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[ 名前 ]
松井 清 (スラチャイ)

[ 略歴 ]
・99/10 タイ全土を旅行
・00/10 タイに移住
・03/07 カイちゃん誕生
・07/06 シーファーちゃん誕生

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Slow and steady wins the race.

[ 学習の手引き ]
・Think in English.

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北ミサイル発射 地域の安定を揺るがす暴挙だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun
North Korea missile launch needs strong UNSC response
北ミサイル発射 地域の安定を揺るがす暴挙だ


North Korea’s latest missile launch has further increased the threat from that country, which is shaking the regional peace and stability. The international community must unite in its efforts to deal with the threat.

North Korea has gone ahead with launching a long-range ballistic missile under the pretext of orbiting what it described as a “satellite.” It is an absolute folly.

In an “important special broadcast,” state-run Korean Central Television announced that the country had launched an Earth observation satellite and successfully put it into orbit.

U.N. Security Council resolutions previously adopted over North Korea’s nuclear weapon and missile development prohibit Pyongyang from any launch using ballistic missile technology. The country’s latest missile launch, along with January’s nuclear test, was a clear violation of the resolutions.

Increasing concern

North Korea’s repeated reckless conducts, which pose a serious challenge to the international order, cannot be tolerated. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had every reason to emphasize his determination, saying, “We will resolutely take measures, acting in cooperation with the international community.”

The missile recently launched by North Korea is believed to have been a three-stage ballistic missile similar to an improved version of the Taepodong 2 missile, a model the country sent aloft in December 2012. According to observations by the U.S. authorities, an object detached from the missile is believed to have circled the Earth.

The fact that it reached outer space like in 2012, illustrates advancement in that nation’s missile technology. Some point out North Korea’s extension of a launchpad last year was part of an effort to increase the size of its missiles, thereby extend the range.

North Korea’s effort to develop missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and reaching the U.S. mainland is aimed at bringing the United States to the negotiating table.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, is inexperienced and rules his country through a reign of terror in which close aides are purged one after another. We feel the latest missile launch shows he has become even more incapable of making reasonable decisions.

The U.N. Security Council is to discuss the latest missile launch at an emergency meeting. It is essential for the council to hammer out effective measures. Japan, a nonpermanent member of the council, needs to proactively work to encourage other members of the U.N. organ to adopt strong sanctions against North Korea.

China’s responsibility

The problem is that China, which holds a lifeline that can determine whether North Korea can survive economically, remains cautious about strengthening sanctions. Although Beijing said North Korea’s missile launch was “regrettable,” it avoided any strong denunciation of Pyongyang.

Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke by phone with U.S. President Barack Obama two days before the missile launch and confirmed the need for a coordinated response to North Korea’s actions.

Yet Xi insisted only on a solution through dialogue and consultation, indicating that it will not compromise with the United States, which called for stronger sanctions.

China’s lukewarm posture may have bolstered North Korea. Shortly after the U.S.-China phone conversation, North Korea notified an international organization that it was bringing forward the start of the window during which it would launch a rocket.

North Korea has repeatedly conducted nuclear tests and missile launches. It is obvious that previous sanctions are not sufficient.

China should no longer avoid imposing sanctions on North Korea, which would deal a blow to Pyongyang, and should cooperate with the U.N. Security Council to adopt strong sanctions.

In criticizing the launch, South Korean President Park Geun-hye said North Korea is trying to advance its nuclear technology and missile capability to deliver a nuclear weapon.

The South Korean government announced that it would begin official talks with the United States to deploy one of the most advanced U.S. missile defense systems in South Korea. Seoul’s decision, made in disregard of China’s opposition, can be construed as a decision to modify its tilt toward China.

North Korea is said to have deployed a large number of Rodong ballistic missiles that can reach Japan. If North Korea improves the accuracy of the missiles, they will, together with the country’s ability to develop smaller nuclear weapons, pose a more serious threat to Japan.

Immediately after the missile launch, the Japanese government held a meeting of the National Security Council attended by its four ministers, to analyze intelligence and discuss what actions should be taken in the days ahead.

Three minutes after the missile launch, the government reported the relevant information to local governments in Okinawa Prefecture and others, through the J-Alert instant warning system. The smooth transmission of this information was praiseworthy.

