













[ はじめに ]

[ 名前 ]
松井 清 (スラチャイ)

[ 略歴 ]
・99/10 タイ全土を旅行
・00/10 タイに移住
・03/07 カイちゃん誕生
・07/06 シーファーちゃん誕生

[ 座右の銘 ]
Slow and steady wins the race.

[ 学習の手引き ]
・Think in English.

ブログでお小遣い 無料サンプルも



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振興銀首脳逮捕 “改革派”の仮面がはがれた

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 16, 2010)
Arrest of ex-bank head debunks reformist mask
振興銀首脳逮捕 “改革派”の仮面がはがれた(7月15日付・読売社説)

Former Incubator Bank of Japan Chairman Takeshi Kimura, incumbent President Tatsuya Nishino and three other former and current executives have been arrested on suspicion of violating the Banking Law by obstructing an audit of the Financial Services Agency.

As financial inspections by the agency loomed last year, the then executives deleted--on Kimura's orders--280 e-mails likely to have been of interest to the inspectors.

Suspicions of other shady behavior by the bank have since emerged. We hope the Metropolitan Police Department uncovers the whole truth of the case through an exhaustive investigation.

Kimura, who started his business career as a Bank of Japan official, served as a brain truster of Heizo Takenaka, who was state minister in charge of economic, fiscal and financial policy in Junichiro Koizumi's administration. Later, Kimura established the Incubator Bank of Japan with like-minded comrades at the Junior Chamber International Tokyo. The bank's motto was to support small and midsize enterprises.

Against the backdrop of structural reform pushed by Koizumi's administration, market fundamentalism and the "profit-comes-first" principle based on the law-of-the-jungle philosophy had many strong followers among young entrepreneurs.

This excessive worship of money was exemplified by the window-dressing case that battered Livedoor Co., including its former president, Takafumi Horie, and insider trading committed by the so-called Murakami Fund, whose president was Yoshiaki Murakami.


Unjustifiable actions

During this period, Kimura prided himself as being a standard-bearer of financial reform. In the end, however, he betrayed himself--just like Horie and Murakami did.

Despite once being deeply involved in financial administration, Kimura now is a suspect in a criminal case. His alleged actions cannot be justified.

Writer Go Egami, who was one of the bank's outside directors, has been appointed as the bank's new president.

Egami has written about his days as a banker at the defunct Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank. In one memorable episode, he pressed the Dai-Ichi Kangyo management to terminate its ties with sokaiya corporate racketeers.
The management environment at Incubator Bank is severe. As president, Egami must tread a thorny path.

It has become apparent that the bank put profit-making before all else, while projecting itself as "the friend of small and midsize enterprises."

The bank allegedly charged a hefty commission when asking major moneylender SFCG Co. to buy back loan claims. This, in effect, was the equivalent of imposing an illegally high interest rate of about 46 percent, far above the upper limit stipulated in the Investment Deposit and Interest Rate Law, according to investigation sources. SFCG, which earned an unsavory reputation for its strong-arm loan collection methods, is undergoing bankruptcy procedures. The bank disguised the transactions as legitimate trades of loan claims. However, a healthy bank would not make such moves that took away proceeds from a loan shark facing difficulties raising funds.


More suspicions remain

Incubator Bank also allegedly recommended a person affiliated with the bank be appointed as an executive to a company that had applied for a loan, and pressed the applicant firm to accept the plan. The person consequently took control of the firm's management. The bank thus had shades of a corporate raider.

The FSA inspections that began last year exposed the bank's illegal activities. But we wonder if the agency could have detected the bank's true nature--and penchant for breaking the rules--much earlier.

Investigators will try to trace the inner workings of a group of the bank's client companies, a network established under Kimura's presidency. The bank extended loans to these member firms, which in turn accepted requests to boost the bank's capital.

We wonder whether such loans and capital increases were legal. The MPD should get to the bottom of this matter, too.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 15, 2010)
(2010年7月15日01時01分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 07:04| Comment(0) | 読売英字


税制抜本改革 ひるまず消費税論議を進めよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 15, 2010)
Get cracking on consumption tax talks
税制抜本改革 ひるまず消費税論議を進めよ(7月14日付・読売社説)

The Democratic Party of Japan's crushing defeat in Sunday's House of Councillors election has raised concern that discussions on far-reaching tax reform, including a possible consumption tax hike, will be put on the back burner.

