

小遣い pocket money, petty cash

小遣い pocket money, petty cash

Pocket money : a small amount of money given to a child by its parents, thypically on a regular basis.

Petty cash : an accessible store of money kept by an organization for expenditure on small items.

I give JPY 3,000 to child as monthly pocket money.


mutation (noun) 変化、変形、突然変異(種)

mutation (noun) 変化、変形、突然変異(種)

the action or process of mutating

The changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form which may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base inits in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes.

She is mutation. She is the most beautiful in japan.

covet (verb) 〜をむやみに欲しいと思う、熱望する

covet (verb) 〜をむやみに欲しいと思う、熱望する

yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another)

She covets the boyfriend of her friend.

削減する cut back

削減する cut back

to spend less, do less, or use less of something

He cut back the spending.

empower (verb) 権限(機能)を与える、自由裁量権を与える。

empower (verb) 権限(機能)を与える、自由裁量権を与える。

give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

Thid coach empowered this player discresion.

chaotic (adjective) 混沌とした、無秩序の、混乱した

chaotic (adjective) 混沌とした、無秩序の、混乱した

in a state of complete confusion and disorder

After he becomes the leader, the organization became chaotic.

assertive (adjective) 正当に主張する、積極的な、はっきり自分の意見を述べる

assertive (adjective) 正当に主張する、積極的な、はっきり自分の意見を述べる

having or showing a confident and forceful personality

He is assertive than appearance.

tactic 方策、作戦、戦法

tactic 方策、作戦、戦法

an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specified end.

We need to have tactic to success in business field.

persuasion 説得、説得力

persuasion 説得、説得力

the action or pocess of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.

It is becessary to have perusation skill to be promoted.


~を取り締まる crack down on

~を取り締まる crack down on

take severe measures against ~

The police cracks down on the alcholic drink.
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