長寿大国日本において今何が求められているのか? 真の健康を手にし、心から幸せであると感じられるために! 大好きな「食べること」を中心に、様々な角度から 美と健康を追求します(^ ^)/


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パッションフルーツ 〜 意外に美味しい 〜






posted by jintotty at 21:19 | TrackBack(0) | 健康


ココナッツ・オイル 〜 Coconut Oil  〜 美容に良い感じがしますね

flickr_YIM Hafiz


ココナッツオイルにもっとも豊富に含まれる成分の1つに、ラウリン酸(12-carbon Lauric Acid)が挙げられる。ラウリン酸はココナッツオイルに含まれる飽和脂肪の大半を占める中鎖脂肪酸。中鎖脂肪酸は長鎖脂肪酸と働きが異なり、肝臓で処理されダイレクトにエネルギーに変わる。



くだんのラウリン酸は体内でモノラウリンに分解されるのだが、これらの物質にはバクテリアや菌、ウイルスを殺す働きがあることが、米ミシガン州立大学、NYU Langone Medical Center、クレムゾン大学など、複数の研究で明らかになっている。その殺菌作用のおかげで、感染症対策の観点からいっても、ココナッツオイルは心強い味方といえる。



精製されていないココナッツオイルによって、血中脂質の値が大幅に好転する可能性がある。インド・ケーララ大学のNevin KG氏らが行った調査、実験では、バージンココナッツオイルを摂取すると、総コレステロール値とLDLコレステロール(悪玉コレステロール)、酸化LDL、トリグリセリドの値が大幅に下がり、かわりに善玉コレステロールであるHDLコレステロールが増えたという。また長鎖脂肪酸に代えてココナッツオイルを摂取すると、血中のトリグリセリド値が下がったため、中国のChinese PLA General Hospitalの研究者らもその健康効果に注目している。これら複数の研究結果により、ココナッツオイルで心臓病を予防できるのでは?と期待されている。





posted by jintotty at 20:29 | TrackBack(0) | 日記




When it comes to Japanese food, everyone and their grandmother knows the classics like sushi, noodles and tempura. But one food that always takes visitors to Japan by surpriseand which has just this month started showing up in convenience stores again, is oden. Rarely seen outside of Japan, many of the ingredients in this incredible savoury pick ‘n’ mix look almost alien to non-Japanese eyes, and so visitors are often wary of trying it for themselves.

With this in mind, today we’d like to introduce you to a handful of typicaloden ingredients, teaching you their names and telling you a little bit about each of them, so that the next time you pass a food cart or duck into a conbini and get a waft of that unmistakable aroma, you won’t be afraid to order some for yourself.

Essentially just a variety of foods served in a light, soy-flavoured broth, oden is a hugely popular winter dish in Japan, and usually appears around September or October depending on the region. Warm, filling and crazy tasty, there are all kinds of oden experiences to be had, with everything from typical convenience store fare (on which we’ll be focusing today) to far more sophisticated takes on this winter warmer available from dedicated vendors.

Some of the typical ingredients you’ll find in oden, however, can look a little intimidating, and buying some for yourself is made even trickier by the fact that vendors usually require customers to ask for the ingredients they want, rather than fishing them out for themselves. If you don’t have the vocabulary and have never come across some of these food items before, you may well find yourself with naught but a hard-boiled egg floating in your broth. But fear not because RocketNews24 has got your back, and we’re going to introduce you to some of the classics.

Feeling hungry? Here we go!

  • 大根 Daikon


Let’s start with the basics. Having oden without a slice of daikon radish is like ordering a pizza without cheese–technically you’re allowed to do it, but short of having some life-threatening illness that prevents you from eating it, you’re in need of a smack. Far milder and softer than radishes found in the West, daikon does a wonderful job of soaking up the oden broth, and is actually a lot lighter than it looks.