Bolster crisis control

Although the Self-Defense Forces had been ordered to intercept any incoming missiles from North Korea, no measures to intercept were taken, as the SDF judged that there was no possibility of the missile falling onto Japanese territory.

It was appropriate that the SDF, by responding promptly to North Korea’s advancing the start of the window for launching a rocket, had completed its deployment of the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) surface-to-air guided missile units and other preparations.

It is essential to examine the latest series of responses and beef up the crisis-management system for the entire country.

North Korea has also postponed its report on the reinvestigation of the abducted Japanese nationals. The government should consider in earnest the revival or reinforcement of its own sanctions that were lifted earlier.

As North Korea has continued taking actions that completely run counter to improving its relations with Japan, this country will implement harsh measures commensurate to the steps taken by North Korea. It is important for this country to adhere to the principle of “action for action.”

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 8, 2016)
posted by srachai at 15:12| Comment(0) | 読売英字


地方の未来 移住促進へ文化力を生かそう

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Use cultural power to promote migration to provincial areas
地方の未来 移住促進へ文化力を生かそう

The excessive concentration of people and industry in the Tokyo metropolitan area continues. How can we create a flow of people to provincial areas where the population is decreasing?

Attracting people by utilizing their inherent cultures and uncovering alluring features unique to particular areas will be an important consideration.

According to a 2015 population migration report compiled by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, people who moved into the Tokyo metropolitan area numbered nearly 120,000 more than those who had moved out of it. For 20 straight years, the number of people who moved into the metropolitan area exceeded the number of those who moved out.

Among Japan’s three largest urban sprawls, however, more people have left the Osaka and Nagoya areas compared to those who have moved in.

In its comprehensive strategy for “vitalization of local economies,” the government aims to equalize the figures of those moving into and out of the metropolitan area by 2020. However, if nothing is done to change the current situation, it will be impossible to achieve this goal. Genuine efforts must be made to promote the migration of people to provincial areas.

How can the attractions of provincial areas be made to shine and conveyed elsewhere? First, the number of visitors to those areas should be increased by organizing sightseeing, homecoming and migration tours. In addition to migration, the return of people to provincial areas must be carried forward by aiming to realize “residency in two areas” − or the lifestyle of moving back and forth between urban and provincial areas.

The cultural powers rooted in each area should be used. There are various kinds of cultural resources − such as history, cultural property, traditional arts, customs, local cuisine and scenery − but some provincial areas have not yet identified their values.

Discovering hidden assets

Both the public and private sectors should unearth hidden cultural resources and disseminate information about them domestically and internationally in a variety of creative ways, including promotional videos.

Good use should be made of “Japan Heritage,” a system launched last year by the Cultural Affairs Agency.

Under the system, cultural resources scattered in provincial areas that are connected by a “story” are considered heritages. So far, 18 resources have been recognized following applications from local governments.

For example, the Shikoku Henro, straddling 57 municipalities in the Shikoku region, is considered a piece of heritage based on the culture of pilgrimage routes. Akari Mau Hanto Noto (Noto peninsula of dancing lights) is a piece of heritage focusing on the Kiriko Matsuri traditional lantern float festivals handed down in six Ishikawa Prefecture municipalities.
 四国の57市町村にまたがる「四国遍路」は、巡礼文化をたどる遺産だ。「灯あかり舞う半島 能登」は石川県の6市町に息づく伝統のキリコ祭りにスポットを当てた。

Such heritages should be developed as tourism resources. They are expected to have the effect of attracting not only Japanese people but also visitors to Japan from abroad.

Local governments must work jointly with local residents to find candidates for Japan Heritage. Such efforts would also help local people create a sense of pride in their regions, and nurture human resources to lead development of those areas.

It is also important to consider the increasing number of vacant houses and retail premises, and abolished school buildings, as assets, and try to reuse them as accommodations and operational bases for migrating workers and other people.

For example, the village of Higashi-Yoshino, Nara Prefecture, renovated a vacant house into a shared office last year. Working conditions in the mountain village became popular via the Internet, and five people have already migrated to work there.

According to a survey by the Cabinet Office, nearly 40 percent of urban residents in their 20s indicated that they wish to settle down in farming, fishing or mountain villages. The attractions of working in traditional village culture should be presented to young people wishing to live outside of urban areas to entice them into provincial areas.

