

divine (adjective) 神の、神からの、神のような (noun) 神、人間の神的側面

divine (adjective) 神の、神からの、神のような (noun) 神、人間の神的側面

(adjective) of or like God or a god,
(noun) a cleric or theologian

His play looks divine.

鼻炎 rhinitis

鼻炎 rhinitis

inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, caused by a virus infection or by an allergic reaction

I have chronic rhinitis.

stifle (他動詞) ~の息を止める、を窒息させる、を息苦しくさせる、(あくび、笑い声など)を抑える、殺す、抑制する(keep back)

stifle (他動詞) ~の息を止める、を窒息させる、を息苦しくさせる、(あくび、笑い声など)を抑える、殺す、抑制する(keep back)

(verb) make (someone) unable to breathe properly, restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion)

He stifled laugh.


stifle (他動詞) ~の息を止める、を窒息させる、を息苦しくさせる、(あくび、笑い声など)を抑える、殺す、抑制する(keep back)

stifle (他動詞) ~の息を止める、を窒息させる、を息苦しくさせる、(あくび、笑い声など)を抑える、殺す、抑制する(keep back)

(verb) make (someone) unable to breathe properly, restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion)

He stifled laugh.

substitute (他動詞) SVO1 for O2/ SVO2/with O1, O1をO2の代わりに用いる、O1にO2の代理をさせる (noun) 代用品、代替品

substitute (他動詞) SVO1 for O2/ SVO2/with O1, O1をO2の代わりに用いる、O1にO2の代理をさせる (noun) 代用品、代替品

(verb) use or add in place of, replace ()a sports player with a substitute during a match

(noun) a person or thing acting or serving in place of another

The coach substituted that player for this injured player.

思い込み prejudice, subjective (biased, prejudiced) imagination/impression, just your imagination/ impression

思い込み prejudice, subjective (biased, prejudiced) imagination/impression, just your imagination/ impression

prejudice (noun) 偏見、先入観、毛嫌い

preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience

If the subordinate claims the harrasment, the talent team will say that it is your subjective impression.

robbery (noun) 強盗、盗難

robbery (noun) 強盗、盗難

The action of robbing a person or place

rob (verb) take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force

Heavy punishment is imposed on the person who made robbery.

unanimous (adjective) 全員一致の、満場一致の 全員一致した、同意見の

unanimous (adjective) 全員一致の、満場一致の 全員一致した、同意見の

(adjective) (of tow or more people) fully in agreement, (of an opinion, decision, or vote) held or carried by everyone involved

Unanimous decision is dengerous.

disrupt (他動詞) を分裂させる、を混乱(中断、途絶)させる

disrupt (他動詞) を分裂させる、を混乱(中断、途絶)させる

(verb) interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem

The internet noise disrupts the meeting.

~する他ない have no choice but to

~する他ない have no choice but

He has no choice but to believe it.
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