













[ はじめに ]

[ 名前 ]
松井 清 (スラチャイ)

[ 略歴 ]
・99/10 タイ全土を旅行
・00/10 タイに移住
・03/07 カイちゃん誕生
・07/06 シーファーちゃん誕生

[ 座右の銘 ]
Slow and steady wins the race.

[ 学習の手引き ]
・Think in English.

ブログでお小遣い 無料サンプルも



posted by fanblog


外交文書公開 隠し事はまだあった

(Mainichi Japan) December 23, 2010
More than meets the eye in declassified diplomatic documents
社説:外交文書公開 隠し事はまだあった

Declassified diplomatic documents covering Japan-U.S. negotiations on the 1972 reversion of Okinawa have raised suggestions that the ministry covered up details of its secret accords.

An examination conducted by an experts' panel set up by the Foreign Ministry had clarified part of the Japan-U.S. secret agreement on the reversion of Okinawa to Japan's sovereignty. However, the declassified documents recently released by the Foreign Ministry shed light on larger part of the accord -- they were not covered by the panel's examination.

In May, the Foreign Ministry put into effect regulations requiring declassification of virtually all of its official documents 30 years from the time they were compiled. This time, the third round of disclosure, 291 files, including 56 regarding Okinawa, were disclosed.

Among the documents is one suggesting that the Japanese and U.S. governments plotted to ensure that a conservative candidate would win the first election of governor of the Ryukyu government under U.S. rule. Another shows Tokyo and Washington played a tug-of-war over the wording of an agreement to include the Senkaku Islands in the Okinawa islands to be returned to Japan's sovereignty.

More surprisingly, a memorandum showing that three confidential telegrams were incinerated was found in a file of documents on the Japan-U.S. secret agreement. Under the secret agreement, Japan footed the 4 million dollars required to restore land vacated by U.S. military facilities in Okinawa to its original state, even though such costs should have been borne by the United States.

Furthermore, an entry in the handwritten index of the file titled, "Document 1 -- the leak of confidential information on Okinawa reversion talks" has been crossed out and the text of the document is missing although its cover is still kept in the file. A new typed index of the file does not even list the document.

The Foreign Ministry states that it does not know how the ministry managed documents 40 years ago, and the memorandum does not show what kind of telegrams were incinerated.

If the telegrams were incinerated in order to destroy evidence of the secret pact, it would be an outrageous act that could betray the public's trust in the government. Questions also remain as to why the document showing that Japan footed the 4 million dollars was not found in the ministry's earlier investigation into the case.

The declassified documents include one backing up another secret agreement under which Japan shouldered 65 million dollars to renovate and relocate U.S. military facilities in Okinawa -- in addition to the 320 million dollars stated in the official agreement on Okinawa's reversion. The document details a dialogue in which an official of the ministry's First North America Division and an official of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo discussed the issue.

These findings obviously support assertions the experts' panel made in a report submitted to the ministry in March that negotiations on the expenses of the Okinawa reversion lack transparency.

The ministry is set to disclose approximately 22,000 files of documents that are still being withheld even though more than 30 years have passed since they were compiled. It is hoped that the details of how Japan footed the expenses of the Okinawa reversion, which is shrouded in mystery, will be clarified in the process of disclosing these documents.

Enthusiasm that the Foreign Ministry has recently shown about disclosing diplomatic documents should be appreciated to a certain extent, but the method of disclosure should be improved. Many members of the public have complained that declassified documents are accessible only at the ministry's Diplomatic Record Office in Tokyo, and that it takes a long time and costs too much money to make photocopies of documents. The ministry should take measures to improve the convenience of accessing such documents.
posted by srachai at 07:09| Comment(1) | 毎日英字



Kobe Steel, iPhone bright spots for 'declining' Japan, but challenges lie ahead from China

I'm a big fan of the TV Tokyo program "Sora kara Nihon o mitemiyo" (Let's take a look at Japan from the sky). The dialogue between Kumojii (Grandpa Cloud) and Kumomi, a "girl cloud," is entertaining, and it's refreshing to see various parts of the country from a vantage point not unlike that of a floating cloud.

The program, moreover, is informative. The other day, viewers were given a glimpse of the steel manufacturer Kobe Steel, based in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, and told that if the company were to stop its operations, production of half the world's cars would come to a halt. I'd had no idea.