DPJ Secretary General Yukio Edano has indicated his intention not to stick to Prime Minister Naoto Kan's plan of formulating concrete plans on tax reform by the end of fiscal 2010. "We won't necessarily adhere to the initial deadline," Edano said.

However, the government cannot put off discussions on consumption tax any longer. The nation is mired in an extraordinary fiscal condition in which tax revenue is less than the amount of new government bonds issued. Furthermore, the increasingly creaky social security system needs urgent repair.

The Kan Cabinet must swiftly resuscitate the economy, which in turn will boost tax revenue, and knuckle down to reform the tax system--including consumption, corporate and income taxes.

The election defeat has stung Kan. But the prime minister must dust himself off and start full-fledged efforts to coordinate intraparty opinions on consumption tax and continue inviting opposition parties to start suprapartisan discussions on the issue.

We urge the opposition camp to take up the prime minister's offer of discussions on a new consumption tax system.


Tax not reason for defeat

At Tuesday's Cabinet meeting, Kan suggested the consumption tax dispute contributed to the ruling bloc's failure to retain its majority in the upper house, saying his remarks on the issue just before the election likely caught the public by surprise.

However, the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party increased its number of upper chamber seats, despite proposing raising the consumption tax rate to 10 percent in its election platform.

A Yomiuri Shimbun survey taken after Sunday's election showed more than 60 percent of the public believe a consumption tax hike will be necessary. This figure barely changed from a similar survey conducted before the election.

In the election, voters did not give a verdict on a consumption tax hike per se, but rather on Kan's inconsistent remarks on the matter.

During the campaign, Kan failed to present clear principles on fundamental questions about a consumption tax hike, such as why an increase is necessary and how the extra tax revenue it brings in would be used.

When Kan found himself being boxed in by criticism over the consumption tax issue, he tweaked his previous statement, saying he would not raise "even yen1" in consumption tax until the next general election. This gave the impression that Kan was uncertain what to do.

posted by srachai at 07:29| Comment(0) | 読売英字


菅首相続投 経済再生へ政治の機能回復を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 14, 2010)
Restore Diet function to revive economy
菅首相続投 経済再生へ政治の機能回復を(7月13日付・読売社説)

Prime Minister Naoto Kan's administration suffered a crushing defeat in Sunday's House of Councillors election. The result has created a serious problem for his government--a so-called divided Diet, in which the opposition parties control the upper house and the ruling parties the lower house.

Given this situation, the prime minister should drastically review the handout measures contained in the manifesto created by the Democratic Party of Japan last year and seek cooperation from the opposition parties.

The results of the upper house election, which was a chance for voters to give their interim assessment of the change of administration, were more severe than expected for the ruling coalition parties.

The DPJ won only 44 seats, 10 seats less than its preelection strength, and the People's New Party, the DPJ's junior coalition partner, could not obtain any seats at all. Consequently, the coalition parties--including an independent who was backed by the coalition parties--now hold a total of 110 seats, 12 short of 122, a majority in the upper house.


High-handedness backfired

The Kan administration has postponed making changes to the Cabinet and the DPJ leadership until the DPJ presidential election is held in September, when Kan's term as party president will expire.
But the road ahead is rocky.

At an extra Diet session to be convened at the end of this month, the prime minister is planning only to elect the president and vice president of the upper house. However, if his administration fails to cooperate with any opposition party before the next extraordinary Diet session in autumn, the prime minister will not be able to pass any important bills and will have difficulty managing the government.

After a major victory in the 2007 election, the DPJ and other opposition parties controlled the upper house. The DPJ employed hard-nosed tactics as it faced off against the Liberal Democratic Party-led government and its ruling coalition regarding the appointment of a Bank of Japan governor and other important issues, focusing on creating a favorable political situation for itself.

Even after becoming the ruling party, the DPJ repeatedly used its numerical strength to ignore traditional practices concerning Diet deliberations during this year's ordinary Diet session. The party used high-handed methods worse than those the LDP had employed to steer Diet business and deepened its split with the opposition parties.

Now that the opposition controls the upper house, however, the Kan administration will have to acknowledge that the opposition parties may seek "revenge," so he must manage Diet affairs in a nonconfrontational manner based on reaching consensus.

