanju Shichi Dobon) on your own.
Through training, the spiritual body (living person) is purified, elevated, and gradually freed from evil causes and evil karma.
After passing through the sage stages of ``Shudaon'', ``Sidagon'', and ``Anagon'', one reaches the ultimate great sage ``Arahant'' (Buddha).
If you are unable to attain Buddhahood in this life, you will continue to practice the Dharma to attain Buddhahood in the next life, and ultimately you will definitely become a Buddha.
In the case of a dead person, since it is not possible to practice on one's own, a sage who has accomplished the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood should make a memorial service using the Dharma for attaining Buddhahood.
Due to strong grudges and tenacity, hotokes become spirits of unattainable Buddhas, causing spiritual disorders, and are lost when they receive the vibrations of enlightenment emanating from the saints, and are liberated and attain Buddhahood.
However, attaining Buddhahood in this case does not mean that one has been completely liberated from fate, karma, and defilements.
Through the spiritual telepathy (spiritual power) of a sage who has achieved Buddhahood (a sage of Uyoenehan), one can accept the sage's enlightenment as it is, leave one's delusions and obsessions, and go to the underworld (the true state of the dead). It means heading to the world of peace (a place of peace).
This is the ``Buddhist Dharma'' taught by Buddha Shakyamuni.


The grudge of the dead moves everyone's deep consciousness.

The reason this world is currently on the brink of destruction is because the vibrations of the grudges and evil thoughts of the dead that fill this world are moving the deep consciousness of everyone.
As a result, humanity is becoming increasingly impulsive, combative, immoral and, as a result, on the verge of genocide of itself.
First, families are starting to fall apart.
Unless we give complete peace to the suffering souls of the dead, there will be no peace for the living.
Buddha Shakyamuni's method of attaining Buddhahood has the power to bring peace and relief to beings (souls) who survive after death with these sufferings.
posted by gomabon at 18:40| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学

2024年1月29日  九星  無料 今日の運命

大日如来  3.png


仕事の事、旅行の事、病人の事、などが出やすい日。こみいった事が多い。いそがしい割に成果は少ない。 短慮は禁物。いやな仕事も進んで引き受ける位の気持ちが大切








名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。 文殊菩薩のに対して、 (行)をつかさどります。


















01月29日 (月曜)



posted by gomabon at 09:49| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学


人間の霊的なレイヤー:肉体からコーザル体までの7つの次元とは?」     Human Spiritual Layer: What are the 7 dimensions from the physical body to the causal body? ”


