KUROKO’S BASKETBALLとは、高校バスケットボールを題材とした日本の漫画・アニメ作品です。漫画は藤巻忠俊によって2009年から2014年まで週刊少年ジャンプに連載され、アニメは2012年から2015年まで3期にわたって放送されました。
KUROKO’S BASKETBALLは、バスケットボールの魅力や友情やライバルとの戦いを描いた作品です。登場人物たちの成長や感情移入できるストーリー、迫力ある試合シーンや美麗なアニメーションなど、多くのファンを魅了しています。興味がある方はぜひ読んでみてください。

KUROKO’S BASKETBALL is a Japanese manga/anime work based on high school basketball. The manga was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2009 to 2014 by Tadatoshi Fujimaki, and the anime aired for three seasons from 2012 to 2015. The main characters of the story are two first-year high school students named Tetsuya Kuroko and Taiga Kagami. Kuroko was the ``phantom sixth'' member of Teiko Junior High School's basketball team, a group of genius players known as the ``Kiseki Generation,'' but he has a play style that leverages his teammates rather than his own strength. Kagami is a returnee who learned basketball in America and has overwhelming physical ability and a strong fighting spirit. The two join the Seirin High School basketball club and aim to defeat the miracle generation and become the best in Japan. The charm of the work is that while faithfully depicting the rules and techniques of basketball, the characters each have their own unique special abilities. For example, Kuroko distracts the opponent with gaze guidance and accelerated passes, while Kagami scores points with powerful dunks and jump shots. In addition, members of the Miracle Generation have their own amazing skills, and the match against them is always full of tension and excitement. The theme of the work is the relationship between "team play" and "individual talent." Kuroko believes in using his talents for the benefit of the team, but the generation of miracles ended up imposing their talents on others. As a result, they lost the fun in basketball and became lonely. However, after meeting Seirin and players from other schools, they regain their passion for basketball and grow together with their friends. KUROKO’S BASKETBALL is a work that depicts the charm of basketball, friendship, and battles with rivals. Many fans are fascinated by the growth of the characters, the story that you can empathize with, the powerful match scenes, and the beautiful animation. If you are interested, please read it.

KUROKO’S BASKETBALLは、バスケットボールの魅力や友情やライバルとの戦いを描いた作品です。登場人物たちの成長や感情移入できるストーリー、迫力ある試合シーンや美麗なアニメーションなど、多くのファンを魅了しています。興味がある方はぜひ読んでみてください。

KUROKO’S BASKETBALL is a Japanese manga/anime work based on high school basketball. The manga was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2009 to 2014 by Tadatoshi Fujimaki, and the anime aired for three seasons from 2012 to 2015. The main characters of the story are two first-year high school students named Tetsuya Kuroko and Taiga Kagami. Kuroko was the ``phantom sixth'' member of Teiko Junior High School's basketball team, a group of genius players known as the ``Kiseki Generation,'' but he has a play style that leverages his teammates rather than his own strength. Kagami is a returnee who learned basketball in America and has overwhelming physical ability and a strong fighting spirit. The two join the Seirin High School basketball club and aim to defeat the miracle generation and become the best in Japan. The charm of the work is that while faithfully depicting the rules and techniques of basketball, the characters each have their own unique special abilities. For example, Kuroko distracts the opponent with gaze guidance and accelerated passes, while Kagami scores points with powerful dunks and jump shots. In addition, members of the Miracle Generation have their own amazing skills, and the match against them is always full of tension and excitement. The theme of the work is the relationship between "team play" and "individual talent." Kuroko believes in using his talents for the benefit of the team, but the generation of miracles ended up imposing their talents on others. As a result, they lost the fun in basketball and became lonely. However, after meeting Seirin and players from other schools, they regain their passion for basketball and grow together with their friends. KUROKO’S BASKETBALL is a work that depicts the charm of basketball, friendship, and battles with rivals. Many fans are fascinated by the growth of the characters, the story that you can empathize with, the powerful match scenes, and the beautiful animation. If you are interested, please read it.

KONOSUBA: GOD’S BLESSING ON THIS WONDERFUL WORLD!(この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!)は、暁なつめによるライトノベルを原作とした日本の漫画、アニメ作品です。略称は「このすば」です。異世界ファンタジーとコメディを融合した作品で、死んだ青年が女神とともに魔王を倒すために転生した世界で、仲間たちと騒動を巻き起こす様子を描いています。
劇場版は、原作の第5巻をベースにしたオリジナルストーリーで、カズマたちがめぐみんの故郷である紅魔族の里を訪れることになる物語です。『映画 この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 紅伝説』のタイトルで2019年に公開されました。制作はJ.C.STAFFが担当しました。

KONOSUBA: GOD’S BLESSING ON THIS WONDERFUL WORLD! is a Japanese manga and anime based on a light novel by Natsume Akatsuki. The abbreviation is "Konosuba". This is a work that combines otherworldly fantasy and comedy, and depicts the story of a young man who died and is reincarnated with a goddess to defeat the demon lord, and causes trouble with his friends. The original light novel was published by Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko from 2013 to 2020. The 19 volumes (17 main volumes + 2 short stories) were illustrated by Kurone Mishima. A number of spin-offs and gaiden have also been published. The manga version is based on the story of the original work, but it also features unique developments and original characters. Masahito Watari is in charge of drawing, and it has been serialized in Monthly Dragon Age since 2014. There are 17 volumes published (as of July 2023). There are also several spin-offs and Gaiden manga versions. The anime version is a work that faithfully reproduces the story of the original work, but with ingenuity in the characters' interactions and facial expressions. Directed by Takaomi Kanazaki, the first and second seasons were produced by Studio Dean. The first period was broadcast in 2016 with all 10 episodes + OVA, and the second period was broadcast in 2017 with all 10 episodes + OVA. In 2021, the production of the third season was announced, and it is scheduled to be broadcast in 2024. Drive will be in charge of production for the third season. Also, the spin-off “Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo!” ” has also been announced as an anime, which will be broadcast in 2023. The movie version is an original story based on Volume 5 of the original work, and is a story in which Kazuma and his friends visit Megumin's hometown of the Crimson Demons. “KonoSuba: God’s blessing on this wonderful world!” It was released in 2019 under the title ``Crimson Legend''. The production was handled by J.C.STAFF. KonoSuba is unusual for stories reincarnated in another world, and the main character and his friends rarely grow or become stronger. Rather, they carry their own flaws and problems and get into trouble in their daily lives and adventures. However, on the contrary, this becomes their charm and individuality, and brings laughter and excitement to the viewers. They also often tease and fight with each other, but they still trust each other as friends. KonoSuba is a work that depicts their daily lives in a fun way.

