













[ はじめに ]

[ 名前 ]
松井 清 (スラチャイ)

[ 略歴 ]
・99/10 タイ全土を旅行
・00/10 タイに移住
・03/07 カイちゃん誕生
・07/06 シーファーちゃん誕生

[ 座右の銘 ]
Slow and steady wins the race.

[ 学習の手引き ]
・Think in English.

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復興予算「転用」 被災地支援が後回しでは困る

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 11, 2012)
Aid to disaster-stricken areas must be given priority
復興予算「転用」 被災地支援が後回しでは困る(10月10日付・読売社説)

Fiscal allocations for the reconstruction of areas devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake have been used for projects not directly related to disaster-stricken areas.

This diversion of funds cannot be ignored.

Under pressure from the Liberal Democratic Party at the House of Representatives Committee on Audit and Oversight of Administration, the Finance Ministry and other ministries listed projects under way. Many of the projects are suspected of not being essential to reconstruction.

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry earmarked the cost for dealing with Sea Shepherd, an antiwhaling organization, as part of its reconstruction budget. Its reasoning is that unless antiwhaling protests can be halted, it will affect the reconstruction of Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, which has whale processing facilities.

The Justice Ministry allocated funds for vocational training programs at prisons in Saitama Prefecture and elsewhere on the grounds that inmates may work in disaster-stricken areas after being released. This argument is hardly persuasive.

The Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry has provided a subsidy to a contact lens manufacturing plant in Gifu Prefecture because the plant procures materials from the disaster-stricken region.


Okada's lame excuse

Deputy Prime Minister Katsuya Okada explained at a news conference that "because we had to compile a huge budget within a short period, we didn't have time to go into details."

Based on its basic reconstruction policy, the government originally estimated 19 trillion yen would be required for reconstruction in the first five years. A total of 18 trillion yen was allocated in the first to third supplementary budgets for fiscal 2011 and in the initial budget for fiscal 2012.

The budgets are aimed at decontaminating areas affected by the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, rebuilding infrastructure damaged by the earthquake-triggered tsunami and disposing of debris.

Under the pretext of using tax hikes as a major resource to carry out reconstruction, the residential tax and income tax will be increased over 10- and 25-year periods, respectively.

The government offices insisted on the validity of their budget allocations, arguing that the basic reconstruction policy includes such wording as "antidisaster measures will be carried out across the nation" and "reconstruction of the disaster-devastated areas will be impossible without revival of the national economy."

It is true that measures also must be taken in other areas to prepare for disasters and prevent the hollowing out of industry.


Significant delays

However, an anything-goes budget cannot be tolerated given the significant delays in the key reconstruction projects.

If government offices earmark spending even for projects that should be dealt with normally by the state budget because the reconstruction budget does not have a strict ceiling, it will invite a strong backlash from people who cooperated in the government's tax increase plans.

On this matter, the LDP is calling for screening the projects although the Diet is not in session. The Diet must scrutinize whether the reconstruction budget is being used appropriately.

Implementation of the budget has been delayed in disaster-stricken areas. Only 60 percent of the 15 trillion yen earmarked for fiscal 2011 was used before the fiscal year ended on March 31, 2012. Concerns have been voiced about the differences between what is in the budget and what is needed.

Tatsuo Hirano, state minister for disaster reconstruction, said, "We want to compile a budget for next fiscal year that will give priority to disaster-stricken areas." The government must make arrangements quickly so that the necessary funds can be allocated to these areas.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 10, 2012)
(2012年10月10日01時09分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 08:41| Comment(0) | 読売英字


ノーベル賞 山中氏への支援体制を手厚く

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 10, 2012)
Beef up support for research of Nobel laureate Yamanaka
ノーベル賞 山中氏への支援体制を手厚く(10月9日付・読売社説)

Kyoto University Prof. Shinya Yamanaka has been awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

We offer our heartiest congratulations to him for winning this prestigious prize.

It is the first time in 25 years that a Japanese won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The only other Japanese laureate in this field was Susumu Tonegawa, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 1987.

Yamanaka won the prize for developing a technology to reprogram somatic cells--a technology to return somatic cells such as skin cells to a state immediately after fertilization--the beginning of life. He was awarded the prize jointly with British scientist John Gurdon.

After fertilization, cells develop into specific cells of various tissues and organs as they grow and gradually age. Yamanaka's research reversed this process, which previously went in only one direction.