  1. 「次元の旅:肉体、エーテル体、アストラル体からコーザル体までの秘められた存在」

  2. 「アセンションの道:次元と浄化の

“Dimensional Journey: The Hidden Existence of the Physical, Etheric, Astral and Causal Bodies”
“The Path of Ascension: Dimensions and Purification”
Human spiritual mass consists of the following seven layers:
etheric body (astral body)
Astral body (emotional body)
mental body (mental body)
Causal body (soul vessel) → Light body
Keishi body (soul)
Cored body (source of soul)
The etheric body overlaps with the physical body and is responsible for ``qi,'' ``vital force,'' and ``energy networks,'' and the concepts of ``meridians'' and ``qi'' are associated with treatment methods. Physical growth and illness are influenced by the etheric body, and the etheric body gradually disappears after death.
The astral body surrounds the etheric body and is also called the ``emotional body'', through which energy such as emotional manifestations, desires, and fears are expressed. The astral body is a freely moving consciousness that is responsible for receiving dreams and messages from the spiritual world.
The mental body is higher than the astral body, is called the ``spiritual body,'' and serves as a medium for thinking and self-expression. The normal functioning of the mental body allows for clear thinking, and this is where reincarnation and accumulated talents come into play.
The causal body is at a higher level and is called the ``Buddha-nature'' or ``original self,'' and contains the soul. The liberated soul breaks the shell of the causal body and exists in a higher dimension.
When a human dies, the physical body, etheric body, and astral body remain in this world, while the mental body and causal body move to their respective dimensions. When there is emotional conflict, the astral body and soul remain in the astral plane.
After purifying emotional conflicts in the astral plane, the soul moves to the mental plane, where it reincarnates again and obtains a new body. Experience and knowledge are believed to be accumulated in the causal body and obtained through reincarnation.
Explanation about dimensions:
1st-2nd dimension: Earth's core and Gaia's consciousness
3rd-4th dimension: physical and etheric bodies in the lower planes of creation
5th to 9th Dimensions: Etheric, Astral, Mental, and Causal bodies in the middle planes of creation.
10th to 12th Dimensions: Cayce bodies and sources of light in the higher realms of creation.
Earth's ascension has progressed since 2012, and as of 2017 it is reported to be in the 16th dimension. Ascension means a rise in dimension, and the more purified the mind and body, the higher the vibration and dimension.
In addition to the physical body, the human spiritual mass is invisible to the naked eye, but actually consists of the following seven layers: etheric body, astral body, mental body, and causal body. 1. Physical body 2. Etheric body (astral body) 3. Astral body (emotional body) 4. Mental body (spiritual body) 5. Causal body (soul vessel) → Light body 6. Casey body (soul) 7. Cored body (The origin of the soul) ◇Etheric body The etheric body exists in a way that overlaps with the physical body, and is the ``spirit'', ``life force'', and ``energy network''. The concepts of ``meridians,'' called acupoints, and ``qi'' are therapeutic methods for the ``etheric body.'' When the physical body grows, the etheric body grows first, and then the real body is formed. Even in the case of illness, the etheric body is first damaged, and the organs in the damaged area become ill. In other words, the ether body is the constituent raw material of matter. Plants exist in the form of "material" and "etheric" bodies. The etheric body is also referred to by the word ``ki'' for some people, and it plays the role of balancing the functions necessary for living in the human world and taking in messages from the spiritual world. When the body grows or becomes ill, the etheric body is cultivated or damaged, and then the physical body is affected. As humans reach death and their physical bodies disappear, their etheric bodies also gradually disappear, and their souls can no longer return to their bodies. ◇Astral body The astral body exists as if it were wrapped around the etheric body, and is even higher. The astral body is also called the ``emotional body'' and is the medium for the expression of our emotions, and ``desires, moods, sensations, cravings, appetites, sexual desires, fears,'' etc. are also astral energy, and they are responsible for the expression of sensations, desires, fears, etc. Energy from the astral is also used as a medium. Furthermore, it is this astral body that experiences beings called living spirits and ghosts, as well as near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences. The astral body is an independent "consciousness" that can move freely, and it is possible for a person to separate the astral body from the physical body while sleeping, which is why it is easy to receive messages from the spirit world in dreams. Sleeping is not only necessary to rest your brain and body, but also to separate and purify your physical, etheric, and