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"Ginkakuji"-A temple based on one of Japan's aesthetic senses "Wabi-Sabi"- 『銀閣寺』〜日本の美意識の1つ“わび・さび”を重んじた寺院〜

What kind of temple is "Ginkakuji"? A villa built by the 8th Shogun, Yoshimasa Ashikaga!



"Ginkakuji" is a temple in Kyoto, and I think that you have seen and heard it once.



Generally known by the name "Ginkakuji", the official name is "Jishoji".




It was originally a villa of the 8th Shogun of Muromachi Shogunate Ashikaga Yoshimasa (called Higashiyama Sanso), and became a Seiji (the temple under the rule of the main mountain) of Rinzai Soukoku to receive a bridal after Ashikaga Yoshimasa died .


※ The temple named Jisho-ji is named after "Jishin-in" which is the legal name of Ashikaga Yoshimasa.



After Yoshimasa Ashikaga's death, it will be devastated with the decline of the Muromachi Shogunate.



In particular, there is a war around Ginkakuji during the Warring States period, and buildings other than Ginkaku (Kanondo) and Togudo had been  destroyed.



However, in the Edo period, we were able to see the present appearance by major renovation.



And it was registered in the world cultural heritage as "Cultural property of ancient capital Kyoto" in 1994, and it has become a structure representing Higashiyama culture now.


The main spot of Ginkakuji is "Kannon Hall"! But is not silver stuck?



Ginkakuji is often compared to Kinkakuji in Kitayama.



In particular, I think that many people wonder where there is no silver foil attached to Ginkakuji even though gold leaf is attached to Kinkakuji.



It has not been clear yet that it was not possible to put silver foil due to financial difficulties of the Shogunate, or that it was not originally planned to put silver foil, but in recent years it has been found that there is no trace that silver foil is put.


The main spot of Ginkakuji is "Kannonden ", which is generally called Ginkaku.



The “Kannonden” is designated as a national treasure, and the first layer is the Shoinzukuri (house style), and the second layer is the Buddhist temple (Put the Guanyin Buddha).


Ginkakuji “Kannonden” is not so luxurious and simple as Kinkakuji, but its plain place is also a popular reason.


What is "Togudo" and the beautiful garden that created the sense of beauty of "wabi, sabi"?



Although Ashikaga Yoshimasa has a low reputation as a general and a politician, it has a high reputation as a cultural person, and is said to be the person who gave birth to the heart of "wabi, sabi " which is indispensable for tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and entertainment.


※ Wabi (詫) ・ ・ poor, represents the lack of beauty / ※ sabi (寂) ・ ・ represents the beauty of the appearance



The Tohodo, a national treasure, created the awareness of "wabi, sabi."



Originally, it is said that Ashikaga Yoshimasa's Buddhist temple where the self-faithed Buddha image is placed is the oldest existing Shoin structure.



The room called "Dojinsai" is said to be the prototype of the current tea room.



Besides Ginkakuji, there are not only buildings but also beautiful gardens.



It is a garden called the Chisenkaichyushiki-teien, and has been designated as a special historic site and special scenic spot.



This garden is said to have been created to mimic the garden of "Saihoji", which is known as Zen Temple.



How do you go to "Ginkakuji"? How long is the time for access or worship?




「東山慈照寺」/〒606-8402 京都府京都市左京区銀閣寺町

Higashiyama Jishoji Temple / Ginkakujicho Sakyo Ward Kyoto Prefecture Kyoto Prefecture 606-8402




・Get off at "Ginkakuji-mae" or "Ginkakuji-do" by Kyoto municipal bus, 5-10 minutes on foot.


・If you visit by car, there is a tourist parking lot (40 cars, 1000 yen)



※ Because tourist bus, taxi is given priority in busy season, there is a possibility that ordinary car can not park

※ Time is from 8:00 to 17:00




"Worship time"


・March 1-November 30: 8:30 am-5 pm


・December 1 to the end of February: 9 am to 4:30 pm



"Study fee"


・Adult / high school student: 500 yen


・elementary student / junior high student: 300 yen


Small / junior high student: 300 yen



We introduce the world heritage "Itsukushima shrine" of Hiroshima Prefecture revered by Tairano Kiyomori and Mori Motonari! 平清盛や毛利元就に崇敬された広島県の世界遺産『厳島神社』を紹介!

What kind of shrine is "Itsukushima Shrine"? Aki Ichinomiya, a symbol of the prosperity of the Heike!



“Itsukushima Shrine” is a shrine located on Itsukushima (Miyajima) in Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, which is built on the sea.



According to the founding, according to the legend, in the first year of Suiko emperor (593), the great family Saeki (Kuramoto) received the oracle of the construction, and built a shrine that enshrines Ichiki Shimahime. It is considered the beginning.



The whole of Itukushima has been the object of mountain faith since ancient times, and it became  an Shrine called Akinokunino-Ichinomiya with the highest corporate rating in a certain area in the Heian period.



In the latter part of the Heian period, the main shrine was arranged by the Tairano Kiyomori, who became the guardian of the Akinokuni, and is revered by the prairie.



In the Warring States period, it is said that he was revered by Mouri Motonari, who ruled Itsukushima, and that Toyotomi Hideyoshi visited on the way to the Kyushu conquest.



Itsukushima visiting spread by the people during the Edo period and was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1996.


What is the highlight of the World Heritage Site Itsukushima Shrine?   Recommendation the spots  want to see!


Itsukushima Shinto shrine has 6 national treasures and 11 important cultural properties.


One of the highlights is the National Treasure "Honden 本殿 " and "Hirabutai 平舞台 ".