Looking into the matter, I found that Kobe Steel has about a 50-percent share of the wire rods used to produce valve springs, which are installed at the top of car cylinders.

The valves are subject to strenuous contraction and expansion, but their quality must remain unchanged even when a car clocks 100,000 kilometers. Kobe Steel's wire rods apparently fit the bill and therefore dominate the world market. I find this good news, especially nowadays, when Japan's economic decline has become widely accepted.

Japan is a major exporter of finished products such as cars and LCD televisions, but with regards to world share, companies like Kobe Steel that produce materials and parts account for a larger share. While such companies are little known in Japan, they are the ones that are helping to maintain the country's economic edge.

A Dec. 15 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article, "Not Really 'Made in China,'" highlights the problem with distortions in trade statistics. The iPhone was developed by Apple Inc., an American company, but is assembled in China. Because of this, the phones are considered to be "imported" by the U.S. as products "made in China," adding $1.9 billion to the U.S. trade deficit with China. But does it make sense to credit the $1.9 billion to China alone?

There are some very interesting figures with regards to iPhone sales. The phones are sold wholesale by China for $178.96 each, but since Chinese workers are only involved with assembling the phones, only 3.6 percent of that amount actually goes to China. The countries that provide the parts actually get a larger share of the wholesale cost. Japan receives 34 percent, while Germany gets 17 percent, South Korea 13 percent, and the U.S. 6 percent.

What struck me was the figure, 34 percent. With Apple's iPod, most of the parts were made in Japan. Since I'd been told previously that Japan had no chance against South Korea and China when it came to the iPhone, I was relieved to hear that it still holds a 34-percent share.

The WSJ article runs the risk of giving a false impression, however. No longer a mere "assembling factory," China is rapidly shifting towards becoming a Japanese-style supplier of materials and parts. Southeast Asian countries are in great fear of China's rise to economic hegemony, which they see as imminent. Japan must also acknowledge that maintaining its 34-percent share will not be easy. (By Michio Ushioda, Expert Senior Writer)

(Mainichi Japan) December 22, 2010
毎日新聞 2010年12月22日 東京朝刊
posted by srachai at 13:40| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


New words and opportunities buzzing in China

( ) 内は中国簡体字を示す。発音は中国語ピンイン表記。

三蔵 sān zāng
天竺 tiānzhú
悟空 wùkōng
給力 (给力) gěilì
不給力 (不给力) bùgěilì
中国 zhōngguó
人民日報 (人民日报) rénmín rìbào
江蘇 (江苏) jiāng sū
新浪網 (新浪网) xīnlàn gwǎng
韓庚 (韩庚) hángēng


(Mainichi Japan) November 20, 2010
New words and opportunities buzzing in China

It was in 1996 that the Japanese words "jimi-kon" (low-key wedding) and "hade-kon" (showy wedding) arrived on Japan's linguistic forefront. Nowadays "jimi" (plain, low-key) and its variants are commonly used online and in manga.

A variant of this term has also found its way to China and looks likely to be remembered as the buzz word of the year. Its appearance has been traced to the anime "Saiyuki: Tabi no Owari" by Kosuke Masuda.

The anime starts when the character Xuanzang and his companions reach ancient India. The place is empty, and the only sign is one saying "goal."

"So this is India. It's pretty plain (jimi) isn't it, Master," one of Xuanzang's disciples, Wukong, says. Xuanzang then dashes forward trying to become the first to arrive, while Wukong and the others on the scene try to stop him.

In the Chinese version of the anime, "jimi" was translated as "bugeili" (dull, boring). "Bu" is a negative prefix and "geili" is a word of the Northern Chinese dialect that has come to mean "cool" or "exciting". It is a peculiar Chinese word. Perhaps because of its fresh sound, "bugeili" has spread over the Internet, along with the opposite meaning "geili," without the negative suffix, and it has even led to the coining of the English-sounding words "ungeilivable" and "geilivable."

"Geili" has since become an Internet buzz word and on Nov. 10, the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, used the word in a headline on its front page, in reference to "cool" Jiangsu province. While the use of the word was both criticized as frivolous and hailed as novel, its place as this year's top trendy word in China was certain.
 ついに今月10日。中国共産党機関紙「人民日報」1面トップ記事の見出しにネット言葉の「給力」が使われた−−「江蘇給力 “文化強省”」。「江蘇省スゴッ」が軽薄か、斬新かについては賛否両論が沸騰したが、「給力」が今年の流行語大賞の地位を確保したことは確実だ。

It is interesting to note that "jimi" which has a negative meaning, was taken in a different direction in China to produce the positive "geili."

