

dilation (dilatation) 膨張、拡張

dilation (dilatation) 膨張、拡張

The action of dilating a vessel or opening or the process of becoming dilated.

This food gets my stomach dilatation.

lining 裏張り、裏、内側

lining 裏張り、裏、内側

a layer of different material covering the inside surface of something

My coat's lining is covered by cotton.

食べるのを我慢する restrain myself from eating, refrain from eating

食べるのを我慢する restrain myself from eating, refrain from eating

I refrain from eating oily food.

Diabetes 糖尿病

Diabetes 糖尿病

I am careful not to be diabetes. So, I do not drink high suger bevarages.

Obesity 肥満

Obesity 肥満

I am careful not to be obisity. So, I eat vegitable before I eat meet and carbohydrate.

viable (adjective) 実行できる、実現可能な、成功しそうな

viable (adjective) 実行できる、実現可能な、成功しそうな

capable of working successfully; feasible

This plan is viable.

affordable (adjective) (値段が)手頃な、購入しやすい、できる

affordable (adjective) (値段が)手頃な、購入しやすい、できる

inexpensive, reasonably priced

Bean sprouts are affordable in Japan. So, I eat it almost everydays.

condemn (他動詞) 〜を責める、非難する、SVO1 to 2: O1にO2するように強いる。

condemn (他動詞) 〜を責める、非難する、SVO1 to 2: O1にO2するように強いる。

express complete disapproval of ~
sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, especially death, officially declare (something) to be unfit for use.

He condemns her to clean the room.

stagnate (自動詞) よどむ、沈滞する、不活発になる

stagnate (自動詞) よどむ、沈滞する、不活発になる

cease to flow or move, become stagnant,
cease developing; become inactive or dull.

The economic stagnates due to week individual consumption.

deviate (自動詞)それる、逸脱する

deviate (自動詞)それる、逸脱する

depart from an established course.

Your deed deviates from original purpose.
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