The first "Hondon" was built with the aid of Taira Kiyosori during the Heian period, but it was rebuilt during the Muromachi period with fires during the Kamakura period. It is not exactly the same as the one in the Kiyomori period, but the scale and style are those of the Heian period.



In addition, "Hirabutai 平舞台", which is the garden of the main hall, is counted among the three stages in Japan, and it is a place for ship out and return during a festival called "kankensail 管絃祭".


※ A boat festival is a shrine that floats a boat and assembles a boat



And what you definitely want to see is "Otorii."



"Otorii" is No. 1 among the monuments of Itsukushima Shrine and is about 16 meters in size.



Also, the biggest attraction of this "Otorii" is where the Torii is standing.



About 7 tons of stones are packed in the "bird tree" part at the top of the torii to prevent falling down by wind and waves, and it is "weight".



In addition, it is supported by six main pillars and pillars so that it does not fall over.



However, please be careful as you can only go at low tide to see "Otorii" in close proximity.



For high tide and low tide time, please see the website.


How should I go to the Itsukushima Shrine? What is your time and fee?





〒739-0588 広島県廿日市市宮島町1番の1

1 in Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima Prefecture


Trains and ferries


Get off at JR Sanyo Honsen "Miyajimaguchi Station" or Hiroshima Dentetsu "Hiroden Miyajimaguchi Station", and take a ferry at Miyajimaguchi Pier (ferry) to "Miyajima Pier". Itsukushima Shrine is a 15-minute walk.



<< private car >>


※ There is no parking lot at Itsukushima Shrine


Get off at Sanyo High Way Hatsukaichi IC Exit.



Stop at the parking lot around Miyajimaguchi Ferry Terminal via Route 2 (more than 20 locations), and take a ferry from Miyajimaguchi Pier to Miyajima Pier.


Itsukushima Shrine is a 15-minute walk.



"Worship time"


  • Itsukushima shrine

  • 厳島神社

January 1 ... from midnight to 18:30 pm



January 2-January 3 ... 6:30 am-18:30 pm



January 4 to the end of February ... 6:30 am to 17:30 pm



March 1st to October 14th, 6:30 am to 18pm



October 15 to November 30 ・ ・ 6:30 am-17:30 pm



December 1 to December 31 ... 6:30 am to 17 pm



※ Since there is a gap in the circuit of the shrine, please consider visiting with high heels etc.



  • Houmotsukan

  • 宝物館

Year-round ・ ・ ・ ・ 8 am to 17 pm



  • Senjyoukaku

  • 千畳閣

Year-round ...  8:30 am-16:30 pm



 Admission fee》


※ group in parenthesis


  • Itsukushima shrine

  • 厳島神社

Adult: 300 yen (250 yen) High school students: 200 yen (150 yen) Primary school students: 100 yen (70 yen)

大人:300円(250円) 高校生:200円(150円) 中小学生:100円(70円)


  • Houmotsukan

  • 宝物館

Adults: 300 yen (250 yen) High school students: 200 yen (150 yen) Primary school students: 100 yen (70 yen)

大人:300円(250円) 高校生:200円(150円) 中小学生:100円(70円)


  • Common Discount for Itsukushima Shrine and Houmotsukan

  • 厳島神社・宝物館の共通割引

Adults: 500 yen (400 yen) High school students: 300 yen (200 yen) Primary school students: 150 yen (100 yen)

大人:500円(400円) 高校生:300円(200円) 中小学生:150円(100円)


  • Senjyoukaku

  • 千畳閣

Adults: 100 yen Primary school children: 50 yen

大人:100円 中小学生:50円


Itsukushima Shrine is a very beautiful shrine.



It is a place that shows different appearances at high tide and low tide.



Please take a moment to visit the Itsukushima Shrine.



We introduce world cultural heritage of Shiga, Sohonzanzan "Heizan Enryakuji" of Tendai sect! 滋賀県の世界文化遺産、天台宗の総本山『比叡山延暦寺』を紹介!

What kind of temple is "Hieizan Enryakuji"? It is also called "the hometown of Japanese Buddhism"!


"Hieizan Enryakuji Temple" is a temple of Tendai sect located in Sakamoto Honcho, Otsu-shi, Shiga.



It is believed that the beginning of the Tendai sect's founder, Saichou(最澄), entered the Mt. Hiei in 798 (Encore year) and created a temple (the main temple of Enryaku-ji).


In addition to being the main temple of the Tendai sect, during the Heian-Kamakura period,It is also called "the hometown of Japanese Buddhism" because he produced the founders of each sect, such as Honen (Jyodo sec), Shinran (Jodo sect), Eisai (Linsai sec), Dogen (Soto sect), Nichiren (Nichiren sect).



Although it is "Hiyazan Enryakuji Temple" that has led Japan's Buddhism, in the Middle Ages, it became armed and began to clash with samurais.



And, in the year of the Genki 元亀 2 (1571), Oda Nobunaga was attacked (Heizan burning), and at most 4,000 people were killed and the tower was also seriously damaged.



After that, it was rebuilt by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, and in 1994 it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site as one of the "Cultural Properties of the Old Capital Kyoto".


"Hieizan Enryakuji" has 3 areas: East Tower, West Tower, and Yokawa! What's the highlight?


"Hieizan Enryaku-ji" is roughly divided into three areas, "Todo 東塔 ", "Saito 西塔", and "Yokawa 横川", each with its own highlight.



The “East Tower Area” is the birthplace of Enryaku-ji, and there is the “Munjyuro”, which is the gate of Enryaku-ji, and the “Konponcho-do”, which is also a national treasure at the main temple of Enryaku-ji.



In addition, the "large auditorium" that holds the founders of each sect has been designated as an important cultural property.



The “West Tower” area is the area where Enchou who is  the Second Heavenly Pianist (the priest of Enryaku-ji) opened.