Over the past few years, China's GDP per capita growth has practically lined up with that seen by Japan in the 1960s. In 1967, a popular television commercial chanted the phrase "big is good." Japanese society, which at the time was witnessing continuing growth, was not in the mood to accept the word "jimi.

" A similar atmosphere now envelops China, and so geili," the opposite of "bugeili," has taken hold.

The day after the People's Daily used the phrase, Japanese actress Sora Aoi started using Twitter in Chinese on the major Chinese portal site Sina. In just 24 hours she secured 160,000 followers.

Sina said that the figure surpassed the 140,000 followers of Chinese pop singer Han Geng. It also far exceeds the number of those who took part in recent anti-Japanese protests in China.

The massive market of China has vitality spurred by growth. If this can be harnessed, major opportunities may await. Then the situation we can look forward to will be "geilivable." (By Hidetoshi Kaneko, Expert Senior Writer)
posted by srachai at 03:52| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


News Navigator: Why are corporate executives' remunerations disclosed?

(Mainichi Japan) June 4, 2010
News Navigator: Why are corporate executives' remunerations disclosed?

The Mainichi answers common questions that readers may have about why corporate executives who receive high-level remunerations are identified and their amounts disclosed.

 ◇不適切な経営判断けん制 基準は米国参考「年1億円以上」

Question: Major cosmetics company Shiseido Co. has recently announced the amount of its president's remuneration. Is it a rare move?
 なるほドリ 大手化粧品メーカーの資生堂が、社長の報酬額を発表したけど、珍しいの?

Answer: Japanese listed companies are supposed to disclose their business performance and financial situation in their annual financial reports. Even though all listed firms are legally required to announce the total amount of their board members' remunerations, they were not mandated at all to specify the amounts of individual board members' remunerations until recently. Therefore, most of the companies have withheld such information even though some companies, including semiconductor supplier Tokyo Electron Ltd., have voluntarily disclosed their chief executive officers' remuneration in their financial statements.
 記者 日本の上場企業は毎年、金融商品取引法に基づき、事業状況や財務内容などを有価証券報告書で公表します。報告書には役員報酬の総額を記載しなくてはなりませんが、それぞれがいくらもらったかの「個別開示」は義務付けられていませんでした。東京エレクトロンなど、報告書で自主的に代表取締役の報酬を明らかにしている企業もありますが、ほとんどの日本企業は個別開示していないのです。

Q: How about listed companies in the United States?
 Q 米国の上場企業は個別開示しているの?

A: They publicize remunerations for their top five board members, who have earned the largest amounts of pay over the previous three years. In Britain, listed firms announce all individual board members' remunerations. Most major industrialized democracies including Canada, Germany, France and Italy have their own regulations on the announcement of individual corporate executives' remunerations. The move is aimed at discouraging companies from paying excessive amounts of compensation to executives when their business performance is slumping.
 A 報酬額トップ5人の過去3年間分を開示しています。英国では役員全員の個別報酬を公表しています。そのほか、カナダ、ドイツ、フランス、イタリアなど主要先進国の多くが個別開示のルールを定めています。「業績不振にもかかわらず、トップに巨額報酬を支払ってしまう」などの不適切な経営判断をけん制するのが狙いです。

Q: In Western countries, the transparency of board members' remunerations has been encouraged, hasn't it?
 Q 欧米各国では、役員報酬の透明化が進んでいるんだね。

A: In Japan, too, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) revised regulations on the standards for information to be disclosed in companies' financial statements to obligate firms to identify their board members and auditors who earn at least 100 million yen a year and specify their exact amounts.
 A 日本でも金融庁が3月、報告書の公表基準を定める内閣府令を改正し、年間1億円以上の報酬を受けた取締役や監査役の名前と金額の公表を義務付けました。

The new rules apply to corporate financial statements for fiscal 2009 that must be submitted to authorities by the end of June, or later. Some business leaders voiced opposition to the move due to privacy concerns, but the FSA justified it on the grounds that listed companies, for which numerous shareholders invest their funds, have a public mission and should publicize their specific information on relations between their business performances and remunerations for their executives.

