

『ELITE: Season2 (2019)』★My Movies& Drama Collections 2020(17)

Netflix で鑑賞

『ELITE: Season2 (2019)』

season 2.jpg



Only English. Sorry for the grammar and typo, didn't bother to take time.

Be aware of spoiler.
Be aware of swearing.
I hate several characters.
Age under 16 turn back, do Not read below. ( lol )

I binged the entire season 1 and 2 in just three days!!!
I wouldn’t say this drama is absolutely great... I wouldn’t rate it 10 out of 10.
But I would rate it 8 out of 10. Moderately good.
No doubt entertaining.
But I would probably get bored if I stopped watching half way.
I personally don't think this drama is the type of drama that people should watch all at once.
If you wanna watch it, I suggest you to binge the entire seasons!!!

So in this new season, there are two new interesting characters.
My favorite is still Carla but I like the new characters Cayetana the "social media guru". and Valerio, the party guy as well.

So Lu and Valerio were in incestuous relationship.
I’ve seen some people comparing the couple with Cersei and Jaime from Game of Thrones, but let let me say

They were totally two different couple.

First, their personalities were totally different.
Cersei was more like Carla...

Both Carla and Cersei were sexy, hot, easy to attract many guys, smart, manipulative, extremely rich, prideful, thinks about family, cruel and cold ice queen.
Carla's dad is also some what like Tywin Lannister. He would not tolerate poor people stealing from him.
He would make them pay for messing with him. Yey!!!!

Lu was also hot but she was different than Carla or Cersei.
Firstly, Cersei Lannister would not be so kind to a person like Guzmán even after what he did to her...LOL.
Cersei only thought about herself, her children and her own family.
Both Cersei and Carla were extremely calculating while Lu was more like go-with-emotion!
Also Jaime and Valerio, TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

Jaime already said so. “THERE IS NO MEN LIKE ME, ONLY ME” (Season 1 Ep10)

Jaime was obsessed with Cersei for real. He truly loved her unconditionally regardless of what she did.
Toxic but so pure and unconditional.
While Valerio, his love was not convincing and conditional.

I mean, if Jaime was him, Jaime would have killed Guzmán for sure.
Instead, Valereo sent sex tape to Lu and did sissy thing trying to make Lu and Guzmán's relationship turned worse. Jaime Lannister would just kill Guzmán with out hurting his sister's feeling.
Well, Lu and Guzmán's wouldn't even date if Jaime Lannister was Valerio!
So of course they were different. Almost opposite characters.
Doesn't mean ALL INCEST are same.

I love Jaime and Cersei more than any couples but I hate most incestuous relationship in Japanese comics plain disgusting...
If there is one thing similar about Jaime Cersei, and Lu Valerio, it would be their family background maybe.

Valerio’s always been in Lu’s life, they grew up together and since they were kids, they were each other’s accomplices. Jaime and Cersei were twins and Lu and Valerio were just half siblings.
But Jaime and Cersei's mother passed away when they were young.
As for Lu and Valerio, they spent little time with their respective mothers. They were both raised by their cold father!!!
Similar to Jaime and Cersei...
So I guess that is the only similar part...

But yah, Valerio is No Jaime. He failed as a lover, he failed as a brother, too.

Valerio, interesting character and I do like him but I don’t like what he did to his sister in the end.
That was horrible. Why exposed to their parents in that kindda situation ?
He was the one that hurt his sister by sending her sex tape of that bitch and Guzmán, clearly knowing that would hurt his sister.
He did not care about her.
He not only failed as a lover but failed as a brother.
I felt sorry for Lu.
I totally didn't feel sorry for Nadia, that bitch ass cunt.
It was her own fucking fault. Who ask her go have sex in school?
She didn’t know the risk? And she was also threatening ( and seducing) Guzmán in season 1 about spreading the fact that she saw Guzmán and Lu had sex in school.
So other people should not have sex but she could?
I hate Nadia. She deserved much worse. (And Guzmán, a total FREAK just like his dead sister)
Nadia and Guzmán were hypocrites.