It was an epoch-making achievement. Since Yamanaka announced results of his studies in 2006, his name has been at the top of the list of front-running Nobel candidates every year.


Reprogramming cells

Yamanaka won the prize only six years after the announcement of his findings, probably due to the high expectations for the application of the technology in the medical field.

Cells reprogrammed using Yamanaka's technology are called induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells. Organs and tissues damaged by diseases and injuries could theoretically be replaced with cells made from iPS cells. Such "regenerative medicine" is not just a dream anymore.

For instance, the technology could be used to treat a patient paralyzed from the waist down due to a damaged spinal cord. Injecting nerve cells developed from iPS cells made from the patient's skin cells might regenerate his nerves and enable him to walk.

Although Yamanaka's studies are still at the basic research stage, the technology has the potential to completely innovate medical technologies in the future.

Kyoto University, where Yamanaka works, has obtained international patents on iPS cells as part of its efforts to stay at the top of research and development in this field.


Japan lags other nations

However, the United States and some European countries, for instance, have jumped ahead in research aimed at actually putting the technology to practical use. Yamanaka has repeatedly sounded the alarm about this development, saying, "The United States and Europe are way ahead in terms of research funds and human resources."

In these nations, major pharmaceutical companies have been spending huge funds to advance iPS research. A shortage of researchers is not a problem for them.

Japan lags behind, not only in the field of iPS cells, but also in research systems for new drugs and treatment techniques.

Yamanaka's Nobel Prize success is a prime opportunity for the whole nation to reinforce efforts to energize research labs.

Yamanaka's technology has also generated a new problem. Some observers have raised concerns that in research that fertilizes eggs with sperm, both created using iPS cell technology, a new life would be born through an abnormal reproduction process.

Consideration of this issue from a bioethics viewpoint should not be neglected.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 9, 2012)
(2012年10月9日01時27分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 08:25| Comment(0) | 読売英字


シニア消費 日本経済を牽引する団塊世代

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 9, 2012)
Baby boomers' consumption could be driving force for economy
シニア消費 日本経済を牽引する団塊世代(10月8日付・読売社説)

Consumption by elderly people has been picking up recently.

We hope their purchasing power will give the nation's economy a shot in the arm.

Annual consumption by elderly people--mainly those aged 60 and older, including postwar baby boomers--topped 100 trillion yen for the first time in 2011. It accounted for 40 percent of domestic consumption.

Monthly consumption expenditure per household whose head is aged 65 to 69 has been on an upward trend. The growth rate of expenditure for this age group is above the average for all demographics.

After retiring, elderly people tend to withdraw savings they squirreled away while they were working to spend on products they need or want. In economics, this is known as the "life-cycle hypothesis" (LCH).

In addition to this special characteristic, many baby boomers, who are happy to spend their money and have led their generation, started turning 65 this year. The baby boomers have apparently been adding momentum to unconventional patterns of consumption.


Elderly population growing

The proportion of people 65 and older has reached 24 percent of the population. This figure is expected to top 30 percent in 2030. It is important to maintain the consumption trend of senior citizens as an engine supporting the economy.

Already business activities targeting seniors with time and money on their hands, such as supermarkets that open early in the morning and around-the-world cruises, have become popular.

However, many companies seem unable to shake off their traditional mindsets. Today's senior citizens are not all modest old folks. They are very active and quite a few are willing to splash out for things they feel are significant, even if they usually closely watch their pennies in everyday life.

It is not only consumption of tangible objects that is thriving, but also courses at culture schools and music schools, such as piano lessons. This suggests elderly people value spending time or having experiences that provide psychological satisfaction.

They are enthusiastic about staying healthy and favor items that help slow the aging process, which has been a boon for sports clubs and cosmetics that keep them looking younger.


Think outside the box

Potential money-spinners can be found in areas that many businesspeople assume would appeal more to young people. For instance, many elderly men are interested in sports cars. Many are accustomed to using personal computers and smartphones. The Internet is a familiar part of their daily life. They could contribute to the expansion of e-commerce.

We hope every corporation will sniff out the needs of elderly people and use their wisdom to develop or provide innovative products and services as well as cultivate new markets.

When baby boomers turned 60 in 2007 through 2009, consumption did not pick up as much as expected. Factors behind this included growing concern over whether these baby boomers could keep working until they reached 65, and sluggish stock prices after the so-called Lehman shock.

