













[ はじめに ]

[ 名前 ]
松井 清 (スラチャイ)

[ 略歴 ]
・99/10 タイ全土を旅行
・00/10 タイに移住
・03/07 カイちゃん誕生
・07/06 シーファーちゃん誕生

[ 座右の銘 ]
Slow and steady wins the race.

[ 学習の手引き ]
・Think in English.

ブログでお小遣い 無料サンプルも



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社説:2013年を展望する 「外交の勘」を磨きたい

January 07, 2013(Mainichi Japan)
Editorial: Japan should brush up its diplomatic instincts
社説:2013年を展望する 「外交の勘」を磨きたい

Japan's diplomatic policy for the New Year is set to begin. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is responsible for the new agenda, is the grandson of former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, while Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso, who supports Abe, is the grandson of former Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida.

Yoshida signed the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty with the United States, which has served as the foundation for Japan's postwar development and stability, and Kishi revised it into its current form.

The grandsons of these two former prime ministers are set to work closely in breaking the diplomatic impasse amid growing concern about what is widely perceived as a diplomatic crisis.

Kishi based his governing of Japan on the country's security policy.

In his book, "Oiso Zuiso" ("Essay from Oiso"), Yoshida quoted Colonel Edward House, a foreign policy adviser to former U.S. President Thomas Woodrow Wilson, as saying that countries that have no diplomatic instincts would fail.


Prudent diplomatic policy is indispensable for not only the survival of countries but also to allow governments to put their utmost efforts into domestic policy issues, including economic revitalization, social security and education. Moreover, intensifying friction with other countries could fuel the public's anxiety and eventually give rise to exclusive nationalism. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary for the Japanese government to reconfirm that diplomatic policy is the basis for ensuring the country's stability.

A diplomatic crisis, which should be dubbed a "national crisis," has continued in Japan in recent years as tensions between Japan and its neighbors heightened over territorial issues. The year 2013 must be the year when the wisdom of the whole nation will be fully utilized to break the deadlock.

Prime Minister Abe took over the reins of government after bitterly criticizing as a "diplomatic defeat" Japan's friction with China, South Korea and Russia over the Senkaku Islands, the Takeshima Islands and the Northern Territories, respectively, as well as the meandering over the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa Prefecture under the previous administration. There is no denying that the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)-led previous administration that lacked diplomatic instincts brought about the mess. However, no one can tell for sure that Japan would not have suffered the same diplomatic defeat if the LDP had been in power.

The current diplomatic crisis is attributable to the ambiguous diplomatic policy carried out by the longstanding LDP-led administration. It was when the LDP was in power that China enacted a law on its territorial waters in 1992 to recognize the Senkaku Islands as part of its territory, which was an overture to its provocative acts around the area. The dispute over the relocation of the Futenma base is the result of the past LDP-led administration's longstanding appeasement policy in which it forced Okinawa to host an excessive number of U.S. bases in return for massive financial assistance.

The world is undergoing rapid changes. The current international situation is different from that when the LDP was in power until 2009 when the DPJ took over the reins of government. The United States' influence on the world has relatively declined while China, which has replaced Japan as the No. 2 economic power, is also showing military ambitions. South Korea now needs to rely less on Japan. Russia and India have also been increasing their presence as new regional players. Simply responding to changes in the situation in its neighboring countries and complying with U.S. wishes is no longer effective.

As such, Prime Minister Abe is required to work toward rearranging and stabilizing Japan's diplomatic policy that fits with the times instead of rehashing the LDP's previous diplomatic policy. He should begin efforts to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance by seriously considering the purpose of the agreement.

Former Prime Minister Yoshida wrote in his book that both Japan and the United States should hold frank discussions on enforcing the Japan-U.S. security treaty, noting that both countries signed the accord from the standpoint of their respective national policies.
"I think the United States signed the bilateral security treaty out of the need for its Pacific strategy and from the standpoint of a broad U.S. national policy. Japan, for its part, also signed the treaty from the standpoint of its own defense and broad national policy," he wrote. "In enforcing this treaty, our two countries should frankly discuss a wide variety of matters."