The government should place importance on vitalization of local economies with cultural power. We expect the central government to help local governments tap their cultural resources and connect such efforts to a correction of the excessive concentration of people and industry in the metropolitan area.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 6, 2016)
posted by srachai at 12:25| Comment(0) | 読売英字


首相の改憲論 あまりの倒錯に驚く

--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 6
EDITORIAL: Abe’s perverse argument for rewriting Constitution
(社説)首相の改憲論 あまりの倒錯に驚く

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been aggressively signaling his eagerness to rewrite the Constitution, which potentially includes the revision of its war-renouncing Article 9.

He is apparently hoping to pave the way for realizing his long-cherished dream ahead of the Upper House election to be held in summer. His reasoning, however, is strikingly perverse.

Seventy percent of constitutional scholars have judged that, in light of the interpretation of Article 9, the very presence of the Self-Defense Forces may violate the Constitution, the prime minister told a session of the Lower House Budget Committee. “There is a prevailing belief that this situation must be eliminated.”

He made the remark in reply to a question from his close aide Tomomi Inada, chairwoman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s Policy Research Council, who said, “Constitutionalism is being emasculated somewhat by leaving Paragraph 2 of Article 9, which no longer fits reality, intact.”

In an Asahi Shimbun survey of constitutional scholars last year, 63 percent of the respondents said they believed the presence of SDF troops either “violates” or “may violate” the Constitution. But at the same time, 98 percent of the respondents also pointed out that bills for new security legislation, which the Abe administration had submitted to the Diet after reinterpreting the Constitution to lift Japan’s self-imposed ban on the right to exercise collective self-defense, either “violate” or “may violate” the Constitution.

Abe’s Cabinet overrode the opposition of a majority of constitutional scholars and of the public by overturning the constitutional interpretation of successive Cabinets, which long held the view that Japan was not allowed to exercise the right to collective self-defense.

The right course for Abe would be to retract the security legislation if he takes issue with the disagreement between the existence of SDF troops and the views of scholars. He should also engage in serious soul-searching if he finds fault with constitutionalism being “emasculated.”

“Believing that even a finger should not be laid on the Constitution amounts to abandoning thought,” Abe told a lawmaker of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan, who called Abe’s Diet responses into question, during a separate Diet session. “Instead of doing so, the LDP has presented a draft for amendments,” said the prime minister, who challenged the DPJ to present its own.

Abe simply steamrolled his reinterpretation of the Constitution in circumventing the process of amending it when he had his Cabinet lift the ban on the right to exercise collective self-defense. But he now proudly says his party has “presented a draft for amendments.” How can he be so opportunistic?

The LDP’s draft for an amended Article 9, which explicitly spells out Japan’s self-defense rights, calls for Japan to possess “Defense Forces,” an upgrade from the SDF.

Abe acknowledged, in the meantime, that amending Article 9 has yet to win the support of the public. Asked which part, then, of the Constitution he wants to see amended and exactly how, the prime minister only answered, “Discussions in the Diet and among the public will find a gradual convergence.”

The Constitution is the supreme law to protect the rights of individuals, defend peace and prescribe the status of power and authority. So yes, let the Diet and the public discuss it, including whether it should be amended at all.

But we never embrace an argument for rewriting the Constitution, wherein amendment has become an end in itself instead of what that amendment actually is.
posted by srachai at 08:44| Comment(9) | 朝日英字


廃棄食品横流し 安全優先の意識が欠けている

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Reselling of disposed food shows safety wasn’t given top priority
廃棄食品横流し 安全優先の意識が欠けている

Food that should have been thrown away has been distributed and ended up on many dining tables. This must be prevented from happening again.

Ichibanya Co., operator of the CoCo Ichibanya curry restaurant chain, had entrusted Daiko, an industrial waste disposal company in Aichi Prefecture, to discard frozen beef cutlets. However, Daiko illegally resold the cutlets, which ended up being sold at supermarkets and retailers.

There were suspicions some of the cutlets had been contaminated by a foreign substance. Daiko’s president reportedly tried to explain his actions by saying, “I succumbed to the temptation of being able to make a profit without spending money to dispose of the food.”

We are extremely concerned by Daiko’s attitude of giving precedence to making a profit by distributing the frozen cutlets, despite fears they could harm the health of consumers.

Daiko sold the cutlets to a noodle maker. At its facilities, the noodle maker was found to be storing 108 kinds of food, including miso and deli items sold at major convenience stores and by food makers. All these items appear to have been bought from Daiko − and were supposed to have been discarded.