The government must help erase elderly people's worries for the future by, for instance, implementing policies that will ensure social security systems can be stably maintained.

If the willingness to spend among the elderly encourages greater consumption among working generations, the Japanese economy would undoubtedly have a bonanza.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 8, 2012)
(2012年10月8日01時27分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 08:29| Comment(0) | 読売英字


首都高速道路 東京再生につながる改修を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 8, 2012)
Revamping Tokyo's expressways could give capital a boost
首都高速道路 東京再生につながる改修を(10月7日付・読売社説)

How should a large-scale renovation be undertaken on Tokyo's aging expressway system?

This is a crucial task that will affect disaster prevention preparations, redevelopment projects and distribution networks in the metropolitan area.

An expert panel of the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry has compiled a package of recommendations that call for the elevated Inner Circular Route to be shifted underground and for other routes of the weblike network to be revamped. We can understand why the recommendations go further than simply proposing an upgrade of the expressways and instead urge that Tokyo's shutoko tollways be radically overhauled.

We hope the ministry will launch studies with the Tokyo metropolitan government and Metropolitan Express Co., the operator of the network, about specifics of the envisioned changes.

Tokyo's expressways extend across the capital and three neighboring prefectures, making the network a major transport artery for the entire national economy.


Dangerous curves, junctions

This year marks the 50th year since the first section of the expressway system opened. About 30 percent of the network's 300 kilometers was built at least 40 years ago.

The expressways need repairs at nearly 100,000 locations, a threefold increase from seven years ago. Temporary fixes are approaching the limit of their usefulness.

To build as many expressways as possible in time for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games, most were constructed above existing roads and waterways to avoid land procurement problems. The result is that 95 percent of expressways are elevated or in tunnels, making it an unusual network by global standards.

The ministry panel focused its discussions on the Inner Circular Route because it has many tight curves and hazardous junctions on roads threading their way through densely built-up areas. Traffic accidents and congestion occur frequently. In addition, making expressways more earthquake-resistant is urgently needed in preparation for an expected powerful epicentral quake with its focus below Tokyo.

One of the panel's recommendations was to dismantle elevated sections that spoil Tokyo's landscape and hang ominously over areas and people below. This could be a good option for a new expressway system.

The biggest problem, of course, will be coming up with the more than 4 trillion yen that would be needed for this massive project.

Considering the increasingly stringent government finances, the panel quite rightly pointed out that restructuring the expressways "should be funded not by counting on government money as much as possible, but instead mainly by toll revenues."


Draw lessons from overseas

However, a large jump in tolls could earn the ire of expressway users. Harnessing private-sector funds as much as possible by such means as selling land that will become vacant in prime locations after elevated sections are dismantled should be scrutinized.

About 60 percent of vehicles that use the Inner Circular Route simply drive through the heart of Tokyo. This is a major cause of the chronic traffic jams, a situation that must be taken into account in remodeling the expressways.

Some observers argue that the Inner Circular Route could be done away with by improving routes that form a concentric pattern in outer areas of the Inner Circular Route, such as the Central Circular Route and Tokyo Outer Ring Road, or Gaikando.

The reconstruction of expressways has rejuvenated the central part of many major cities, such as Seoul, Seattle, Duesseldorf and Paris. We hope these cities provide useful references for Tokyo's case.

The Tokyo metropolitan expressway system is not alone in nearing the end of its expected service life. Many roads, bridges and water and sewerage systems built by the central and local governments across the country during Japan's high-growth days also are becoming decrepit.

Renovating Tokyo's expressway network, if done successfully, could be a good model for upgrading aging infrastructure throughout the country.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 7, 2012)
(2012年10月7日01時27分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 06:46| Comment(0) | 読売英字


不透明で不確実な時代を乗り切るために自然の力を利用いたしましょう バッチフラワーレメディ


それは、バッチフラワーレメディ の常用なのです。

1日わずか数滴のレスキューレメディ が、心に平安をもたらしてくれますが、これは、お薬ではありませんので副作用もございません。

フラワーエッセンス には、まだ医学界でも解明されていない不思議な力が存在するのですね。




曰く、 今月のあなたはなぜか「モテモテ」といった運勢♪。


ブログで口コミプロモーションならレビューブログ レビューブログからお知らせをいただきました。

posted by srachai at 12:15| Comment(0) | affiliate

秋の臨時国会 先送りは政権の責任放棄だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 7, 2012)
Govt must convene Diet swiftly and not abdicate responsibility
秋の臨時国会 先送りは政権の責任放棄だ(10月6日付・読売社説)

Moves are afoot that may lead to postponement of talks between the leaders of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the two major opposition parties, the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, as well as delay the convocation of an extraordinary Diet session that was scheduled for this autumn.