The Japan-U.S. alliance will remain solid as long as the two countries need each other. However, the pact will collapse if either side deems that such cooperative relations detrimentally affect their national interests. Japan should clearly show its policy of responding to the Senkaku Islands issue and the relocation of U.S. bases in Okinawa and pursue a solution that will contribute to both countries' national interests and to the stability in the whole region through frank dialogue. Japan and the United States are required to transform the bilateral alliance from one in which Japan unilaterally follows and relies on the United States.

At the same time, Japan should strengthen its solidarity with the entire international community. Media outlets throughout the world have expressed grave concern and criticism of China's provocative acts over the sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands. Japan's position over the issue has been supported by the international community. Behind such support is the world's understanding that Japan is a country that peacefully settles its disputes with other countries through negotiations and that Japan attaches importance to broad-minded nationalism, in which it seeks to peacefully coexist with other countries, rather than narrow-minded nationalism.
posted by srachai at 06:34| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


社説:2013年を展望する 骨太の互恵精神育てよ

January 01, 2013(Mainichi Japan)
Editorial: Japan's 2013 to be shaped by power of its economy, power of peace
社説:2013年を展望する 骨太の互恵精神育てよ

2013 will be a year of new approaches for Japan, and we believe the nation's new ways of being will come in two facets.

The first: Japan's latent economic power. Economic policy will grapple with ways to enlarge the economic pie, and then decide how that pie will be sliced.

The previous Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration put the most emphasis on the latter half of that equation, distributing generous support to young people and those in agriculture in the form of child allowances, free high school tuition, and farming household subsidies.

The newly minted Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)-led administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, on the other hand, is intensely focused on the size of the pie, championing sweeping monetary easing and public investment under the name of breaking away from deflation.


Of course, just about everyone ought to be happier if there's more pie to go around, and here at the outset we have no intention of speaking ill of the idea.

However, we must point out that it's not as if preceding administrations have done nothing towards that goal in the 20 plus years since the economic bubble burst.
They pushed zero interest rates, went ahead with major monetary easing measures of their own, and poured money into mostly public works projects as emergency economic measures on numerous occasions.

In the end, quite similar strategies were piled one atop the other, amassing a quadrillion yen national debt in the process.

Behind Japan's lack of growth are its low birthrate and aging population, the rise of emerging economies, and environmental limitations on our supply and use of energy and resources. These are all structural causes, and we want to see the Abe administration tackle them head-on.

Japan's population is greying at the fastest rate in the world, and already one in four Japanese is 65 or older. This fact makes a well-considered and solid plan to deal with the aging society especially important.

Furthermore, to create an environment where young people are confident they have the financial wherewithal to have and raise children of their own, we believe it's time that a part of our limited economic pie -- employment and income -- be shifted to those young people from the older, wealthier segment of society.

What we'd like people to bear in mind here is the importance of mutual concessions and reciprocity.

We need to think that, in yielding to another, we ourselves are blessed and enriched. We also need to make this a mutual process, repeated many times.

To make use of Japan's young people to the full extent of their abilities will in turn revitalize all of society, the benefits of which will flow back to the elderly.

Even if the economic pie does not grow, can we not create such a positive redistribution cycle?

To that end, we'd like to see some of the DPJ's policies that never got off the ground pushed forward by the new administration.

As Japan has held to its postwar focus on light armament and economy-first policy, its economy has managed to survive the calamities of the currency crisis, the oil shock and the end of the bubble economy.

Now is the time to use the economic potential so evident in this resilience to shift gears, to deal with the mature economy that Japan enjoys.

The spirit of reciprocity must not only be applied to intergenerational relations, but to foreign relations as well.

The second facet of Japan's new way of life in 2013 lies here, in the power of peace bound up in a national government that has never pursued war.

The greatest issue facing Japanese diplomacy is how to deal with the rising power of China.

There is talk in international circles that Chinese incursions into Japanese territorial waters and airspace over the Senkaku Islands dispute could lead to an armed clash.

As a country that hasn't fired a shot in anger in some 67 years, all Japanese must now reconfirm the peace power of our nation and discuss how we can avoid Japan-China relations from worsening.

Japanese postwar pacifism is built on two main premises: a vow grounded in reflection on World War II to never again launch a war of aggression, and on the deterrent embodied in the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.

Japan strives to solve all its international disputes through dialogue.

Of course for the sake of deterring potential enemies, Japan must prepare itself militarily.

For this reason, we must reconfirm the meaning and the function of the security treaty.