The first highlight is the “Shakado” where the Buddha is the main shrine. It is called "Shakado" and is said to be the oldest of the existing structures in Enryaku-ji.


Besides the "jyodoin" with Saicho's mausoleum (a hall of fame) is also a highlight.



The "Yokawa area" is an area opened by the third king of the Heavenly Pentecost " Ennin" .



St. Goddess of Mercy is deified as a principal image in the main hall where the Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China ship was made a model "Yowachuudou".




By the way, it is 5 minutes (20 minutes on foot) by shuttle bus between "East Tower" and "West Tower". It takes 15 minutes (one hour or more on foot) by shuttle bus from "East Tower" and "West Tower" to "Yokawa".



It takes time to go around the whole area, but please take a look at the whole area.


What is the time and fee for visiting Hieizan Enryakuji Temple? It depends on the season!



"Praying time"


  • East tower district

  • 東塔地区

March-November 8:30-16:30

3月〜11月 8時30分〜16時30分


9:00 to 16:00 Dec

12月    9時〜16時


January-February 9:00 to 16:30

1月〜2月  9時〜16時30分


  • West Tower, Yokawa area

  • 西塔・横川地区

March-November 9:00-16:00

3月〜11月 9時〜16時


December 9:30-15:30

12月    9時30分〜15時30分


January-February 9:30 to 16:00

1月〜2月  9時30分〜16時


※ 30 minutes prior to closing.



"Paying fee"


  • Enryakuji temples tour fee (East tower, West tower, Yokawa common ticket)  ※ group in parenthesis

  • 延暦寺諸堂巡拝料(東塔・西塔・横川共通券) ※括弧内は団体

Adults: 700 yen (600 yen) Junior high school students: 500 yen (400 yen) Primary school children: 300 yen (300 yen)

大人:700円(600円) 中高生:500円(400円) 小学生:300円(300円)


  • Kokuhou-den (Houmotsu-kan) admission fee ※ group in parenthesis

  • 国宝殿(宝物館)拝観料 ※括弧内は団体

Adults: 500 yen (400 yen) Junior high school students: 300 yen (200 yen) Primary school children: 100 yen (100 yen)

大人:500円(400円) 中高生:300円(200円) 小学生:100円(100円)


  • A set of a tour fee and Kokuhou-den visit fee ※ group in parenthesis

  • 巡拝料と国宝殿拝観料のセット ※括弧内は団体


Adults: 1200 yen (1000 yen) Junior high school students: 800 yen (600 yen) Primary school students: None

大人:1200円(1000円) 中高生:800円(600円) 小学生:なし

How should I go to "Hieizan Enryakuji"? How to access?


"Use of JR line, bus, Sakamoto cable"

Get off at "Hieiyama Sakamoto" station on the JR Kosei Line from "Kyoto" station. Take the Koujyaku bus 江若バス  to "Cable Sakamoto" station and get off at "Enryakuji" station on Sakamoto Cable. It is an 8-minute walk to Enryaku-ji Temple.





"Keihan train, bus, Sakamoto cable use"

From "Sanjo Keihan" station get off at "Biwakohama Otsu" station on the Keihan Keitsu line.

Change to the Keihan Ishiyama Saka Main Line

Get off at "Sakamoto Hieizanguchi" station.

Take the Koujyaku bus to "Cable Sakamoto" station and get off at "Enryakuji" station on Sakamoto Cable.

It is an 8-minute walk to Enryaku-ji Temple.





"Use of Eizan Dentetsu, Yase cable, shuttle bus"

From "Demachiyanagi" station, get off at "Yase" station of Eizan-Dewntetsu. Go to the top of Mt. Hiei on the Yase cable ropeway, and then take the shuttle bus in Mt. Hiei to the Enryakuji Bus Center.

※ Diagram changes by shuttle bus by weekday, holiday, summer vacation period.






<Use Hieizan drive bus>

Take JR Kyoto Station / Keihan Sanjo Station / Keihan demachi Yanagi Station to Enkyoji Bus Center (Toto).

※ The route differs between Keihan bus and Kyoto bus.





<< private car >>

If you are visiting with your own car, there is a free parking lot in Mt. Hiei and Okubiei Driveway.

※ It is necessary to wear winter tires and chains in winter (to climb mountains).





We introduce world cultural heritage "Kinkakuji" which we want to go absolutely if we go to Kyoto! 京都に行ったら絶対行きたい世界文化遺産『金閣寺』を紹介!

What kind of temple is "Kinkakuji"? Originally a villain of Shogun  Yoshimitsu Ashikaga!



Speaking of "Kinkakuji", I think that most people have seen and heard at a temple representing Japan once.



However, the name "Kinkakuji" is a common name, and the official name is "Rokuonji" (Rokuonji).



In addition, it was also a villa of Muromachi Shogunate Shogun 3rd Shogun ~Ashikaga Yoshimitsu before it became a temple called 鹿苑寺(Rokuonji) , and it was called "Kitayama Sanso" because it was in Kitayama of Kyoto.



Even though it was a villa, the scale was comparable to the place where the Emperor and the nobles live, and Yoshimitsu Ashikaga was conducting politics here.



After Yoshimitsu Ashikaga's death, the villa became a Zen temple of Aikoku-ji  Tower head , and named the temple a temple of Rokuonji after “Rokuoninden,” which is the official name of Yoshimitsu Ashikaga. (※ A tower head is a tower built by a disciple for offering after the death of a guru or a high monk in Zen temples (Linzai sect and Soto sect)



Since then, it has been rebuilt each time it was destroyed by war, disaster, and arson.



