

subtle (adjective) 微妙な、とらえがたい

subtle (adjective) 微妙な、とらえがたい

(especailly of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyse or describe

He caught the subtle message in the speech.

dismissive (adjective) 拒否するような、(〜に)否定的な(of)

dismissive (adjective) 拒否するような、(〜に)否定的な(of)

(adjective) feeling or showing that something is unworthy of consideration

There is a person who always is dismissive of the opinion.


comparable (adjective) (~と)比較できる、類似の(with, to) (~と)比較に値する、(〜に)匹敵する、同等の

comparable (adjective) (~と)比較できる、類似の(with, to) (~と)比較に値する、(〜に)匹敵する、同等の

(adjective) able to be linked to another similar, of equivalent quality, worthy of comparison

Ramen is comparable with Udon.

notably (adverb) 著しく、明白に、目立って、特に

notably (adverb) 著しく、明白に、目立って、特に

especially, in particular

He played the dance notably.

renowned (adjective) 有名な、高名な

renowned (adjective) 有名な、高名な

known or talked about by many people, famouns

He is renowned as a gentleman.

savor (noun) 味、風味、(他動詞) を(ゆっくり)味わう、を心ゆくまで楽しむ

savor (noun) 味、風味、(他動詞) を(ゆっくり)味わう、を心ゆくまで楽しむ

(verb) taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it to the full, have a suggestion or trace of (a quality or attribute, typically one considered bad)

(noun) a characteristic taste, flavour, or smell, especially a pleasant one

I savored 50% discounted dish.


dye 〜を染める 

dye 〜を染める 

(noun) a natural or synthetic substance used to add a colur to or change the colour of something

(verb) add a colour to or change the colour of (something) by soaking it in a solution impregnated with a dye

I dye my hair periodically.

pluck (他動詞) を引き抜く、をむしり取るをぐいと摘む

pluck (他動詞) を引き抜く、をむしり取るをぐいと摘む

take hold of (something) and quickly remove it from its place

quickly or suddenly remove someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation

He plucked weeds.

exacerbate ~を悪化させる

exacerbate ~を悪化させる

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse

Drinking alcohol exacerbates that men's health problems.

deplete (他動詞) を激減させる、を使い果たす、から(・・を)枯渇させる(of)

deplete (他動詞) を激減させる、を使い果たす、から(・・を)枯渇させる(of)

reduce the number or quantity of
diminish in number or quantity

She depleted the assets at mens club.
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