In the latest upper house election, voters decided to prevent the DPJ from running wild rather than support the DPJ-led coalition government. However, that does not mean they want a lame-duck government unable to pass important bills in a divided Diet.

posted by srachai at 06:45| Comment(0) | 読売英字


参院選民主敗北 バラマキと迷走に厳しい審判

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 13, 2010)
Voters give DPJ policy the thumbs-down
参院選民主敗北 バラマキと迷走に厳しい審判(7月12日付・読売社説)

Voters have passed a stinging judgment on the Democratic Party of Japan's 10 months in government since it came to power following last summer's general election.

The DPJ suffered a crushing defeat in Sunday's House of Councillors election and fell far short of the 54 seats targeted by Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who also is DPJ president. Justice Minister Keiko Chiba lost her seat. The DPJ and its tiny coalition partner, the People's New Party, failed to hold their majority in the 242-seat upper house, including uncontested seats.

The election has led to a divided Diet in which the House of Representatives is controlled by the ruling camp and the upper chamber by opposition parties. To gain a majority in the upper house, the DPJ has no alternative but to stitch together a coalition with one or more opposition parties.

At a news conference after the election, Kan insisted he would stay on, saying, "I would like to continue to responsibly manage the government." However, Kan's political clout has undeniably been weakened. Political chaos is all but certain as moves grow within the DPJ demanding the party leadership--including Kan--take responsibility for the election loss.

Kan's handling of the consumption tax issue was the biggest factor behind the DPJ's setback.

Kan hinted the rate could be lifted to 10 percent, a move echoing the Liberal Democratic Party's campaign pledge. But Kan failed to properly explain the purpose of the tax increase and how the revenue would be used. He compounded his problems by making inconsistent remarks on tax refunds for low-income earners.

The DPJ was not unified on the consumption tax. Some party members openly opposed Kan's tax policy.

Of course, other factors also contributed to the election defeat, including political funding scandals that tainted former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and former party Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa; the Hatoyama administration's bumbling of the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station in Okinawa Prefecture; and deadlock over handout policies such as child-rearing allowances.


LDP's strategy successful

The LDP won the most seats contested Sunday, topping the number snared by the DPJ. The LDP's election tactics, such as fielding rookie candidates handpicked from public applicants, proved successful.

Nevertheless, it is premature to conclude the LDP has made a full recovery.

The LDP rode to victory largely thanks to the DPJ's shortcomings. The LDP fared worse than the DPJ in the proportional representation bloc elections. Many voters probably were counting on the LDP to prevent the DPJ from "running wild."

Your Party made major gains by attracting voters disillusioned with both major parties. The party called for slashing the number of government employees and abolishing amakudari--a practice in which high-ranking government officials parachute into cushy jobs after retirement.

The party now has a responsibility to act in a manner befitting the number of seats it holds. The party might have to rethink some of its policies and behavior that smack of populism.

Party leader Yoshimi Watanabe, who had set the goal of positioning his party to hold a decisive say in the Diet, should not whip up political turmoil by taking advantage of the seats his party gained in Sunday's election.

posted by srachai at 07:52| Comment(0) | 読売英字


安保理議長声明 北朝鮮への警戒を怠るな

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 12, 2010)
Maintain vigilance against North Korea
安保理議長声明 北朝鮮への警戒を怠るな(7月11日付・読売社説)

The U.N. Security Council on Friday unanimously adopted a presidential statement that condemned "an attack that led to the sinking" of the South Korean Navy corvette Cheonan in March.

South Korea referred the incident to the Security Council early last month. Although long overdue, it was a welcome development that the Security Council was unanimous in expressing its will to thwart any attack or other hostile action that would further aggravate the situation.

However, diplomatic bargaining rendered the presidential statement unsatisfactory because of its opacity on the crucial point of who attacked the South Korean vessel.

The presidential statement expressed "deep concern" over the incident following South Korea's investigation into it that found North Korea responsible for the sinking. At the same time, the statement also "took note" of North Korea's assertion stating "it had nothing to do with the incident."


Equivocal statement

Behind the presidential statement is the assumption that China would not have given its approval unless the document incorporated the opinions of both sides.

South Korea's joint military-civilian investigation team concluded that the cause of the Cheonan sinking was a torpedo attack by North Korea. Based on that conclusion, Japan and the United States have given full support to South Korea, which has denounced North Korea's responsibility.

In response, China, which has deep relations with North Korea, rejected the investigation's conclusion and was cautious over the Security Council's handling of the issue.

China reportedly was strongly opposed to condemning North Korea by name, saying such a move could provoke Pyongyang militarily. There also is no doubt that China took a negative view of a planned joint naval exercise by the United States and South Korea on the Yellow Sea as a reaction against North Korea.