In addition, although the economic foundation is lost due to the abolition of Buddha Buddha in the early Meiji era Haibutukishyaku, (Buddhist destruction  movement), overcoming the crisis by the efforts of successive generations, such as paying public opening and earning income.



Then, in 1994, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site as one of the "Cultural assets of the ancient capital Kyoto".



The first spot of "Kinkakuji" is "Shariden" that is covered with gold leaf!


"Kitayama Sanso" prospered as a villa of Yoshimitsu Ashikaga. Above all, Yoshimitsu Ashikaga put emphasis on “Syariden”, which is generally known as “Kinkaku”.



The Shari-den is a building enshrined as a stupa of Buddha.



Unlike the temples of other temples, the temples of Kinkakuji are covered with gold leaf in the second and third layers.



In addition, the first layer is a dormitory (nobility style), the second layer is a samurai style (a samurai style), the third layer is a Buddhist temple style (a Zen style), and Hououzou on the roof.



These are believed to have informed the people that General Shogun Yoshimitsu Ashikaga has more power than nobles.



The current Kinkaku (Shariden) was rebuilt in 1955, but it was restored to its original shape and is now known as a representative of Kitayama culture.


The highlight is not only "Kinkaku". Other spots you'd better to see!



Kinkakuji has many attractions besides "Kinkaku". First of all, it's "Hojo".



This "Hojo" is a building that corresponds to the main shrine of Kinkakuji, which is about 200 square meters in size and is built in the center of the precinct.



In addition, "Fudodo", which is said to benefit from eye disease, is said to have been rebuilt by the warring military commander Ukita Hideie, and is also the oldest building in Kinkakuji.



Other than the buildings, there is a pine tree "Rikushunomatu" which Yoshiman Ashikaga planted, and "Gingasen" which Yoshimitsu Ashikaga used in the water of tea.


And the  earthen of Kinkakuji that most people overlook.



Five white lines are drawn on the floor of Kinkakuji, which is said to indicate the temple's name. (※ The temple design changes by sect.)



Furthermore, Kinkakuji is a temple that can be visited any time of the year, as it shows the appearance of each season.



Please visit us once by all means.


How do I get to Kinkakuji? How to access , worship time and fee?





〒603-8361 京都府京都市北区金閣寺町1

〒603-8361  Kinkakujicho 1 , Kita Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture




・  Please get off at "Kinkakujimae" or "Kinkakuji Dori" by taking the Kyoto municipal bus.



・If you visit by car, please use the parking lot (about 250).


※Large bus \ 1,000- / 60 minutes ※ Microbus \ 500- / 60 minutes

※大型バス¥1,000-/60分 ※マイクロバス¥500-/60分

※ Private car \ 300-/ 60 minutes ※ Motorcycle \ 100/60 minutes

※自家用車¥300-/60分 ※二輪¥100/60分


"Worship time"


9 am to 5 pm



" fee"


Adults and high school students: \ 400-


Small and middle school students: \ 300-


Preschooler: Free




"Kunosan Toshogu Shrine" which faces the Suruga Bay, a land where Yuiyasu Tokugawa is buried 徳川家康が埋葬されたゆかりの地、駿河湾を臨む『久能山東照宮』

What kind of place is Kunozan Toshogu? What is the difference from Nikko Toshogu?



A temple named "Kunoji" was erected here about 1400 years ago by Kuno Tadahito.



During the Warring States period, Takeda Shingen moved to Sunpu, moved Kuno-ji, and forged "Kuno Castle", but after the fall of Mr. Takeda, it became the territory of Tokugawa Ieyasu.


After the death of Ieyasu Tokugawa, "The body will be buried in Kunosan in the Suruga country, will be funeral at Zojo-ji Temple in Edo, will be placed in Daiju-ji Temple in Mikawa Country, and after a roundabout, the small temple will be in Nikko Mt. On the basis of the will saying "Let's build and solicit and become a guardian of Kanhasshu", we buried the remains here in Kunoszan, and Kunosan Toshogu was created.



After the 1st lap, they were recruited to Nikkoyaman, that is, they transferred the spirit of Ieyasu, and Nikko Toshogu was erected there.



Nikko Toshogu is famous, but "Kunoyama Toshogu" was built first.



Also, there is a tomb of Ieyasu, both of which are still believed to be in “Kunoyama Toshogu”.


Worship is ... Ropeway from Nippondaira? or Climb Omotesando from the foot of Kunozan ?


There are two types of access to “Kunozan Toshogu”. First of all, how to climb Omotesando from the foot of Kunosan, which has been used for a long time.



Looking up from Kuno Road, you can see that you have to climb as you get daunting. The number of stone steps is 1159! The number of stairs seems to memorize "Ich Ich gokurousan 〜1159".




The view of the Suruga Bay which spreads under your eyes as you go up is a superb view!



There is a photo spot with a great view, so you can reach the entrance in about 20 to 30 minutes while taking a picture.




The second is how to use a ropeway from Nihondaira. You can get there in 5 minutes from Japan.



You can also see Suruga Bay, but the view of the valley directly below is also great.




By the way, my recommendation is to climb the stairs. There is only this route in the past, and you can enjoy the remains of Kuno Castle by going through beautifully stacked stone steps and stone walls.



If you have bad feet or you are not confident in physical strength, I think the ropeway is good, but I really want you to experience the stone steps.


How about strawberry picking and strawberry sweet with worship?


Between the main hall, the hall and the stone, it is designated as a national treasure and will be repainted once every 50 years. Recently, since the repainting has been finished in 2006, the building is very beautiful.



In addition, there are handprints of Ieyasu, tombs, "trees of money" and so on that are related to Ieyasu.



And here Kunozan is famous for Ishigaki strawberry. With a history of over 100 years, strawberries planted in stone are very sweet!