This undoubtedly runs contrary to Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's stated goal of realizing "politics capable of making resolute decisions."

The LDP's new president, Shinzo Abe, met Komeito chief Natsuo Yamaguchi on Friday, and they agreed to pressure Noda to dissolve the House of Representatives for a general election this year, based on the prime minister's pledge in August to do so "sometime soon."

In the meeting, Yamaguchi said voting and vote counting for a general election should be completed no later than Dec. 9, a date he considered a "commonsense" time limit.

The heads of the two major opposition parties also confirmed they would press the prime minister in a meeting of the three parties' chiefs to clearly explain how he would pass a bill submitted by the government to enable the issuance of deficit-covering bonds.


Govt, DPJ bear more blame

Noda's pledge to dissolve the lower house soon was part of the three-party agreement reached over comprehensive reform of the social security and tax systems. We see the demand made by the LDP and Komeito for this pledge to be fulfilled as reasonable.

A delay in passing the bond bill would force the government to cut back on spending called for in the state budget, which could adversely impact local government finances and people's lives. The opposition camp, therefore, should not make approval of the bond bill contingent on dissolving the lower house.

However, more problematic by far is how the government and the DPJ have dealt with these matters.

It should be noted that it was Noda's idea to hold a meeting of the leaders of the three parties, as he wanted to "reconfirm the three-party agreement" on social security and tax reform.

However, the prime minister and his party have failed even to sound out the LDP and Komeito about the feasibility of a meeting of the heads of the three parties, despite a full week having passed since Abe became LDP president. We feel the DPJ sorely lacks the sense of responsibility required of a ruling party.

Moves by DPJ lawmakers to leave the party have continued even after the party's leadership election last month. If eight more DPJ Diet members were to bolt, the ruling bloc would lose its majority in the lower house.

The party also fears that if an extraordinary Diet session were convened without an agreement in place with the LDP and Komeito on key issues, the ruling camp would be unable to defeat a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet, thus forcing the prime minister to dissolve the lower house.


No excuse for procrastination

The revelation that a prefectural DPJ chapter headed by Justice Minister Keishu Tanaka received donations from a company run by a Taiwan national has dealt a fresh blow to the Noda administration.

Earlier, the DPJ faced two similar scandals where political donations from foreign nationals, which are banned by the Political Funds Control Law, were accepted by former Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Seiji Maehara, the current state minister in charge of national policy.

The fact that Tanaka was appointed to the Cabinet without sufficient investigation into whether he was free of such problems makes us question the DPJ's capacity to govern.

The government choosing not to convene a Diet session for fear of being brought to task by the opposition over these issues would be a grave mistake in terms of priorities.

No time must be wasted in passing the bill to allow deficit-covering bonds to be issued, as well as legislation to rectify vote-value disparities in lower house elections. These urgent political tasks must be accomplished through an extraordinary Diet session as early as possible.

The Noda Cabinet should not be allowed to put off convening the Diet while trying to shift the blame for being unable to issue deficit-covering bonds to the opposition and asserting the lower house cannot be dissolved because of the "state of unconstitutionality" of the electoral system.

It is questionable whether any administration that fails to address policy matters and attempts to delay dissolution of the lower house is fit to survive.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 6, 2012)
(2012年10月6日01時06分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 07:39| Comment(0) | 読売英字


米大統領選討論 ロムニー善戦でオバマ守勢に

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 6, 2012)
Romney's good fight put Obama on the defensive
米大統領選討論 ロムニー善戦でオバマ守勢に(10月5日付・読売社説)

Democratic incumbent U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican nominee and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had a face-to-face confrontation Wednesday in Denver in their first televised debate ahead of the U.S. presidential election to be held on Nov. 6.

Presidential debates, three of which will be held this year, are important events that give voters a chance to evaluate the candidates based on aspects of how they look on TV, such as their expressions and demeanor, as well as what they debate.

The debates are critical for Romney to turn the tables on his rival as he sees the voters' support for him remain sluggish partly due to his own verbal lapses. As his approval ratings have been plummeting in closely contested states, there will be no hope for Romney to win the race if he fails in the debates.

