

supplement 〜を補填する

supplement 〜を補填する

add an extra element or amount to

I supplemented vitamin to the food.

sparingly (adverb) 節約して、控え目に

sparingly (adverb) 節約して、控え目に

moderate, economical

he uses shampoo sparingly.

moderation (noun) 節度、適度、穏健、温和、節制、緩和

moderation (noun) 節度、適度、穏健、温和、節制、緩和

The avoidance of excess or extremes , especially in one's behaivour or political opinions, The action or process of moderating examonation papers, results, or candidates.

He know the moderation.

indulgent (adjective) 甘い、気ままにさせる、寛大な

indulgent (adjective) 甘い、気ままにさせる、寛大な

having or indicating a readiness or over-readiness to be generous to or lenient with someone.

indulgently (adverb) 寛大に

She is indulgent to handsome subordinate.

indulgent (adjective) 甘い、気ままにさせる、寛大な

indulgent (adjective) 甘い、気ままにさせる、寛大な

having or indicating a readiness or over-readiness to be generous to or lenient with someone.

indulgently (adverb) 寛大に

She is indulgent to handsome subordinate.


particle (noun) 小さな粒、微粒子

particle (noun) 小さな粒、微粒子

a minute portion of matter
the least possible amount

A lot of particles are drifted in the air.

untold (adjective) 言い表せない、ものすごい、語られていない、明らかにされていない

untold (adjective) 言い表せない、ものすごい、語られていない、明らかにされていない

too much or too many to be counted or measured

I experienced untold sufferings,

reestablish (verb) を再建する、を復職させる、を回復させる

reestablish (verb) を再建する、を復職させる、を回復させる

establish (something) again or anew

We would like to reestablish fame of this organization.

lag (verb) 遅れる、立ち遅れる (+bihild)、(〜に、〜の点で)ついていけない(behind, in)

lag (verb) 遅れる、立ち遅れる (+bihild)、(〜に、〜の点で)ついていけない(behind, in)

fail to keep up with another or others in movement or development,

(also time lag) a period of time between one event and another

The company is lagging behind that company in IT.

traction (noun) 牽引力

traction (noun) 牽引力

The action of drawing or pulling something over a surface, especially a road or track.

A leader needs traction.
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