Reselling such items had seemingly become a common practice. Police have launched an investigation into what is suspected to be a violation of the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law. We hope the police will quickly trace the distribution channels.

The waste management law obliges operators of waste disposal businesses to submit a report, called a manifest, to companies that produce the waste. The kinds and volumes of waste to be handled, as well as the method of disposal, must be specified in the report. This is meant to give transparency to the flow of industrial waste.

Reducing ‘food loss’

However, Daiko falsely reported to Ichibanya that all the cutlets “had been made into compost.” This shows there are limits to managing industrial waste through these reports.

The Environment Ministry should crack down on such deceitful operators by strengthening its guidance and screening of them, and by reviewing its inspection system of the manifest.

A response by operators who dispose of food will also be important to prevent further wrongdoing.

Since this scandal emerged, Ichibanya has decided it would no longer hand over food for disposal in its original state as a food product. Instead, items will be removed from the wrapping and mixed with other waste food sludge before being entrusted to an operator for disposal. In cases in which waste is discarded in the form of a food product, an Ichibanya employee will accompany the contractor to observe the disposal process until the final phase.

We hope operators that handle food will thoroughly implement such steps.

It must not be forgotten that what is known as “food loss” was behind this incident. Even excluding cases like this one, in which a foreign substance was thought to have contaminated a food product, about 6.4 million tons of food are discarded each year in Japan for various reasons, including the approach of their best-before date.

It can be said that the illegal reselling of food has taken advantage of the habit of discarding food that can still be consumed. The industry must come up with shrewd ways to reduce “food loss.”

Many consumers tend to avoid food nearing its best-buy date, and instead opt for items produced more recently. They need to reconsider their perceptions in this respect.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 5, 2016)
posted by srachai at 09:06| Comment(0) | 読売英字



posted by srachai at 21:45| Comment(0) | affiliate

北ミサイル予告 挑発許さぬ意思を明確に示せ

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Send North Korea clear message that missile provocation won’t be tolerated
北ミサイル予告 挑発許さぬ意思を明確に示せ

The international community must stand united and ratchet up the pressure on North Korea to deter that nation from advancing its nuclear and missile programs.

North Korea has given notice that it will launch a satellite between Feb. 8 and Feb. 25. Although Pyongyang stubbornly insists the launch is for peaceful purposes, it will actually be a launch of a long-range ballistic missile.

A number of U.N. Security Council resolutions prohibit North Korea from conducting launches that use ballistic missile technology. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was quite right to demand that North Korea refrain from going through with the launch, saying, “This would constitute a violation of these resolutions and represent a serious provocation to Japan’s security.”

On Jan. 6, North Korea pressed ahead with a nuclear test in violation of Security Council resolutions. Its notification of the planned launch has ratcheted up the threat to regional stability even higher. It is essential that the nations concerned work closely together and send a clear message that the launch is not tolerable.

North Korea has used its nuclear tests to make progress on the miniaturization of a warhead. It is believed to be attempting to boost the capability of its long-range ballistic missiles, including increasing their range, as it seeks to acquire a means to attack the U.S. mainland.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un apparently aims to display his achievements to domestic and international audiences before the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea meets in May for its first convention in 36 years. Scheduling the launch for around the time of important events to mark the birthday of Kim’s father − former leader Kim Jong Il − might also be aimed at enhancing that nation’s prestige.

China must step up

It is disconcerting that although almost one month has passed since North Korea conducted a nuclear test, the U.N. Security Council has not yet adopted a sanctions resolution. This is because China has opposed U.S. attempts to impose tough sanctions, including an embargo on shipments of fuel to North Korea.

During his recent visit to China, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called on Beijing to cooperate in imposing sanctions, as it “has a particular ability because of its special role and its connections to North Korea.” However, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi maintained a fundamental argument from start to finish that any new resolution “must not destabilize the Korean Peninsula.”

China’s reluctance to give sanctions more bite has undeniably allowed North Korea to rattle the region by issuing a notification of the upcoming launch. Pyongyang’s launch announcement came on the day Wu Dawei, China’s special representative for Korean Peninsula Affairs, arrived in North Korea for a visit. This indicates China has not exerted enough pressure on North Korea.