Behind the move is the fact that State Minister for Financial Services Shizuka Kamei expressed displeasure at the fact that Shinsei Bank that ran deeply in the red last fiscal year pays huge amounts of compensation to board members who are from a foreign company that holds a stake in the bank. "Its president gets a mere 9 million yen, but each board member from a foreign stakeholder earn a ridiculously high remuneration of 150 million yen," Kamei complained.

Q: Why are only those who earn over 100 million yen subject to the rules?
 Q なぜ、1億円以上なの?

A: The agency made the decision considering that the figure is the average amount of remunerations paid to chief executives officers of listed companies in the United States. However, the levels of remunerations for Japanese listed companies are lower than those in the United States and Europe. Fulltime board members of Japanese listed firms receive approximately 25 million yen on average. Therefore, most of Japanese listed companies will unlikely be required to disclose their individual board members' remunerations.
 A 米国の上場企業の最高経営責任者(CEO)がもらっている報酬水準を参考にしたそうです。でも、日本の上場企業の役員報酬は欧米企業に比べて低く、常勤の取締役で平均2500万円程度。日本の場合、ほとんどの企業が「開示対象なし」となる見通しです。

It is also notable that the new rules obligate listed companies to disclose their standards for calculating their executives' remunerations and how to determine the amounts. In other words, listed companies are required to fulfill their accountability for how they decide on compensation for their executives. (Answers by Masahiro Nakai, Economic News Department)

毎日新聞 2010年6月4日 東京朝刊
posted by srachai at 07:41| Comment(0) | 毎日英字



( )で示しています。

(Mainichi Japan) May 12, 2010
Masked social withdrawal linked to Japanese culture

At the Sayama Psychological Institute in Saitama Prefecture stands a collection of sketches.
 (埼玉県狭山市の狭山心理研究所には一冊のスケッチブックが置かれている-by srachai)

The first drawing is too hard to make out. It almost looks like an expressionless "umi-bozu," a type of sea monster.
The second shows something like a person's face behind a stream of diagonal lines.

The third can actually be made out. It is the picture of a woman's head, as seen from behind.

(There is a vivid mole on back of the neck. -by srachai)

These pictures, sketched by reclusive patients at the institute, are of their "mother's face."

One wonders if their mothers ever looked at them when they were young.

The institute accommodates a number of patients between their 20s and 50s who have withdrawn from society.

Rather than focusing on cases in which people have shut themselves inside their rooms, facility therapist Yuichi Hattori, 60, has turned his attention toward "underlying social withdrawal" among people who normally appear cheerful.

They come from good families, have good academic backgrounds, and are amiable, but they cannot build relationships with other people.

They are concerned about the masks behind which they are hiding.

When the patients are asked during therapy to draw a picture of their mother on an A4-sized sheet of paper, none of them can draw the face -- this was the case in the dozen or so examples that I was shown.

Reclusive patients at the institute commonly come from homes that are concerned about social appearances.

They are well-off, but the father is absent.

The mother cannot express her feelings.

Children who are brought up in such an environment have no chance of having contact with other people.

They try to please their mother at home, and when they go out into society, they try to suit those around them.

But they don't know how to go about love.

They think that marriage is impossible and that babies are creepy.

"This is not just the case at our institute," Hattori says. "Social withdrawal is a pathology that has affixed itself to Japanese culture."

Such a culture values the home and groups over the individual, and approves of a dual nature of an outward and inner self. 個人よりも家や集団を優先し、本音と建前の二面性を容認する。

Rather then considering the question of good and evil, homes and society place importance on harmony.

"The people who have wiped out their own existence can't find themselves.

They look like good people but they can't make decisions, and are swayed by the opinions of those around them," Hattori says.

A therapist who has turned his face toward the cries of people's hearts from beneath their masks has unexpectedly traced the problem to Japanese culture.

When considering Japan's declining birth rate, the situation is foreboding.

(By Takahiro Takino, City News Department, Mainichi Shimbun)
毎日新聞 2010年5月12日 0時11分
posted by srachai at 10:07| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


衆院選:民主単独で300議席超へ 鳩山政権誕生が確実に


(Mainichi Japan) August 30, 2009
Opposition Democratic Party of Japan set to win election in landslide
衆院選:民主単独で300議席超へ 鳩山政権誕生が確実に

The largest opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) is set to score a landslide victory in Sunday's general election, likely capturing more than 300 of the 480 seats in the House of Representatives, according to Mainichi Shimbun exit polls.