On top of this, we believe it important to study the history of the 1920s.


The Taisho period (1912-1926) saw the formation of two major political parties, and the national discourse rang with the voices of democracy.

In the end, however, party politics couldn't protect the peace.

The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 combined with a global financial crisis sent the Japanese economy into turmoil. Calls for imperial expansion on the Asian continent intensified, and bellicose, xenophobic hardliners drowned out the good sense of those calling for international cooperation and compromise. Militarism took over, and in the name of supporting Imperial rule, the government led our nation into reckless war.

What our very own history teaches us is that when two countries cannot compromise over a territorial or sovereignty dispute, useless escalation follows.

We believe Japan must discard cheap anti-foreign sentiment and seek big-picture international cooperation.

Japan is doing its best now to deal with the Senkaku dispute with China through dialogue based on legal principles. China, meanwhile, which had it examined the history of the Senkaku dispute ought to have shelved its claims to the islands, is obviously trying to change the present reality with a show of sheer power.

Japan must explain carefully and persistently what's going on to the world and to Asian nations in particular, and thereby make friends and allies in its confrontation with China. We should not end up alone in this.
posted by srachai at 07:00| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:いじめは誰にでも起きる /東京

July 29, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Bullying could happen to anyone
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:いじめは誰にでも起きる /東京

The backlash against the problem of bullying has spread further.

Following a recent publication of my column here, in which I wrote: "Why are those who are being bullied not seeking help? This is a problem that requires further thought," I was criticized for "trying to say that the victims who aren't seeking help are to blame."

Needless to say, that is not the case. What I was really trying to say is that there are cases when, being in the swirl of all of this turmoil, some people are just unable to call for help, because they cannot fully realize what is happening to them.

As a matter of fact, I have witnessed this situation at my consultation room a couple of times now.

Among these cases was a parent who brought their junior high school-aged daughter to me, saying she had been unwilling to go to school.
After talking with the girl, I came to realize that she had been a victim of malicious bullying.

However, when I told her that I think her problem was not her refusal to go to school, but the bullying itself, telling her she was correct not to go to school, she shook her head in denial, saying she disagrees with my opinion.

I wonder, could this be some sort of refusal to accept that one is being bullied?

There are other cases, in which although bullied children gather courage to tell their parents and schools that they have been bullied, the adults themselves refuse to accept the reality.

I wonder if this is what happened at the school in Otsu, where a boy committed suicide after being bullied by classmates.

Many adults think that for bullying to occur, there should be other fundamental problems happening at the institution.

Many people refuse to accept that bullying is actually happening, on the grounds that theirs is "a proper institution, that has nothing to do with badly handled households or schools."

We all need to acknowledge that, unfortunately, with the current school system and society, bullying could happen anywhere.

Therefore, people who have fallen victim to bullying or schools where such incidents have occurred do not need to think that there is something wrong with them or the institution.

Children who are being bullied should try to stay away from the place where that is happening, or in other words -- the school.

Such children's parents should welcome them at home, while school officials should share the responsibility for the incident and deal with it together, instead of putting it all on the child's homeroom teacher or other single individuals.

Nobody should try to turn a blind eye to bullying or attempt to hide the truth from the public.

In order to protect children from being bullied, you should not think of it as something atypical.

You should think of it as something that could happen anywhere and to anyone.

I would like to repeat that one more time.

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2012年07月24日 地方版
posted by srachai at 07:03| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


社説:原発の意見聴取会 ずさん過ぎるやり方だ

July 18, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Editorial: Gov't should be fair in listening to public opinion on nuclear power
社説:原発の意見聴取会 ずさん過ぎるやり方だ

The government's decision to ban employees at electric power companies from expressing themselves during hearings of opinions from members of the general public on Japan's energy policy should be regarded as only natural.

Such hearings are important opportunities to reflect public opinion on Japan's key policies, and not venues to listen to interested parties' assertions.

One cannot help but wonder why electric power industry insiders were initially allowed to attend public hearings on atomic power policy. As long as members of the public doubt whether the government is serious about listening to their opinions, the government cannot ensure fairness of its policy-making process.

Hearings are being held on three scenarios of Japan's reliance on nuclear power as of 2030: scenario 1 under which nuclear plants would be totally shutdown; scenario 2 under which the ratio of atomic power to Japan's total power supply would be 15 percent; and scenario 3 under which the ratio would be 20-25 percent.