We think China should adjust its lenient attitude toward North Korea, work with Japan, the United States and South Korea − nations calling for stricter sanctions − and do more to ensure the U.N. Security Council quickly adopts a new resolution.

There are fears that if North Korea goes ahead with the launch, its missile could fly over the Sakishima islands in Okinawa Prefecture. The government must take every available step to ensure the safety of residents.

The defense minister has issued a “destructive measures order” to the Self-Defense Forces. Interceptor missiles on Aegis destroyers and Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) surface-to-air guided missile units have been put on alert to shoot down the missile if required. It also will be important to make preparations to ensure early warning information is smoothly conveyed through channels, including the “J-Alert” national instant warning system.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 4, 2016)
posted by srachai at 11:56| Comment(0) | 読売英字


空自航空団新設 南西諸島防衛の着実な強化を

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Strengthening defense posture around Nansei Islands critical
空自航空団新設 南西諸島防衛の着実な強化を

As Chinese military forces continue to intensify their activities in the East China Sea, it is important to steadily beef up the defense posture around the Nansei Islands.

The Defense Ministry has newly organized the 9th Air Wing at the Air Self-Defense Force’s Naha Airbase, the nation’s first new air wing in 51 years. After moving one flight squadron from Tsuiki Airbase in Fukuoka Prefecture to Naha, the ASDF has doubled the number of its mainstay F-15 fighters at Naha Airbase from 20 to 40.

The measures are aimed at dealing with a sharp increase in the number of incidents in which the ASDF has scrambled planes in response to Chinese military aircraft flying close to Japan’s territorial airspace in areas surrounding the Nansei Islands.

In fiscal 2014, the number of such incidents in areas around the islands − mostly involving Chinese military aircraft − totaled 468, marking approximately a 10-fold increase from fiscal 2008.

China may be trying to make its air defense identification zone, which Beijing unilaterally declared in the autumn of 2013 over the East China Sea, a fait accompli. The zone includes areas above the Senkaku Islands.

By beefing up its Naha unit, the ASDF has become able to deploy its planes more expeditiously, while reducing the burdens on its pilots.

The fact that Japan is demonstrating its determination to prevent China from changing the status quo with force and to defend its territorial airspace by properly responding to reconnaissance operations by China’s military aircraft has significant implications.

Naha Airport, which the Self-Defense Forces use jointly with operators of civilian aircraft, has the second-largest number of takeoffs and landings for a single-runway airport in Japan, just after Fukuoka Airport.

It is essential to advance, without delay, work on the second runway at the airport, which is scheduled for concurrent use beginning in 2020.

New deployments scheduled

The new guidelines for Japan-U.S. defense cooperation stipulate that the SDF will defend remote islands on its own initiative, while the U.S. forces will play supportive roles.

Based on the guidelines, a 150-strong coastal observation unit will be deployed next month on Yonagunijima island.

In fiscal 2018, a patrol and missile unit is scheduled to be deployed on Amami-Oshima island and on Miyakojima island. The ministry is considering the deployment of a similar unit on Ishigakijima island, as well. It is important to proceed with the plan, while winning the understanding of local communities.

There have been a succession of incidents in which Chinese military vessels have sailed close to the Senkaku Islands. And intrusions into Japanese territorial waters near the islands by China Coast Guard vessels continue unabated. In December last year, a China Coast Guard vessel equipped with “gun turrets” was sighted. China is also reportedly building a large vessel in the 10,000-ton class.

These developments are linked to a reorganization of the Chinese military, which is shifting its emphasis from ground forces to maritime and air forces. Japan needs to increase its vigilance in the future. It should also be assumed that situations may arise that the Japan Coast Guard cannot deal with alone.

Should a Chinese military vessel intrude into Japan’s territorial waters, the government may issue an order for the Maritime Self-Defense Force to implement maritime patrol operations. It is understandable that the Japanese government has conveyed such a policy to the Chinese side.

It is a matter of concern that there has been a delay in Japan-China negotiations concerning the establishment of a “maritime liaison mechanism” to prevent accidental clashes between the SDF and Chinese military forces. It is hoped that both countries will intelligently exert themselves to reach an agreement at an early stage.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 3, 2016)
posted by srachai at 07:26| Comment(0) | 読売英字


シリア和平協議 人道目的の停戦を優先したい

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Syria peace talks must prioritize ceasefire for humanitarian purposes
シリア和平協議 人道目的の停戦を優先したい

Peace talks aimed at ending Syria’s civil war have started in Geneva under the mediation of the United Nations, marking the first such talks in about two years.