The DPJ is certain to take over the reins of government, putting an end to the 10-year-old coalition government comprised of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Komeito (NKP).

DPJ leader Yukio Hatoyama will be elected prime minister at a special Diet session that must be called within 30 days after the polling day under the Constitution, and form a Cabinet.

The LDP is expected to suffer a humiliating defeat, possibly falling short of 100 seats.

The focal point of Sunday's general election has been whether the DPJ will take over the reins of government or the LDP-NKP coalition will stay in power.

Vote counting began immediately after almost all of about 51,000 polling stations across the country closed at 8 p.m.

As of 10:40 p.m., the DPJ had won 243 seats, the LDP 62, NKP 11, the Japanese Communist Party (JCP) five, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) two, the People's New Party (PNP) two, the Your Party (YP) three and the New Party Nippon (NPN) one, while the Japan Renaissance Party (JRP) had won no seats. Four independents have also been elected to the chamber.

All winners in the nation's 300 single-seat constituencies (SSC) will be announced by about 1 a.m. on Monday and all those elected in the proportional representation blocs (PRB) will be determined by around 3 a.m.

The voter turnout was 53 percent as of 7:30 p.m., down 2.65 points from the previous election in 2005. However, as the number of those who cast absentee ballots was more than 50 percent more than the previous election, final voter turnout is expected to be above that in the previous election, which stood at 67.51 percent.

A confidence vote among the public for nine Supreme Court justices, who were appointed after the previous Lower House election, was also held simultaneously with the general election.





毎日新聞 2009年8月30日 21時02分(最終更新 8月30日 22時08分)
posted by srachai at 23:32| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:芸能界の違法薬物問題 /東京

(Mainichi Japan) August 16, 2009
Alleged drug use by celebrities sending shockwaves through Japanese society
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:芸能界の違法薬物問題 /東京


In times past, people in show business were seen as unique and free-spirited, living outside the rules of society. In recent years, however, I'd heard celebrities being characterized as well-mannered and generally the model-student type, barely touching alcohol or going out all night. "Unless you're the serious type, the kind who's interested only in pets and books, there's no way you can survive the brutal world of show biz," a friend of mine who works at a television station once told me.

Having been on television programs with young celebs, I've found them to be surprisingly hardworking and polite. Whenever I encounter students with a poor command of honorific language at the university where I teach, I silently think, "You really could learn a thing or two from spending a few months at a talent agency."

And yet, just recently, celebrities popular among the younger generation have been arrested on suspicion of drug possession and use. More than a few fans must have been disappointed to discover that their beloved idols were irresponsible people after all.

Every time the issue of drug abuse in the entertainment industry resurfaces, people attribute it to the acute pressures of the industry. Indeed, show business is characterized by irregular employment, where a top star today could have the plug pulled on a on his TV series next month. Those with a strong sense of duty especially must experience sleepless nights, worrying about an unpredictable tomorrow and the trouble they could potentially cause their family and colleagues.

Still, turning to drugs to alleviate pressures one finds unbearable is unacceptable. Perhaps I'm being harsh, but people who are that fragile are probably not fit for show business to begin with.

Drugs momentarily provide users with extraordinary sensations, but they also have various harmful effects on the body. Most of all, their danger lies in the emotional and physical dependency that users can develop on them, making quitting incredibly difficult. You could say that virtually no one who uses drugs thinking they'll stop "after a few times" is actually able to do so.

There are reports that of late, drugs, seen as "relaxation medication" or something akin to vitamins and dietary supplements, are exchanged among young people with ease. Regardless of one's justification for drug use -- be it to relieve stress, seek excitement, or as mere recreation -- what is wrong is wrong. If you are unwilling to experience your demise and that of those around you, take this to heart: do not mess with drugs. (By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)

毎日新聞 2009年8月11日 地方版
posted by srachai at 08:08| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「大勢でも孤独」の若者増 /東京

(Mainichi Japan) July 12, 2009
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Lonely in a crowd
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「大勢でも孤独」の若者増 /東京

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Sony Walkman's debut. For decades, the name of that device was synonymous with the idea of portable music, though these days the iPod can probably claim that title among young people.