In polls taken right after the debate, Romney appeared to be viewed as the winner, probably because his going aggressively on the offensive proved effective. It can be said the ultimate outcome of the race has become uncertain again.


Romney was in his element

Economic and domestic issues, the focus of the first debate, were where Romney, who has succeeded as a corporate executive, is at his strongest.

The U.S. economy is in a critical state. It has been unable to pull itself out of its slowdown, and the jobless rate remains high. No president has ever been reelected since the end of World War II with the jobless rate hovering in the 8-percent range.

The first debate proved advantageous for Romney as he criticized Obama's misadministration in the past four years, while Obama, aiming to be reelected, was forced onto the defensive.

Both candidates are being tested as to how they would realize a robust economic recovery and whether each can present any effective prescriptions to that end. In the debate, the differences in their policies have come to light once again.

Obama's stance attaches great importance to the role of the federal government in creating jobs. He put forward his cherished ideas, such as tax cuts for middle-income taxpayers; the rehiring of former teachers; investment in schools, roads and other public infrastructure; and expanded use of renewable energy.

Romney criticized Obama's budget policies as fiscal expansion, while emphasizing the need to enhance the private sector's vitality by making sizable tax cuts, including ones for upper-income households, and deregulation. He also renewed his public pledges to promote the nation's energy independence and create 12 million jobs.


Details needed on both sides

How can financial resources be secured? Or how can such a large-scale job creation be realized without economic stimulus measures through more government spending? In the economic stimulus measures put forward by the two candidates, there are more than a few that need to be worked out in detail.

U.S. fiscal deficits have topped the 1 trillion dollars mark for four fiscal years in a row. The challenge of putting the fiscal house in order is an important task on which no time can be wasted.

In his budget-cutting plan to trim the deficit, Obama does not treat national defense spending as an exception. But Romney opposes cuts in such spending. How will fiscal rehabilitation affect future U.S. military strategy, which attaches importance to Asia? This is also an issue that is related to the national security of Japan.

Diplomatic issues will be one of the topics covered in the second and third debates. U.S. policy toward China will probably become a major issue. We would like to pay close attention to how the debates turn out, as they may decide which side will win in the closely contested presidential race.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 5, 2012)
(2012年10月5日01時15分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 06:03| Comment(5) | 読売英字


生活保護改革 自立促す就労支援に本腰を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 5, 2012)
Govt must do more to help welfare recipients find jobs
生活保護改革 自立促す就労支援に本腰を(10月4日付・読売社説)

The number of people receiving welfare benefits in Japan has reached a new record of 2.11 million, and they are expected to receive a total of 3.7 trillion yen this fiscal year.

The government must knuckle down to help people who need financial help become self-reliant.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry has drafted a set of measures to help people who need financial help. The measures--the first of their kind--focus on job assistance. The ministry plans to compile a livelihood support strategy by the end of this year and submit related bills during an ordinary Diet session next year.

About 300,000 welfare recipients are working-age people who have no jobs despite being capable of working. The proportion of such recipients has more than doubled over the past decade.

This is apparently the result of the nation's prolonged economic malaise. An increase in the number of nonregular employees who have no employment insurance has become a major contributing factor to this trend.

According to the draft, the ministry would provide welfare recipients with opportunities to try light work in collaboration with local governments, companies and other organizations. This aims to help them restore their life rhythm, thus encouraging them to secure stable jobs.


Rent assistance needed

The draft also proposes a scheme under which a portion of income a welfare recipient earns from work would be accumulated and given in a lump sum when they get off welfare.

It calls for establishing such a framework because welfare recipients have their benefits reduced if they have an income.

We believe it is crucial to introduce measures like this one that motivate welfare recipients to join the workforce.

It also is important to help them find places to live. The draft calls for providing in-kind benefits by having local governments pay their rent to landlords.

This would encourage landlords to rent rooms to welfare recipients because they would no longer have to worry about nonpayment of rent.

While encouraging welfare recipients to help themselves, it is also important to prevent low-income earners from reaching the point where they require welfare benefits.

There have been reports that 25 percent of welfare recipients had parents who also received benefits. They must be helped to break the chain of poverty being passed from parents to children.

Many of these recipients graduated only from middle school or dropped out of high school.
This clearly shows that people from families receiving welfare benefits often have fewer education opportunities than people from households not on welfare.

The nation's small public expenditure on education has been blamed as a major factor for this trend.