This giant chunk I had here actually only cost me 75 yen (US$0.71) and I polished it off in about 20 seconds. I actually wish I’d bought two of them now…

  • 焼ちくわ Yaki chikuwa


Another essential oden ingredient, chikuwa are tube-shaped fish-paste cakes. The “yaki” part in the name, as you can probably tell from the chikuwa’s appearance, denotes that it has been cooked–in this case lightly fried–before being added to the broth. Chikuwa’s consistency is somewhere between cooked meat and tofu – it’s soft and spongy, but satisfying to bite into and it won’t call apart between your chopsticks. Plus, yaki chikuwa look really cool – it’d be a shame not at add one to your bowl.

  • 餅入り巾着 Mochiiri Kinchaku


Often known simply as kinchaku, these are exactly what they look like – little pouches, or “purses”, made from deep-fried tofu. Inside you’ll find a thick, sticky mochi rice cake. There’s no proper way to eat these things, so either pick it up with your chopsticks and bite into it, or tear it open and pick at the bag and its filling. They’re a little pricier than some oden ingredients, costing around 130 yen each from convenience stores, but there’s no denying that kinchaku look very cool.


  • ゆで卵 Yude tamago


These are just hard-boiled eggs which have been left in the stock for so long that they have changed colour and picked up a delightful amount of salty flavour. Yude tamago aren’t the most exotic oden ingredient ever, but they’re tasty and filling – exactly what you need as the weather starts to turn chilly. Just be careful trying to pick these things up with chopsticks; one big splash back into your soup and it’s game over.

  • こんにゃくKonnyaku


It may look like a slice of dragon hide, but this is actually made from the root of a plant call the Amorphophallus konjac, sometimes referred to by well-meaning English-speaking Japanese as “devil’s tongue”, which is perhaps even more likely than the food’s curious appearance to scare first-time diners off. Konnyaku features in a number of Japanese dishes in all shapes and sizes, and is like a sort of tough, savoury jelly. On its own it doesn’t taste of an awful lot, but soaked in a broth like oden’s, it’s genuinely delicious.

In true Japanese food programme tradition, here’s a GIF image of me holding my wibbly-wobbly konnyaku.


Oh, and one quick word of warning: the food konnyaku (ko-n-nya-ku) is not to be confused with konyaku (ko-n-ya-ku), which actually means ‘engagement’. It wouldn’t be a good idea to frequently profess your love of ‘engagement’ to Japanese friends and coworkers, lest you end up with an undeserved reputation as a heartbreaker…

  • 白滝 Shirataki


Yes, it looks a bit like an alien overlord or some kind of mutated squid that’s let itself go, but this is actually just a bunch of noodles made from the aforementioned konnyaku, bound up with an extra-thick band of the same ingredient. They’re pleasantly chewy, if a little tricky to eat daintily (you know me, I’m all about the daintiness…), and are always a fun addition to your bowl.

But seriously, how do you even begin to eat these things without making a mess?


  • がんも Ganmo / 厚揚げ Atsu-age  


Apologies if this upsets any tofu enthusiasts, but we felt we’d bundle these two together. As you may have already guessed, oden broth simply loves tofu, so you’ll find any number of bean-curd-packed products floating around in there. Two of the most popular are ganmo, which is deep-friend tofu with vegetables shaped into a disc roughly half-an-inch thick, and atsu-age which is literally just a thick slicks of fried tofu. There are numerous other varieties to try, but these are two of the most common. Tasty, filling, and not at all scary.



  • さつま揚げ Satsuma-age


Satsuma-age are fried fishcakes, traditionally from Kagoshima in the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands. They are usually made from cod or other some other white fish and contain vegetables such as shredded carrot. Simple but very tasty.

  • ロールキャベツ Rooru kyabetsu


As bizarre as its name may look on paper (on screen?), rooru kyabetsu is actually as simple an ingredient as it looks. Essentially just a few cabbage leaves rolled around a filling (this one came with soft, spiced ground pork inside), they add a little bit of colour to your oden, and they taste pretty good too! Often a strip of thicker cabbage, or even a few thick noodles are used to hold the cabbage roll together in the broth.