I really hate goody goody bitch that actually do shit behind, such as stealing people’s Boyfriend.

There is always unsaid moral rule in community that no new comers should break and that is stealing someone else’s partner.

Christian did that too and that wasn’t cool but at least Polo knew it.
At least all three somehow had fun... although it lead to another disaster ...
Of course Lu could be a total bitch too but that didn't mean she deserved to get cheated like that.
If Valerio loved Lu then he should punch Guzmán and Nadia in their faces.
Instead he continued being friends with Guzmán and gave him drugs. (Failed as a friend too. Wel,, but Guzmán was a total freak so who cares)
He even had Nadia as his tuition teacher.
If I were Lu, I would be more cruel to Nadia and Guzmán though.
I wouldn’t want my own brother going near them and being nice to them. No way.
See, Lu was nice to Omer (Nadia's brother!). After she got dump by Guzmán because of Nadia, she was still nice to Omer...
Somehow I think Lu was still kindda forgiving even after she saw the sex tape.
I think she wouldn’t post it if she didn't felt total betrayal even by a friend Cayetana....
That was a big bomb for Lu. SHOCKED.
I would be shocked too...
Even after she saw the sex tape, she still tried her best to go on lying to Guzmán‘s parents they were still together.
She was still holding herself even after she was cheated by Guzmán, even after he dump her for some new bitch Nadia and even after she saw the sex tape.
She was still willing to help Guzmán and she was still clam. She still had love for him...
She only exploded when she found out about Cayetana’s total bullshit.
I think anyone would have exploded with rage in that situation.
Lu just felt totally betrayed by people whom she loved.
That was really sad.
Lu gave so much but all she got back from her boyfriend, brother and friend were betrayal.
Lu deserved so much better.

I already hated Nadia from season 1.
Why was she always acting like a victim.
i hate Nadia's face when she found out about the HIV thing in Season 1 and the Valerio thing.
She’s so proud of herself she thought stealing and fucking another person’s boyfriend was totally alright but loving your own sister or fucking your own sister was not ok? It has nothing to do with her.
Unlike Nadia hurting Lu for stealing her boyfriend...
It really had nothing to do with Nadia even if Lu and Valerio had things going on...

I hate people who criticize incest when it’s none of their fucking business. Mind your own business hypocrite!
Why do people care so much on people's sex life. Why care who fuck who or who love who?
As long as not someone else’s partner, it’s none of her business. LOL
For me, as long as you don't touch my boyfriend or go steal someone else's husband, i don't care who you fuck. I don't care if my classmate or even my friend is fucking her brother or not, I mean... I don't care. None of my business.

Only people that can criticize incest is their own parents, own family members.
Not Nadia... I hate her disgusted face when she found out about HIV and incest.
Her own attitude was more disgusting than that, hypocrite.
HIV had nothing to do with her,Valerio thing had nothing to do with her. She had no right to judge anyone and when she did that face, i just couldn't stand her.
Well, Fuck you Nadia, GO to HELL!
Gosh, I hate her.
( I hate her as character... nothing against the actual actress since I donno the actual actress)
But yah, as a character, I just hate her.
Although. Nadia had certain Characteristics that I admire as well. See I do nice things to say too.
How she felt about her parents and how she tried to be responsible good daughter.
That was touching.
But I just cannot tolerate her disgusted face when she found out about the incest.
I also don’t support any characters who go after people’s boyfriend.
Same reason I don’t support Guzmán. Well, he was worse than Nadia...
He was a total jerk, total freak just like his dead sister.
His sister also cheated with Samuel's brother anyway. Like this sister, like this brother.
Two horrible siblings. Guzmán should get killed too.
I do not forgive cheating. Not in Guzmán and Nadia's case.

As for Cayetana and Polo, I think it’s totally fine and sweet.
Polo already got dump by Carla...
Their breakup had nothing to do with Cayetana obviously!!
Polo was officially free.
Cayetana saved Polo’s life.