Specifically, three members of the public who support scenario 1, three others who back scenario 2 and another three who are in favor of scenario 3 are invited to each hearing to express their opinions. The government has introduced such hearings along with deliberative polls -- which consist of public comments, debate and surveys -- as a means to reflect public opinion in its policy-making.

The government plans to hold 11 such sessions across the country. Three sessions have already been held, and the planning manager of Tohoku Electric Power Co. and a section chief at Chubu Electric Power Co.'s nuclear power department expressed their opinions in favor of atomic power at the Sendai and Nagoya sessions, respectively.

The number of speakers is limited to nine at each hearing. If one of the nine is a high-ranking official of a power supplier that is promoting nuclear power, it obviously runs counter to the hearings' purpose of listening to opinions from members of the general public, and raises serious questions about the fairness of such sessions.

Questions also remain about the way such hearings are being held. Speakers express their own opinions, but nobody asks questions and no discussion is held. Since opinions expressed by speakers are not summarized by the organizer, how can they be reflected in the government's energy policy?

According to an advertising agency that serves as the secretariat of the hearings, of those who have applied to express their opinions at the Nagoya hearing, nearly 70 percent support a total elimination of nuclear plants, while over 20 percent back the 20-25 percent scenario. In Sendai, about 70 percent of applicants are in favor of the abolition of all nuclear power stations. Judging from these figures, the government's decision to allow three people each in favor of the three scenarios to express their opinions at the hearings is highly questionable.

Moreover, three people living in the Tokyo metropolitan area were selected as speakers at the Sendai hearing and underscored the need of nuclear power. In Nagoya, four of the nine speakers were from the Kansai or Kanto regions.

Such hearings have been organized across the country on the assumption that public opinion on nuclear power varies from region to region depending on the local situation, such as whether they host nuclear power stations. Therefore, such hearings should be held in a way local communities' opinions are reflected in energy policy.

Biased opinions were expressed in some past symposia and other sessions on nuclear power policy organized by the government in a bid to manipulate public opinion, inviting public distrust. There are observations that the government is reportedly seeking to settle the issue, with an eye to adopting the 15 percent option. Behind the widespread anti-nuclear power campaigns is strong public distrust of the government's stance.

Hearings on energy policy will continue, and the government is also poised to conduct a deliberative poll on the issue. The government should make every effort to ensure fairness in the way it listens to opinions from the public on nuclear power policy in order not to invite public distrust.

毎日新聞 2012年07月18日 02時31分
posted by srachai at 07:03| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


社説:厚生年金基金改革 決められる政治の出番

July 16, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Editorial: Pension system must be drastically reformed, welfare pension funds axed
社説:厚生年金基金改革 決められる政治の出番

The alleged misappropriation of at least 100 billion yen of welfare pension funds by asset management firm AIJ Investment Advisors Co. has people worried about the survival of public pensions. Those concerns are a bit off the mark, however.

Welfare pension funds are a third tier of pensions set up individually by corporations in addition to the two-tiered public pension scheme, comprised of a basic pension and an employees' pension. The ongoing scandal should not have any effect on public pensions, and any losses incurred by welfare pension funds should be dealt with by member companies.

The problem is that many of these funds cannot dissolve even if they want to, because they manage portions of the employees' pension on behalf of the national government. Furthermore, because many of the funds affected by the scandal are comprised of small- to mid-scale businesses in depressed industries, forcing repayment could push the companies themselves into bankruptcy. Demanding other fund members to take joint responsibility could even set off a chain of bankruptcies.

The AIJ scandal is characterized by welfare pension funds that were lured by the sweet promise of high yields, after which they were dragged deeper and deeper into trouble. Of 578 welfare pension funds in Japan, some 40 percent now lack the cash necessary to manage a portion of employees' pensions; the total deficit comes out to over 700 billion yen.

There's no easy way out of this. As a proposal to make it easier for funds in crisis to dissolve, an expert panel to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare suggested reducing the amount of money that pension funds must return to the government, and eliminating any joint responsibility for repayment among member companies.

How, then, would the gaps left by money that has not been recovered be filled? Reserve funds from public pensions, the panel said. But would subscribers to employee pension plans who have nothing to do with the scandal accept such an idea?