The problem now is North Korea's next move. Soon after the Security Council's unanimous adoption of a presidential statement condemning North Korea's test-firing of a ballistic missile last year, an enraged Pyongyang conducted its second nuclear test since 2006.

If North Korea takes another provocative action that threatens regional safety in response to the current situation, Japan, South Korea and the United States will need to further strengthen their coordination in a determined, resolute manner to block such action. China and Russia also should act in concert with Tokyo, Seoul and Washington.


North Korea at crossroads

Conversely, if North Korea chooses the road toward abolishing its nuclear weapons, the international community will cooperate in rehabilitating Pyongyang's economy. First and foremost, North Korea unconditionally must return to the six-party talks on scrapping its nuclear ambitions.

North Korea has been rocked by anxiety over the declining health of its leader Kim Jong Il and the country's economic collapse.

In May, Kim Il Chol, former minister of the North Korean People's Armed Forces, suddenly was dismissed from the country's National Defense Commission and as first vice minister of the People's Armed Forces. Last month, during a session of the Supreme People's Assembly, which is normally held only once a year but was convened twice this year, Kim Jong Il's brother-in-law was promoted to a powerful position in the leadership. Also, in September, North Korea plans to hold a meeting of delegates of its ruling communist Workers' Party of Korea for the first time in 44 years. The moves apparently are related to the eventual transfer of power from Kim Jong Il.

The sinking of the South Korean naval vessel occurred in the context of these dangerous times. Given North Korea's nuclear weapons and missiles, we must never omit precautions for unexpected contingencies. Now is the time for Japan, South Korea and the United States to first start discussions on contingency planning.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 11, 2010)
(2010年7月11日01時09分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 06:40| Comment(0) | 読売英字


参院のあり方 「政局の府」から脱する時だ

House of Councillors needs clearer role
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 11, 2010)
参院のあり方 「政局の府」から脱する時だ(7月10日付・読売社説)

Voters cast ballots Sunday in the House of Councillors election.

Most major parties proposed in their campaign platforms that the number of lawmakers be reduced, a proposal that strongly smacks of populism. But the more substantial issue of the role of the upper house was hardly discussed.

Once considered "the chamber of wisdom," the upper house is now dubbed "the chamber of political maneuvers" because it has become a venue for power struggles between parties. Originally, the upper house was expected to have "restraining" and "supplementary" functions in relation to the House of Representatives. But we have witnessed in recent years confusion arising from interparty confrontation in the upper chamber just as is seen in the lower house.

Since the Liberal Democratic Party's major setback in the 1989 upper house election, no single party has secured a majority in the chamber, causing political instability. To control the upper house, it has become a common practice since the late 1990s to form a coalition government.


Needless confrontations

A divided Diet from 2007 to 2009 resulted in dysfunctional politics as we continually witnessed needless confrontation over such matters as the appointment of the Bank of Japan governor and the extension of the provisionally higher gasoline tax rate.

Reform of the upper house is not a new issue. It has been nearly 40 years since Kenzo Kono, who held the post of upper house president, raised the issue in 1971, saying, "The upper house is now merely a carbon copy of the lower house."

Since then, a variety of reform plans have been floated, such as one that would drop the requirement for party members to vote along party lines and another under which upper house members would be elected through a new regional representation system.

In an attempt to make the upper house "the chamber of reconsideration," a panel of experts suggested in a report it compiled in 2000 that the chamber be stripped of the right to vote for the nomination of prime minister and that its functions to monitor administrative affairs be strengthened. But these proposals failed to take form.

Only some changes have been implemented. For example, an electronic push-button voting system was introduced, and budget auditing processes were improved and expedited.

Given that the lower house has final say in budget deliberations, it is not a bad idea to let the upper house focus on budget auditing and ensuring that audit results are reflected in budget compilation.


End duplication of functions

If the upper house continues to claim "distinctive" roles for itself but only repeats deliberations held in the lower house, it will ignite stronger calls to eliminate it because it is unnecessary. The roles of the upper house must be distinguished from those of the lower house.

For example, the upper house could be stripped of its right to vote to appoint prime ministers. Also, legislation from the lower house that is rejected by the upper house currently becomes law only if it receives a two-thirds majority in a revote in the lower house; this requirement could also be eased.
But at the same time, the power of the upper house to audit budgets should be enhanced, and the upper chamber should be given the right to first deliberate legislation in certain areas. Considering which powers should be curtailed or expanded could lead to a new shape of the upper house.