You can enjoy strawberry picking at many houses from December to the end of May, and there are a lot of strawberry sweets, so it is recommended that you enjoy it together with the visit.


Kunosan or Nikko ... Which of the two Toshogu shrines is the main house and which one is the difference?



Although it is not famous from Nikko Toshogu, "Kunoyzan Toshogu" is the first built Toshogu, and it is said that Ieyasu Tokugawa is buried here.



In that sense, "Kunozan Toshogu" may be called "the main house". Sunpu is also the birthplace of Ieyasu.



But for some reason," Branch family (Nikkou) has become famous." I think the geographical advantage" is also big.



However, such a thing may not important for the Ieyasu. There is no doubt that both places are special places with special significance for Ieyasu ...



If you have been to Nikko Toshogu, please visit "Kunoyama Toshogu" as well. The view is definitely better here!





〒422-8011  Negoya, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture

〒422-8011 静岡県静岡市駿河区根古屋390


"business hours"


・4/1〜9/30 9:00〜17:00

・10/1〜3/31 9:00〜16:00




・ Shizuoka Railway (Nihondaira Ropeway)



・ walk from Kuno Yamashita



・? ... Nihondaira top  from Toumei High Way・ Shizuoka Shimizu IC (about 40 minutes)⇒   Nihondaira ropeway from mountain top (5 minutes)



・Shizu Tetsu Just Line Nihondaira Line ・・ From JR Shizuoka Station to "Nipponira",  (about 50 minutes)  3 minutes by walk to ropeway exit





・ Adult 大人¥500-

・Child 子供¥200-


Introduces “Nikko Toshogu”, which was built in hope of the peace of the Edo Shogunate and Japan  江戸幕府の安泰と日本の平和を願って造営された『日光東照宮』を紹介


What kind of shrine is "Nikko Toshogu Shrine"? It is scolded by Ieyasu Tokugawa!


The Edo Shogunate, which ended the Warring States period and brought about 260 years of peace to Japan. It is Ieyasu Tokugawa who knows this Edo Shogunate.



And it is "Nikko Toshogu Shrine" which enshrines Tokugawa Ieyasu as the main festival deity.



There are more than 40 companies in Toshogu, and "Nikko Toshogu" is the main shrine of Toshogu in the whole country.



"Tosho" is the "Tosho Daigongen" that deified the Tokugawa Ieyasu.



In addition, before Ikuyasu Tokugawa dies, I will leave with a will saying "If a roundabout has passed, build a temple in Nikko-san. And let's become a guardian of eight states."



It is said that Ieyasu Tokugawa himself made him a god of Edo and the Kanto region from the position of North (Arctic stars) and hoped for security and peace.



And the current "Nippon Toshogu Shrine" was the grandson's Tokugawa Iemitsu (third general), which was registered as a world cultural heritage site in 1999 as one of "the temples of Nikko.



There are many national treasures and important cultural assets in the world cultural heritage "Nikko Toshogu"!


Nikko Toshogu has 8 national treasures and 34 important cultural properties.



First of all, the first spot in the national treasure is the "Yorming Gate".



This gate is the main hall of "Nikko Toshogu Shrine" and is more famous than "Gohonshya", which is also a national treasure.



“Yao Ming Gate” has been repaired in 2017 called “The Great Repair of Heisei” and has been transformed into a beautiful white and golden gate.



In addition, it is said that the character "Tosho Daikongen" that appears in the middle when looking up at "Yoakemon" is a handwriting by Emperor Mizuho of the 108th Emperor.



The recommended spot for important cultural property is "Okumiya".



"Okumiya" has a tomb of Tokugawa Ieyasu.



Surrounded by trees, it is also a quiet and sacred place.



However, I have to get over 200 steps of stone steps to get to Okunomiya, so I am quite tired.



Besides these spots, there are many other structures that can not be introduced here, such as the “Ishi Torii,” “Gojyunotou,” and “Karamon”.


"Nikko Toshogu Shrine" is not only a building! Many sculptural works!



"Nikko Toshogu Shrine" is famous for sculptures as well as buildings. What I particularly want you to see is the Sleeping Cat and the Three Monkeys.



The Sleeping Cat is carved at Sakashitamon, which is in front of the stone steps leading to Okunomiya.



Sleeping cats have a theory that "I look like sleeping and I'm really watching," and a theory that "the peace of the cat is also sleeping," because the sparrows are carved on the other side. This "sleepy cat" is also a national treasure.



Another is "three monkeys". The "three monkeys" are carved in a shrine located in front of the Yomei Gate, and there are three monkeys, "unseen, unheard, told."



A stable is a stable, and it is said that monkeys are carved in stables because monkeys are said to protect horses from disease.



Besides, speaking of sculptures, about 500 sculptures, such as the saint sage, are carved on the Yomei Gate.



It takes time to see everything, but please take a look slowly.


How do you go to "Nikko Toshogu Shrine"? What is your admission fee or hours?