  • 牛すじ Gyuu suji


This one is, admittedly, not for everyone. Gyu suji basically translates as beef muscle or sinew. As with foods like nankotsu 軟骨 (cartilage), the Japanese do a stellar job of using up some of the meat products many Westerners would waste, and this is no exception. The texture of gyu suji is a little too rubbery for this writer’s palate, but plenty of my Japanese coworkers adore it, so give it a try before you recoil in horror.

  • ちくわぶ Chikuwabu


Also known as mochiri chikuwabu, these are the chewy brethren of the fish-cake chikuwa. Made from thick flour-paste, these tube-shaped snacks are one of the more filling oden ingredients. People tend to either love these things or be completely indifferent to them because they can sometimes accused of being a bit bland, but I personally find them quite moreish.

  • つくね Tsukune


Last but not least, it’s good-old tsukune, a meatloaf of sorts usually made from ground chicken and shaped into small balls. You can find tsukune pretty much anywhere in Japan all year round, so even if you arrive in Japan outside of oden season, you’ll be able to enjoy them. They’re not an essential oden ingredient by any means, but they’re always tasty, so why the heck not? Mmmm, tsukune!

That’s it for our list of basic oden ingredients, Rocketeers! There are bound to be other broth-soaked delights to try depending on the store or region in which you buy your oden, but hopefully we’ve covered some of the stranger, more intimidating choices and given you a little to work with when ordering your own. If you have a favourite oden ingredient that we haven’t covered, however, tell us about it in the comments section below.

Happy eating!



posted by jintotty at 16:51 | TrackBack(0) | 料理


ドラゴンフルーツ 〜 Dragon Fruit 〜 グロテスクな食べ物ですが...

【Dragon Fruit In Barbaelona】






【How to eat Dragon Fruit】
























posted by jintotty at 17:20 | TrackBack(0) | 健康


レモンの効果 〜 10 Health Benefits of Lemon

When life gives you lemons, eat them! From taming inflammation and hindering kidney stones to boosting antioxidants and fighting disease, the potential health benefits of lemon are many.

A lemon a day keeps the doctor away. 