I didn't support Cayetana’s bullshit in Instagram but I felt kindda sad and I somehow understand.
She just wanted to get accepted in to the new school, the new community.
Instead of breaking a community like Christian and Nadia, Cayetana tried hard to blend in. Be nice and friendly.
She was very friendly and she had good heart ( she saved Polo, she worked hard for her mother, she cared so much for her grandfather) .
Her only one bad part was just the LIES. Lots of LIES...
Big total bullshit...

This is kindda realistic.
I mean how do you know if what the person posts is real?
Anybody can fake anything in SNS these days...
Please take this time to think about the reality...about SNS... about Instagram.

So Cayetana...
I never did any big lies like her before but I understand somehow.
My school was International School and the most expensive school with aristocrats and international wealthy kids such as sons of diplomats, daughters of tycoons... and of course more ordinary people like me as well.
My school was academically renowned and every year the school sent many to Ivy League.
Even one of the stupidest student like me can get in to top 100 university in USA.
There were 2 people in my class who got full score in SAT.
So my school was a good school. Definitely 10 times more strict than the school in drama...
Well, unlike most of my classmates I was not rich and I’m not daughter of diplomats or aristocrats.
My mother was not marquise!!
Nothing close !! LOL
I was just a daughter of CEO of middle size company and normal housewife.
My father did not have the inherited wealth like most of my classmates. We were just moderately wealthy.
Not extremely wealthy with inherited wealth. Our money came from my dad's hard work.
My dad just worked extra hard to get me and my two brothers in to that school.
I had many friends and I love all my classmates.
But I still did not invite anybody except my best friend to my house.
I made all kinds of excuse to my mom when she wanted to hold party for me in my house.
So Instead of my house, my parents always booked hotel for my birthday parties.
I just didn’t want people to come to my house. (Stupid pride, I used to have)
My house was just a normal house but I had friends who live in palace and owned private jets.
My parents didn’t even own a yacht. ( half of my classmates did)
Very Stupid to think of it now but at that time, I was kind of ashamed of my house.
I did not lie like Cayetana of course but somehow I understand Cayetana.
I feel sad for her. Feel sad for her mother as well.

Stealing from employees’ home is terrible though...

It was true Cayetana betrayed Lu...
But what Lu did to Cayetana was cruel, yet I felt sad for both of them... yes both of them.
I hope Lu would understand and they would be friends again.

No one is perfect.
When someone repent their sin, they deserve second chance.
One needs to repent though!!!

As for Polo...
haha... I saw the spoiler for season 3.
So instead of repenting the sin, he has decided to go on lying and eventually get himself out from jail?

I never liked Marina so I’ve never felt sorry for her death at all.
But what Polo did was a big crime...
Everybody especially Marina’s family deserve to know the truth...

As for Nano, he was the cancer of the family, cancer of the community.
I never liked him too.
Yes he did not kill Marina.
But he broke in and stole bunch of watches.
He blackmailed Carla’s parents.
That shouldn’t be forgiven. No way I would tolerate that too.

My favorite character is always Carla.
The ice queen!!!
I like how she is always so cool and all.

She confessed in the end though...
Well, she was just a child... Could not be ice cold like Cersei Lannister...
I really saw some Cersei Lannister in her though...
How she manipulated guys... (Christian = Lansel... LOL)
No Jaime in the show though...
Well, maybe Polo was sucky version of Jaime...although Jaime wouldn't agree with 3P...
But what Polo did for Carla, trying to steal the watch for Carla... that was Jaime Lannister...
He would do anything...for Carla...
And how Carla tried to hide the incident so well... so calmly... Wow...
That was season 1 but I just fell in love with Carla...
I love blonde cruel sexy ice queen.

Ok this is getting too long I will stop here.
I still don't know about the Carla's dad's business...
I suspect maybe he has hidden business... Mafia boss or something...
Definitely not clean...
Sometimes, you shouldn't mess with certain kind of people.

I hope for more death in Season 2 but no one really died...
I look forward for more death in Season 3. I hope Guzmán and Nano would be dead. haha.
Well, neither of them, no sympathy even if they die.



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