The panel was unable to reach a clear policy on reform that would lower the 5.5-percent projected rate of interest and slash the pension payments that retirees receive, by postponing topics for future deliberation or presenting them with both their pros and cons.

This may be due in part to precedents in which reductions in pension payments have not easily been accepted, as welfare pension funds serve as a part of an employee's retirement package.

However, unless pensioners who are receiving the third-tier of their pension schemes at high guaranteed yields share in the pain, it will be difficult to convince employee pension subscribers who will suffer the brunt of the damage.

When the workforce was much larger than the pensioner population, pension management went smoothly and reserve funds just kept growing.

In contrast, our rapidly-aging society requires us to cut into our reserves bit by bit.

To ensure the survival of public pension plans, we must quickly give up on funds that are unsustainable.

And if anyone is to decide who must endure the inevitable pain of this situation, it should be our politicians.

All pension funds are suffering from a shrinking work force and a growing population of pensioners.
Unless the economic situation undergoes dramatic improvement, provision of pensions at 5.5-percent estimated yield will leave the government even more financially strapped.

It is time for the government to begin fundamental reforms, including the complete abolishment of welfare pension funds.

毎日新聞 2012年07月16日 02時32分
posted by srachai at 07:25| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:調査の「ゴール」が違う /東京

タイでは王室を中心として「to be number one」というサークル活動がタイ全土で盛んに行われています。私も10年前に参加しています。


July 15, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Otsu school's bullying survey missed the point
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:調査の「ゴール」が違う /東京

Recently, it became clear that severe bullying was behind the suicide of a second year junior high school student in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, last October.

Following the boy's death, the city board of education conducted a survey on all students at the school, to which 16 answered that bullies had "forced (the boy) to 'practice suicide,'" among other acts.

However, after questioning the suspected bullies and investigating other aspects of the case, city board of education officials concluded that "although it was confirmed that bullying in fact took place, we are unable to say that it had a causal link with the suicide."

In the past, too, the phrase, "We are unable to specify a cause-and-effect relationship," has often been used in suicide cases.

Workplace harassment, prolonged labor in severe conditions, bullying by superiors, domestic violence, and now school bullying have all been settled by saying that "the relationship between the (suggested) cause and the fatalities is unclear."

The aim behind surveys such as that conducted at the school in Otsu, however, is wrong from the start.

If the purpose of conducting the questionnaires is to find the cause of suicides, it's obvious that these attempts will end with officials saying, "We have been unable to determine the motive."

That is because the only person who can really confirm the motive is no longer alive.

As long as there is no one to point out the exact cause, and as long as the incident was not a scientific experiment where all conditions are rigorously controlled, it is extremely difficult to prove the relationship between a single cause and its effect.

For example, a person who is rejected for a job may think that the failure was because they spoke too quietly at the interview, but in fact there are many other possible reasons, including the content of the talk and the person's attitude, for example.

In this case, the only thing the person can do to confirm their theory is to ask the official in charge of the hiring directly whether it was their voice that prompted the rejection.

If they're unable to do so, no matter how much time they spend pondering why they were rejected, the answer is unknowable.

In the case of the boy's suicide, too, what should've been done was not searching for the cause of his death, looking for the guilty parties, or attempting to find out the relation between causes and the suicide.

What should have been done was to first admit that severe bullying had taken place, followed by concrete consideration of why the bullying happened, why it couldn't be prevented, and what measures must be taken against it from now on.

Still, I wonder why bullying hasn't disappeared from schools.

There should be some deeper reason that allows it to persist despite the establishment of measures such as "discussing the importance of life" or "enforcing severe penalties" for offenders.

I also believe that those who bully have very distorted minds and have themselves been pushed to the edge.

What is it that makes one want to bully others?

And why are those who are being bullied not seeking help?

This is a problem that requires further thought.

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2012年07月10日 地方版
posted by srachai at 07:40| Comment(29) | 毎日英字


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:受給者の苦悩に配慮を /東京

July 08, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Remember there is no shame in accepting welfare
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:受給者の苦悩に配慮を /東京

Recently, a committee for tackling illegal public assistance payouts has been launched in Kanagawa Prefecture. It appears that prefectural authorities and local law enforcers will be collaborating to establish a system to purge fraudulent public assistance recipients from the welfare rolls.