劇場版は、原作の第5巻をベースにしたオリジナルストーリーで、カズマたちがめぐみんの故郷である紅魔族の里を訪れることになる物語です。『映画 この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 紅伝説』のタイトルで2019年に公開されました。制作はJ.C.STAFFが担当しました。

KONOSUBA: GOD’S BLESSING ON THIS WONDERFUL WORLD! is a Japanese manga and anime based on a light novel by Natsume Akatsuki. The abbreviation is "Konosuba". This is a work that combines otherworldly fantasy and comedy, and depicts the story of a young man who died and is reincarnated with a goddess to defeat the demon lord, and causes trouble with his friends. The original light novel was published by Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko from 2013 to 2020. The 19 volumes (17 main volumes + 2 short stories) were illustrated by Kurone Mishima. A number of spin-offs and gaiden have also been published. The manga version is based on the story of the original work, but it also features unique developments and original characters. Masahito Watari is in charge of drawing, and it has been serialized in Monthly Dragon Age since 2014. There are 17 volumes published (as of July 2023). There are also several spin-offs and Gaiden manga versions. The anime version is a work that faithfully reproduces the story of the original work, but with ingenuity in the characters' interactions and facial expressions. Directed by Takaomi Kanazaki, the first and second seasons were produced by Studio Dean. The first period was broadcast in 2016 with all 10 episodes + OVA, and the second period was broadcast in 2017 with all 10 episodes + OVA. In 2021, the production of the third season was announced, and it is scheduled to be broadcast in 2024. Drive will be in charge of production for the third season. Also, the spin-off “Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo!” ” has also been announced as an anime, which will be broadcast in 2023. The movie version is an original story based on Volume 5 of the original work, and is a story in which Kazuma and his friends visit Megumin's hometown of the Crimson Demons. “KonoSuba: God’s blessing on this wonderful world!” It was released in 2019 under the title ``Crimson Legend''. The production was handled by J.C.STAFF. KonoSuba is unusual for stories reincarnated in another world, and the main character and his friends rarely grow or become stronger. Rather, they carry their own flaws and problems and get into trouble in their daily lives and adventures. However, on the contrary, this becomes their charm and individuality, and brings laughter and excitement to the viewers. They also often tease and fight with each other, but they still trust each other as friends. KonoSuba is a work that depicts their daily lives in a fun way.

K-ON!って?What is K-ON!?
平沢唯(ひらさわ ゆい):主人公で、ギターとボーカルを担当する。天真爛漫で楽天的な性格だが、かなりの天然ボケで勉強も苦手。音楽の才能は高く、ギターを独学で上達した。甘いものや動物が大好き。
秋山澪(あきやま みお):ベースとコーラスを担当する。クールでしっかり者だが、実は臆病で恥ずかしがり屋。唯とは幼馴染みで、よく面倒を見ている。作詞も得意で、部のオリジナル曲のほとんどを書いている。
田井中律(たいなか りつ):ドラムとリーダーを担当する。明るく元気でお調子者だが、やや自己中心的でズボラな一面もある。唯と同じく勉強は苦手。澪に惚れており、よくからかっている。
琴吹紬(ことぶき つむぎ):キーボードを担当する。お嬢様でおっとりしているが、時々奇妙な発言や行動をする。お菓子作りが得意で、部活動の際にはよく持ってきてくれる。眉毛が太くて特徴的。
中野梓(なかの あずさ):2期から加入したギター担当。真面目でしっかり者だが、少し寂しがり屋。唯たちより一つ年下で、彼女たちの奇行に振り回されることも多い。猫耳が似合うと言われている。

K-ON! is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Kakifrai. A slice-of-life work depicting the daily lives of girls who belong to the light music club in high school, and includes themes such as music, friendship, and growth. It was serialized in the manga magazine "Manga Time Kirara" from 2007 to 2012, and was made into a TV animation by Kyoto Animation in 2009 and 2010. A theatrical version was also released in 2011. The main characters of K-ON! are as follows. Yui Hirasawa: The main character, in charge of guitar and vocals. She has an innocent and optimistic personality, but she is quite natural and is not good at studying. She was very musically gifted and she taught herself how to play the guitar. She loves sweets and animals. Mio Akiyama: In charge of bass and chorus. She's cool and firm, but she's actually timid and shy. She is Yui's childhood friend and she takes good care of him. She is also good at writing lyrics, and she has written most of the club's original songs. Ritsu Tainaka: In charge of drums and leader. He is bright and energetic, but he also has a slightly self-centered and sloppy side. Like Yui, she is not good at studying. She has a crush on Mio and she often teases him. Tsumugi Kotobuki: In charge of keyboard. She is a young lady and gentle, but she sometimes says and acts strangely. She is good at making sweets, and she often brings them to club activities. Her eyebrows are thick and distinctive. Azusa Nakano: She joined from the second season and is in charge of guitar. She is serious and reliable, but she is a little lonely. She is one year younger than Yui and the others, and she is often influenced by their eccentric behavior. She has been told that she looks good with cat ears. K-ON! depicts the charming personalities and relationships of the characters, their passion and enjoyment of music, their high school memories and partings. There is warmth and humor throughout the work, and it heals the viewer. In addition, in the music scene, the actual performance is reproduced in detail, and the soundtrack has also received high praise. K-ON! is popular not only in Japan but also overseas, creating many fans and parody works. K-ON! is a work that can be enjoyed not only by people who like music, but also by people who are not. It evokes various emotions such as the cuteness and individuality of the characters, the passion for music, and the nostalgia and sadness of high school days. Why not watch K-ON! and feel like you are a member of the light music club?

