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Julian Richardson Jamaica

paul smith bag Julian Richardson Jamaica Observer - less than two years later, Jamaica and Maersk signed a five-year contract, as a regional transshipment hub in Kingston Container Terminal, the Danish shipping company says it will drop direct calls to Jamaica, beginning in October. This week will be implemented to reduce the Maersk AC1 loop connecting the port with the Caribbean and Mexico in Japan, China and South Korea as part of. Under the new arrangement, Maersk will also drop direct calls to Manzanillo in Panama. "Maersk said AC1 service will continue to call it Balboa, Panama, connecting the hub to connect the Caribbean market, said:" The U.S. shipper news stories on the site. "This change will allow the Danish line to reduce the number of vessels on the service eight to seven." (Monday), eight Belanfanti, assistant vice president, public relations confirmed that the Port Authority of Jamaica, in the service plans to reduce, but stressed that the shipping line is not pulled Jamaica. "I know that, Maersk to Leach for e-commerce online magazine merge into one, and bought a shipping line, and lost more than $ 1 billion," he said. "Obviously, they did not do their proper due diligence ... they lost their money, in the transformation process ... (because) they may have their lines will not stop here, this is scheduled for October ... will reduce its volume, but it is not a full pull. "Maersk Group of Denmark and Kingston officials can not comment. However, last week, told Business Monitor the shipping industry, Maersk decided to reach the result in Jamaica being connected to the vessel, rather than the mother ship, and now services AC1 loop.The Business Monitor is unable to determine the impact of the income of the Port Authority decided to Maersk . However, obviously, will be reduced by 20-foot equivalent units (TEU) volume connected to the port received more than the government and Maersk signed in November 2005, the hub of the main ports.When less handling transit containers, the Port Authority has been side-tracked by the United States soon planned Els Allatsea.net crowns -

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While veterinarians work

paul smith bag While veterinarians work with the handling of cases, the players today who was kicked Panama, Luis Moreno, a member of Deportivo Pereira, owl death. Barranquilla confirmed the country's veterinary clinic (Tuesday) 2:57 dead birds. Issued by the veterinary 卡米洛塔皮 Asia reported, muscle pressure, possible causes of death may be the problem, the report page rcnradio.com. "Owl in the afternoon yesterday and today of respiratory complications involved in metastasis to the veterinary clinic better equipment, said:" Vocational education and training. After his death the case of Panama, the players refuse to thousands of Colombians, worse. Moreno faces up to 45 days in jail, because the law in the process he has been open animal abuse. Professional Equipment Division Mayor DEL Futbol Colombiano (Dimayor) in Bogota to protest outside the office of animal advocates who need to Deportivo Pereira and Colombia, Panama Lewis professional football withdrawal "Luqiao" Moreno. (La estrella) Edit Comment: What friggin1.Don "T told her mother in law jokes usually have one or two current law, mother, you might destroy the offending their day and you never know what people would consider interesting, so it does not tell the security jokes.2.Never tell rude or smutty story to capture video from the best man the bride's father, photographer hit a warning, because he spoiled his daughter's wedding, giving a blue speech the bride in the background to cry. smutty story is not suitable, especially in mixed company, where every day when people are particularly sensitive to the occasion. In addition, there may be clergy or the elderly will shocked.3.Forget groom's unp 10 Tips for Organizing a Writer's Home Office easant past. the most Good men often want to tell the groom in the story of his past evil and it may offend the bride, although relatively safe, and he lost the vacation of your luggage, or knock you in the football match, not to mention his success with other women.4.Never thank the staff of the hotel provides some of the events. paid to them to do this job, you do not thank the driver of shop or do their work the photographer if they do send a letter of thanks , or recommend a particularly useful management employees, if you wish.5.DonYou have published your book. You have been sent to many review sites, and promote the use of quotation marks to start collecting wild. You regularly check Amazon to see if there are any readers to write something about your book. Them! Great. Opinion is positive. Check almost every day - What is this? ! - You suddenly find list.You "re aghast at the top of a terrible review. Your face refreshed, if within an underground volcanic eruption. How dare you people say anything negative you create a masterpiece? What atrocities, which is damage! After a few glasses of wine, you tell yourself you are a reasonable person and you realize the opportunity that not everyone can have a negative comment, there are negative comments, love your book.But ... ... This is the Books annihilation! this particular review seems to have been the person who does not hate the book written, but hate one of my friends recent YOU.This. A few days later, her book is in the Amazon, the problem was to write mean, nasty review.The review along these lines: "I read my entire life, this is the worst book, it is full of thousands. Spelling, grammatical errors and clichés Writers only know they wa

