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Koisago work and ascending kiln

After clay preparation, clay is shaped by granulate pressing in a mould or hand shaped using a wheel. I will skip this shaping process that maybe as same as other potteries and very depend on craftsmanship.

Specific to Koisago pottery is Glaze. Glaze for ‘Golden Spark’ is surprisingly red. White glaze made out of straw ashes turn into black and blue is something mixed.

There is ‘Nobori-gama’ which is ascending kiln in Koisago but unfortunately ceiling is collapsed by 3.11 earthquake. Since basic and blocks are available, Fujita-san will re-construct kiln in future. It is not often you can see open kiln like this. I hope this kiln recover fast and re-start firing.

This is handmade thermometer which each of fang like stick will bend in specific temperature in each of ascending kiln.