平沢唯(ひらさわ ゆい):主人公で、ギターとボーカルを担当する。天真爛漫で楽天的な性格だが、かなりの天然ボケで勉強も苦手。音楽の才能は高く、ギターを独学で上達した。甘いものや動物が大好き。
秋山澪(あきやま みお):ベースとコーラスを担当する。クールでしっかり者だが、実は臆病で恥ずかしがり屋。唯とは幼馴染みで、よく面倒を見ている。作詞も得意で、部のオリジナル曲のほとんどを書いている。
田井中律(たいなか りつ):ドラムとリーダーを担当する。明るく元気でお調子者だが、やや自己中心的でズボラな一面もある。唯と同じく勉強は苦手。澪に惚れており、よくからかっている。
琴吹紬(ことぶき つむぎ):キーボードを担当する。お嬢様でおっとりしているが、時々奇妙な発言や行動をする。お菓子作りが得意で、部活動の際にはよく持ってきてくれる。眉毛が太くて特徴的。
中野梓(なかの あずさ):2期から加入したギター担当。真面目でしっかり者だが、少し寂しがり屋。唯たちより一つ年下で、彼女たちの奇行に振り回されることも多い。猫耳が似合うと言われている。

K-ON! is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Kakifrai. A slice-of-life work depicting the daily lives of girls who belong to the light music club in high school, and includes themes such as music, friendship, and growth. It was serialized in the manga magazine "Manga Time Kirara" from 2007 to 2012, and was made into a TV animation by Kyoto Animation in 2009 and 2010. A theatrical version was also released in 2011. The main characters of K-ON! are as follows. Yui Hirasawa: The main character, in charge of guitar and vocals. She has an innocent and optimistic personality, but she is quite natural and is not good at studying. She was very musically gifted and she taught herself how to play the guitar. She loves sweets and animals. Mio Akiyama: In charge of bass and chorus. She's cool and firm, but she's actually timid and shy. She is Yui's childhood friend and she takes good care of him. She is also good at writing lyrics, and she has written most of the club's original songs. Ritsu Tainaka: In charge of drums and leader. He is bright and energetic, but he also has a slightly self-centered and sloppy side. Like Yui, she is not good at studying. She has a crush on Mio and she often teases him. Tsumugi Kotobuki: In charge of keyboard. She is a young lady and gentle, but she sometimes says and acts strangely. She is good at making sweets, and she often brings them to club activities. Her eyebrows are thick and distinctive. Azusa Nakano: She joined from the second season and is in charge of guitar. She is serious and reliable, but she is a little lonely. She is one year younger than Yui and the others, and she is often influenced by their eccentric behavior. She has been told that she looks good with cat ears. K-ON! depicts the charming personalities and relationships of the characters, their passion and enjoyment of music, their high school memories and partings. There is warmth and humor throughout the work, and it heals the viewer. In addition, in the music scene, the actual performance is reproduced in detail, and the soundtrack has also received high praise. K-ON! is popular not only in Japan but also overseas, creating many fans and parody works. K-ON! is a work that can be enjoyed not only by people who like music, but also by people who are not. It evokes various emotions such as the cuteness and individuality of the characters, the passion for music, and the nostalgia and sadness of high school days. Why not watch K-ON! and feel like you are a member of the light music club?

KINGDOMは、歴史好きな人はもちろん、そうでない人にもおすすめできる漫画です。作品に登場する出来事や人物は実際の歴史に基づいていますが 、作者独自の解釈や創作も加えられており 、読みやすく面白くなっています。また、作品には美麗な絵柄や迫力ある戦闘シーンも満載です 。KINGDOMを読めば、中国の歴史に興味を持つだけでなく、自分自身にも問いかけられるかもしれません。ぜひ一度読んでみてください。

KINGDOM is a historical manga set during China's Spring and Autumn Warring States period that depicts the epic story of the Qin monarchy, which aims to unify the country, and Shin, a young general who becomes his close aide. The author is Yasuhisa Hara, and it has been serialized in Weekly Young Jump since 2006. Currently, up to volume 64 has been published, and the cumulative circulation has exceeded 70 million copies. It was also made into a TV anime in 2012 and 2020, attracting many fans. The appeal of KINGDOM is first of all its scale. Fierce wars and conspiracies that involve all of China unfold one after another, making readers feel like they are part of China's epic history. Another highlight is the individuality and growth of the characters. Although the main character, Shin, grows up as an orphan, he grows into a strong and kind general through his encounters and farewells with his friends and enemies. Generals from other countries, such as Xin's rivals Wang Chong of Chu and Wang Pian of Zhao, are also attractive characters, and confrontations with them create exciting developments. KINGDOM is a work that can be enjoyed not only as a historical manga but also as a human drama. The emotions and thoughts of the characters are carefully depicted, allowing the reader to empathize with their joy, sadness, anger, and fear. The works also contain messages that are relevant to modern society. For example, Shin continues to pursue his dreams and earns the respect and trust of many people. This shows that it is important for him to work towards his own goals. KINGDOM is a manga that can be recommended not only to people who like history, but also to people who don't. The events and people that appear in the work are based on actual history, but the author's own interpretations and creations are also added, making it easy to read and interesting. The work is also full of beautiful designs and powerful battle scenes. If you read KINGDOM, you will not only become interested in Chinese history, but you may also ask yourself questions. Please read it once.