5 Book Title Mistakes That Block A New Author's Book Success

Moncler Bulgarie Is your book title equipped to do its job well? I mean is it written to help explain what's in your book in a few seconds? Does it capture the interest, engage, or shock the senses of your potential book reader? Expert studies show the title may be responsible for up to 90% of your book's magnetic pulling power. Some even say at least half of your book's success can be credited to its title.Book covers including book titles are one of the most important sales tools of your book. Did you know the average reader, publisher, book store owner, wholesaler or distributor only spends about 6 seconds looking at the front cover of any book? They spend not much longer, about 15 seconds, on the back cover. That leaves a book (front and back) about 20 seconds to make a good impression on its potential buyer.How will your title measure up in those few seconds? Correct these 10 book title mistakes to pave the way for your book to become a roaring success.1. Failure to Create an Attention Grabbing Book Title. Your book title must be an attention-grabber. Take note of professional media like magazines, newspapers and radio ad headlines. They can't afford to publish dull headlines.Solution: Write your book title to compel the reader to buy now.2. Failure to Include the Solution In Your Title. Does your title shout your main benefit? Does it sell your solution? For example, the Gwen Shamblin's book title shouts her greatest benefit in the title, "The Weigh Down Diet: Inspirational Way to Lose Weight, Stay Slim and Find a New You."Solution: Include Hollywood Writers Strike Hurting Legitimate Writers Outside of La La Land your top benefit in your book title.3. Failure to Make It Easy for Readers to Buy. Readers want magic solutions. They want a program that they can simply follow directions and see magical results. For example, "7 Steps to Fearless Public Speaking" offer seven easy steps to enjoy the benefits the title promises.Solution: Make it easy and simple for your book readers to reap the benefits of your book.4. Failure to Include Specific Benefits In Your Book Title. Specific benefits included in the book title encourage sales. Be sure to include benefits in your subtitle especially if your main title doesn't have any. "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow them and people will follow you" has the main benefit included in the subtitle.Solution: Include top benefit in subtitle to create even more sales.5. Failure to Include Your Audience In Your Title. Including your audience in your book title gives your book a slant. Without a slant, your book may miss sales. A slanted book title helps your audience realize they need your book. For example, the Chicken Soup series for Teen-Agers, Mothers, even Prisoners sold much better that the original more general Chicken Soup for the Soul.Solution: Give expert advice to a specific group of people. Target a group of people within your broad market.Use the tips above to create a hot book title that sells your book well. Do it now; avoid the book titling mistakes new authors make. Pave the way for your book to become a roaring success. Don't forget to have fun and sell more books than you dreamed. How to Write a Book Like a Pro to Finish Stronger and Sell Longer

