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Good presenters are tough

paul smith bag Good presenters are tough, do not apologize. They strive to play for the win - light bulbs, the benefits in the listener's eye.SELL - Make sure your key points, brought about the experience of these concepts. Ask your content, "What is the listener's life?" If you train in the new software, how to make their work done faster / better / easier. Use "here, how do you do X", show. It's all about the topic you can do three audience.THE law and its corollary, 15 rules - to determine the highest ranked participants (Bill Mr. Smith = 3) the name and title of the number of words and no more than 3 times as many slides. Corollary: For your presentation, the average number of words should not exceed 15 words per slide. Skip complete sentences - phrases, clip, or sound bites. Speak, because your passion, then part of the subjective - "beautiful" sound better than it reads.MNEMONIC visual - use graphics memory triggers and actions to achieve visual learners. Draw mind map technology and good web design, through pictures and images, is directly related to the hand of the slide. If you are teaching good marketing skills, demon If you're like many b trate kinesthetic audience, a typical consumer of your products or services aim to draw a simple picture on the phrase "four positioning technology." - Something to hold people, take notes . Marketing skills in your introduction, there is one at the top of the slides and notes section, which lists the participants the space to do the first four notes of marketing techniques (1-4) of the handouts. Add your own adventure theme agenda sheet.CHOOSE (TM) case study of a simple outline - return to case studies, we have loved as a child. Written in the notes on the case studies, and provide 2-3 options for action. Broken down into small groups of spectators, no more than 7-10 people. They determine the possible impact of each option, and then reviewed with the Group. Ask "why" questions, explore the knowledge to truly understand and talk applied.PREPARE - the best speech conversation. This is not your material, it is the concept of adoption. For questions, and it shows the audience engaged.This a state of mind is not the focus of most people today, while preparing workshops or presentations.Do what you need Copyright (c) 2007 John Avellanet? When my husband told me t




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