2301 Yamauchi, Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture 321-1431


〒321-1431 栃木県日光市山内2301



Bus ・・・From Tobu Nikko Line and Tobu Nikko Station Take the Toku Bus Nikko "Chokenji Temple Onsen / Yumoto Onsen" area and get off at "Sanshindo"

Sightseeing bus・・・From "Kinugawa Onsen Station" or "Tobu Nikko Station" from sightseeing bus, Tobu bus Nikko

Hato Bus or Tobu Bus Central from "Tokyo Station"

Car・・・From Nikko Expressway Utsunomiya IC via Nikko Utsunomiya Road, get off at Nikko IC (approximately 2 km from Nikko IC)

The Toshogu  parking lot can be stopped all year round (Normal car: 600 yen, bike: 400 yen)








”Admission fee”


Toshogu admission ticket ・ ・ ・ Individual: adults and high school students 1300 yen, elementary and junior high school students 450 yen

Group: Adults and high school students: 1170 yen, elementary and junior high school students: 405 yen





Entrance fee for treasure hall ・ ・ ・ Individual: Adults and high school students 1000 yen, elementary and junior high school students 400 yen

Group: Adults and high school students 900 yen, elementary and junior high school students 360 yen




Set of Toshogu Shrine and Treasure Museum ... Individual: Adults and high school students 2100 yen, elementary and junior high school students 770 yen

Group: Adults and high school students: 1970 yen, elementary and junior high school students: 725 yen




Admission fee for museums ... Individual: 800 yen for adults, 600 yen for high school students, 400 yen for elementary and junior high school students

Organization: 640 yen for adults, 480 yen for high school students, 320 yen for elementary and junior high school students




Voice guide (Japanese, English, Chinese) ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Rental fee 500 yen (location in front of the front gate)



"Worship time"


April 1-October 31 ... from 8 am to 5 pm

November 1-March 31 ... from 8 am to 4 pm

※ The receptionist closes 30 minutes before closing the gate






As "Nippon Toshogu Shrine" can go on a day trip if you live in the vicinity of Kanto, please visit once by all means.




Don't bore your little monster in your house (laughs) How to go around Osaka Castle! あなたの家の小さなモンスターを退屈させない(笑)大阪城の回り方!



Osaka Castle, a staple of Osaka tourism



It is a spot that is often incorporated into tours and sightseeing courses because of its easy access, with around 6 stations around 20 minutes from Shin-Osaka.




However, castle sightseeing with children is a bit daunting.



"I'm going to get tired soon because I'm walking in the castle..."



Such a mother must see! We suggest how to go around Osaka Castle, which can be enjoyed by children.




I want to shorten the walking distance ... In such cases, use the road train!



We mentioned earlier that there are six nearest stations, but that also relates to the large Osaka Park.



Moreover, it is surprisingly distant from the park entrance to the castle tower .



At that time, take a ride on Osaka Castle's big friendly "road train"!




You can get on from JR Morinomiya Station and Osaka Castle Park Station.



If it is this, you can go to a place called Toyokuni Shrine near Honmaru without walking.



Above all, the appearance of this road train is cool & cute.





As it is operated approximately every 20 minutes, it will be free and wait less.



It's a route that goes around the moat, so the view is great too!



Adults (more than junior high school students) are 300 yen for one way, and children (4 years old to elementary school) are 200 yen for one way
It can be used.




As for the detailed service situation, please see this ↓





Upgrade your memories with a tourist boat



It is only a waste of turning around in a castle! The sightseeing ship is operated in Osaka-jo Castle, too.


It is a great occasion for the child when they get into a boat.


When myself am young, the water taxi which I boarded is left in the memory intensely.



Looking at a stone wall and the castle tower soaring in addition to the ship which is always excited.

Why don't you think that it becomes the lifetime memory to be able to do it?




The scenery unique to Osaka Castle.

There are castles where moat remains other than Osaka Castle, but the surroundings are covered with trees

By comparison, Osaka Castle is in the heart of the city, so you can see tie-ups with buildings as well!










Being able to eat and drink is also a happy point for children!

I have a table for eating and drinking! Moreover, it is possible to carry in.

It's around 20 minutes, so if you're careful about drinking too much, you won't have to worry about the bathroom.

Please, try it.






Operation company HP ↓



Taking a break if you are tired of taking a walk



No matter how much consideration is given, the castle tower can not but avoid stairs.



As for both child and oneself, physical strength is reduced; and wearily as for the thing.



Recommended spot at that time, "JO-TERRACE OSAKA"

This facility is based on the concept of "Castle town in green".

The cafes and apparel shops are scattered, making it a perfect place for a break.

It is right in front of Osaka Castle Park Station.

そんなときにオススメのスポットが、「JO-TERRACE OSAKA





Furthermore, this kind of booth that is good for parents and children is also available.



This bench is "photo bench".

As the name implies, it is a bench where you can take unique photos.

このベンチは『photo bench』。



The motif is Nodate Umbrella, an umbrella used to hold tea parties outdoors.

It is probably the best to talk about Senrikyu on the left, as it is rarely talked with the castle in spite of being a person related to Osaka Castle.





Personally, I can not feel a sense of happiness.

I think your child is a place of great pleasure.




Don't stand like a castle!



For parents and children, hurdles tend to go up castle sightseeing.

I hope you'll feel free to visit this article.




Osaka Castle has been rebuilt, and I am working hard to convey the history while being familiar with the present.

Here, only the surrounding facilities were taken up, but please enjoy the display in the Tenshukaku and the view seen from the observation deck!





History of Osaka Castle ↓





The world's cultural heritage, Himeji Castle, overcoming the three crises 不戦不焼の城 三度の危機を乗り越えての世界文化遺産・姫路城

There have been three major crises in the castle of no war. A desperate pinch! !



【Boshinn War】


Himeji, who participated in the battle of Toba and Fushimi in 1868 as the Shogunate, was immediately opened to castles, so that the loss of "Himeji Castle" was avoided.




[Decision of existence castle, ruined castle]


When the Meiji government decided to leave castles and ruined castles among castles and camps all over the country under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Army in 1873 (1873), "Himeji Castle" became a castle to leave fortunately.



【The Battle of the Pacific War】



The Pacific War broke out in 1941 and the air defense system in Himeji became an urgent issue.



Above all, because the castle walls of Himeji Castle Daisenshu stand out, black imitation nets were installed.



However, the city of Himeji returned to ash dust by the two air strikes in July, 1955, at the end of the war, but the castle survived miraculously.