Little progress would be made if the upper house were left to itself to reduce its own powers. To come up with concrete measures to this end, it would be appropriate to appoint a deliberative panel that includes third-party members.

In doing so, it is imperative to separate mid- to long-term issues, which would require constitutional revisions such as easing the requirement for revoting, from others that could be handled only through revisions of laws.

Ruling and opposition parties intend to review proposed changes to the election system to be applied from the next upper house election in 2013 to correct the disparity in the value of votes. How the upper house should function is linked to its election system. Deep and comprehensive discussions are called for in this regard.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 10, 2010)
(2010年7月10日01時19分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 07:14| Comment(0) | 読売英字


ゆうパック遅配 顧客第一の視点を忘れるな

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 9, 2010)
Japan Post Service must put customers first
ゆうパック遅配 顧客第一の視点を忘れるな(7月8日付・読売社説)

If a door-to-door delivery company cannot deliver parcels to customers on the promised delivery day, it has little prospect of survival amid the fierce competition in the industry.

Major delivery delays have occurred in the operations of Yu-Pack, a nationwide home delivery service offered by Japan Post Group.

Japan Post Service Co. integrated its Yu-Pack program with the Pelican parcel delivery service of Nippon Express Co. on July 1. But mishaps involving the operation of newly introduced information processing terminals occurred frequently, due to employees' inexperience in using the devices, among other reasons. Since it is the summer gift-giving season, parcel deliveries were peaking, further complicating the problem.

Consequently, more than 300,000 parcels were delayed by periods ranging from 12 hours to more than two days. It took a full week for Japan Post Service to bring the situation almost under control.


Unforgivable blunder

This is a major blunder by a professional distributor that cannot be easily overlooked. Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi summoned Japan Post Service President Shinichi Nabekura to the ministry to express disappointment over the delays. Haraguchi demanded Nabekura submit a report outlining the hows and whys of the problem and specifying actions the company will take to improve the situation.

Japan Post Service must thoroughly investigate why these problems happened and take all necessary steps to prevent their recurrence.

Japan Post Service planned to catch and surpass Yamato Transport Co. and Sagawa Express Co., the two giants in the industry, by integrating Yu-Pack and Pelican services to boost earning capacity. Yet Japan Post Service's plan fell apart from the beginning.

Japan Post Service had stated that its preparations were more than sufficient. However, there is no question the company failed to properly train its employees in the new work process.

It has been reported that Japan Post Service proceeded with the July 1 integration, fully aware it was in a busy season, to speed streamlining of the deficit-plagued Pelican service. Thus, the company deserves criticism for lacking a "customer-first" perspective.

Japan Post Service management took lightly the problems that began on July 1 and did not even acknowledge them until Sunday. This attitude has resulted in the loss of consumer trust. It is important the company strictly examine where the blame lies as it assesses the problems. That will be the first step to enable the company to make a fresh start.


Establish stable system

Due to the delays, some catalog retailers were forced to change from using Yu-Pack to other home delivery services to send their goods to customers. The high degree of accuracy--delivering parcels to the minute--is the hallmark of the home delivery business.

To prevent customers from taking their business elsewhere, Japan Post Service must establish a stable collection and delivery system as soon as possible. It is also important the company take sincere steps to compensate customers for damages brought about by the delays, such as for the costs of parcel reshipment.

With the wide use of e-mail, the use of postcards and letters has decreased, causing dwindling revenue for the postal business. Amid this backdrop, we see no end to postal service-related scandals such as a large quantity of undelivered mail.

The Yu-Pack delays took place under these circumstances. Some analysts point out the problems might greatly damage the operations of Japan Post Service.

Not only Japan Post Service management, but all its employees, should be fully aware of their responsibility to unerringly operate the important distribution network and redouble efforts to tighten up their corporate discipline.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 8, 2010)
(2010年7月8日01時58分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 06:08| Comment(0) | 読売英字


大相撲中継中止 ファンの落胆に再生で応えよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 8, 2010)
Sumo's fight to regain fans' trust starts now
大相撲中継中止 ファンの落胆に再生で応えよ(7月7日付・読売社説)

Public broadcaster NHK has decided it will not broadcast live coverage of the upcoming Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament after revelations of widespread illegal gambling on professional baseball games by sumo wrestlers and officials, a scandal that has rocked this country's traditional sport.