astral bodies. Animals other than humans are composed of a physical body, an etheric body, and an astral body. ◇Mental Body The mental body is a higher entity than the astral body, and is also called the ``spiritual body,'' and serves as a medium for human spiritual and intellectual thinking and self-expression. If your mental body is functioning properly, you will be able to think more clearly, and your astral body will be able to correct itself in the desired direction without being influenced by your emotions. However, the mental world has the drawback of uniting with "ism" and excluding others. The ``natural talents'' accumulated through past reincarnations and reincarnations are accumulated here. In the mental world where the mental body lives, there is a ``repository of the collective memory of the living entity''. ◇Causal body The causal body is a higher entity than the mental body, and is what we call the ``Buddha nature'' or ``original self.'' The soul exists in the causal body. However, the Causal World is not a perfect world. Souls that reincarnate are wrapped up in the causal body and do not go to higher dimensions. The true liberated soul breaks through the shell of the causal body and exists in a higher world. ⿴⿿⿿When a person dies, their ``physical body,'' ``etheric body,'' and ``astral body'' remain in this world. The ``mental body'' and ``causal body'' go to their respective worlds. Normally, the etheric body and astral body disappear immediately, but if there is an emotional conflict (grudge or regret) during life, the astral body does not disappear and the soul is dragged into the astral world. Stay in the spirit world. After purifying emotional conflicts in the astral plane, the soul finally goes to the mental plane. The mental world is called heaven, but we return to a new "body" as reincarnation. Experiences and knowledge gained through repeated lifetimes are stored at the level of the causal body. The causal body is a vessel for the soul, and the causal body and soul are always moving back and forth between Source and the third dimension as a set. The state where the causal body is no longer needed is 7th dimension or higher. Once you reach the 7th dimension or above, you can choose to end your reincarnation into this 3rd dimension. <Reference materials> ← Posted with my corrections and additions using this as a reference http://flatheat177.ning.com/m/blogpost?id=5712408%3ABlogPost%3A13492✼••┈┈┈┈••✼••┈ ┈┈┈••✼ About Dimensions 1st Dimension + Earth's Core Gravity Love 2nd Dimension + From outside the Earth's Core to the Earth's Surface Gaia's Consciousness. In these dimensions, the game of separation between good and evil is played out. Thoughts, emotions, windows to higher dimensions, template dimensions for the realization of thoughts. Dimension of awakening to oneself as a dimensional being Awakening as a lightworker Expression dimension of happiness, love, and harmony 6th dimension *Keith body + Dimension that consciousness creates through thought Dimension of synchronicity 7th dimension *Keith body + Dimension of limitless purification As an individual The highest dimension where you can realize the photon realm Divine infusion 8th dimension *Cassi body + collective consciousness, group soul dimension Touch the root of who you are A dimension where the sense of "I" disappears and you transcend yourself Toward the collective goal Active Galactic Energy Divine Order 9th Dimension *Cassih Bodies + Galactic Center Energy Eternal Joy Home of Spirit. ) There is a sense of me, but I am familiar at the earth level, and it is a completely different feeling from me.The 11th dimension *Cassi body + dimension of light before it takes shape, moment before creation, dimension of archangel existence, Akashic record, M of superstring theory ( From the membrane theory, the highest dimension that can be mathematically assumed is 12 dimensions *Cassi body + One dimension without separation. 12 dimensions or more *Cassi body Coard body + highest dimension of ascension 27 dimensions Dimension of the gods. Earth has been ascending since 2012 (Dimensional Ascension) is accelerating, and as of 2017, we have received reports that the 16th dimension exists. Souls who have reincarnated on the current Earth and desire ascension are beginning to ascend as the Earth ascends. Dimensions are differences in vibration. This refers to the difference in frequency bands in time and space. The higher the vibration becomes, the higher the consciousness will ascend. For ascension, it is important to cleanse the mind and body that have been polluted by modern society. As the purification progresses, entropy decreases. Your vibrations and dimensions will rise. The cleansing process will proceed like peeling the skin of an onion, and as you repeat the positive reactions, you will be able to detoxify deeper and deeper one step at a time. Cleansing is not just about doing one thing. Instead, daily choices are important, and we need to be conscious of taking a long-term view.
posted by gomabon at 16:17| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学