The history of the preservation and restoration work of Himeji Castle, the crystal of the hard work of its predecessors


[Preservation work of the Edo period]


Reinforcement and repair work performed on the main tower is 19 times of reinforcement repair of the shaft part such as discovery ink, and roof repair eaves around repair is 17 times.



[Preservation work of Meiji]


Although the castle was decided in 1873 (1873), the 10th Regiment of Army Osaka Zhentai entered the castle the next year, and the buildings in the Sannomaru were being demolished one after another.



Although the guardians and forts were left, they were awful.



It is believed that at this time the Meiji government had a policy to preserve superior castles, and that along with that, "Himeji Castle" had also been preserved.



However, in reality the budget was not enough, and even maintaining it was difficult.



In 1908 (1908), a citizen's movement called "Save Himeji Castle!" Was also popular among Himeji citizens, and the "Shirasagi Castle Preservation Alliance" was formed.



Strong requests from the country and others resulted in full-scale preservation and repair work being carried out by Meiji 43-44.



[Great repair of Showa]


On June 20, 1934, there was an accident in which Ishigaki collapsed at the foot of the " Yagura" at the Nishinomaru due to heavy rainfall.



Ishigaki collapsed again by rain in August, 1955 while restoration work was advanced from February, 1955.



For this reason, the government changed the repair plan and implemented repair work for the entire Nishinomaru under the direct control system of the country. This is the beginning of a major repair of Showa.


As the repair work progressed, the dangers of “Himeji Castle” became known, and from the year 1955 to the following year, the Ministry of Education Conservation Division conducted a survey on damage below the Great Tenshu and a detailed status record of the designated building has been created.



Even though it was repaired based on the investigation, it was suspended for a while from 1955 in the pacific war.



After the war, dismantling and repair of the first six-year plan of Showa 25-30, and the second eight-year plan of Showa 31-39, was carried out, and a major repair was completed.



What is the value of Himeji Castle, the first World Heritage Site in Japan?


In 1993, "Himeji Castle" was recognized as a World Heritage Site for the first time in Japan as a cultural heritage.



“Himeji Castle” has been recognized as a World Heritage Site because its aesthetic perfection is at the highest level of Japanese wooden construction and is one of the best in the world.



In addition, at the peak of castle architecture in the early 17th century, buildings such as fences, gates and earthenware, and civil engineering structures such as stone walls and moats were well preserved, mainly in the Tenshu group, Japan's original unique in defense It was evaluated that it was a castle that showed the composition of the castle best.



I think that the beautiful "Himeji Castle" of today is the achievement that was the crystal of the pioneers' unrelenting efforts.



This time I looked at Himeji Castle from the viewpoint of "restoration and preservation".



When you come to "Himeji Castle", I want you to reflect on the contents of this article.





『世界文化遺産・国宝 姫路城の基礎知識』平成28年


Power spot with excellent access~ Meiji Jingu Shrine is a tourist destination representing Japan. 明治神宮は日本を代表する観光地。アクセス抜群のパワースポット

A tourist destination that has been selected as one of the "20 Best 3 Star Tourist Attractions in Japan" selected by Michelin



Located between Shinjuku and Shibuya, Meiji Jingu is one of Japan's leading tourist destinations. It is a lush green forest that does not seem to be in the middle of a large city or Tokyo. The number of worshipers in Hatsumine is about three million in three days. We boast the best in Japan every year.






The priests are the Emperor Meiji and  Shoukenkoutaigou



The Meiji emperor was buried in Fushimi-Momoyama tombs in Kyoto, but a movement called "Jingu to Tokyo" from citizens worshiping the emperor took place, and was founded in 1920.



The grounds are very wide, and the long approach to the main hall is surrounded by trees, making it a valuable green oasis in the city.





The vast and rich forest of Meiji Jingu is actually an artificial fort made by human hands


The rich forest of “Meiji Jingu” is actually artificially planted.



The land of Yoyogi with "Meiji Jingu" is a wasteland that has nothing from the beginning. In order to make a shrine there, a detailed plan was made aiming for the "Forever Forest".





In Tokyo at that time, pollution had already caused the problem of dying of large trees and old trees.



If you plant what and how it grows nicely. The scholars of the time planned about 100 thousand years ahead and plannedly planted about 100,000 trees donated from all over the country.



The current forest is maintained in a form almost unchanged from the plan at the time. You should be impressed by the magnificent nature that you don't think is artificially made.



Meiji Jingu is Tokyo's leading power spot. The most popular is the clean well.


Popular as a power spot "Meiji Jingu".



Among them, the most popular spot is "Kiyomasai".



It is considered to be a well dug by the famous Warring States Warlord Kiyomasa Kato, and has long been known as a well where the clean water never ceases all year round.



It is believed to be on the dragon vein, which is the idea of ​​Feng Shui, and is believed to be able to obtain the power of Qi.



At the time of the first visit, it is popular for the numbered ticket to be distributed. It is said that if you set the picture to the standby screen, your luck will increase.



As a precaution, do not go after the evening or in bad weather. On the contrary, you will receive a negative feeling



There are other power spots you can not miss. Meotokusu is good to be harmonious for the couple.


There are also other popular power spots.



The large casket on the left side of the main hall is a sacred tree called "Meotokusu".



In the distance it looks like a single cocoon, but when you approach it, the two trees stand in a manner to be cuddle together.




It is a symbol of the family's comfort, Emperor Meiji and Shoukenkoutaigou , and the symbol of family security, marital integrity, and marriage.



On the way to the " Houmotuden" , “Kameishi”, which is located near the northern pond in the grass area, is also popular as a power spot! As the name suggests, it is a large stone shaped like a turtle



It is said to be a place where children come naturally and there is also a jinx that "will be happy if you touch it."