This will be the first time NHK has dropped live broadcasts of sumo tournaments since it began the service on TV in 1953 and on radio in 1928, except for a period during World War II. The decision will certainly disappoint many sumo fans.

NHK will air daily wrapups after each day's action has finished. However, this will offer viewers little of the excitement that comes with watching a live broadcast.

Knowing their bouts were being aired live greatly encouraged sumo wrestlers as they put themselves through grueling practice to prepare for each tournament. Wrestlers who had nothing to do with the gambling scandal will undoubtedly be extremely frustrated by NHK's decision.

NHK President Shigeo Fukuchi said two factors led to the station's decision: The Japan Sumo Association has yet to present concrete steps to reform itself; and more than 60 percent of 12,000 viewers who contacted NHK about the gambling scandal wanted the plug pulled on live broadcasts.


Viewers split

But many other people felt strongly that the tournament should be broadcast live, and the majority of wrestlers were not involved in the gambling. Given these factors, NHK certainly had the option of broadcasting the tournament live.

NHK nevertheless has made a decision that reflects its position as a public broadcaster, as it cannot ignore viewers' strict opinions and given the fact that the JSA's efforts to reform itself remain tenuous at best.

The JSA must be held responsible for allowing such a disturbing situation to happen.

The association has dismissed ozeki Kotomitsuki and stablemaster Otake (former sekiwake Takatoriki). The Nagoya tournament will start under extraordinary circumstances--six other wrestlers in the top makuuchi division as well as JSA Chairman Musashigawa and several other stablemasters have been suspended.

With these punitive measures, the JSA appeared to have made efforts to resolve the problem. When appointing an acting chairman, however, some stablemasters reportedly were opposed to naming Hiroyoshi Murayama, a former Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office chief, to the post. They insisted the acting chairman should have a sumo background.

We are disappointed with the association's inability to shed its self-centered nature in a situation like this.


Not the 1st time

The JSA has been battered by a string of scandals in recent years, including the fatal assault of a junior sumo wrestler by fellow wrestlers, illegal drug use, and, most recently, gangsters being broadcast on TV while sitting in prime ringside seats after allegedly receiving tickets from a stablemaster. Each time, the association promised to clean up its act. Unfortunately, it has failed to do so.

The JSA will set up a reform committee tasked with reviewing the organization. The committee reportedly will consider ways to sever sumo's ties with organized crime syndicates and improve the association's crisis management. We hope the committee will be formed from third-party members and exert strong leadership in overhauling sumo's governing body.

The sumo world must quickly start trying to revive itself. Sumo wrestlers will only be able to satisfy sumo fans by competing hard in the ring.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 7, 2010)
(2010年7月7日01時51分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 05:47| Comment(0) | 読売英字


著作権の制限 知的財産は厳格に守るべきだ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 7, 2010)
Copyrights must be strictly protected
著作権の制限 知的財産は厳格に守るべきだ(7月6日付・読売社説)

We are concerned that a proposal by a government panel may destroy the basic premise of the Copyright Law that intellectual property rights must be strictly protected.

A subcommittee of the Cultural Affairs Council of the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry has proposed in an interim report the introduction of general provisions that would limit the exclusive rights of copyright holders--a Japanese version of the so-called fair use doctrine.

Japan's Copyright Law stipulates cases in which copyrighted materials may be used without the permission of the rights holders, such as the copying of materials by an individual for private use or citing them for reporting or research purposes.


For the greater good?

Under U.S. law, however, copyrighted materials can be used freely as long as it is considered fair use. This system is based on the idea that it will be of greater benefit to society if the abridgment and other utilization of copyrighted materials are allowed as fair use.

Whether a certain type of use is fair is decided by courts based on a comprehensive analysis of four factors, including the purpose of the utilization and its effect upon the potential market for the copyrighted work. There are more than 100 years of judicial precedents on fair use in the United States.

For instance, Google Inc. has begun digitizing publications based on the fair use doctrine without acquiring permission from their copyright holders. The Authors Guilds and the Association of American Publishers in the United States have filed a lawsuit against this digital database project.

There were fears initially that the project might infringe on the rights of Japanese authors and publishers, but Google later excluded Japan publications from its database.

The fair use system is disadvantageous to copyright holders.