Negotiators will discuss how to implement a road map to establish a new Syrian government that will involve formation of a transitional regime by July and an election in the middle of next year.

But a bumpy road is ahead due to the deep-seated mutual distrust between the administration of President Bashar Assad and antigovernment forces. The confrontation between Russia, which supports the Assad regime, and the United States and other countries, which oppose it, casts a shadow over prospects for the talks. It is essential for the international community to support efforts to pressure the parties involved in the conflict to make concessions.

About 400,000 people are reportedly starving in Syria because food and commodity supplies were cut off due to a siege by hostile forces. Top priority should be given to realizing a ceasefire for humanitarian purposes so food and medicine can be delivered.

The road map was agreed on last November by the United States, Russia and other countries concerned. This is the result of efforts by the international community to curb the influence of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militant group and stem the outflow of refugees.

What is worrying is that the parties concerned lack the will to implement the road map.

The Assad regime stepped up air raids against antigovernment forces immediately before the start of peace talks to recapture many strongholds. This was apparently intended to have an advantage in the negotiations.

The rebel groups’ call for a halt to the airstrikes was natural, but the talks are unlikely to go anywhere as long as they stick to their refusal to enter into substantive negotiations until the air raids cease.

Persistent efforts vital

Representatives from the Assad regime and the opposition camp do not sit at the same negotiation table, making it inevitable for the U.N. special envoy to go back and forth between the two parties to find points of compromise. Such a situation symbolizes the danger that the talks may collapse. It is indispensable for both sides to hold negotiations tenaciously to ensure results.

If even a partial truce can be agreed upon, it will contribute to building confidence between the two sides. This will also make it possible for the United States and other countries to concentrate on operations to eradicate ISIL.

ISIL has claimed responsibility for Sunday’s terrorist attack in the suburbs of Damascus that killed more than 70 people. There is a possibility the attack was intended to throw a wrench into the peace talks. Efforts must be made to minimize the impact of the attack.

Under the road map, how to deal with Assad will be shelved. Washington has virtually changed its demand for his immediate exit in an agonizing decision aimed at dealing with the increasing threat of ISIL.

Assad, who has ordered the use of chemical weapons in the civil war, cannot be allowed to remain in power, but there seems to be no suitable candidate to succeed him, which is a serious situation.

Lessons must be learned from the series of Arab Spring popular uprisings five years ago, in which long-term autocratic regimes were toppled in Libya and Yemen, producing a power vacuum and triggering civil wars and a spate of terrorism. The United States, Russia and other countries concerned need to cooperate in drawing up a blueprint for establishment of a stable government in Syria.

Turkey, which has seen its relations with Russia plummet, claims that Russian military aircraft intruded into its airspace again, thereby heightening tensions between the two countries. This is not the time for the two countries to engage in a struggle for regional hegemony.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 2, 2016)
posted by srachai at 12:38| Comment(0) | 読売英字


台湾と南シナ海 安定に寄与しない馬氏の訪問

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Ma’s visit to disputed S. China Sea island won’t contribute to stability
台湾と南シナ海 安定に寄与しない馬氏の訪問

The latest visit to a disputed island in the South China Sea was an action that raises concerns among neighboring countries and does not contribute to regional stability.

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou visited Taiping Island, the largest islet in the Spratlys. He made the day trip to the island aboard a Taiwan Air Force plane and reportedly encouraged officials and other personnel stationed on the island.

Taiwan effectively controls Taiping Island, located about 1,600 kilometers from the southern tip of Taiwan. It has built a port for large vessels and a lighthouse.

The likely aim of Ma’s visit was to demonstrate Taiwan’s sovereignty over the island and to show its presence. Vietnam and the Philippines, which both claim sovereignty over the island, objected to the visit, saying it had seriously violated their respective sovereignty over the island. Concerned parties should refrain from taking precipitous action in disputed waters.

The situation is getting tense in the South China Sea, as China is proceeding with its efforts to unilaterally change the status quo. It is understandable that the United States has criticized Ma’s visit to the island, saying “it would raise tensions.”

Ma has reiterated his call on all countries concerned to accept his South China Sea Peace Initiative, a proposal urging claimants to temporarily shelve their differences over territorial issues and jointly share the resources in the area. But his latest action makes the situation more complex, instead of bringing about regional “peace.”