如来の七つの宝:仏陀の教えが導く幸福への七覚支法   The Seven Treasures of the Tathagata: The Seven Awakening Methods for Happiness Guided by the Buddha's Teachings

  1. "仏教の七つの秘密:お釈迦様の教えから学ぶ幸せな人生の法則"

  2. "転輪王となる法:七宝と七覚支法で築く穏やかな世界"

  3. "如来の七つの宝:仏陀の教えが導く幸福への七覚支法"


  • 阿含経(Ⅺ)において、お釈迦さまは転輪王の七宝について説明している。

  • 転輪王は、正義と法によって世界を統一し、良い世界を築く伝説的なインドの帝王の理想像である。

  • 転輪王が天から七つの宝を感得し、これが七宝である。七宝は輪宝・象宝・馬宝・珠宝・女宝・居士宝・主兵臣宝の七つで構成されている。

  • 輪宝は金でできた神聖な車輪で、悪い軍隊や国王を打ち払う役割がある。転輪王はこれらの宝を手に入れ、世界を統一し、平和な世界を築くとされている。

  • 七つの宝を得ることを「法輪を転ずる」と表現し、お釈迦さまの初転法輪も同様に法を説くことを指す。

  • お釈迦さまは転輪王の七宝になぞらえて、七覚支法が如来の七宝であると述べている。これは仏陀の教えの七つの側面を指す。

  • 如来・無所著・等正覚は仏さまの異なる名前であり、それぞれ真如の世界から来られたお方、無執着なお方、最高の正しい悟りを得たお方を指す。

  • 仏陀が現れるときには、転輪王が七つの宝を得るように、七つの法が出現する。

  • 七覚支法は念覚支・択法覚支・精進覚支・喜覚支・息覚支・定覚支・捨覚支の七つの修行法から成り立っている。

  • 各覚支法には具体的な修行内容があり、心の力を強化し空観を体得する修行から物事への執着を捨てる修行まで様々な要素が含まれている。

  • 転輪王が七つの宝を得て世界を統一するように、如来も七つの法で世の中を救済するとお釈迦さまは説いている。

In the Agon Sutra (XI), the Buddha explains the cloisonné of the wheel-turning king.
The Wheel King is an ideal image of the legendary Indian emperor who unified the world through justice and law and built a better world.
The wheel-turning king sensed seven treasures from heaven, and these are the seven treasures. The cloisonné treasures consist of seven treasures: ring treasure, elephant treasure, horse treasure, jewel treasure, female treasure, vassal treasure, and vassal treasure.
The ring treasure is a sacred wheel made of gold, and its role is to drive away evil armies and kings. It is said that the Wheel King will obtain these treasures, unify the world, and create a peaceful world.
Obtaining the seven treasures is expressed as ``turning the Dharma wheel,'' and the Buddha's first turning of the Dharma wheel also refers to preaching the Dharma.
The Buddha compares it to the seven jewels of the wheel-turning king, and says that the Shichikakushoho is the seven treasures of the Tathagata. This refers to the seven aspects of the Buddha's teachings.
The Tathagata, Mujoshu, and Toshogiwa are different names for the Buddha, and they respectively refer to the one who came from the world of Shinnyo, the one who is detached, and the one who has attained the highest correct enlightenment.
When the Buddha appears, the seven dharmas will appear, just as the wheel-turning king obtains the seven treasures.
The Shichigakusho method consists of seven training methods: Nen Gakusho, Shoho Gakusho, Shojin Gakusho, Ki Gakusho, Breath Gakusho, Jo Gakusho, and Sakugakusho.
Each Kakushoho has specific training content, and includes various elements, from training to strengthen the power of the mind and master the idea of emptiness to training to let go of attachment to things.
Just as the wheel-turning king obtains the seven treasures and unifies the world, the Buddha teaches that the Tathagata will save the world with the seven laws.

● 阿含経( Ⅺ)     中 阿含経  :     七宝 経 の 解説 (Ⅺ−1)   お釈迦さま は 最初 に、 転輪王 が この世 に 出現 さ れる とき には、 七つ の 宝 が この世 に 出現 さ れる の だ、 と お 説き に なら れ まし た。 七つ の 宝 とは、 輪宝( りん ぽう)・象 宝( ぞう ほう)・馬 宝( め ほう)・珠 宝( し ゅほう)・女 宝( に ょほう)・居士 宝( こじ ほう)・主 兵 臣 宝( し ゅひょうしんほう) の こと です。   転輪王 とは、 どの よう な 王さま でしょ う か? これ は 武力 を 用い ず、 正義 と 法 によって 世界 を 統一 支配 し て、 立派 な 世界 を 建設 する という、 インド の 伝説 的 な 帝王 の 理想像 です。

その 転輪王 は、 天 から 七つ の 宝 を 感得 する と いわ れ て おり ます。 これ が 七宝 です。 ※七宝 の 第一 は 輪宝 です。   輪宝 とは 金 で でき た 車輪 = 金輪( こん りん) です。   神聖 な 車輪 で、 一種 の 戦車 です。 抵抗 する ところ の 悪い 軍隊 や 国王 を 全部 この 金輪 が 打ち さ い て しまう の です。   正義 と 法 を 説い て 世界 を 治める わけ です。 ※第二 の 象 宝 とは、 すぐれ た 象 の こと です。 ※第三 の 馬 宝 とは、 乗馬 用 の 優れ た 馬 です。※第四 の 珠 宝 とは、 如意宝珠 の こと です。 ※第 五 の 女 宝 とは 玉女 宝( ぎょ くに ょほう) とも いい ます。 転輪王 に 仕え て、 いろいろ と 内助 の 功 を 現 わす とさ れ て いる、 容色 麗しく、 才知 の 優れ た 女性 です。 ※第六 の 居士 宝 とは、 すぐれ た 大臣 たち の こと です。 ※第 七 の 主 兵 臣 宝 とは、 すぐれ た 将軍 たち の こと です。   転輪王 は この 七つ の 宝 を 手 に 入れ て、 世界 を 統一 し、 平和 な 良い 世界 を 生み出す とさ れ て い ます。