KINGDOMは、歴史好きな人はもちろん、そうでない人にもおすすめできる漫画です。作品に登場する出来事や人物は実際の歴史に基づいていますが 、作者独自の解釈や創作も加えられており 、読みやすく面白くなっています。また、作品には美麗な絵柄や迫力ある戦闘シーンも満載です 。KINGDOMを読めば、中国の歴史に興味を持つだけでなく、自分自身にも問いかけられるかもしれません。ぜひ一度読んでみてください。

KINGDOM is a historical manga set during China's Spring and Autumn Warring States period that depicts the epic story of the Qin monarchy, which aims to unify the country, and Shin, a young general who becomes his close aide. The author is Yasuhisa Hara, and it has been serialized in Weekly Young Jump since 2006. Currently, up to volume 64 has been published, and the cumulative circulation has exceeded 70 million copies. It was also made into a TV anime in 2012 and 2020, attracting many fans. The appeal of KINGDOM is first of all its scale. Fierce wars and conspiracies that involve all of China unfold one after another, making readers feel like they are part of China's epic history. Another highlight is the individuality and growth of the characters. Although the main character, Shin, grows up as an orphan, he grows into a strong and kind general through his encounters and farewells with his friends and enemies. Generals from other countries, such as Xin's rivals Wang Chong of Chu and Wang Pian of Zhao, are also attractive characters, and confrontations with them create exciting developments. KINGDOM is a work that can be enjoyed not only as a historical manga but also as a human drama. The emotions and thoughts of the characters are carefully depicted, allowing the reader to empathize with their joy, sadness, anger, and fear. The works also contain messages that are relevant to modern society. For example, Shin continues to pursue his dreams and earns the respect and trust of many people. This shows that it is important for him to work towards his own goals. KINGDOM is a manga that can be recommended not only to people who like history, but also to people who don't. The events and people that appear in the work are based on actual history, but the author's own interpretations and creations are also added, making it easy to read and interesting. The work is also full of beautiful designs and powerful battle scenes. If you read KINGDOM, you will not only become interested in Chinese history, but you may also ask yourself questions. Please read it once.

「君届」って?What is KIMI NI TODOKE?
KIMI NI TODOKEとは、椎名軽穂による日本の少女漫画作品で、2005年から2017年まで別冊マーガレットに連載された。テレビアニメや実写映画、ドラマなどのメディアミックスもされている。略称は「君届」。

KIMI NI TODOKE is a Japanese shoujo manga by Karuho Shiina, serialized in Bessatsu Margaret from 2005 to 2017. Media mixes such as TV animation, live-action movies, and dramas are also being done. The abbreviation is "Kiminotaki". The story is set in a high school in Hokkaido, and follows Sawako Kuronuma, a dark-looking high school girl who is feared and called "Sadako" by those around her, and Shota Kazehaya, a refreshing and popular high school boy who contrasts with her. It focuses on encounters and romance. By getting close to Kazehaya, Sawako finds her true smile and friendship, and Kazehaya is also attracted to her. Overcoming various difficulties and misunderstandings, the two become lovers and grow up thinking about their career and future. The charm of this work is that the innocent and honest feelings and emotions of the characters are carefully drawn. Sawako is always positive and hardworking even if she lacks self-confidence, while Kazehaya is serious and stubborn, but kind and tolerant. The relationship between the two is pure love, and they express their affection by holding hands and looking into each other's eyes rather than physical contact such as kissing and hugging. The friends around them also support them and sometimes give them advice and encouragement. The characters are all unique and attractive, and readers can easily empathize with their growth and happiness. This work is recommended for those who have been in love in their youth and those who want to. Not only love, but also friendship, family ties, dreams and hopes are themes, and there are many messages that resonate with readers. The title of the work means "Kimi ni Todoke" and comes from Sawako's desire to convey her feelings to her Kazehaya. In addition, the author herself chose this title because she wanted to convey her thoughts to her readers. This work is also recommended for those who want to know the culture of Japanese manga, anime, movies, and dramas. Japanese high school life, manners, customs, and landscapes are realistically depicted, and you can feel the youth culture of Japan. In addition, various words and expressions that appear in the work convey the characteristics and charm of the Japanese language. For example, the nickname "Sadako" comes from the main character of the Japanese horror movie "Ring", the honorific "Kimi" is often used for close friends, and the word "Arigatou" is often used by Japanese people to express gratitude. is.


KIMI NI TODOKE is a Japanese shoujo manga by Karuho Shiina, serialized in Bessatsu Margaret from 2005 to 2017. Media mixes such as TV animation, live-action movies, and dramas are also being done. The abbreviation is "Kiminotaki". The story is set in a high school in Hokkaido, and follows Sawako Kuronuma, a dark-looking high school girl who is feared and called "Sadako" by those around her, and Shota Kazehaya, a refreshing and popular high school boy who contrasts with her. It focuses on encounters and romance. By getting close to Kazehaya, Sawako finds her true smile and friendship, and Kazehaya is also attracted to her. Overcoming various difficulties and misunderstandings, the two become lovers and grow up thinking about their career and future. The charm of this work is that the innocent and honest feelings and emotions of the characters are carefully drawn. Sawako is always positive and hardworking even if she lacks self-confidence, while Kazehaya is serious and stubborn, but kind and tolerant. The relationship between the two is pure love, and they express their affection by holding hands and looking into each other's eyes rather than physical contact such as kissing and hugging. The friends around them also support them and sometimes give them advice and encouragement. The characters are all unique and attractive, and readers can easily empathize with their growth and happiness. This work is recommended for those who have been in love in their youth and those who want to. Not only love, but also friendship, family ties, dreams and hopes are themes, and there are many messages that resonate with readers. The title of the work means "Kimi ni Todoke" and comes from Sawako's desire to convey her feelings to her Kazehaya. In addition, the author herself chose this title because she wanted to convey her thoughts to her readers. This work is also recommended for those who want to know the culture of Japanese manga, anime, movies, and dramas. Japanese high school life, manners, customs, and landscapes are realistically depicted, and you can feel the youth culture of Japan. In addition, various words and expressions that appear in the work convey the characteristics and charm of the Japanese language. For example, the nickname "Sadako" comes from the main character of the Japanese horror movie "Ring", the honorific "Kimi" is often used for close friends, and the word "Arigatou" is often used by Japanese people to express gratitude. is.