When I hear people saying things along the lines of, "People taking welfare unlawfully is indeed a problem, but...," I feel somewhat depressed. As a matter of fact, a number of my patients have told me they're considering taking themselves off public assistance, such as cancelling their disability pensions or their applications for injury or illness allowances.

One tearful patient, currently unable to work due to an illness and with a family on welfare, told me, "They are my relatives so I should be the one sending them money.

I feel really miserable." The other patients of mine who raised similar concerns are all taking welfare assistance as a last resort, just to maintain a base-line standard of living. These folks can hardly be accused of welfare fraud.

I tell such patients that they should hold their heads high and continue receiving their allowances without feeling bad about it. But they, feeling a heavy sense of responsibility, shake their heads in disapproval.

"While the government is talking of increasing the consumption tax to improve Japan's finances, I feel extremely bad for taking public money," one patient said. "When I watch reports of illegal welfare recipients on TV, I feel as if they are pointing at me, and I feel alienated."

All welfare recipients that I know of feel similar. There are some media reports on public assistance recipients who drive foreign cars, or on criminals coercing social workers into putting them on the public assistance rolls. However, I want to ask: Where are these things actually happening?

What will happen to people if they withdraw from welfare assistance? I find statements such as "as long as one is determined, they should be able to find all sorts of jobs," mostly come from people lucky enough to be both healthy and socially engaged.

What I tell my patients is: "I understand your feelings well. But you still need a little bit more time before you return to work. Until then, please protect your life by accepting welfare assistance, and concentrate on your treatment. You can repay society for its kindness after you recover." This does not, however, bring a smile to their faces.

I agree that it is important to crack down on illegal welfare recipients. However, at the same time I hope another system -- one that tracks down people who need assistance but aren't getting it -- is also launched.

The number of people who are unable to maintain even the most basic standard of living, and who are in a constant fear of "causing trouble" to others, is greater than people imagine.

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2012年07月03日 地方版
posted by srachai at 07:05| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


社説:電力政策の未来 国民の主体的な選択で

July 04, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Japan's energy future must be decided by its people
社説:電力政策の未来 国民の主体的な選択で

The people of Japan must soon choose one option from among three mid- and long-term energy policy scenarios -- including levels of reliance on nuclear power ranging from zero to 25 percent -- announced recently by the government's Energy and Environment Council. The government is expected to adopt one of them by the end of August based on a national debate, and map out an "innovative energy and environment strategy" based on it.

It will be a crucial choice that will determine the future of Japan. It is necessary to hold calm discussions on the issue and draw a conclusion that will convince every member of the public. To that end, it is indispensable for the government to provide accurate information such that the Japanese people can judge each option on its merits, and to hold discussions that will reflect the popular will.

Under scenarios 1, 2 and 3, the ratio of atomic power to total power consumption in Japan would be lowered to 0 percent, 15 percent and 20-25 percent, respectively, by 2030. Depending on the degree of Japan's dependence on nuclear power, the council estimated how far greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced, how much electricity charges would need to be raised and how much the country's GDP would be impacted.

However, since each estimated figure has a wide range, the scenarios have not clearly shown how much effect a reduction in nuclear power would have on Japan's economy and the livelihoods of consumers, making it difficult for people to choose between the three options. We urge the council to provide more detailed and understandable information by explaining the basis for its calculations, the specific effects of a reduction in nuclear power on various fields, and other clarifications.

The government views Scenario 2 as the most realistic option because it calls for a mid-level reduction in atomic power and meshes with government policy to shut down reactors after 40 years of service. However, as the government is supposed to work out its new energy and environment policy based on national debate, it must not lead public opinion into supporting the scenario it favors.

As part of national debate on Japan's future energy and environment policy, the government will hold its first so-called deliberative poll, ask members of the general public to submit their opinions and hold information sessions on the issue across Japan. In deliberative polls, randomly selected members of the public are surveyed on specific issues and invited to participate in debate sessions. Afterwards, they are queried again to see how their opinions have changed. This method, which makes it possible to tap a wide range of views from those who would not usually voice their opinions, is reportedly effective in getting a detailed view of public sentiment.

In the past, many town meetings on specific policy issues and hearings on nuclear power policy have been criticized as unfair, as their organizers apparently attempted to lead public opinion with staged questions and stacked audiences. The management of the government's deliberative poll on energy and environment policy will be left to the discretion of a third-party panel to be set up shortly. The results of the survey will not win public trust unless the government ensures transparency through appointing appropriate experts to the panel and disclosing in full how the poll will operate.