Families also have responsibility

The ministry draft calls for providing learning support to children from households receiving welfare benefits, such as collaborating with the private sector to offer remedial classes to meet the needs of their families and local communities.

It is natural that relatives should be asked to explain why they do not support a family member facing financial difficulties even though they have a duty to do so. Even the mother of a popular comedian was recently found to have received welfare benefits.

Of course, it is also necessary to ensure people do not illegally receive welfare benefits.

Nevertheless, the elderly are the fastest growing group among welfare recipients due to the rapid graying of society and an increasing number of senior citizens who receive low pensions.

People who receive only basic pension payments have to get by on just 49,000 yen per month on average.

Reforming the welfare system should be conducted comprehensively along with overhauls in other fields, including employment, education and pensions.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 4, 2012)
(2012年10月4日01時39分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 08:09| Comment(0) | 読売英字


「尖閣」外交 領有の正当性示す広報戦略を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 4, 2012)
Govt should counter China's propaganda on Senkakus
「尖閣」外交 領有の正当性示す広報戦略を(10月3日付・読売社説)

China's propaganda campaign over the Senkaku Islands has run rampant, conveying false and improper messages to the world.

The Japanese government should counter China's campaign by demonstrating the legitimacy of Japan's territorial claim on the islands to the international community.

The newly reshuffled Cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has approved the government's basic policy over the Senkaku Islands, which stipulated that the government will "fulfill its duties of defending the nation's land and territorial waters, including isolated islands, in accordance with international law."

The government should redouble its efforts to tell the world that the Senkaku Islands are an integral part of Japan's territory.

This is necessary to cope with China's tactics over the islands--on top of flexing its muscles by sending surveillance ships to the waters around the islands, it has also been striving to control the direction of international public opinion. China has launched a propaganda campaign against Japan in the United States and Europe, such as by running ads in major U.S. newspapers claiming that the islands "belong to China."


Don't let China get the upper hand

Japan has maintained a consistent stance over the issue that "there is no territorial dispute over the islands" based on the facts that the nation's territorial rights over the islands have already been established under international law and Japan has effective control over the islands.

Of course, there is no need for the government to change this policy, but if the nation continues ignoring China's claims, those claims may spread across the world. At a recent press conference, Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba said, "The nation's stance [over the islands] will remain unchanged, but we need to present our stance to the international community in an easy-to-understand manner."
We regard Gemba's remarks as appropriate.

The home page of the Foreign Ministry's website has a new banner labeled "Japan-China relations: Current situation of the Senkaku Islands," which links directly to a page explaining its view on the islands. For next fiscal year, the ministry has requested about 600 million yen for public relations, investigation and research over the nation's territorial integrity, including such work for the Senkaku Islands.

It is essential for the nation to conduct public relations activities tenaciously and with a clear strategic vision.

It is also important to swiftly respond to China's actions at diplomatic events.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi recently made remarks on the Senkaku Islands at the U.N. General Assembly. He claimed that Japan "stole" the islands in 1895 at the end of the Sino-Japanese War, and forced the Chinese government to sign an unequal treaty to cede the islands.

Yang's remarks were a distortion of historical facts. It was totally appropriate for Kazuo Kodama, Japan's deputy U.N. ambassador, to exercise Japan's right to reply in General Assembly debate.


China's claims distort history

Based on international law, the Japanese government incorporated the Senkaku Islands into Japan's territory in January 1895 after confirming that the islands were not under Chinese control. The islands were thus clearly Japanese territory when the two nations signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which ended the Sino-Japanese War, in April that year. Kodama explained the facts to the assembly and concluded that China's claims were untenable.

It was only since the 1970s that the Chinese government began claiming territorial sovereignty over the islands, after the existence of an oil deposit was confirmed beneath the nearby seafloor. Before then, Beijing had never objected to Japan's possession of the Senkaku Islands. This fact clearly supports Japan's claims.

The Chinese government has demanded that Japan admit the existence of a territorial dispute over the islands and settle it through dialogue.

It is important for Japan to have discussions with China to improve the strained relations with the country. However, efforts to advance discussions must never undermine Japan's stance over sovereignty.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 3, 2012)
(2012年10月3日01時17分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 07:50| Comment(0) | 読売英字


野田内閣改造 日本の再生を託し得る布陣か

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 3, 2012)
Can Noda's new Cabinet be entrusted to revive Japan?
野田内閣改造 日本の再生を託し得る布陣か(10月2日付・読売社説)


Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has given favorable treatment to lawmakers seeking cabinet posts and obviously wanted to prevent more members from leaving his party ahead of the upcoming House of Representatives election. The new lineup is characterized by such an inward-looking approach.