からかい上手の高木さんちって?What is KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SAN?
KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SANとは、日本の漫画家・山本崇一朗による漫画作品で、2013年から「月刊少年サンデー」にて連載中です。アニメ化もされており、2018年と2019年にそれぞれ第1期と第2期が放送されました。また、スピンオフ作品として「からかい上手の高木さんち」と「あしたは土曜日」もあります。
KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SANは、中学生の初恋を描いた作品ですが、大人でも楽しめる作品です。からかいや恋愛のテクニックを学ぶことができるかもしれませんし、自分の青春時代を思い出すことができるかもしれません。ぜひ一度読んでみてください。

KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SAN is a manga by Japanese manga artist Soichiro Yamamoto, which has been serialized in Monthly Shonen Sunday since 2013. It has also been animated, and the first and second seasons were broadcast in 2018 and 2019, respectively. In addition, there are also spin-off works "Teasing Master Takagi-san" and "Ashita wa Saturday". The main setting of this work is a junior high school, and the interaction between the main character, Yuta Nishikata, and Takagi, who he likes, is depicted. Mr. Takagi loves to tease Nishikata, and sets various tricks and traps to make Nishikata blush. Nishikata also tries to oppose Mr. Takagi, but he is always seen through by Mr. Takagi. But Takagi doesn't just tease Nishikata, he really loves him and he wants to get along with him through teasing. Nishikata also wants to tell Takagi-san how he feels, but he can't quite say it. It is a work that comically depicts the love pattern of such two people. The charm of this work is not only Takagi's sense of teasing and Nishikata's funny reactions. The relationship between the two is gradually developing, and Mr. Takagi shows his kindness and affection towards Nishikata. Nishikata also becomes obedient and courageous towards Mr. Takagi. The side that is watching is also excited about how the relationship between the two will turn out. In addition, the characters other than the two are also attractive, and Nishikata's friends, Takagi's friends, teachers, and family members are involved in the relationship between the two. Each of them is unique and adds color to the work. KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SAN is a story about a junior high school student's first love, but it can also be enjoyed by adults. You might be able to learn some teasing and dating techniques, or you might be able to relive your own youth. Please read it once.

KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SANは、中学生の初恋を描いた作品ですが、大人でも楽しめる作品です。からかいや恋愛のテクニックを学ぶことができるかもしれませんし、自分の青春時代を思い出すことができるかもしれません。ぜひ一度読んでみてください。

KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SAN is a manga by Japanese manga artist Soichiro Yamamoto, which has been serialized in Monthly Shonen Sunday since 2013. It has also been animated, and the first and second seasons were broadcast in 2018 and 2019, respectively. In addition, there are also spin-off works "Teasing Master Takagi-san" and "Ashita wa Saturday". The main setting of this work is a junior high school, and the interaction between the main character, Yuta Nishikata, and Takagi, who he likes, is depicted. Mr. Takagi loves to tease Nishikata, and sets various tricks and traps to make Nishikata blush. Nishikata also tries to oppose Mr. Takagi, but he is always seen through by Mr. Takagi. But Takagi doesn't just tease Nishikata, he really loves him and he wants to get along with him through teasing. Nishikata also wants to tell Takagi-san how he feels, but he can't quite say it. It is a work that comically depicts the love pattern of such two people. The charm of this work is not only Takagi's sense of teasing and Nishikata's funny reactions. The relationship between the two is gradually developing, and Mr. Takagi shows his kindness and affection towards Nishikata. Nishikata also becomes obedient and courageous towards Mr. Takagi. The side that is watching is also excited about how the relationship between the two will turn out. In addition, the characters other than the two are also attractive, and Nishikata's friends, Takagi's friends, teachers, and family members are involved in the relationship between the two. Each of them is unique and adds color to the work. KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SAN is a story about a junior high school student's first love, but it can also be enjoyed by adults. You might be able to learn some teasing and dating techniques, or you might be able to relive your own youth. Please read it once.

『かぐや様は告らせたい〜天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦〜』って?What is "Kaguya-sama wants to tell you ~ Geniuses' love brain battle ~"?
この作品は、2015年から2022年まで『ミラクルジャンプ』と『週刊ヤングジャンプ』に連載され、単行本は全28巻が発売されました。また、スピンオフ作品として『かぐや様は告らせたい 同人版』と『かぐや様を語りたい』があります。さらに、アニメ化や実写映画化もされており、アニメは第1期と第2期が放送された後、2022年4月から第3期『かぐや様は告らせたい-ウルトラロマンティック-』が放送中です。実写映画は2019年に第1作が公開され、2021年に第2作『かぐや様は告らせたい ファイナル』が公開されました。

"Kaguya-sama wants to tell you ~ Geniuses' love brain battle ~" is a Japanese manga work by Aka Akasaka, in which Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane, members of the prestigious Shuchiin Gakuen student council, meet each other. It is a romantic comedy depicting how they are attracted to each other, but are unable to confess because of their too high pride. The two consider confessing themselves as "losing", and think only about "how to tell the other person", and develop various strategies and tactics. However, the relationship between the two gradually develops in the process. This work was serialized in "Miracle Jump" and "Weekly Young Jump" from 2015 to 2022, and a total of 28 volumes were released. In addition, there are spin-off works "Kaguya-sama wants to tell you doujin version" and "I want to talk about Kaguya-sama". In addition, it has been made into an anime and a live-action movie, and after the first and second seasons of the anime have been broadcast, the third season "Kaguya-sama wants to tell you -Ultra Romantic-" will start in April 2022. It's on air. The first live-action movie was released in 2019, and the second, Kaguya-sama: The Final, was released in 2021. The appeal of this work is the gap between Kaguya and Shirogane, who have genius brains, who can't be honest when it comes to love, and the development of the love brain battle between the two attracts readers. In addition, unique characters such as student council secretary Chika Fujiwara, accountant Yu Ishigami, and disciplinary committee member Miko Iino also enhance the appeal of the work. Furthermore, not only love battles, but also many everyday episodes such as school life and family relationships are drawn, and the growth and emotional changes of the characters cannot be overlooked. This work is not only enjoyable as a slapstick comedy about high school students who are not good at love, but it is also a work that allows you to touch on the essence of love and the depth of human relationships. If you're curious about the ending of the love battle and what the characters will do afterward, be sure to check out the manga and anime.