The development of Internet technology is quickly changing how copyrighted materials are utilized. Some experts have said the introduction of U.S.-type general provisions would facilitate the use of copyrighted materials more than revising relevant provisions as needed would.


Abstract language risky

In the latest interim report, the subcommittee rejected the introduction of U.S.-style provisions on fair use. At the same time, it urged the introduction of general provisions to ease copyrights, so as to allow such practices as the inclusion of artwork in the background of portrait photos or the copying of musical works as needed to develop better technology for music reproduction.

The subcommittee is apparently envisioning provisions stated in abstract terms, such as allowing "incidental" use of copyrighted works, and probably aims to first introduce general provisions in fields where it is possible.  例えば、著作物の「付随的」利用を認めるといった、抽象的表現の規定を想定しているようだ。可能な分野から一般規定を導入するということなのだろう。

However, provisions that can be interpreted in various ways risk leading to infringement of intellectual property rights.

We believe that the use of copyrighted materials without acquiring the permission of the copyright holders should be limited in principle only to highly public fields such as education or journalism. It is reasonable to first acquire permission from copyright holders if something is to be used for business purposes.

If the contents of the Copyright Law do not correspond to reality, each provision should be revised as necessary. Laws can be revised quickly these days.

Among European countries, Germany and France have not introduced general provisions on limitations of copyrights.

Intellectual property rights are a boon for the creative activities of human beings. Legal revisions that could facilitate infringement of that will lead to serious problems in the future.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 6, 2010)
(2010年7月6日01時43分 読売新聞)
posted by srachai at 05:28| Comment(0) | 読売英字


雇用対策 意欲ある若者や女性に仕事を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jul. 6, 2010)
Job security essential for growth strategy
雇用対策 意欲ある若者や女性に仕事を(7月5日付・読売社説)

The growth of the elderly population and contraction of the working-age population of people aged 15 to 64 are progressing at an alarming pace.

To boost domestic consumption and ensure sustainable economic growth, society must enable young people and women who are keen to work to do so--and under fair conditions, including regarding payment.

The employment situation is still grim, with the jobless rate staying stubbornly around the 5 percent level.

Faced with ferocious competition and intense price wars, many companies have opted not to increase their number of regular workers, but instead to hire nonregular workers and pile more overtime work on regular workers. This trend has become prevalent in various industries.

Given the seriousness of the situation, it is natural that political parties--in their campaign platforms for the forthcoming House of Councillors election--have devised growth strategies aimed at creating jobs.

The Democratic Party of Japan aims to pursue a "third way" that does not center on public works projects nor lean too far toward overly free market principles. In concrete terms, the ruling party plans to create about 5 million new jobs in the coming decade by resolving pressing issues, thereby generating economic growth.


Fresh perspective lacking

The DPJ plans to increase employment in the environment/energy and medical/nursing care fields. However, this policy is nothing new. It echoes many measures churned out by Liberal Democratic Party-led administrations whenever an employment crisis loomed.

The DPJ has failed to spell out a clear path to growth. The party has worked out measures to be implemented in the current and next fiscal years, but this will not be enough. The DPJ should explain more precisely the job creation effect each measure will bring for each fiscal year, as well as how the measures will be funded.

The government's growth strategy includes a goal of raising the nation's lowest minimum hourly wage to 800 yen as quickly as possible, thereby boosting the national average minimum hourly wage to 1,000 yen. These are lofty targets when considering that the lowest hourly wage is currently 629 yen and the national average 713 yen.

In some regions, people on the minimum wage earn less than people receiving welfare benefits. With the number of nonregular workers increasing, the minimum wage needs to be raised. But if a minimum wage increase is introduced without due consideration of the conditions in different regions and industries, the additional costs could hurt employers to the extent that the workers lose their jobs.


Drop dispatch law revision

Only through harnessing growth industries and overhauling its industrial structure can this nation come close to attaining the goals laid out by the government.

A bill to revise the Worker Dispatch Law, which would prohibit temporary workers in the manufacturing industry, has been carried over to the next Diet session from the ordinary session that ended in mid-June. However, we suggest the revision be called off altogether. Introducing such a ban could spell disaster for many workers. If the dispatch ban deals a blow to the management of small and midsize companies, the damage could be irreparable.

The government must craft economic measures by looking more squarely at the circumstances of each industry. The government and industrial circles should work in concert to improve the quantity and quality of jobs available.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 5, 2010)
(2010年7月5日01時35分 読売新聞)
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