CMA and Globalization

blue moncler jackets The role of the accountant needs to adapt with the change of an increasing threat of outsourcing and globalization.  A part of the job of a financial accountant is auditing and the preparation of taxes.  Many of these tasks are being outsourced to firms internationally, and are located in parts of the world where labor is less costly. The increasing use of the Internet and advancing technology are making it possible to have these tasks performed in other countries.  Accountants need to be aware of these changes and adapt accordingly.  There are various ways for the accountant to adapt to globalization and outsourcing; such ways would include continuing education and acquiring certifications, which broaden the knowledge of the traditional financial accountant.  One of the certifications is the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) to accompany the already attained Certified Public Accountant (CPA).A CPA is a financial accountant who uses information to compare entities, where as a CMA uses information to compare operations within one entity.  A CMA is an accountant who understands financial accounting and is involved with the decision making process of management.  The CMA is involved with and understands internal elements of the company as well as the external elements.  These internal elements would include, but are not limited to, the workforce, materials and management. External elements consist of competitors, suppliers, and customers.  The management accountant relies on cost accounting, which is concerned with the overall cost associated with productions at each level.  The CMA helps the management with cost analysis using such methods as activity based costing and cost allocation.  Management accountants have an important role in the way a company is operated, due to their involvement with budgeting and planning.  The CMA and the CPA are both involved in the past performance of a company, but the CMA goes further by including the projected performance of a company. A CMA is more ‘hands on'; not merely a reactionary person who follows up on company decisions made outside of their scope of work.  The management accountant helps define how a company can move forward within the fiscal parameters of past performance and future financial planning. Companies are almost always looking for opportunities to grow, with that in mind, many are looking globally to fulfill expansion needs.  With companies wa Thursday Night Football Live Streaming:Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Cleveland Browns Live Streaming nting to broaden their horizons internationally, they are going to need an accountant with additional skills and knowledge, and the CMA is a perfect candidate.  As these companies become more competitive in the global economy, it is necessary for a management accountant to acquire international business knowledge needed to survive global competition.  While management accountants are able to prepare financial statements for the outside users, the stockholders, they are still aware of external elements, like competitors and customers. In addition, A CMA can also prepare budgets and help with the future planning of the enterprise.  The CMA has played a role in the management of companies outside the United States for many years, while American companies are just learning the value of this role.   The American management style is now leaning towards structure, analysis and team orientation.To become a CMA, an accountant is required to pass a two part exam.  This exam is given in most large cities worldwide.  The first part of the exam tests knowledge about planning, budgeting, ethics and cost management.  The second part consists of questions about financial statements, decision analysis, corporate finance and ethics.  These exams are multiple choice and essay format and are administered by the Institute of Management Accountants.The tasks of the financial accountant can be outsourced, but the management accountant plays a key role in the success of a company.  Credentials of the CPA are recognized only in the United States, where as the CMA credentials are recognized worldwide.  The CMA will give an accountant the knowledge to compete locally and globally in a constantly changing market.  A blend of these two certifications is going to provide the best opportunities to adapt with globalization.  The accountant needs to be aware globalization is occurring and accept the change.  While attaining new certifications and continually learning the new standards and technology in accounting, the accountant can be confident to have a secure position in the changing economy.References"CMA Certification." Institute of Management Accountants. www.imanet.org/ima_home.aspxGanni, Fadi. "CMA's Significance in the Middle East." Strategic Finance. 90.5 (Nov 2008): 21-22. Business Source Premier.Pounder, Bruce. "How globalization is affecting U.S. accountants."  Leveraged Logic. (2006). Web.Thomson, Jeffery. "IMA is Broadening its global presence." Strategic Finance. 91.5 (Nov 2009): 8-12. Business Source Premier Outsourcing in the United States

Check out the Pittsburgh Steelers 2009 schedule and roster – Order Steelers merchandise before they are sold out!