この作品は、2015年から2022年まで『ミラクルジャンプ』と『週刊ヤングジャンプ』に連載され、単行本は全28巻が発売されました。また、スピンオフ作品として『かぐや様は告らせたい 同人版』と『かぐや様を語りたい』があります。さらに、アニメ化や実写映画化もされており、アニメは第1期と第2期が放送された後、2022年4月から第3期『かぐや様は告らせたい-ウルトラロマンティック-』が放送中です。実写映画は2019年に第1作が公開され、2021年に第2作『かぐや様は告らせたい ファイナル』が公開されました。

"Kaguya-sama wants to tell you ~ Geniuses' love brain battle ~" is a Japanese manga work by Aka Akasaka, in which Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane, members of the prestigious Shuchiin Gakuen student council, meet each other. It is a romantic comedy depicting how they are attracted to each other, but are unable to confess because of their too high pride. The two consider confessing themselves as "losing", and think only about "how to tell the other person", and develop various strategies and tactics. However, the relationship between the two gradually develops in the process. This work was serialized in "Miracle Jump" and "Weekly Young Jump" from 2015 to 2022, and a total of 28 volumes were released. In addition, there are spin-off works "Kaguya-sama wants to tell you doujin version" and "I want to talk about Kaguya-sama". In addition, it has been made into an anime and a live-action movie, and after the first and second seasons of the anime have been broadcast, the third season "Kaguya-sama wants to tell you -Ultra Romantic-" will start in April 2022. It's on air. The first live-action movie was released in 2019, and the second, Kaguya-sama: The Final, was released in 2021. The appeal of this work is the gap between Kaguya and Shirogane, who have genius brains, who can't be honest when it comes to love, and the development of the love brain battle between the two attracts readers. In addition, unique characters such as student council secretary Chika Fujiwara, accountant Yu Ishigami, and disciplinary committee member Miko Iino also enhance the appeal of the work. Furthermore, not only love battles, but also many everyday episodes such as school life and family relationships are drawn, and the growth and emotional changes of the characters cannot be overlooked. This work is not only enjoyable as a slapstick comedy about high school students who are not good at love, but it is also a work that allows you to touch on the essence of love and the depth of human relationships. If you're curious about the ending of the love battle and what the characters will do afterward, be sure to check out the manga and anime.

(ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか)って?What is IS IT WRONG TO TRY TO PICK UP GIRLS IN A DUNGEON??
(ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか)IS IT WRONG TO TRY TO PICK UP GIRLS IN A DUNGEON?は、大森藤ノによる日本のライトノベル、およびその派生作品群です。ライトノベルは、2013年からGA文庫(SBクリエイティブ)より刊行されており、2023年8月現在で本編18巻、外伝や掌編などを含めて40巻以上が発売されています。また、漫画、テレビアニメ、劇場版アニメ、ゲームなどのメディアミックスも展開されています。

(Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?) is a series of Japanese light novels and derivative works by Fujino Omori. The light novel has been published by GA Bunko (SB Creative) since 2013, and as of August 2023, 18 volumes of the main story and more than 40 volumes, including side stories and palm editions, have been released. In addition, media mixes such as manga, TV animation, theatrical animation, and games are also being developed. The stage of this work is a huge city called Labyrinth City Orario. Orario has a dangerous dungeon that spreads underground. Various monsters live in dungeons, and adventurers can challenge dungeons and fight monsters to obtain treasure and fame. However, not only humans are interested in dungeons, but also the gods. The gods descended from heaven to the underworld and made a contract with humans to form a group called Familia. Familiar can grow as an adventurer with God's blessing, but at the same time she must obey God's will. The main character of this work is a boy named Bell Cranel. Bell came to Orario as a dreaming adventurer, but he was weak and lonely at first. However, his destiny changes when he meets Hestia, a small goddess. Hestia forms Familia with Bell and gives him special powers. The power grows according to the desire to "become stronger to the person you like". Bell begins to play an active part in the dungeon using that power, but at the same time he gets involved in various troubles and incidents. And he falls in love with Ais Wallenstein, a beautiful and strong female adventurer he met in a dungeon. Eyes is a member of Loki Familia, the strongest Familia in Orario, and a resident of a world different from Bell. However, she also begins to take an interest in Bell. This work is a fantasy work with the theme of adventure and romance. The characters are unique and charming, and their relationships and growth are depicted. In addition, the work world has rich settings and backgrounds based on myths and legends. The mechanics and history of dungeons and familia are explained in detail, and it attracts readers and viewers. In addition, the work includes elements such as comedy, battle, and suspense, and various scenes are developed. In particular, the blue string that supports Hestia's chest, Bell's growth rate, and her love affairs became a hot topic. This work is recommended for those who like Japanese light novels and anime. I think people who long for adventure and romance, and people who are interested in myths and fantasy will enjoy it. By reading or watching this work, why don't you enter the world of Orario?


(Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?) is a series of Japanese light novels and derivative works by Fujino Omori. The light novel has been published by GA Bunko (SB Creative) since 2013, and as of August 2023, 18 volumes of the main story and more than 40 volumes, including side stories and palm editions, have been released. In addition, media mixes such as manga, TV animation, theatrical animation, and games are also being developed. The stage of this work is a huge city called Labyrinth City Orario. Orario has a dangerous dungeon that spreads underground. Various monsters live in dungeons, and adventurers can challenge dungeons and fight monsters to obtain treasure and fame. However, not only humans are interested in dungeons, but also the gods. The gods descended from heaven to the underworld and made a contract with humans to form a group called Familia. Familiar can grow as an adventurer with God's blessing, but at the same time she must obey God's will. The main character of this work is a boy named Bell Cranel. Bell came to Orario as a dreaming adventurer, but he was weak and lonely at first. However, his destiny changes when he meets Hestia, a small goddess. Hestia forms Familia with Bell and gives him special powers. The power grows according to the desire to "become stronger to the person you like". Bell begins to play an active part in the dungeon using that power, but at the same time he gets involved in various troubles and incidents. And he falls in love with Ais Wallenstein, a beautiful and strong female adventurer he met in a dungeon. Eyes is a member of Loki Familia, the strongest Familia in Orario, and a resident of a world different from Bell. However, she also begins to take an interest in Bell. This work is a fantasy work with the theme of adventure and romance. The characters are unique and charming, and their relationships and growth are depicted. In addition, the work world has rich settings and backgrounds based on myths and legends. The mechanics and history of dungeons and familia are explained in detail, and it attracts readers and viewers. In addition, the work includes elements such as comedy, battle, and suspense, and various scenes are developed. In particular, the blue string that supports Hestia's chest, Bell's growth rate, and her love affairs became a hot topic. This work is recommended for those who like Japanese light novels and anime. I think people who long for adventure and romance, and people who are interested in myths and fantasy will enjoy it. By reading or watching this work, why don't you enter the world of Orario?

はじめの一歩って?What is HAJIME NO IPPO?
HAJIME NO IPPOとは、森川ジョージさんによって描かれたボクシングをテーマにした日本の漫画作品です。1989年から週刊少年マガジンで連載されており、現在までに138巻の単行本が発売されています。この作品は、高校生の幕之内一歩がボクシングの世界に足を踏み入れ、数々の強敵と対戦しながらタイトルを獲得していく姿を描いています。一歩は、もともとは臆病でいじめられっ子だったのですが、プロボクサーの鷹村守に助けられたことをきっかけに、鴨川ジムに入門し、ボクシングの才能を開花させます。一歩は、自分の強さを試すために、宮田一郎や沢村栄純などのライバルや、世界的な名選手と激闘を繰り広げます。一歩の成長とともに、鷹村や青木真也、木村達也などの仲間たちや、鴨川会長や薬師寺修平などの師匠たちもそれぞれに目標を追い求めています。
HAJIME NO IPPOは、ボクシングの技術や戦術だけでなく、登場人物たちの人間性や感情も丁寧に描かれており、読者は彼らの苦悩や喜びに共感することができます。また、作品にはユーモアやギャグも多く盛り込まれており、笑いと感動のバランスが絶妙です。作品の魅力は、単なる勝敗ではなく、ボクサーたちが自分自身と向き合いながら成長していく姿にあります。
HAJIME NO IPPOは、漫画だけでなくアニメ化もされており、2000年から2002年にかけて第1期が放送されました。その後、2003年にはテレビスペシャル「チャンピオンロード」とOVA「間柴vs木村」が制作されました。2009年には第2期「新シリーズ」が放送され、2013年から2014年にかけて第3期「RISING」が放送されました。アニメでは、漫画のストーリーを忠実に再現しつつも、迫力ある映像や音楽でボクシングシーンを表現しており、ファンから高い評価を得ています。
HAJIME NO IPPOは、ボクシングファンだけでなく、スポーツ漫画やアニメファンにもおすすめの作品です。登場人物たちの魅力的なキャラクターや熱い闘志に引き込まれること間違いなしです。ぜひ一度読んでみてください。

HAJIME NO IPPO is a boxing-themed Japanese manga series drawn by George Morikawa. It has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine since 1989, and 138 volumes have been released to date. This work depicts a high school student, Ippo Makunouchi, who enters the world of boxing and wins the title while fighting against many strong opponents. Ippo was originally a timid and bullied child, but with the help of professional boxer Mamoru Takamura, he entered Kamogawa Gym and showed his boxing talent. In order to test his strength, Ippo engages in fierce battles with rivals such as Ichiro Miyata and Eijun Sawamura, as well as world-famous players. Along with the growth of one step, friends such as Takamura, Shinya Aoki, and Tatsuya Kimura, and teachers such as Chairman Kamogawa and Shuhei Yakushiji are also pursuing their own goals. HAJIME NO IPPO carefully depicts not only the techniques and tactics of boxing, but also the humanity and emotions of the characters, allowing readers to empathize with their anguish and joy. In addition, the work contains a lot of humor and gags, and the balance between laughter and excitement is exquisite. The charm of the work is not just winning or losing, but the way the boxers grow while facing themselves. HAJIME NO IPPO is not only a manga but also an animation, and the first period was broadcast from 2000 to 2002. After that, in 2003, the TV special "Champion Road" and the OVA "Mashiba vs Kimura" were produced. In 2009, the second period "New Series" was broadcast, and the third period "RISING" was broadcast from 2013 to 2014. In the anime, while faithfully reproducing the story of the manga, the boxing scene is expressed with powerful images and music, and has been highly praised by fans. HAJIME NO IPPO is recommended not only for boxing fans, but also for sports manga and anime fans. There is no doubt that you will be drawn into the charming characters and passionate fighting spirit of the characters. Please read it once.