Questions remain as to the three scenarios themselves. Even if Scenario 2, which calls for a reduction in Japan's reliance on atomic power to 15 percent, is adopted, the ratio could be further reduced if some nuclear plants must be decommissioned for safety reasons before they hit 40 years in operation. None of the scenarios posit an energy and environmental vision for beyond 2030.

Regarding how to deal with spent nuclear fuel, scenarios 2 and 3 leave all possible options open, including full recycling.

This is a good opportunity for members of the general public to proactively choose their nation's policy. They should ask the government to clarify what they do not fully understand, and make a feasible choice that will guarantee Japan's energy security and protect the environment on a long-term basis.
posted by srachai at 05:59| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


社説:プーチン新体制 関係深めて突破口探れ

May 11, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Editorial: Japan should work with Russia to solve territorial dispute as Putin becomes president
社説:プーチン新体制 関係深めて突破口探れ

Japan should seek a breakthrough in its deadlocked territorial dispute with Russia by strengthening its relations with the new administration of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
(プーチン新政権との関係強化で行き詰まっている北方領土問題も解決して欲しい trans. by srachai )

Putin, former prime minister, has been sworn in as president again and appointed his predecessor Dmitry Medvedev as prime minister, whose role is to handle domestic affairs.

In other words, the two swapped their positions, and Putin, who had been the second-in-command in the Russian government under the Constitution, has become the top leader again and is expected to show his strong leadership in governing the country.

However, the second Putin administration, which follows his first administration from 2000 to 2008, faces a thorny path.

More than 20,000 citizens gathered for a demonstration in Moscow on May 6 to express their opposition to Putin's return to the presidency, and some of them clashed with police, leading to the arrests of over 400 people.

Massive demonstrations against Putin, which had continued since a lower house election in December last year, did not cause major confusion.

This time, however, some participants went off the designated course during their demonstration march and security authorities suppressed them.

It is certain that such confusion and disturbance will continue to occur frequently unless the government changes its autocratic nature, which is represented by its lack of a system to respond to the public's dissatisfaction.

One cannot help but wonder whether Putin is serious about strengthening Russia's democracy as he pledged in his inaugural address.

He should be aware that the international community as a whole is worried about Russia's democracy.

On the diplomatic front, concerns have been voiced over whether Putin will revive the hard line that he had adopted when he was president from 2000 and 2008.

He has so far shown no sign of responding to U.S. President Barack Obama's proposal to launch negotiations toward further arms reductions.

Moreover, he reportedly has no intention of attending the Group of Eight summit meeting to be held in the United States in May.

Putin is highly likely to make his diplomatic debut since he assumed the presidency again at a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

In September, he will host a summit meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum to be held in Vladivostok, which will be the first such conference to be held in Russia.

These show that Putin places priority on strengthening Russia's relations with Asian countries.

In the first presidential decree he issued following his inauguration, Putin cited the promotion of reciprocal cooperation with Japan as one of his key policies.

However, Putin's inauguration as president has drawn mixed reactions in Japan, with some placing high expectations on his policy of attaching importance to Russia's ties with Asian countries and others warning against optimism because Moscow's demand for compromise from Japan over the bilateral territorial dispute remains unchanged.

These two views appear to conflict with each other, but both are right.

Behind Putin's policy of attaching importance to Russia's ties with Asia is his hard-headed strategy of using Asia's economic dynamism, including Japan's advanced technology, to develop the country's Far Eastern region and modernize the country's economy.

Japan should position its diplomacy toward Russia, including its economic cooperation, as a pillar of its overall national strategy and deepen its relations with Russia's new administration in an effort to seek a breakthrough in the territorial dispute.

毎日新聞 2012年05月11日 02時30分
posted by srachai at 06:34| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


社説:超高齢社会 「肩車型」の常識を疑え

May 05, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Editorial: Aging society does not necessarily spell doom
社説:超高齢社会 「肩車型」の常識を疑え

Longevity is something to be celebrated, but when it comes to the aging of Japanese society, it is often discussed in a pessimistic tone.