※第四 の 珠 宝 とは、 如意宝珠 の こと です。 ※第 五 の 女 宝 とは 玉女 宝( ぎょ くに ょほう) とも いい ます。 転輪王 に 仕え て、 いろいろ と 内助 の 功 を 現 わす とさ れ て いる、 容色 麗しく、 才知 の 優れ た 女性 です。 ※第六 の 居士 宝 とは、 すぐれ た 大臣 たち の こと です。 ※第 七 の 主 兵 臣 宝 とは、 すぐれ た 将軍 たち の こと です。   転輪王 は この 七つ の 宝 を 手 に 入れ て、 世界 を 統一 し、 平和 な 良い 世界 を 生み出す とさ れ て い ます。

を、「 法輪 を 転ずる」 と いい ます。   お釈迦さま が 悟り を 開か れ て、 一番 最初 の 説法 を「 初 転法輪」 と いい ます。 (Ⅺ−2)   お釈迦さま は 転輪王 の 七宝 に なぞらえ て、 七覚支 法 は 如来 の 七宝 で ある と おっしゃっ て いる わけ です。   如来 も 無 所 ジャク も 等正覚 も、 仏 さま の こと です。   仏 さま が この世 に 出現 さ れる とき には、 転輪王 が 七つ の 宝 を 得 られる よう に、 七つ の 宝 とも いう べき 七つ の 法 が 世間 に 出現 する の です。 七覚支 法

1) 念 覚 支( ねん かくし) 念 の 力 を 強化 し、 その 力 によって 空観 を 体得 する 修行。 2) 択 法 覚 支( ちゃ く ほう か くし) 世の中 に たくさん ある 宗教・信仰・哲学 の 中 から、 真実 の 教法 を 選ぶ 修行。 3) 精進 覚 支( しょうじん かくし) 一心 の 努力 精進 によって、 自分 が 選ん だ 教法 を 体得 する 修行。 4) 喜 覚 支( きか くし) 真実 の 教法 を 身 に つける 喜び に 住 する 修行。 5) 息 覚 支( そく かくし) 心身 を 軽快 に する 修行。

6) 定 覚 支( じ ょうかくし) 「滅尽 定」「 四 禅定」 を 含む、 特殊 な 瞑想 法。 7) 捨 覚 支( し ゃかくし) 物事 に とらわれ て 執着 する 心 を 捨てる 修行。   転輪王 という 偉大 な 王さま が 出現 さ れる とき には、 輪宝 を はじめ と し た 七つ の 宝 が 世の中 に 出 て、 転輪王 は それ を 得 て 世界 を 統一 し、 立派 な 世の中 を 建設 し ます。   同様 に、 如来 が 出現 さ れる とき には、 七つ の 法・七覚支 法 が 現れ、 如来 は その 法 を もっ て 世の中 を 救う の だ、 と お釈迦さま は おっしゃっ て いる の です。


●Agyo Sutra (Ⅺ) Naka Agyo Sutra: Explanation of the Nanao Sutra (Ⅺ-1) The Buddha Buddha first appeared in the world when the King of Rings appeared in this world. I was told. The seven treasures are ring treasure, elephant treasure, horse treasure (meho), jewel treasure (shuho), female treasure (nihoho), priest treasure (kojiho)・It refers to the treasure of the main soldier. What kind of king is the Wheel King? This is the ideal image of the legendary Emperor of India, who does not use force but controls the world by justice and law, and builds a respectable world.

The Lord of Wheels is said to be impressed with the seven treasures from heaven. This is Cloisonne. *The first of the seven cloisonne is ring treasure. A ring treasure is a wheel made of gold = a gold ring. Sacred wheels, a kind of tank. All the bad armies and kings who resist are hit by this gold ring. ▽ We preach justice and law to rule the world. *The second elephant treasure is an excellent elephant. * The third horse treasure is an excellent horse for horse riding. *The fourth jewel is the Ruyi jewel. * The Fifth Female Treasure is also known as Gyoku Nyoho. A beautiful and talented woman who is said to serve the role of Lord of the Wheels and to demonstrate various ways of helping her. *The sixth treasure is the excellent ministers. *The seventh treasure of the soldiers is the superior generals. It is said that the King of Wheels will obtain these seven treasures, unify the world, and create a peaceful and good world.