HAJIME NO IPPOは、ボクシングの技術や戦術だけでなく、登場人物たちの人間性や感情も丁寧に描かれており、読者は彼らの苦悩や喜びに共感することができます。また、作品にはユーモアやギャグも多く盛り込まれており、笑いと感動のバランスが絶妙です。作品の魅力は、単なる勝敗ではなく、ボクサーたちが自分自身と向き合いながら成長していく姿にあります。
HAJIME NO IPPOは、漫画だけでなくアニメ化もされており、2000年から2002年にかけて第1期が放送されました。その後、2003年にはテレビスペシャル「チャンピオンロード」とOVA「間柴vs木村」が制作されました。2009年には第2期「新シリーズ」が放送され、2013年から2014年にかけて第3期「RISING」が放送されました。アニメでは、漫画のストーリーを忠実に再現しつつも、迫力ある映像や音楽でボクシングシーンを表現しており、ファンから高い評価を得ています。
HAJIME NO IPPOは、ボクシングファンだけでなく、スポーツ漫画やアニメファンにもおすすめの作品です。登場人物たちの魅力的なキャラクターや熱い闘志に引き込まれること間違いなしです。ぜひ一度読んでみてください。

HAJIME NO IPPO is a boxing-themed Japanese manga series drawn by George Morikawa. It has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine since 1989, and 138 volumes have been released to date. This work depicts a high school student, Ippo Makunouchi, who enters the world of boxing and wins the title while fighting against many strong opponents. Ippo was originally a timid and bullied child, but with the help of professional boxer Mamoru Takamura, he entered Kamogawa Gym and showed his boxing talent. In order to test his strength, Ippo engages in fierce battles with rivals such as Ichiro Miyata and Eijun Sawamura, as well as world-famous players. Along with the growth of one step, friends such as Takamura, Shinya Aoki, and Tatsuya Kimura, and teachers such as Chairman Kamogawa and Shuhei Yakushiji are also pursuing their own goals. HAJIME NO IPPO carefully depicts not only the techniques and tactics of boxing, but also the humanity and emotions of the characters, allowing readers to empathize with their anguish and joy. In addition, the work contains a lot of humor and gags, and the balance between laughter and excitement is exquisite. The charm of the work is not just winning or losing, but the way the boxers grow while facing themselves. HAJIME NO IPPO is not only a manga but also an animation, and the first period was broadcast from 2000 to 2002. After that, in 2003, the TV special "Champion Road" and the OVA "Mashiba vs Kimura" were produced. In 2009, the second period "New Series" was broadcast, and the third period "RISING" was broadcast from 2013 to 2014. In the anime, while faithfully reproducing the story of the manga, the boxing scene is expressed with powerful images and music, and has been highly praised by fans. HAJIME NO IPPO is recommended not only for boxing fans, but also for sports manga and anime fans. There is no doubt that you will be drawn into the charming characters and passionate fighting spirit of the characters. Please read it once.

GRIMOIRE OF ZEROとは、小鳥居かけるさんが書いたライトノベルで、イラストは志瑞祐さんが担当しています。この作品は、第20回電撃小説大賞で大賞を受賞しました。2017年にはホワイトフォックス制作でアニメ化されました。
GRIMOIRE OF ZEROは、ファンタジー好きならもちろん、人間関係や社会問題に興味のある人にもおすすめの作品です。登場人物たちの成長や絆、冒険や戦闘のシーンなど、見どころ満載です。ぜひ一度読んでみてください。

GRIMOIRE OF ZERO is a light novel written by Kakeru Kotorii and illustrated by Yu Shimizu. This work won the Grand Prize at the 20th Dengeki Novel Awards. In 2017, it was animated by White Fox production. The story is set in a medieval world where humans and witches fight. There are beings called "Beast Fallen" who have human and animal forms, but they are hated by both humans and witches. One day, such a beast-fallen mercenary meets the witch Zero, who promises to turn him into a human. Zero is looking for a powerful magic book she wrote called "Zero's Spellbook" and asks her mercenaries to protect her. Her mercenaries hated Zero's race, but she goes with her suggestion. The two begin their journey with Zero's apprentice, the witch Albus, but along the way they encounter and clash with humans and witches. Before long, they will come face to face with the dangers and secrets of the Zero Spellbook. The feature of this work is the good balance between fantasy elements and human drama. Fictional beings such as beasts and witches appear, but they have emotions and thoughts just like humans. They live in search of their own place and happiness while suffering from discrimination and prejudice. By depicting the position and values of beasts and witches, the work conveys a message that is also connected to the problems and conflicts of human society. Also, in the work, two different types of power are set: magic and sorcery. Magic was created by Zero, and is a power that can be expressed in words and letters. Sorcery is a force in nature, a force that can be manipulated by the senses and intuition. The differences and relationships between these forces play an important role in the work. GRIMOIRE OF ZERO is recommended not only for fans of fantasy, but also for those interested in human relationships and social issues. It is full of highlights such as the characters' growth and bonds, adventure and battle scenes. Please read it once.

GRIMOIRE OF ZEROは、ファンタジー好きならもちろん、人間関係や社会問題に興味のある人にもおすすめの作品です。登場人物たちの成長や絆、冒険や戦闘のシーンなど、見どころ満載です。ぜひ一度読んでみてください。

GRIMOIRE OF ZERO is a light novel written by Kakeru Kotorii and illustrated by Yu Shimizu. This work won the Grand Prize at the 20th Dengeki Novel Awards. In 2017, it was animated by White Fox production. The story is set in a medieval world where humans and witches fight. There are beings called "Beast Fallen" who have human and animal forms, but they are hated by both humans and witches. One day, such a beast-fallen mercenary meets the witch Zero, who promises to turn him into a human. Zero is looking for a powerful magic book she wrote called "Zero's Spellbook" and asks her mercenaries to protect her. Her mercenaries hated Zero's race, but she goes with her suggestion. The two begin their journey with Zero's apprentice, the witch Albus, but along the way they encounter and clash with humans and witches. Before long, they will come face to face with the dangers and secrets of the Zero Spellbook. The feature of this work is the good balance between fantasy elements and human drama. Fictional beings such as beasts and witches appear, but they have emotions and thoughts just like humans. They live in search of their own place and happiness while suffering from discrimination and prejudice. By depicting the position and values of beasts and witches, the work conveys a message that is also connected to the problems and conflicts of human society. Also, in the work, two different types of power are set: magic and sorcery. Magic was created by Zero, and is a power that can be expressed in words and letters. Sorcery is a force in nature, a force that can be manipulated by the senses and intuition. The differences and relationships between these forces play an important role in the work. GRIMOIRE OF ZERO is recommended not only for fans of fantasy, but also for those interested in human relationships and social issues. It is full of highlights such as the characters' growth and bonds, adventure and battle scenes. Please read it once.