Ma, who had planned to visit the island in December, refrained from doing so after Washington expressed opposition. Instead, he sent senior administration officials to the island.

He went ahead with the visit this time, probably because he wanted it to be considered a political “achievement” as his term of office ends in May.

China main beneficiary

As his ruling Nationalist Party suffered a major defeat in the presidential and legislative elections last month, Ma may also be aiming to have his administration gain centripetal force in the country.

What is problematic is that Ma’s visit benefits China’s efforts to enclose the South China Sea as if it was its own “lake.”

China claims sovereignty over an almost equal area of waters as Taiwan does in the South China Sea. As Beijing regards Taiwan as “part of China,” Taiwan’s sovereignty claim will sooner or later be linked to China’s interests.

It is for this reason that China has taken a detached stance this time, saying, “Safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as safeguarding the overall interests of the Chinese nation are the common responsibility and obligation of compatriots across the strait.”

China apparently intends to step up pressure on neighboring countries by forming a “united front” with Taiwan, under the name of the Chinese nation.

China’s attempt to turn its artificial islands in the South China Sea into military strongholds continues nonstop. At a press conference held following his talks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stubbornly maintained that China was building “defense facilities” on artificial islands that had nothing to do with militarizing the area.

While shaking “freedom of navigation” on the basis of international law, China attempts to expand its own national interests further. To stem such self-righteous moves on the part of China, it is essential for the international community to cooperate closely, in addition to the continued navigation of U.S. warships near the artificial islands.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 1, 2016)
posted by srachai at 11:41| Comment(0) | 読売英字


天皇陛下比訪問 友好親善深めた「慰霊の旅」

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Imperial trip to console war dead in R.P. deepens friendship, goodwill
天皇陛下比訪問 友好親善深めた「慰霊の旅」

The visit has embodied the strong feelings of the Emperor, who has repeatedly traveled to console the spirits of the war dead, keeping the memories of World War II deep in his heart.

The Emperor and Empress have returned home from a five-day official visit to the Philippines, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between that country and Japan.

It was the Imperial couple’s third trip abroad to console the spirits of the war dead, following their visit to Saipan in 2005 and to Palau last year.

About 520,000 Japanese died in the Philippines, where fierce battles between Japan and the United States took place during the war. Many Filipinos were also entangled in the fighting, with about 1.11 million people killed.

What made a deep impression during their latest trip was the Imperial couple’s first visit to the monument in Caliraya, near Manila, built by the Japanese government to mourn the Japanese war dead in the Philippines. The couple laid white chrysanthemums brought from Japan.

The Emperor and Empress later spoke to former Japanese soldiers and bereaved relatives one by one who were present, saying such words as “Please take care of yourself.” The people concerned must have been filled with deep emotion.

The Imperial couple last visited the Philippines in 1962, when the Emperor was crown prince. Anti-Japanese sentiments remained strong back then, but the couple met bereaved relatives of Filipino war dead and visited a facility for war orphans. These appearances were said to have eased somewhat Filipinos’ critical attitude toward Japan.

Squarely facing the past

The monument for the Japanese war dead was built in Caliraya in 1973. It must have been the Imperial couple’s dearest wish to visit the monument to console the souls of the Japanese war dead.

The couple also visited the national Heroes Cemetery in Manila and offered a silent prayer in front of the memorial monument. At a banquet hosted by Philippine President Benigno Aquino, the Emperor said in his speech that many Filipinos lost their lives in the war and “this is something we Japanese must never forget.”

The image of the Emperor, who faces the past sincerely, must have been imprinted onto the hearts of Filipinos.

Aquino expressed gratitude, saying that Japan as a “consistent, able, and trustworthy partner, has helped advance our people’s progress.”

The Imperial couple’s latest visit to the Philippines came at the invitation of Aquino, who visited Japan in June last year as a state guest. Aquino has known the couple since he visited Japan in 1986 with his mother, then Philippine President Corazon Aquino.

In June this year, Aquino will end his term and step down. His final year in the presidency coincides with the 60th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

The Philippines is considered to be one of the most pro-Japan countries to Japan. It is also an important partner for Japan in Asia in the economic and other fields.

We hope the latest visit by the Imperial couple to the country will further solidify the friendship and goodwill between our two countries.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jan. 31, 2016)
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