*The fourth jewel is the Ruyi jewel. * The Fifth Female Treasure is also known as Gyoku Nyoho. A beautiful and talented woman who is said to serve the role of Lord of the Wheels and to demonstrate various ways of helping her. *The sixth treasure is the excellent ministers. *The seventh treasure of the soldiers is the superior generals. It is said that the King of Wheels will obtain these seven treasures, unify the world, and create a peaceful and good world.

Is called "falling Falun". With the enlightenment of Buddha, the very first preaching is called “Hatsuban Falun”. (Ⅺ-2) The Buddha is likened to the seven treasures of the King of Wheels, and the Seven Senses of Law is said to be the Seven Treasures of the Nyorai. Nyorai, no-place jacks, and equal senses are all Buddha's. When the Buddha appears in this world, the seven laws that should be called the seven treasures will appear in the world so that the King of Wheels can obtain the seven treasures. Seven senses

1) Negative Awareness (Nenkakushi) Training that reinforces the power of consciousness and gains an imaginary view through that power. 2) Choice Assistance (Chakakukaku) A practice of choosing a true teaching method from the many religions, beliefs, and philosophies in the world. 3) Shojin Kakushi Single-minded effort Training to acquire the teaching method of your choice through dedication. 4) Kakukushi Learn the true teaching method. Practice to live in joy. 5) Breathing (sokukakushi) Training to make the body and mind light.

6) Special meditation techniques, including “exhaustion” and “four Zen meditations”. 7) Disappointment (Syakakushi) Training that throws away the feeling of being obsessed with being obsessed with things. When the Great King of Wheels emerges, seven treasures, including the Ring Treasure, are released into the world, and the King of Turns obtains them to unify the world and build a splendid world. To do. Similarly, when Buddha appears, Buddha says that seven laws and seven senses of law appear, and Nyorai uses that law to save the world.



















The Buddha is likened to the cloister of the Wheel King, and says that the Seven Senses of Law is the cloister of Nyorai. "Like" is like that. Similarly, when Nyorai, Musho, and Masamitsu appear in the world, the cloisonne called the Seven Senses will appear. Nyorai means the person who came from the true world, and is the Buddha. Musho is another name for Buddha. The Buddha does not write (attach) to anything, so it is a non-written book. Because he is far from being obsessed with anything,

The Buddha is called Musho. Isomasa is also another name for Buddha, but it means that he has the highest level of correct enlightenment. Nyorai, scholarly authors, etc. are all about Buddha.

When the Buddha appears in this world, seven laws that should be called seven treasures will appear in the world so that the King of Wheels can obtain seven treasures.

Then, what kind of law is the Seven Senses of Buddha, the seven treasures of the Buddha?

This is a practice method that consists of seven types of consciousness support, choice support support, vegetation support support, joy support support, breath (Karuyasu and hunting) support support, fixed support support, and dead support support.

A detailed explanation of the Seven Senses of Law is given in my book "Rimakuru Reed" (Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd.) (see pages 284-324).

@ @ Sense of support……{Practice to strengthen the power of the mind and acquire the imagination by that power

A Choice and support ・: Practice that selects the true teaching method from the many religions, beliefs, and philosophies in the world

B Shojin Kakushoku ・: Training to acquire the teaching method of your choice by devoting all your effort.

C KIKISHO... Training to live with the joy of learning the six blind teaching methods

D Breath support……ヽ Training to lighten the mind and body

E Stable support: Special meditation methods including "extinction" and "four Zen"

F Disappointment …… Training that throws away the heart of being obsessed with (attached to) things

It is seven.

When a great King, the Lord of Wheels, appeared, seven treasures, including ring treasures, appeared in the world,

The Wheel King obtains it and unifies the world to build a good world. Similarly, when Nyorai appears

Seven Buddhist Laws appear, and Nakurai saves the world with that Law, Buddha said.

I'm talking.






Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai


posted by gomabon at 16:05| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学

2024年1月28日 九星  無料 今日の運命

名称未設定のデザイン (19).png

この日には不遇、失意気味の来訪者が多いものです。自分自身も、憂い事で憂鬱になるものです。 部下や子供の問題も出る。この日は特に陰徳に心がけることが大切です








文殊菩薩 智慧を司る学問の神様として有名な菩薩















01月28日 (日曜)





Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai



posted by gomabon at 08:27| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学


ツヴィリングJ.A.ヘンケルス(Zwilling J.A. Henckels)ZWILLING ツヴィリング 「 ステンレス コーヒー ドリッパー 」 ペーパーレス フィルター 1~4杯用 食洗機対応 Z1024-005

ツヴィリングJ.A.ヘンケルス(Zwilling J.A. Henckels)ZWILLING ツヴィリング 「 ステンレス コーヒー ドリッパー 」 ペーパーレス フィルター 1~4杯用 食洗機対応 Z1024-005




















posted by gomabon at 10:28| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | コーヒー

因縁を超えて、自由な未来への仏教の道 The Buddhist path to a free future beyond fate




People are born with different conditions in terms of environment (country, era, family, etc.), gender, appearance, constitution, personality, etc.
The conditions in life that a person is born with are called ``fate,'' and this includes conditions that determine one's fate over the course of one's life (e.g., developing cancer, getting a divorce, dying from a sudden death).
The Buddha's Dharma gives practitioners the ultimate power (the power to attain Buddhahood) to sever ``karma,'' set people free, and create their best destiny. The final state is to ``achieve complete liberation from one's karma = to become a Buddha.''
Buddha himself became a Buddha through ascetic practices, and after that he went on to spread the teachings and methods of becoming a Buddha (the Dharma of Buddhahood) to others.
Faith in Buddhism is based on three major elements: ``Buddha'', ``Dharma'', and ``Sangha''.
``Buddha'' is an object of faith, and the ``Genuine Buddha Sharison'', which is the holy bone of Shakyamuni Buddha, is the highest principal image for Buddhists.
``Dharma'' is ``the method of attaining Buddhahood,'' and it is a method for anyone, living or dead, to cut off their karma, liberate themselves from their karma, and become a Buddha. The ``Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Ways'' taught in the Agon Sutra is the method for attaining Buddhahood.
A ``monk'' is a Sangha whose main object is the True Buddha's Shari, and a religious organization that practices the method of attaining Buddhahood as taught directly by Shakyamuni Buddha.
















All human beings are born under different conditions in terms of environment (country, era, family, etc.), sex, appearance, constitution, personality, etc.
In addition to these conditions, there are also conditions that determine fate in the course of life.
For example, it always causes cancer, divorces, sideways death.

The innate condition of life is called “fate”.

The Buddha's law cuts off these "causes" and frees humans, and at the same time brings the ultimate power (seibutsu power) to create the ultimate fate for practitioners. The ultimate state is to "become Buddha to achieve complete fate resolution".

The Buddha first went to Buddha by training himself, and then walked the life until he was destroyed at the age of 80, preaching to people the teachings and methods (Buddha Law) of becoming Buddha.

Faith in Buddhism is
Established by the Buddhist monk's "three treasures"

Faith in Buddhism consists of three major elements: "Buddha," "law," and "monk." The Buddhist denomination must have all three elements correct and at the same time.

One, Buddha
The Buddha, which is the absolute object of religion in that denomination, is called "honson". The main priest of the Agō sect is the Shinshinsari, which has long been deeply revered among Buddhists as a sacred object in which the Holy Spirit of Buddha lives.
This is called "Shinsei Bussharison" by the Agō sect.
For Buddhists, the authentic sacred Buddha, which is the sacred bone of Gautama Buddha, is the "living Buddha" and is the only Buddhist highest deity.
It is not an imaginary or conceptual Buddha, not a wooden or iconic Buddha, but the sacred bone of the Buddha, which was the real Buddha, and the highest Buddhist deity.

Two, the law

"Seiji Buddhism"
It is a method of cutting off karma (work) regardless of whether it is a living person or a dead person, and releasing the causal relationship (seibu) to become Buddha (a person who has awakened to the truth).
The Buddha's law is the "Nanashina Thirty-seven Doshin," which Buddha is taught in the Akane Sutra.

Three, monk

It is a sangha (monk), or cult, whose main Buddhist image is the Buddhist priest.
"The Buddhist Law of the Buddha, which cuts off all karma




Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai



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