Noda launched his third reshuffled Cabinet on Monday. The purpose of the reshuffle, he said, was "to further deepen cooperation between the government and the ruling parties and to strengthen the Cabinet's functions."

The prime minister used a certain amount of ingenuity in the reshuffle by retaining core ministers, such as Deputy Prime Minister Katsuya Okada, and appointing lawmakers who held executive posts in the Democratic Party of Japan to key posts.

However, concern cannot be dispelled over whether the reshuffle will serve its purpose.


Rework nuclear plant policy

When considering future national strategy and revival of Japan's economy, we wonder, first of all, why Noda retained Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano, who was responsible for allowing the nation's nuclear power plant and energy policy to stray off course.

Edano played a central role when the government drew up its innovative energy and environmental strategy, which set a target of zero nuclear power plants operating in the 2030s.

Concerning this target, Edano was optimistic, saying, "As long as it's not done the wrong way, it will have a positive impact on the economy."

His remark seems to ignore the various issues that concern business circles, such as the impact mothballing nuclear power plants would have on the Japanese economy, job losses caused by the hollowing-out of industry and a decrease in the number of nuclear power engineers.

Under the circumstances, Edano can only be accused of irresponsibility as the economy, trade and industry minister has to ensure a stable supply of electricity as well as industrial development.

A wide range of cooperation from the business world is essential in developing technological innovations for renewable energy.

Former DPJ Policy Research Committee Chairman Seiji Maehara, who assumed the position of state minister for national policy, and economic and fiscal policy, pushed the government to decide on the zero nuclear power policy as head of the party's Energy and Environment Research Committee.

At a press conference after assuming his new post, Maehara said, "I'll promote a strategy to increase the nation's power, and work out plans for it." However, how will he overcome deflation and ensure the nation's growth while pushing for a zero nuclear power policy?

Mapping out a mid- and long-term basic energy plan will be a huge task.

In addition to opposition from the business community, the United States, which concluded a cooperation agreement on nuclear energy with Japan, has also expressed strong concern over Japan's nuclear power plant policy. It is crucial for Japan to improve its relationship with the United States.

Maehara, who once served as foreign minister, will find his ability to coordinate policy tested again.


Tanaka's appointment strange

The appointment of Makiko Tanaka as education, culture, sports, science and technology minister is mystifying.

Tanaka assumed the post of foreign minister during the administration of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, but it soon became apparent she lacked even a fundamental knowledge of diplomacy. Her frequent aberrant behavior in dealing with the ministry's bureaucrats led to diplomacy becoming totally dysfunctional.

It is obvious she lacks what it takes to serve as a cabinet minister. Of great concern is that she will lose control again and cause national politics to become chaotic. Noda said he placed great expectations on her communication skills. But if Tanaka's appointment is intended to help the DPJ in its campaign for the next general election, it would be like treating the general public with derision.

An analysis of the list of Cabinet members who were named for the first time indicates their appointments were made as rewards for supporting Noda's reelection as DPJ president and aimed at promoting intraparty unity.

Keishu Tanaka, one of the party's vice presidents and a former member of the now defunct Democratic Socialist Party, was appointed justice minister, while Wakio Mitsui and Ikko Nakatsuka, who both had close connections with former DPJ President Ichiro Ozawa, were named health, labor and welfare minister and state minister for financial services, respectively.

Noda's three rivals in the DPJ presidential election and their supporters received no cabinet posts. It seems likely that consideration will be given to their groups in appointing senior vice ministers and parliamentary secretaries.


Intraparty discord

However, intraparty discord shows no sign of dissipating, and Noda will continue to be pressured over his management of the party.

The prime minister stressed the need for cooperation between the government and ruling parties. His naming of former DPJ Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Koriki Jojima as finance minister is symbolic in this respect.

The appointment could serve as an indication that Jojima's connections with the opposition parties will be used to help pass through the Diet a special bill to enable the issuance of deficit-covering government bonds and steadily promote integrated reform of social security and tax systems.

Jojima's capabilities as finance minister will be put to the test during a meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank scheduled in Tokyo next week.
posted by srachai at 08:37| Comment(0) | 読売英字