moncler outlet The 2009 NFL season kicked off on September 10, 2009. All eyes are on defending Super Bowl title champions, the Pittsburgh Steelers. This article analyzes the NFL schedule to help Pittsburgh Steelers fans know what challenges lies for their favorite team this season. Your support can motivate the Steelers to win yet another Super Bowl title. Prepare to deck yourself with attractive Steelers merchandise as the team gets ready for its next thrilling match. About the Pittsburgh Steelers The Pittsburgh Steelers are a successful American football team based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Since 1933, the team has won 6 Super Bowl titles throughout their sporting career. The Steelers are the current superstars in the NFL having won Super Bowl XLIII on February 1, 2009. The team competes in the North Division of the American Football Conference (AFC) in the National Football League. The Pittsburgh Steelers play their home games in Heinz Field, Pittsburgh. They have won more Super Bowl titles (6), won more AFC Championship Games (7) and have hosted more conference championship games (10) than any other AFC or NFC team. With such a prestigious record, expectations are high for the Pittsburgh Steelers for current NFL 2009 season, which kicked off on September 10, 2009. Pittsburgh Steelers merchandise is selling like hot cakes all over the United States as avid fans pin hope for yet another Super Bowl title victory. NFL season structure The NFL season includes the following schedule: - A 4-game exhibition season running from early August to early September - A 16-game, 17-week regular season running from September to December or early January - A 12-team playoff tournament beginning in January, culminating in the Super Bowl in early February The 2009 NFL Season is the 90th in NFL history. Following the season structure, the exhibition season started with the Pro Football Hall of Fame Game on August 9, 2009. The regular season, which began on September 10 will be followed by Super Bowl XLIV, the league’s championship game, on February 7, 2010 at Dolphin Stadium, Miami Gardens, Florida. Pittsburgh Steelers 2009 - Schedule analysis The Pittsburgh Steelers regular season has just begun and if you are not yet armed with trendy Pittsburgh Steelers merchandise yet, log on to online NFL merchandise shop. You can view a wide range of Pittsburgh Steelers merchandise and book your orders before the Steelers merchandise goes out of stock. Steelers regular season games schedule 2009: Week 1: Thursday, Sept. 10 - TENNESSEE TITANS, 8:30 p.m., NBC Week 2: Sunday, Sept. 20 - Chicago Bears, 4:15 p.m., CBS Week 3: Sunday, Sept. 27 - Cincinnati Bengals, 1:00 p.m., CBS Week 4: Sunday, Oct. 4 - SAN DIEGO CHARGERS, 8:20 p.m., NBC Week 5: Sunday, Oct. 11 - Detroit Lions, 1:00 p.m., CBS Week 6: Sunday, Oct. 18 - CLEVELAND BROWNS, 1:00 p.m., CBS Week 7: Sunday, Oct. 25 R. M. Smythe & Company to Offer Part 13 of the Schingoethe Obsolete Currency Collection, December 12-13, 2007 MINNESOTA VIKINGS, 1:00 p.m., FOX Week 8: Sunday, Nov. 1 – Bye Week 9: Monday, Nov. 9 - Denver Broncos, 8:30 p.m., ESPN Week 10: Sunday, Nov. 15 - CINCINNATI BENGALS, 1:00 p.m., CBS Week 11: Sunday, Nov. 22 - Kansas City Chiefs *, 1:00 p.m., CBS Week 12: Sunday, Nov. 29 - Baltimore Ravens *, 8:20 p.m., NBC Week 13: Sunday, Dec. 6 - OAKLAND RAIDERS *, 1:00 p.m., CBS Week 14: Thursday, Dec. 10 - Cleveland Browns *, 8:20 p.m., NFL Network Week 15: Sunday, Dec. 20 - GREEN BAY PACKERS *, 1:00 p.m., FOX Week 16: Sunday, Dec. 27 - BALTIMORE RAVENS *, 1:00 p.m., CBS Week 17: Sunday, Jan. 3 - Miami Dolphins, 1:00 p.m., CBS Home games are listed in bold. All times are Eastern. * Time and TV network may change due to flexible scheduling When the Pittsburgh Steelers successfully survived what was dubbed as their toughest schedule in 2008, the slate of games scheduled for 2009 will come as a relief to the team. This year only 5 opponents in the schedule made the playoffs a year ago however, the Steelers do have some challenges lying ahead of them. Listed below are key challenges before the Steelers: - The Steelers are scheduled to play the rival Baltimore Ravens twice - The Steelers will have 2 tough games early. Pittsburgh will play host to the Tennessee Titans in the season opener on September 10 and then travel to play the Chicago Bears in Week 2. The Titans-Steelers game should be a battle of 2 playoff contenders in the AFC. And the Chicago Bears will prove to be a tough competition with the addition of Pro Bowl quarterback Jay Cutler - The AFC North division which lost badly last season is expected to pose a tough competition this year as Baltimore is looking to unseat Steelers.The Cincinnati Bengals and Cleveland Browns aim to close the gap after a pair of awful 4-win seasons Pittsburgh Steelers 2009 - Roster analysis The Pittsburgh Steelers announced their regular season roster in the first week of September. The team reduced their games on the roster to 53 by releasing 21 players and placing another on the Reserve/Injured List to reach the NFL-mandated 53-player limit. Fans will be disappointed to know that the 6th-year veteran Sean McHugh had to be placed on the team’s Reserve/Injured List since he injured his knee during training camp. The Steelers final roster includes 3 quarterbacks, 4 running backs, 6 wide receivers, 3 tight ends, 9 offensive linemen, 7 defensive linemen, 8 linebackers, 10 defensive backs and 3 specialists (kicker, punter and long snapper). According to Coach Mike Tomlin, cutting the Steelers' roster to 53 players was the first step to building a team he hopes can contend for another Super Bowl title. But it is not the last step. He predicted more cuts throughout the season, depending on the performance of the players. Now, that the Steelers roaster is in place, the fans should be ready to cheer the team. Get set buy Steelers merchandise in large numbers and show your avid support for the legendry team. Europe (France And Germany) Has Very Low Online Gluten Free Demand, See Why