One reason for this is the continuing decline in people of working age. Learning that our society is shifting from one in which four working people financially support one senior citizen, to another in which each working person must support one senior citizen -- a so-called "piggyback" setup -- would make anyone anxious. And indeed, that is exactly what is happening.

This unfolding state of affairs has prompted calls to raise Japan's tax and insurance rates, which are some of the lowest among all industrialized nations around the world. But perhaps because Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and other officials lack the rhetoric to persuade the public of the validity of their policy, the push to establish a full-fledged piggyback arrangement appears to be undermining confidence in the country's social security system.

It would be ironic if the number of people signing up with the national pension or health insurance plans were to shrink as a result.

So let us take a closer look at why piggyback systems spur pessimism.
現役の負担は増えない ここは世の「肩車型=悲観論」の常識を疑ってみようではないか。

Accepting the premise that the ratio of working-age citizens (people aged 15 to 64) to senior citizens (those aged 65 and over) will eventually become one to one, the important thing when evaluating the stability of the social security system is the ratio between those in the work force earning money, and those who are being supported.

It's not just senior citizens that the working population supports.

It was common for families to have and therefore provide for many children in the era immediately after World War II, but the number of children per household has been in decline more recently.

Those who required financial support in the past also included housewives, the disabled, and those who were ill, but today, there are more two-income households than single-income households, and the employment of the disabled is on the rise.

Moreover, there are far more people working past the age of 65 today than there were before.

Shut-ins and NEETs (people "not in education, employment, or training") undoubtedly do exist, but even taking such populations into account, the ratio between those who do the supporting and those who receive support has barely changed over the past few decades.

If senior citizens and housewives continue to work outside the home, thereby expanding the population providing for those who need support, the burden on the working population should not increase.

The theory that social security costs will surge at a rate of 1 trillion yen per year as Japanese society continues to age, widening intergenerational economic gaps, also calls for closer analysis.

During a time when it was common for three generations of families to live together, caring for elderly parents and children was considered the work of the wife, while the husband was expected to earn money for all household expenses.

As nuclear families and single-person households become the norm and the number of children drops, the burden of caring for elderly family members and bringing up children becomes relatively light.

If elderly parents are able to live on social security and personal savings, the financial burden on the working generation is alleviated.

Of course, there are many senior citizens who receive a low level of social security benefits or none at all, and there is no end to the number of people who leave their jobs to focus on caring for their aging parents.

However, compared to a time when neither social security nor nursing care insurance was available, the burden on working citizens has not become categorically worse.

Rather, inheritance per capita has risen, and people generally have more opportunities and funds to receive an education.

In other words, the impression people commonly have of the piggyback arrangement, and the actual generational gap in burdens are very different.

Rising social security costs may pose great pressure on government finances, but if the increased costs are translated into better nursing care and childcare services, it could lighten the load on families in the working generation.

One of the intended functions of the social security system is to collect a larger proportion of taxes and insurance premiums from high-income workers, and redistribute it to those with lower incomes.

What's important is not just whether the costs are expanding, but whether the funds are being redistributed effectively.

There is a group, sometimes called the "platinum generation," whose age makes them "senior citizens" but are actually a part of the population that give the piggyback rides.
プラチナ世代に注目 「支える側」で特に注目すべきなのは元気な高齢層だ。

Among those who turned 65 this year are pro-baseball team Rakuten Eagles' manager Senichi Hoshino and the comedian and film director Takeshi Kitano.

They're full of life and are highly unlikely to go into retirement anytime soon.

Readers must also know many people who are 65 or older who one wouldn't think to describe as "elderly."

In a story on post-war Japanese medicine and insurance last year, the British medical journal The Lancet wrote about the "platinum generation" -- called so because while its members technically fit into the "silver generation," they are shiny and bright instead of dull like oxidized silver.
Japan must recognize not only that our people are living long lives, but also that our country has produced a large population of energetic seniors.

It is not rare to see former businessmen and researchers in the sciences finding success in areas such as social welfare and farming after retiring from their original jobs.  ビジネスマンや理系研究者が定年後、福祉や農業などの分野に転身し成功している例は今や珍しくない。

We would like senior citizens to break bravely into uncharted fields, making use of the abundant knowledge and experience they've accumulated over the years.

It is at the intersection of various values that we can hope to find clues that will pave the way to a new era.
posted by srachai at 07:10| Comment(0) | 毎日英字