Few fruits have such a sunny disposition as lemons. On their own the tart tang can be jarring, but when tamed by flavors sweet or savory, they become the life of the party. They are essential in a wide variety of recipes, beautiful to behold and supply an aroma that has been proven to boost the mood. Not to mention that we have them to thank for lemon cake, lemonade and lemon curd, bless their little lemon hearts.
But beyond the culinary and aromatherapy opportunities that lemons so kindly provide, they have some impressive health skills as well. Is it any surprise? They’re so bright and potent, it somehow makes sense.
While lemons have gained a reputation as miracle fruits capable of leaping tall buildings and curing cancer, we know that lemons, in fact, don’t have legs and thus can’t leap. But as for curing cancer? Well, maybe. Find that out and more in the following roundup of this happy fruit’s potential health benefits.
1. Hinder kidney stones
Lemons, being citrus and all, are high in citric acid -− a weak organic acid that plays a key role in metabolism. And of all the citrus family, lemons and limes have the highest concentrations of it, constituting as much as 8 percent of the dry weight of these fruits. Citric acid (which is different from ascorbic acid, aka vitamin C) may be helpful for people with kidney stones since it slows the formation of them and stops tiny crystals from clumping together to form bigger ones, explains University Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. The more citric acid in the urine, the more protection you have against forming “problem” calcium-containing kidney stones. The university recommends a half-cup (4 ounces) of pure lemon juice a day to get the equivalent dose of citric acid that pharmacological therapy would supply.
2. Help maintain body pH
Lemon health benefits alkaline
Proponents of an alkaline diet recommend lemons to balance acids. 
The body’s alkaline and acid levels have been a hot topic lately, and although high in citric acid, lemon is considered an alkaline food. The popular thinking is that lemon’s citric acid helps to maintain proper body pH, which, as the theory goes, gets out of whack when too many foods like sugar, red meat and dairy are consumed. Erica Kannall, a registered dietitian and certified health/fitness specialist with the American College of Sports Medicine, notes in SF Gatethat the citric acid found in lemons helps to maintain body pH within the ideal range, going as far as to say, “which is beneficial in preventing cancer, heart disease, fatigue, weight gain and a variety of other health issues.” The scientific jury is still out on proving the efficacy of alkaline-inspired diet plans, but there is some evidencethat there could be certain benefits to eating a more alkaline, produce-rich diet. 
3. Provide protection against disease
Lemons are rich in beta-crypotoxanthin, a pro-vitamin A carotenoid that is converted to an active form of vitamin A in the body. Multiple recent studies have suggested that beta-cryptoxanthin protects against certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
4. Reduce risk of inflammatory disorders
study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also cites beta-crypotoxanthin as a potential factor in reducing the risk of developing inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Help absorb antioxidants
Everyone wants more antioxidants, the free-radical-fighting darlings of contemporary health and wellness. According to a digestive modelstudy published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, adding fresh lemon juice to green tea, which is already rich in these health-giving compounds, helps increase the absorption of antioxidants.
6. Ease symptoms of the common cold
While lemon isn’t top banana, so to speak, it still has plenty of vitamin C content, which may play a role in dealing with the common cold. There have been a lot of myth-versus-fact stories written about vitamin C and its effect on the cold, but the National Institutes of Health lays it out like this:
  • For most people, vitamin C supplements or vitamin C-rich foods do not reduce the risk of getting the common cold.
  • Taking a vitamin C supplement or [vitamin C-rich foods] after a cold starts does not appear to be helpful.
  • However, people who take vitamin C supplements [or vitamin C-rich foods] regularly might have slightly shorter colds or somewhat milder symptoms.
7. Prevent vitamin C deficiency-related symptoms
The National Institutes of Health also notes that too little vitamin C can lead to deficiency with far-reaching effects, such as:
  • Anemia
  • Bleeding gums
  • Decreased ability to fight infection
  • Decreased wound-healing rate
  • Dry and splitting hair
  • Easy bruising
  • Gingivitis 
  • Nosebleeds
  • Possible weight gain because of slowed metabolism
  • Rough, dry, scaly skin
  • Swollen and painful joints
  • Weakened tooth enamel
8. Keep the dreaded scurvy at bay!
Health benefits lemons
Drink fresh lemonade, skip the scurvy
Long before the British navy figured out that eating oranges and lemons cured scurvy, sailors sailing the Seven Seas often suffered the debilitating effects of this severe form of vitamin C deficiency. It still affects some, but generally only older, malnourished adults. Symptoms of scurvy include constant fatigue, irritability and misery, pain in the limbs, swollen bleeding gums, loose teeth, falling-out teeth, severe pain in joints, bleeding inside joints, bulging eyes, bleeding eyes, failure of wounds to heal, easy bruising, jaundice, edema and potentially fatal heart problems. (Note to self: eat lemons, now.)
9. Prevent weight gain
study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition concluded that lemon polyphenols -− an antioxidant found in − slowed weight gain in lab animals. An increase in lemon polyphenols also showed improvements in blood glucose control and insulin function.
10. But can they cure cancer?
There has been a lot of hoopla about lemon’s ability to cure cancer, one viral email claims lemons are, “10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.” Alas, it’s a myth that gives lemons more superpowers than they've been proven to possess. Some studies have concluded that lemons and their citrus cousins contain naturally occurring substances − mainly modified citrus pectin and limonoids − that may have cancer-fighting properties. The research has found that at very high levels, these compounds are capable of slowing cancer cell growth and inducing cell death in animals and in vitro human breast cancer cultures; but given the parameters of the research, it can’t be concluded that the same is true for humans. More research needs to be conducted and clinical trials will be required before lemons can be confirmed as a cure for cancer. But nonetheless, the findings are promising and they speak to the potent potential of this bright
posted by jintotty at 09:17 | TrackBack(0) | 日記