ESPN To Launch ‘Champions Classic' Beginning Tue, Nov 15, 2011

moncler paul jacket ESPN to launch a three-year men's college basketball event featuring Duke, Kansas, Kentucky and Michigan State ‘Champions Classic' beginning Tue, Nov 15, 2011.The four of the sports most winning programs playing each other from a different neutral site location each year.The Champions Classic matchups will serve as prime time telecasts during ESPN's annual College Hoops Tip-Off Marathon on Nov. 15, 2011; Nov. 13, 2012; and Nov. 12, 2013.Nick Dawson, director, ESPN programming and acquisitions said "The unique Champions Classic event brings together four of the all-time best programs and coaches to create a tremendous pillar for the start of the college basketball season over the next three years. We appreciate the cooperation of the schools for embracing the challenge of playing the sport's premier programs in three great basketball cities."Quotes from the four participating coaches:Duke head coach Mike Krzyzewski: "The Champions Classic is new for college basketball and to be asked to participate with three programs that are at such a high level is indeed an honor for Duke. We applaud ESPN's efforts in having the creativity and foresight to help our sport in such a fashion. It should be a terrific event each year, and we look forward to being a part of it." Kansas Head Coach Bill Self: "I thought it was a great idea and I think it's great playing on neutral sites. To come back to Madison Square Garden will be great with three other unbelievable programs. I'll bet each of these programs will sell whatever ticket allotment they have ― 4 to 5,000."Kentucky Head Coach John Calipari: "This three-year event is a reward for how passionate these fan bases are Cross-Strait peace should be treasured: SEF chairman for their teams. It's a unique opportunity for our fans across the nation to see us play in three major cities against top-level competition. We are looking forward to the challenge and sharing it with the Big Blue Nation, the best fans in the country."Michigan State Head Coach Tom Izzo: "Being a part of the Champions Classic is a tremendous honor for our program. These are some of the premier programs in all of college basketball, not only currently, but in the history of the sport. To be included in that group shows that we've been able to sustain some long-term success, and is also somewhat humbling. This event is a great way to tip off the college basketball season and promote our great sport. It's like having a Final Four in November."Champions Classic Schedule on ESPNDay & Date     MatchUp     LocationTue, Nov 15, 2011     Duke vs. Michigan State     Madison Square Garden (New York City) Kentucky vs. Kansas     Date     Matchup     LocationTue, Nov 13, 2012     Michigan State vs. Kansas     Georgia Dome (Atlanta) Duke vs. Kentucky     Date     Matchup     LocationTue, Nov 12, 2013     Michigan State vs. Kentucky     United Center (Chicago) Kansas vs. Duke     The Champions Classic features: * Three of the top four all-time winningest men's college basketball programs: Kentucky (first), Kansas (second) and Duke (fourth); * A combined 16 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championships (since 1939): Kentucky (seven), Duke (four), Kansas (three) and Michigan State (two); A total of 22 NCAA Final Four appearances in the past 20 years: Duke (seven), Michigan State (six), Kansas (five) and Kentucky (four); * Four teams currently ranked in the top 16 of the ESPN/USA Today poll: No. 1 Duke, No. 4 Kansas, No. 8 Michigan State and No. 16 Kentucky. Watch Sri Lanka Vs West Indies 2nd Test Match Nov Live Online