I believe that the Walkman drastically changed how people treat being alone. Before the era of the Walkman one of the only ways a person could be really alone was in their own room, but since the popularization of portable music, people can block out the sounds of the outside world with headphones, creating a private little world.

The same is possible with portable radios, but with the Walkman people could listen to music from their own record collection, transferred to cassette tapes.

Especially attractive was the ability to make mixed tapes using favorite tracks from a number of records, which must have led to an increasing focus on one's inner world. Even if surrounded by crowds, even if in a public place, a person with headphones on can think: "I am me, alone." I suspect such people who feel this way were certainly not rare in the Walkman era.

Today's youth immerse themselves in worlds of their own right before our eyes, where they can live secluded from the rest of us. Feeding into these one person worlds, personal devices such as mobile phones and handheld game systems like the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS come on to the market one after another.

The "make your own world anywhere" idea has gone too far, to the point that even on the train one sees people shamelessly putting on makeup or eating cups of instant noodles as though the train carriage was their own room. It's becoming a major problem. I think it is a good thing if youth can enjoy both being alone and with many other people.

On the other hand, I feel that an increasing number of people are coming to my office saying, "Even when I'm in a crowd I'm lonely." Even when they are at a popular singer's concert or when reading a best-selling novel, these patients can't feel any solidarity for those next to them or those reading the same book. Sometimes they consider making an effort to make a real connection with others, such as heading out to a workers' demonstration or other kinds of activities, but eventually decide not to go, feeling that even if they went to such a gathering, it would be them alone raising their voices.

Some may try to connect with people over the Internet, chatting with others through the medium of the keyboard, but when they turn off the power, the feeling of solidarity with those on the other end of the connection fizzles.

Whether in lively places or not, these patients say, they feel isolated, alienated.

This year is the 30 anniversary of the Walkman. Yet I dream of a day when people will say, "That's enough of being alone," and once more crowd coffee houses that offer their customers the chance to sing their favorite songs together. (By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)

毎日新聞 2009年7月7日 地方版
posted by srachai at 08:09| Comment(0) | 毎日英字


戦国史跡:「歴女」急増中 武将の男らしさに…

(Mainichi Japan) June 14, 2009
New wave of 'history girls' wooed by warlords' masculinity
戦国史跡:「歴女」急増中 武将の男らしさに…

Young women are flocking to significant landmarks from the Warring States period, and college girls are buying up samurai-themed products. Sales of historical books are up, and there have been efforts to revive the publication of paperbacks on warlords. Behind this craze is the surge in "reki-jo" or "history girls." But why now?
歴史をテーマにした書店「時代屋」には「歴女」と呼ばれる女性たちが足を運ぶ=東京都千代田区で2009年5月26日午後、佐々木順一撮影 戦国時代の史跡が若い女性たちでにぎわい、武将をテーマにしたグッズも女子大生らに人気だ。背景にあるのは、歴史好きの女性「レキジョ」(歴女)の増加。歴史を扱う本の売れ行きも好調で、武将を取り上げた文庫本を復刊する動きも出ている。なぜ、いまレキジョなのか。【田村彰子、遠藤拓】 

On weekends, Jidai Shobo, a bookstore specializing in historical books in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward, is packed with groups of young women. Most of the shop's customers were men when it first opened in February 2006, but by last year, half were women, of which around 90 percent are in their 20s and 30s.

Stationery and mobile phone accessories with family crests of feudal lords line the shelves, with figurines of Sanada Yukimura, the most popular of the warlords, and others also for sale. "I like Kato Kiyomasa," says customer Izumi Sekine, 34, of a warlord who served the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. "There's an almost picture-perfect masculinity about him."

In August 2008, the Kojuro Plaza opened in the city of Shiroishi in Miyagi Prefecture, home of Katakura Kojuro, a senior retainer of the 17th century warlord Date Masamune. Sales of Kojuro-related goods subsequently exceeded 100,000 yen on some days. Visitors to Shiroishi Castle during the week-long holiday in May jumped to 135 percent compared to the previous year, and most recent visitors have been young women, according to city officials. The tourist center in Ueda, Sanada Yukimura's hometown in Nagano Prefecture, has also enjoyed a jump in sales.