Many things to see in Meiji Jingu. A large city oasis that makes you feel fresh


There are many places that you can not miss elsewhere, such as "Meiji Jingu", which is full of highlights.



Meiji Jingu Gyoen , which is a garden full of nature (for a fee), and the wooden "Ootori"  is said to be the largest in Japan. There is also the Meiji Memorial Hall, which is famous for weddings.



If you are lucky, you may be able to see the state of God's wedding.





In the precincts full of green, autumn leaves are also wonderful. If you take a walk slowly, you will surely feel fresh. It is wasteful to just go to the main hall.



The convenient location of the Meiji Jingu Shrine, which is near to the station, allows you to feel free to visit Tokyo after sightseeing.





Why don't you visit the large city oasis “Meiji Jingu” by all means?



Introduce the charm of the world cultural heritage “Kiyomizu-dera” that you absolutely want to go to when you go to Kyoto. 京都に行ったら絶対行きたい世界文化遺産「清水寺」の魅力をご紹介


The main attraction of the world cultural heritage “Kiyomizu-dera” is the symbol “The stage of Shimizu”




The main hall is built on the slopes of the mountain, so the protruding part is supported by a 12-meter long zelkova pillar (139).

It is said that this kind of making is ” kakezukuri ” , and it doesn’t use any nails.

Furthermore, in the main hall, “Sen jyu Kannon” is enshrined as a secret Buddha (a private Buddha image) as a principal.

We can not usually see it, but since it will be published only once every 33 years, it may be good to go looking at this period for those who want to see it.







Besides the main hall “Kiyomizu Temple” has a lot of attractive structures

In addition to the main hall, which is a national treasure, “Kiyomizu Temple” has many important cultural properties.

First of all, it is the “Nioumon” that welcomes worshipers.







“Nioumon” was burned down once in the “rebellion of Ounin “, but we can see the beautiful amber gate at the time of construction by the reconstruction of the first half of the 16th century and repair in 2003.

Next is “Saimon”

It is a beautiful scarlet gate rebuilt during the Edo period. The sunset seen when looking back to the west from the west gate is exceptional ~ ♪

And it is not an important cultural property, but “Ately More’s Monument”, a member of Emishi’s chief Ateli, is also a recommended spot for sober.





そして、重要文化財ではありませんが蝦夷(えみし)の族長アテルイの「アテルイ モレの碑」も地味にオススメスポットです。


How should I go to “Kiyomizudera”? Access to Kiyomizu Temple

《JR京都駅 から》

市バス(206系統)「北大路バスターミナル」行き乗車「五条坂」下車 徒歩10分
市バス(100系統)「清水寺」・「銀閣寺」行き乗車「五条坂」下車 徒歩10分
京都バス(18系統、土・祝日のみ)「大原」行き乗車「五条坂」下車 徒歩10分

From JR Kyoto Station

・City bus (206 lines) bound for “North Daiji Bus Terminal” at “Gojo Saka” get off 10 minutes on foot
・City bus (100 lines )bound for “Kiyomizu-dera” / “Ginkaku-ji” at “Gojo Saka” get off 10 minutes on foot
・Kyoto bus (18 lines , only Saturdays and public holidays) bound for “Ohara” at “Gojo Saka” get off 10 minutes on foot

《阪急電鉄 河原町駅、京阪電鉄 祇園四条駅 から》

市バス(207系統)「東福寺」・「九条車庫」行き乗車「清水道」下車 徒歩10分

From Hankyu Dentetsu Kawaramachi Station, Keihan Dentetsu Gion Shijo Station

・City bus (207 lines ) bound for “Tofuku-ji” ・ “Kujo syako” at “Kiyomizumichi” getting off 10 minutes on foot

《京阪電鉄 七条駅から》

市バス(206系統)「北大路バスターミナル」行き乗車「五条坂」下車 徒歩10分
市バス(100系統)「清水寺」・「銀閣寺」行き乗車「五条坂」下車 徒歩10分

From Keihan Dentetsu Shichijo Station》

・City bus (206 lines) bound for “Kitaouji Bus Terminal” at “Gojo Saka” get off 10 minutes on foot
・City bus (100 lines ) bound for “Kiyomizu-dera” / “Ginkaku-ji” at “Gojo Saka” get off 10 minutes on foot


It is not recommended to visit your car because there is no parking (there may be parking in the surrounding area but there may be no space available).

We recommend visiting by public transport or taxi.





From what time can you see “Kiyomizudera”? How much is the admission fee?



“Worship time”

Basically, it is from 6 am to 18 am in the morning.

However, in summer there is also a period where you can see it until 18:30.

Furthermore, there is also a “night special visit” that you can see even at night in Kiyomizu Temple, and you can see it until 21:00 if you offer to the reception.







Since “night watching” changes depending on the year, it is recommended that those who want to go to see at night look at the homepage.

Also, the tour takes about 40 minutes, so you can come to your favorite time zone.





~ Admission fee ~

free of charge, except for some facilities.

However, the main hall and the stage are 400 yen for adults, university students and high school students, and 200 yen for junior high school students and primary school children.





Introducing the charm of “Kiyomizu-dera” that you absolutely want to go to when you go to Kyoto-Summary-

“Kiyomizu-dera” is a temple of the world cultural heritage that everyone has heard once.

There are many important cultural properties that could not be introduced here, other than the National Treasure Main Hall, “Nioumon” and “Saimon”.

In addition, it is a place where you can go to see all year round, as it shows the appearance of each season.

Souvenir shops are lined up on the main street “Kiyomizudera approach” which leads to “Kiyomizudera”, so there is a lot of fun waiting for you.

How about visiting this kind of “Kiyomizudera” once?










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