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moncler wiki By Punjita PradhanKATHMANDU, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- The regrouping of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is gaining momentum in Nepal.PLA was the military wing of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (UCPN-M) when the party was at civil conflict.Seven cantonments which are housing the PLA combatants after the commencement of the peace process in 2006 are undergoing the regrouping process which began on Nov. 18.Under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed on Nov. 21, 2006 ending the 11-year civil war in Nepal, the UCPN-Maoist cantonments are built for the former soldiers of PLA who live here and are waiting to be integrated into the Nepal Army, or rehabilitated back into society.Some 19,000 combatants will undergo the process.PLA spokesperson Chandra Prakash Khanal said that the process would regroup the PLA members as per their decision for rehabilitation, retirement and integration."There are officials who will provide the members with an analysis of the payment packages before they make a decision," Khanal said.The agreement signed by the top party leaders on Nov. 1 cites that 6500 PLA members will be integrated into the general directorate of the Nepal Army, a new directorate formed for the integration.As the most important part of Nepal's peace process, major political parties finally agreed on the PLA integration with their seven-point agreement signed on Nov 1, 2011 after over four years of debate.As per the result Tribunal issued its report on very same day that Smyth was warned s of the regrouping from the last days, more than 70 percent of the combatants have expressed their decision to be recruited in the Nepal Army through integration which directs that the number could reach 13000 (double of the number set by the agreement).According to the data collected during the regrouping process in seven cantonments until Nov. 20, out of 1779 combatants who underwent the regrouping process, 555 PLA members have opted for retirement, none for rehabilitation and the remaining to be integrated in the Nepal Army.Many opting for rehabilitation or retirement have already left the cantonments after the regrouping process.As per the Nov. 1 deal, the combatants will have to meet standard norms of the Nepal Army with some concession in the age and education status granted.However, talking to Xinhua, Division Vice-commander Udaya Bahadur Chalaune expressed his dissatisfaction stating that many of the combatants will fail to meet the criteria."We have spent a decade committed to the war. We have missed several opportunities like education. The criterias do not seem right and most of us will have to opt for retirement," Chaulaune said.However, Khanal said that the PLA would abide by the seven- point deal and hope that the political leaderships will try and resolve any issues that would create difficulties in the regrouping process."Everyone is willing to start a new life and work positively for the nation," Khanal said. PLA regrouping process begins in Nepal

Fenlon and O'Neill heading for exit

cheap moncler vestsale PAT FENLON met with the Bohemians board last night to discuss his future having emerged as the favourite for the vacant Hibernian job.The news comes on the same day Shamrock Rovers manager Michael O'Neill admitted he would be interested in the vacant Northern Ireland manager's job.Two weeks ago the former midfielder appeared to have ruled himself out of contention to replace Nigel Worthington when he said he was committed to his current role at Shamrock Rovers.But speaking directly about the Northern Ireland post for the first time, the 42-year-old said his future was "very much up in the air" and that he would "consider anything that comes along.""My contract (with Rovers) ends shortly and I'm in discussions about a new one," O'Neill said. "My future is very much up in the air to be honest and the Northern Ireland job is very attractive, no doubt about that."Fenlon, meanwhile, has been interviewed for the position, although he is believed to face competition from O'Neill and St Mirren supremo Danny Lennon, both former Hibs players.The Edinburgh club are on the look out for a new manager after parting company with Colin Calderwood on November 6.They are not expecte OMENS ARE IN PLACE AS THE wEST AWAKES to name a replacement until next week, but bookmakers slashed odds on Fenlon on Tuesday and he remains the strong favourite.The Bohs boss was on the verge of leaving Dalymount Park in January 2010 when Dundee United made an approach, but the move stalled due to the Dublin club's compensation demands. Another potential move to Kilmarnock faltered that summer for similar reasons.But given the state of the finances in Phibsboro, the club are unlikely to stand in Fenlon's way if he agrees a deal with Hibs.Bohs owe more than €4m to Zurich Bank and are seeking to sell their stadium to service their debt.Having embarked on a series of cost-cutting measures over the past year, Fenlon's salary is one of the last remaining expenses in line with the days when the Gypsies were one of the League of Ireland's big spenders.The former Shels manager has seen his budget cut from €1.7m to €250,000 and last season was forced to pull together a squad at the last minute who finished fifth in last year's Premier Division.With St Mirren likely to fight to keep Lennon, the two Irish based managers appear the more attractive option for Hibs who are currently ninth in the SPL. Strong growth in Paddy Power as Monti hopes boost Irish shares
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