The publishing business has felt the effects of this boom as well. Monthly magazine "Rekishi kaido" ("History way") had a circulation of less than 70,000 copies five years ago; now it sees sales of 120,000 copies.

"The proportion of female readers has gone up from 15 percent of total readers to 40 percent," says editor-in-chief Kiyotaka Tatsumoto. The magazine's publisher, PHP Institute, revived publication of the biographies of warlords Date Masamune (1567-1636) and Uesugi Kenshin (1530-1578) in late March this year, and plans to revive publication of the biographies of Hosokawa Tadaoki (1563-1646) and Gamo Ujisato (1556-1595) due to popular demand.

More unorthodox products have seen a boost in sales as well. There is a constant shortage in stock of Sido brand underwear or men's "armor" underwear, which cost a considerable 9,240 a pair. According to Tokyo-based manufacturer Rogin, about 80 percent of buyers are women.
"As a result of the history boom, our underwear seems to have gained popularity as gifts," says Rogin president Shiro Nogi. "We're planning to come out with a women's line, too."


So how do "reki-jo" differ from the original history buffs, who were mostly middle-aged men?
"In general, men relate battles and the management styles of warlords back to their own corporate environments, and try to use whatever they lessons they can to improve their own work lives," says Tetsuo Owada, a professor emeritus at Shizuoka University who has written over 100 books on the Warring States period.
"But for women, it's more about the admiration they feel towards the warlords' approach to their lives." Owada adds that this may be a backlash against what they see as the selfishness of political and financial leaders today.

Meanwhile, researcher Tetsuaki Higashida from the Dentsu Communication Institute suggests that women are attracted to the masculinity of these warlords, compared to the more passive modern men that they know. "Gender role reversals have been taking place, with men cooking and women playing golf," he says. "It's not unacceptable nowadays for women to take an interest in warlords, which used to be an area of interest reserved for men."

毎日新聞 2009年6月9日 11時46分(最終更新 6月9日 13時03分)
posted by srachai at 10:29| Comment(0) | 毎日英字



(Mainichi Japan) April 12, 2009
Boosting spirits with the power of corporate song

An executive of a world-renowned company once told me: "We all sing our company's song when our baseball team wins a game. That feels so good. It brings us a sense of unity with the players and the company, and makes us proud of our company."

As I nodded, he asked me, "Does the Mainichi Newspapers have a company song?"

At another major company, employees sing their corporate song and recite the founder's creed at their workplace and factories every morning. One employee in his 30s said it felt strange when he first joined the company, but now he's fully used to it.

"There's some invisible effect in it," he says.

When newcomers were asked what they thought the most unnecessary thing at their company was, the most common answer was the corporate song, described variously as "embarrassing" and "old-fashioned." However, the situation has changed of late.

In a book titled "Shaka" (Corporate songs, published by Bungei Shunju), corporate songs of about 40 major Japanese companies are listed, along with the history and episodes of each song. Since the lyrics of corporate songs reflect the spirit of the founders and management principles, they may be revised with the change of the times or corporate names.

"It's a philosophy etched in a musical score," says author Masazumi Yugari.

I listened to a CD titled "Shaka," released by King Records under Yugari's supervision, and was amazed by the diversity of corporate songs today -- ranging in style from J-pop, comic songs to rock. The image of corporate songs has changed.

There's even a company that has embarked on a corporate song-making business. President Ryuichi Nishio says, "During a recession, everyone wants to get uplifted. Corporate songs help them improve their motivation."

The Mainichi Newspapers does have a corporate song. Kyukin Susukida, a prominent poet in the late Meiji Era and a Mainichi employee, wrote the lyrics: "The light shines from the eastern sky, we stand raising the star as our banner." Unfortunately, the song is not sung at our initiation ceremony for newcomers or other occasions, and it's left languishing on the shelf. (By Hiroshi Ochiai, Sports News Department)
 毎日新聞にも社歌がある。明治後期を代表する詩人で、社員でもあった薄田泣菫(すすきだきゅうきん)が作詞を担当した。「光は東の空よりと かかぐる星の旗じるし……」と格調高い。残念ながら、入社式などで歌われることはなく、宝の持ち腐れになっている。(運動部)

毎日新聞 2009年4月11日 東京朝刊
posted by srachai at 08:45| Comment(0) | 毎日英字
